Wounded vet not a "True Hero"

The extreme right wing fringe are called wingnuts. That's it.


Definition of WING NUT

: a nut with wings that provide a grip for the thumb and finger
slang : a mentally deranged person
slang : one who advocates extreme measures or changes : radical

NOTE: What you read in the left-wing echo chambers is wildly inaccurate. Don't rely on it.
So 'moonbat' applies to Rightwingers, also?

Dumbass. :lol:
No, it doesn't, moron.

Now tell me again how you know more than the Merriam-Webster dictionary. It's funny!

Oh, you mean like you ran away from this question:

Why should those little yellow people get the chance to enjoy the same freedoms you have?

Or is it different when you do it? Somehow?
I didn't run from it. First of all, you didn't ask me, you asked Rightwinger. Second, we're not the world's policeman. And that used to be the Conservative position going at least back to the 1930s. But you're not a Conservative.
Have you ever noticed that when you make absolute statements, you're invariably wrong? :lol:

You mean like you claiming that I ran away from a question you never asked me? That kind of absolute statement?

You really suck at this. :lol:

braveman said:
Third, I was pointing out that you're just a hypocrite since your "logic" falls on it's ass when you use it against your beloved monkey co-star. That's why you throw your tantrum and refuse to answer.
Okay, I'm asking you, so you'll then have the opportunity to run away from it:

Why don't those little yellow people deserve the opportunity to have the freedoms you enjoy?

They do. All they have to do is fight for it and convince enough of their countrymen to fight for it.

When someone is given something, they don't appreciate it or fight to keep it as hard as someone who worked to earn it and achieve it. The majority of Vietnamese were ambivalent about the U.S. vision of 'freedom'.

Since you have failed again, by making yet another absolute statement that I would run away, are you going to answer my question? Here it is again:

Was his attitude "Fuck the Afghans. Why should those brown people get the chance to enjoy the same freedoms we have?"

braveman said:
Now, since you believe non-intervention is a virtue, you need to praise Reagan for staying out of Afghanistan
Of course! You are the one clamoring for and praising war, therefore you are the hypocrite in this matter, not me. But I had no problem with Reagan ssupplying weapons to Afghans who were fighting the Soviets, and I would have had no problem with us supplying weapons to the Vietnamese.

Whiny Fucking Pussy said:
, and condemn Obama for interfering in Libya.

But you won't.

For what? How many U.S. military did we lose in Libya? ZERO. How many did we lose in Bosnia? ZERO.

You should give up now. This thread has been a disaster for you. :lol:

braveman said:
Did you hold your breath until your face turned blue, too? :lol:
No, I am not a leftist.

You're not a Conservative, either.
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I didn't run from it. First of all, you didn't ask me, you asked Rightwinger. Second, we're not the world's policeman. And that used to be the Conservative position going at least back to the 1930s. But you're not a Conservative.
Have you ever noticed that when you make absolute statements, you're invariably wrong? :lol:

You mean like you claiming that I ran away from a question you never asked me? That kind of absolute statement?

You really suck at this. :lol:

They do. All they have to do is fight for it and convince enough of their countrymen to fight for it.

When someone is given something, they don't appreciate it or fight to keep it as hard as someone who worked to earn it and achieve it. The majority of Vietnamese were ambivalent about the U.S. vision of 'freedom'.

Since you have failed again, by making yet another absolute statement that I would run away, are you going to answer my question? Here it is again:

Was his attitude "Fuck the Afghans. Why should those brown people get the chance to enjoy the same freedoms we have?"
Of course! You are the one clamoring for and praising war, therefore you are the hypocrite in this matter, not me. But I had no problem with Reagan ssupplying weapons to Afghans who were fighting the Soviets, and I would have had no problem with us supplying weapons to the Vietnamese.

, and condemn Obama for interfering in Libya.

But you won't.
For what? How many U.S. military did we lose in Libya? ZERO. How many did we lose in Bosnia? ZERO.

You should give up now. This thread has been a disaster for you. :lol:

Did you hold your breath until your face turned blue, too? :lol:
No, I am not a leftist.

