Wounded warriors

For those that insist on blaming President George W Bush for the war in Iraq, believing he must have somehow "misled" the Democrats and the people, they really haven't bothered to do any research on the subject.

Text Of Clinton Statement On Iraq
Text of President Clinton's address to Joint Chiefs of Staff and Pentagon staff:

Saddam has spent the better part of the past decade trying to cheat on this solemn commitment. Consider just some of the facts:

(1) Iraq repeatedly made false declarations about the weapons that it had left in its possession after the Gulf War. When UNSCOM would then uncover evidence that gave lie to those declarations, Iraq would simply amend the reports.
(2) In 1995, Hussein Kamal, Saddam's son-in-law, and the chief organizer of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program, defected to Jordan. He revealed that Iraq was continuing to conceal weapons and missiles and the capacity to build many more.
(3) It admitted, among other things, an offensive biological warfare capability notably 5,000 gallons of botulinum, which causes botulism; 2,000 gallons of anthrax; 25 biological-filled Scud warheads; and 157 aerial bombs.
(4) The UNSCOM inspectors believe that Iraq still has stockpiles of chemical and biological munitions, a small force of Scud-type missiles, and the capacity to restart quickly its production program and build many, many more weapons.

If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program. We want to seriously reduce his capacity to threaten his neighbors.
I am quite confident, from the briefing I have just received from our military leaders, that we can achieve the objective and secure our vital strategic interests.
Let me be clear: A military operation cannot destroy all the weapons of mass destruction capacity. But it can and will leave him significantly worse off
than he is now in terms of the ability to threaten the world with these weapons or to attack his neighbors.

Text Of Clinton Statement On Iraq - February 17, 1998

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical- and biological-weapons stock, his missile-delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al-Qaeda members."
Senator Hillary Clinton 2002

"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of [WMD] technology, which is a threat to countries in the region, and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."
Nancy Pelosi, a member of the House Intelligence Committee

We know that [Saddam] has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country."
"Iraq’s search for [WMD] has proven impossible to deter, and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power."
Al Gore 2002

Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 -
Declares that it should be the policy of the United States to seek to remove the Saddam Hussein regime from power in Iraq and to replace it with a democratic government.

Signed by President Bill Clinton

H.R.4655 - 105th Congress (1997-1998): Iraq Liberation Act of 1998
Most all of his weapons were old unusable given to him by America And bush ordered inspectors out after NOT FINDING anything Clinton was wrong and so was hillary BUT bush was the liar in chief with his hands on the trigger AND if you think that war was a necessary one you belong with Saddam

Quit trying to blame Bush for what President Clinton believed, what Hillary Clinton, and Al Gore said in 2002, and what the UN inspectors have reason to believe. Obviously you didn't do your homework and got called out on it.
PARTICULARLY with regard to President Clinton and regime change.
I don't give a damn what they believed or didn't ..BUSH attacked iraq under false pretenses he wanted a war and got what he wanted

Well Bush said Saddam had WMDs, President Clinton had WMDs, President Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for regime change. There is NO false pretenses based on the preconceived notions and "facts" of both the Democrats and Republicans. You're making baseless opinions with any means to back them up, and using your hatred of Bush to make yourself look like an idiot.
I can't argue with those too blind to see ,,too blind to see that a repub, gwb got us into an unnecessary war a war that cost us so much..and I'm sick and tired of repubs trying to shift the blame for that calamity

