Wounded vet not a "True Hero"

I don't see how Joe Walsh runs on his own impressive experience over Duckworth

Other than having the same name as the lead singer of Eagles, Joe Walsh was just a community organizer before becoming a Congressman in 2011.

Really? Why isn't Walsh running for President with community organizer on his resume?
I put John Kerry in the same boat as Jane Fonda. Trashing your fellow men while they are still in harms way would be called treason if there had been a formal declaration of war.

Kerry was a decorated combat veteran and had every right to criticize the worth of the Viet Nam conflict

History showed he was right

He had the right, but it is called aiding and abetting the enemy in the real world.

It is called Freedom of Speech in the United States
I don't see how Joe Walsh runs on his own impressive experience over Duckworth

Other than having the same name as the lead singer of Eagles, Joe Walsh was just a community organizer before becoming a Congressman in 2011.

Really? Why isn't Walsh running for President with community organizer on his resume?

Let him serve eight years in the Illinois Senate and four in the US Senate and maybe we can talk
"Now I'm running against a woman who, my God, that's all she talks about. Our true heroes, it's the last thing in the world they talk about," Walsh, R-Ill., can be heard saying about Duckworth.
Had a republican president not started an illegal war in Iraq, Walsh wouldn’t have this problem.

As opposed to a legal war?
Seriously dude? You got some serious issues. Every soldier wounded or not deserves our equal respect regardless of their party.

That woman gave her fucking limbs following orders while you and I were eating steak and watching tv from our fucking lazy boys.

I suspect that were you to make a comment like this among our troops it would be you who wouldn't be going home in one piece.

Her sacrifice is your freedom and my neg to you fuckhead. Enjoy hiding behind your computer spouting off your hatred like a true coward.

We voters in Georgia elected a Senator who was a triple amputee as a result of an accident in Vietnam. Good ol' Max Cleland squealed like a stuck pig when we kicked his liberal ass out after one term. He played the sympathy "but I'm a war hero" card for all it was worth, but we didn't send him to Washington to vote against the best interests of Georgia, which was exactly what he did.

Max didn't even come back to Georgia after his defeat, but stayed in DC and is probably still there.

I am a vet and I don't have a dog in the fight over Walsh and a female vet and former Obama appointee, but I sure as hell wouldn't vote for a liberal Democrat if I did live in her district.

Saxby "Swiftboating Max Cleland" Chambliss.
You forgot to mention this little fact. Vote for or against but they swiftboating that happened was all lies.

I know his voting record as Senator and you apparently don't. No lies since it is a matter of public record.
Uh dumbfuck, even Obamination talks about how bad Vietnam Vets were treated coming home when talking about the troops today. You need to update your talking notes.

Oh, a friend of mine in the 90s got condiments thrown on him in uniform while attending Cal as a ROTC cadet and my Commandant of Cadets got spat at on my campus during Desert Storm.

You liberals are full of shit.

So...you should have no problem naming some names. I look forward to the list....since so many had it happen.

Names from 45 years ago would be hard to come by and you wouldn't believe it anyway. It was documented at the time, so take your urban legend as stuff it.
IF it were documented, you'd be able to pull it up....but isn't it conVEEEEEniant that you can't pull any actual, witnessed and named incidences.

It's an urban legend....or at least the vastness of such behavior is an urban legend.
We voters in Georgia elected a Senator who was a triple amputee as a result of an accident in Vietnam. Good ol' Max Cleland squealed like a stuck pig when we kicked his liberal ass out after one term. He played the sympathy "but I'm a war hero" card for all it was worth, but we didn't send him to Washington to vote against the best interests of Georgia, which was exactly what he did.

Max didn't even come back to Georgia after his defeat, but stayed in DC and is probably still there.

I am a vet and I don't have a dog in the fight over Walsh and a female vet and former Obama appointee, but I sure as hell wouldn't vote for a liberal Democrat if I did live in her district.

Saxby "Swiftboating Max Cleland" Chambliss.
You forgot to mention this little fact. Vote for or against but they swiftboating that happened was all lies.

I know his voting record as Senator and you apparently don't. No lies since it is a matter of public record.