You're not a Conservative, either.
Give it up, boy. :lmao:
US Politics | AMERICAblog News: Honestly, besides being tortured, what did McCain do to excel in the military?

I'm sorry, reality was saying how wrong you are yet again. What were you talking about?

You've really got your frilly panties in a wad, don't you? :lol:

Honestly, besides being tortured, what did McCain do to excel in the military?

How is that a slime? It's a question. Are the Left not allowed to ask questions? The Right asked plenty of questions about Obama's birth certificate, and his pastor, and his religion, and his supposed religion, and his other supposed religion, and who he associated with in Chicago, and his college records, and how he became editor of the Harvard Review. Why is a question about McCain off limits?
I didn't say it was off limits. You said no one on the left slimed McCain's service, and I showed you that someone did. Stop trying to weasel out of it.
You brought it up - go ahead and answer the question, if you think it's so obvious that it's an insult for anyone to ask it.
Saying the best thing a guy did for the service was to be tortured?

That's not a slime? :cool:

Wow. You can make yourself believe anything, no matter how stupid, can't you?

Not a slime.

You're such a cowardly weasel. :lol:

How is it a slime? Point out the sliming.

Answer the question:

Honestly, besides being tortured, what did McCain do to excel in the military?

How many more times am I going to have to ask you to answer that question? Just so I know.
We won Vietnam? And who started it again, exactly?
We didn't win Vietnam. You keep claiming that we cut and ran under a Republican Commander in Chief.

So, then your post about "war winning Democrats" was just masturbation.
The people, in their infinite wisdom, decided to replace a Democratic Commander in Chief with a Republican cut-and-runner, in mid-war.

Only one president at a time, Cowardly Weasel!
Thanks for highlighting Synthia's continued failure.

Besides...ending the war was a good thing, right? You should be thanking Nixon.

No failure. There obviously wasn't a Democratic CiC when the Republican CiC bugged out.

Only one president at a time. You've argued again and again in this thread that we shouldn't have cut and ran from Vietnam. And you've also called Democrats "war-mongerers".
A Democrat started the war that you say we shouldn't have started to begin with -- yet you fail to criticize him for it. And you fail to praise the Republican who got us out.

Is this what leftists use instead of consistency?
So the only conclusion is that you wish we would have had a Democrat in charge of the military instead of Nixon/Ford.
I wish DC had stayed out of tactical decisions and let the military win the war.

You see, unlike you, I can criticize my side when they deserve it.

And I wish the American left, most notably John Kerry, hadn't collaborated with the enemy.
You're not very good at this whole 'wit' thing, are you? :lol:
Better than you, apparently.
Have you ever noticed that when you make absolute statements, you're invariably wrong? :lol:

You mean like you claiming that I ran away from a question you never asked me? That kind of absolute statement?

You really suck at this. :lol:

They do. All they have to do is fight for it and convince enough of their countrymen to fight for it.

When someone is given something, they don't appreciate it or fight to keep it as hard as someone who worked to earn it and achieve it. The majority of Vietnamese were ambivalent about the U.S. vision of 'freedom'.

Since you have failed again, by making yet another absolute statement that I would run away, are you going to answer my question? Here it is again:

Was his attitude "Fuck the Afghans. Why should those brown people get the chance to enjoy the same freedoms we have?"
Of course! You are the one clamoring for and praising war, therefore you are the hypocrite in this matter, not me. But I had no problem with Reagan ssupplying weapons to Afghans who were fighting the Soviets, and I would have had no problem with us supplying weapons to the Vietnamese.

For what? How many U.S. military did we lose in Libya? ZERO. How many did we lose in Bosnia? ZERO.

You should give up now. This thread has been a disaster for you. :lol:

Did you hold your breath until your face turned blue, too? :lol:
No, I am not a leftist.

You're not a Conservative, either.
Give it up, boy. :lmao:[/QUOTE]

This post is proof that you cannot refute my arguments, and do not have the integrity to even try.