:lol: :lol: :lol: yeah, ok. I'll stick to the facts, you can just continue on with your bullshit. if you're going to talk about an event, at least have the ability to back up what you say.
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I can't argue with those too blind to see ,,too blind to see that a repub, gwb got us into an unnecessary war a war that cost us so much..and I'm sick and tired of repubs trying to shift the blame for that calamity
The blindness is all yours. The Democrats saw the same intel, by law. If the law was broken as you claim, heads would have rolled. You're a fool that needs a bogeyman to kick around.
I can't argue with those too blind to see ,,too blind to see that a repub, gwb got us into an unnecessary war a war that cost us so much..and I'm sick and tired of repubs trying to shift the blame for that calamity
The blindness is all yours. The Democrats saw the same intel, by law. If the law was broken as you claim, heads would have rolled. You're a fool that needs a bogeyman to kick around.
Who pulled the trigger dolt Without bush there'd be no iraq war Get that thru your thick repub head
I can't argue with those too blind to see ,,too blind to see that a repub, gwb got us into an unnecessary war a war that cost us so much..and I'm sick and tired of repubs trying to shift the blame for that calamity
The blindness is all yours. The Democrats saw the same intel, by law. If the law was broken as you claim, heads would have rolled. You're a fool that needs a bogeyman to kick around.
Who pulled the trigger dolt Without bush there'd be no iraq war Get that thru your thick repub head
Congress pulled the trigger. But Iraq had settled down and could have been a great ally, like Germany, South Korea and Japan. Who fucked it up?
I can't argue with those too blind to see ,,too blind to see that a repub, gwb got us into an unnecessary war a war that cost us so much..and I'm sick and tired of repubs trying to shift the blame for that calamity
The blindness is all yours. The Democrats saw the same intel, by law. If the law was broken as you claim, heads would have rolled. You're a fool that needs a bogeyman to kick around.
Who pulled the trigger dolt Without bush there'd be no iraq war Get that thru your thick repub head
Congress pulled the trigger. But Iraq had settled down and could have been a great ally, like Germany, South Korea and Japan. Who fucked it up?
yeah it settled down ,,,,all their soldiers went to isis,,,,and the leaders of iraq wanted us out ,,and gwb's deal was for us to get out ,,,remember?
I can't argue with those too blind to see ,,too blind to see that a repub, gwb got us into an unnecessary war a war that cost us so much..and I'm sick and tired of repubs trying to shift the blame for that calamity
The blindness is all yours. The Democrats saw the same intel, by law. If the law was broken as you claim, heads would have rolled. You're a fool that needs a bogeyman to kick around.
Who pulled the trigger dolt Without bush there'd be no iraq war Get that thru your thick repub head
Congress pulled the trigger. But Iraq had settled down and could have been a great ally, like Germany, South Korea and Japan. Who fucked it up?
yeah it settled down ,,,,all their soldiers went to isis,,,,and the leaders of iraq wanted us out ,,and gwb's deal was for us to get out ,,,remember?

Bush’s finest moment on Iraq: SOFA, not the surge
Conservatives now like to claim the SOFA as a “Bush-negotiated” success. But Bush entered the SOFA negotiations looking for something entirely different than what emerged at the end. The U.S. went into the SOFA talks intent on obtaining legitimacy for a long-term military presence in Iraq once the Security Council mandate ended. When negotiations began, it was widely assumed that Bush would extract from the Iraqis an agreement which made the removal of U.S. troops entirely contingent upon American assessments of conditions on the ground. There were widespread discussions of permanent U.S. bases and a Korea-style presence for generations, an assumption that the U.S. would retain a free hand in its operations, and an absolute rejection of an Obama-style timeline for withdrawal.

But Iraqi leaders, to most everyone’s surprise, took a hard line in the negotiations. Their tough line was encouraged by Iran, no doubt, as stressed by many frustrated American commentators. But it also reflected Iraqi domestic considerations, including several rounds of upcoming elections and an intensely strong popular Iraqi hostility to the U.S. occupation under any name. The Iraqis were also helped by the calender. As negotiations dragged on, the December 31 deadline loomed large, threatening to leave the U.S. troops without any legal mandate to remain in the country and forcing the hand of American negotiators. Finally, the Iraqi leaders clearly kept a careful eye on the American Presidential elections and used Obama’s stance to strengthen their own hand in negotiations.
was Saddam paid off to lie too? He told the world that he had WMDs. Did he lie so he could be executed by his own people? Where do you libs get this crap?
are you an idiot or just making believe Saddam said he had a lot of things trying to scare his enemy IRAN
korea says they have the h bomb ..want to go there too??

so now you are saying that Saddam did have WMDs? interesting.
no he didn't but was trying to scare iran

How exactly do YOU know what Saddam did or didn't have? He used gas to kill thousands of Iraqis, is poison gas not a WMD?

He wasn't trying to "scare iran". He was trying to scare the rest of the world into leaving him alone to destroy his enemies internally.

It never ceases to amaze me how you libs want to rewrite history to fit your agendas.

and your moron bush made America into the worlds policemen?? We knew saddam was fos If not how did bush protect our troops from the gas and other womd ...?yellow cake drones nuclear weapons ?? All bush repub BS

Nope, the UN and most dems said exactly the same things based on exactly the same intel. Bubba and the hildebeast both supported going into Iraq.

Are you saying that Bush was so brilliant that he fooled the wonderful Clintons?
are you an idiot or just making believe Saddam said he had a lot of things trying to scare his enemy IRAN
korea says they have the h bomb ..want to go there too??

so now you are saying that Saddam did have WMDs? interesting.
no he didn't but was trying to scare iran

How exactly do YOU know what Saddam did or didn't have? He used gas to kill thousands of Iraqis, is poison gas not a WMD?