Well, share that voting record with us....let me see the horror of it.
Saxby "Swiftboating Max Cleland" Chambliss.
You forgot to mention this little fact. Vote for or against but they swiftboating that happened was all lies.

I know his voting record as Senator and you apparently don't. No lies since it is a matter of public record.

Well, share that voting record with us....let me see the horror of it.

You won;t see any horror.

He was ranked A+ by Planned Parenthood and an F- by NRA
Why not Clinton?
I don't recall Bush being disrepectful to troops.
Clinton was-

Cut and dry.

He loathed us.

We loathed him.

Umm getting them killed and blown up in Iraq is not very respectful....

Obama passed Bush in the KIA count in Afghanistan and 6 more of our finest got killed yesterday. Any comments?
Troops killed under Obama's command are less dead than troops killed under Bush's command. They should feel honored they got to die for The One.

Right, usc?
After reading your posts, I'm not surprised that you do

You are the type of voter that Walsh is after

You're a fucking idiot.

In what universe should her war injuries matter???

John McCain was a Vietcong POW for 6 fucking years - yet he NEVER used his POW status as a reason to vote for him.

Duckworth is pretty much like "vote for me because I lost my legs and I support Obama."

Walsh was a community organizer while Duckworth was serving her nation

You don't think military leadership is a valid qualification?
Oh, so NOW being a community organizer is a BAD thing. :lmao:
You're a fucking idiot.

In what universe should her war injuries matter???

John McCain was a Vietcong POW for 6 fucking years - yet he NEVER used his POW status as a reason to vote for him.

Duckworth is pretty much like "vote for me because I lost my legs and I support Obama."

Walsh was a community organizer while Duckworth was serving her nation

You don't think military leadership is a valid qualification?
Oh, so NOW being a community organizer is a BAD thing. :lmao:

That's what I have heard
Right on que, the lesbo that hid in the military.

Oh, so now you're going to claim the spitting on Vietnam Vets by the left in the 60s and 70s is a lie???? You people are fucking insane.

I'm not saying it's a lie at all....more of a urban legend....everyone "knows someone who knows someone who got spit on"...But, if you can name names, I'm all ears.

Ross Nolan. 0:53.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_-TBirrPiQ]Anti-War Protester Spits on Iraq War Veteran - YouTube[/ame]
Yoo hoo, Bode!

Like most leftists, you indulge in magical thinking. For instance, if you pretend this post isn't here, it really doesn't exist!

Reality, however, disagrees.
So...you should have no problem naming some names. I look forward to the list....since so many had it happen.

Names from 45 years ago would be hard to come by and you wouldn't believe it anyway. It was documented at the time, so take your urban legend as stuff it.
IF it were documented, you'd be able to pull it up....but isn't it conVEEEEEniant that you can't pull any actual, witnessed and named incidences.

It's an urban legend....or at least the vastness of such behavior is an urban legend.
Pssst! See the video I posted.

Then try to weasel out of it.
Kerry was a decorated combat veteran and had every right to criticize the worth of the Viet Nam conflict

History showed he was right

He had the right, but it is called aiding and abetting the enemy in the real world.

It is called Freedom of Speech in the United States

Actually, it is called aiding and abetting the enemy in the United States. American servicemen were still engaged in armed conflict and being killed when this POS was telling LIES about them.
I don't see how Joe Walsh runs on his own impressive experience over Duckworth

Other than having the same name as the lead singer of Eagles, Joe Walsh was just a community organizer before becoming a Congressman in 2011.

Really? Why isn't Walsh running for President with community organizer on his resume?

Let him serve eight years in the Illinois Senate and four in the US Senate and maybe we can talk

Voting 'present' doesn't count.
Oh, so NOW being a community organizer is a BAD thing. :lmao:

That's what I have heard
It's not a bad thing, but it apparently leaves one woefully unprepared for leadership.

I would agree, if that were all you had to go on. Add in a Harvard Law degree, eight years in the Illinois Senate and four years as a US Senator and you start to get some cred

Now...what qualifications does Walsh posses that makes him vastly superior to Duckworths academic and military experience

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