ETA: It's also evident that still haven't mastered the quote function. :lol:
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Why would wingnuts slime any of them? Oh, that's right: McCain and GHW Bush are RINOs, that's why.

The Left never slimed those two. North is a felon. Sad how the Right still reveres him.

I'll bet that braveman doesn't say anything about your deflection. :lol:

Even a dumbshot should know that there are left wingnuts as well as right wingnuts.

The extreme right wing fringe are called wingnuts. That's it.

North was awarded the Silver Star, Bronze Star Medal and two Purple Heart medals and you just slimed him. What court of law convicted North of a felony?

Duke Cunningham.

GHW Bush was the subject of several MSM stories saying he bailed out of his TBM too early during WWII and let his two crewmen die.

McCain's service was demeaned many times because he crashed several planes.

Maybe from the Right, because they are both RINOs. Not from the Left.

If you think you have proof, show it.

Poppy Bush: WWII Hero? Or like father like son? - Democratic Underground

Notes in Samsara: Remember George H.W. Bush's WWII controversy? Guess what...

Jennifer Fitzgerald - dKosopedia

Poppy Bush's MISTRESS Jennifer Fitzgerald - Democratic Underground
Even a dumbshot should know that there are left wingnuts as well as right wingnuts.

The extreme right wing fringe are called wingnuts. That's it.

Duke Cunningham.

GHW Bush was the subject of several MSM stories saying he bailed out of his TBM too early during WWII and let his two crewmen die.

McCain's service was demeaned many times because he crashed several planes.

Maybe from the Right, because they are both RINOs. Not from the Left.

If you think you have proof, show it.

Poppy Bush: WWII Hero? Or like father like son? - Democratic Underground

Notes in Samsara: Remember George H.W. Bush's WWII controversy? Guess what...

Jennifer Fitzgerald - dKosopedia

Poppy Bush's MISTRESS Jennifer Fitzgerald - Democratic Underground
Democratic Underground. :lol:

Go back to minor league ball, doofus.
Honestly, besides being tortured, what did McCain do to excel in the military?

How is that a slime? It's a question. Are the Left not allowed to ask questions? The Right asked plenty of questions about Obama's birth certificate, and his pastor, and his religion, and his supposed religion, and his other supposed religion, and who he associated with in Chicago, and his college records, and how he became editor of the Harvard Review. Why is a question about McCain off limits?
I didn't say it was off limits. You said no one on the left slimed McCain's service, and I showed you that someone did. Stop trying to weasel out of it.
You brought it up - go ahead and answer the question, if you think it's so obvious that it's an insult for anyone to ask it.
Saying the best thing a guy did for the service was to be tortured?

That's not a slime? :cool:

Wow. You can make yourself believe anything, no matter how stupid, can't you?

Not a slime.

You're such a cowardly weasel. :lol:

How is it a slime? Point out the sliming.

Answer the question:

Honestly, besides being tortured, what did McCain do to excel in the military?

How many more times am I going to have to ask you to answer that question? Just so I know.

Dear Carebear;

Please answer the man's question so the thread can die.


Honestly, besides being tortured, what did McCain do to excel in the military?

How is that a slime? It's a question. Are the Left not allowed to ask questions? The Right asked plenty of questions about Obama's birth certificate, and his pastor, and his religion, and his supposed religion, and his other supposed religion, and who he associated with in Chicago, and his college records, and how he became editor of the Harvard Review. Why is a question about McCain off limits?
I didn't say it was off limits. You said no one on the left slimed McCain's service, and I showed you that someone did. Stop trying to weasel out of it.
You brought it up - go ahead and answer the question, if you think it's so obvious that it's an insult for anyone to ask it.
Saying the best thing a guy did for the service was to be tortured?

That's not a slime? :cool:

Wow. You can make yourself believe anything, no matter how stupid, can't you?

Not a slime.

You're such a cowardly weasel. :lol:

How is it a slime? Point out the sliming.

Answer the question:

Honestly, besides being tortured, what did McCain do to excel in the military?