He wasn't trying to "scare iran". He was trying to scare the rest of the world into leaving him alone to destroy his enemies internally.

It never ceases to amaze me how you libs want to rewrite history to fit your agendas.

and your moron bush made America into the worlds policemen?? We knew saddam was fos If not how did bush protect our troops from the gas and other womd ...?yellow cake drones nuclear weapons ?? All bush repub BS

Nope, the UN and most dems said exactly the same things based on exactly the same intel. Bubba and the hildebeast both supported going into Iraq.

Are you saying that Bush was so brilliant that he fooled the wonderful Clintons?
if clintons wanted war they were wrong ,,,,,but anyone saying bush was right in invading iraq is playing with a half a deck
so now you are saying that Saddam did have WMDs? interesting.
no he didn't but was trying to scare iran

How exactly do YOU know what Saddam did or didn't have? He used gas to kill thousands of Iraqis, is poison gas not a WMD?

He wasn't trying to "scare iran". He was trying to scare the rest of the world into leaving him alone to destroy his enemies internally.

It never ceases to amaze me how you libs want to rewrite history to fit your agendas.

and your moron bush made America into the worlds policemen?? We knew saddam was fos If not how did bush protect our troops from the gas and other womd ...?yellow cake drones nuclear weapons ?? All bush repub BS

Nope, the UN and most dems said exactly the same things based on exactly the same intel. Bubba and the hildebeast both supported going into Iraq.

Are you saying that Bush was so brilliant that he fooled the wonderful Clintons?
if clintons wanted war they were wrong ,,,,,but anyone saying bush was right in invading iraq is playing with a half a deck
Hind sight is 20/20 but what should have happened is the UN could have been something more than a circle jerk. Some nations had sweetheart deals going with Iran, the Food for Oil scam, Germany was selling them weapons, etc. They could have embargoed the country until it had to depose Saddam.
Icehack re-writing history in re: the worst foreign policy disaster in > 2 generations? Say it aint so :lol:

I know you wont read this because you are "facts averse" but this is why many voted to give Shrub authorization. This rw hack that Cheney/Bush placed in the pentagon:

Douglas J. Feith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Feith joined the administration of President George W. Bush as Undersecretary of Defense for Policy in 2001. His appointment was facilitated by connections he had with other neoconservatives, including Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz. With his new appointment in hand, Feith proved influential in having Richard Perle chosen as chairman of the Defense Policy Board.[12] Feith was criticized during the first term of the Bush administration for creating the Office of Strategic Influence. This office came into existence to support the War on Terror. The office's aim was to influence policymakers by submitting biased news stories into the foreign media. Feith played a significant role in the buildup to the Iraq war.

The office, eventually dismantled, was later criticized in Congress and the media for analysis that was contradicted by CIA analysis and investigations performed following the invasion of Iraq. General Tommy Franks, who led both the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan and the Iraq War, once called Feith "the dumbest fucking guy on the planet."
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so now you are saying that Saddam did have WMDs? interesting.
no he didn't but was trying to scare iran

How exactly do YOU know what Saddam did or didn't have? He used gas to kill thousands of Iraqis, is poison gas not a WMD?

He wasn't trying to "scare iran". He was trying to scare the rest of the world into leaving him alone to destroy his enemies internally.

It never ceases to amaze me how you libs want to rewrite history to fit your agendas.

and your moron bush made America into the worlds policemen?? We knew saddam was fos If not how did bush protect our troops from the gas and other womd ...?yellow cake drones nuclear weapons ?? All bush repub BS

Nope, the UN and most dems said exactly the same things based on exactly the same intel. Bubba and the hildebeast both supported going into Iraq.

Are you saying that Bush was so brilliant that he fooled the wonderful Clintons?
if clintons wanted war they were wrong ,,,,,but anyone saying bush was right in invading iraq is playing with a half a deck

No one said it was right to waste billions of dollars and thousands of lives in Iraq. The only point is that they all have blood on their hands, not just Bush.
no he didn't but was trying to scare iran

How exactly do YOU know what Saddam did or didn't have? He used gas to kill thousands of Iraqis, is poison gas not a WMD?

He wasn't trying to "scare iran". He was trying to scare the rest of the world into leaving him alone to destroy his enemies internally.

It never ceases to amaze me how you libs want to rewrite history to fit your agendas.

and your moron bush made America into the worlds policemen?? We knew saddam was fos If not how did bush protect our troops from the gas and other womd ...?yellow cake drones nuclear weapons ?? All bush repub BS

Nope, the UN and most dems said exactly the same things based on exactly the same intel. Bubba and the hildebeast both supported going into Iraq.