How many more times am I going to have to ask you to answer that question? Just so I know.
The best thing you ever did for the company you worked for was getting mugged in the parking lot.

You will, predictably, be unable to understand this.
We didn't win Vietnam. You keep claiming that we cut and ran under a Republican Commander in Chief.

So, then your post about "war winning Democrats" was just masturbation.
The people, in their infinite wisdom, decided to replace a Democratic Commander in Chief with a Republican cut-and-runner, in mid-war.

Only one president at a time, Cowardly Weasel!
You could at least have the decency to wipe up when you're done.
This post is proof that you cannot refute my arguments, and do not have the integrity to even try.
You don't have an argument. All you have is "Dems good, Repubs baaaad!"

And you don't want to hear anything different.

ETA: It's also evident that still haven't mastered the quote function. :lol:
Perhaps if you wouldn't childishly change my username when quoting me, it might work right.

But that's never going to happen. It makes you feel all tough, doesn't it?

Gaea knows you need some sort of validation. :lol:
Democratic Underground. :lol:

Go back to minor league ball, doofus.
You have a point. Democratic Underground is a hotbed of fundy Rethugs.
I didn't say it was off limits. You said no one on the left slimed McCain's service, and I showed you that someone did. Stop trying to weasel out of it.

Saying the best thing a guy did for the service was to be tortured?

That's not a slime? :cool:

Wow. You can make yourself believe anything, no matter how stupid, can't you?

Not a slime.

You're such a cowardly weasel. :lol:

How is it a slime? Point out the sliming.

Answer the question:

Honestly, besides being tortured, what did McCain do to excel in the military?

How many more times am I going to have to ask you to answer that question? Just so I know.

Dear Carebear;

Please answer the man's question so the thread can die.


I'm under no obligation to help Synthia malign McCain's service.

And yes, that's exactly what he's doing.
Democratic Underground. :lol:

Go back to minor league ball, doofus.

I assumed based on your posts that Democratic Underground was your source of news. Did you change to the Huffington Post recently?
We won Vietnam? And who started it again, exactly?

You're right...we pulled out under Nixon/Ford.
Thanks for highlighting Synthia's continued failure.

Besides...ending the war was a good thing, right? You should be thanking Nixon.

One of the best thing Nixon accomplished getting us the heck out of VietNam. Took too long but he eventually got us out

In spite of Conservatives screaming...send more troops, send more troops....we got to kill more commies
Not a slime.

You're such a cowardly weasel. :lol:

How is it a slime? Point out the sliming.

Answer the question:

Honestly, besides being tortured, what did McCain do to excel in the military?

How many more times am I going to have to ask you to answer that question? Just so I know.

Dear Carebear;

Please answer the man's question so the thread can die.


I'm under no obligation to help Synthia malign McCain's service.

And yes, that's exactly what he's doing.

McCain was adept at crashing perfectly good Aircraft. True, he paid his dues, as a POW, where reality finally hit, and he had to grow up real fast. It would be nice to see him come clean in relation to his actual role in the USS Forester disaster. Why was he transferred off of the Ship, the same day as the fire? Why was he the only one?
Dear Carebear;

Please answer the man's question so the thread can die.


I'm under no obligation to help Synthia malign McCain's service.

And yes, that's exactly what he's doing.

McCain was adept at crashing perfectly good Aircraft. True, he paid his dues, as a POW, where reality finally hit, and he had to grow up real fast. It would be nice to see him come clean in relation to his actual role in the USS Forester disaster. Why was he transferred off of the Ship, the same day as the fire? Why was he the only one?
Watch it, or braveman is going to call you a Liberal who hates America. :lol:

More likely, he will just ignore your post like he's ignored mine. He has no integrity, you see.
You're right...we pulled out under Nixon/Ford.
Thanks for highlighting Synthia's continued failure.

Besides...ending the war was a good thing, right? You should be thanking Nixon.

One of the best thing Nixon accomplished getting us the heck out of VietNam. Took too long but he eventually got us out

In spite of Conservatives screaming...send more troops, send more troops....we got to kill more commies
Poor commies. :(

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