Are you saying that Bush was so brilliant that he fooled the wonderful Clintons?
if clintons wanted war they were wrong ,,,,,but anyone saying bush was right in invading iraq is playing with a half a deck

No one said it was right to waste billions of dollars and thousands of lives in Iraq. The only point is that they all have blood on their hands, not just Bush.

my question is did they tell bush attack iraq OR gave him the authority ONLY if it was necessary?? and gwb thought it was? one of the greatest mistakes ever in our history
Check it out!

Veterans groups to Donald Trump: Don't use us to hide from Megyn Kelly

Some veterans groups are pushing back against Donald Trump's veterans fundraising event scheduled for Thursday night, condemning the billionaire's feud with Fox News and his decision to opt out of the Republican primary debate hosted by the cable network.
One organization, the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, pledged to refuse any funds that Trump may try to donate from his Iowa event, to be held at Drake University at the same time the Republican frontrunner was originally scheduled to appear on Fox News' debate main stage.

when push comes to shove, they will take the money---------book it.
Check it out!

Veterans groups to Donald Trump: Don't use us to hide from Megyn Kelly

Some veterans groups are pushing back against Donald Trump's veterans fundraising event scheduled for Thursday night, condemning the billionaire's feud with Fox News and his decision to opt out of the Republican primary debate hosted by the cable network.
One organization, the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, pledged to refuse any funds that Trump may try to donate from his Iowa event, to be held at Drake University at the same time the Republican frontrunner was originally scheduled to appear on Fox News' debate main stage.

when push comes to shove, they will take the money---------book it.

some said that, the majority supported his fund raiser and thanked him for doing it.

nothing is 100%, dingleberry.
I can't argue with those too blind to see ,,too blind to see that a repub, gwb got us into an unnecessary war a war that cost us so much..and I'm sick and tired of repubs trying to shift the blame for that calamity
The blindness is all yours. The Democrats saw the same intel, by law. If the law was broken as you claim, heads would have rolled. You're a fool that needs a bogeyman to kick around.
Who pulled the trigger dolt Without bush there'd be no iraq war Get that thru your thick repub head
Congress pulled the trigger. But Iraq had settled down and could have been a great ally, like Germany, South Korea and Japan. Who fucked it up?
yeah it settled down ,,,,all their soldiers went to isis,,,,and the leaders of iraq wanted us out ,,and gwb's deal was for us to get out ,,,remember?

The facts haven't changed, both democrats and republicans said Saddam was not complying to the cease fire agreement, the UN inspectors came to the same conclusion. Hussein was being defiant not Bush. Did you even bother to read what the Clinton administration had to say about Iraq's pursuit of WMDs? Saddam fucked up, and both administrations felt a need to intervene, while Clinton signed the Congessional order for regime change. These same democrats under the Bush administration committed themselves to the decision to have a second war with Iraq. You can not dispute the facts.
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I can't argue with those too blind to see ,,too blind to see that a repub, gwb got us into an unnecessary war a war that cost us so much..and I'm sick and tired of repubs trying to shift the blame for that calamity
The blindness is all yours. The Democrats saw the same intel, by law. If the law was broken as you claim, heads would have rolled. You're a fool that needs a bogeyman to kick around.
Who pulled the trigger dolt Without bush there'd be no iraq war Get that thru your thick repub head
Congress pulled the trigger. But Iraq had settled down and could have been a great ally, like Germany, South Korea and Japan. Who fucked it up?
yeah it settled down ,,,,all their soldiers went to isis,,,,and the leaders of iraq wanted us out ,,and gwb's deal was for us to get out ,,,remember?

The facts haven't changed, both democrats and republicans said Saddam was not complying to the cease fire agreement, the UN inspectors came to the same conclusion. Hussein was being defiant not Bush. Did you even bother to read what the Clinton administration had to say about Iraq's pursuit of WMDs? Saddam fucked up, and both administrations felt a need to intervene, while Clinton signed the Congessional order for regime change. You can not dispute the facts.
did bush order inspectors out of Iraq??? and how was the get out plan bush said he'd have , working? What did the moron do about N Korea who said they had nukes??? Don't they have oil??
The blindness is all yours. The Democrats saw the same intel, by law. If the law was broken as you claim, heads would have rolled. You're a fool that needs a bogeyman to kick around.
Who pulled the trigger dolt Without bush there'd be no iraq war Get that thru your thick repub head
Congress pulled the trigger. But Iraq had settled down and could have been a great ally, like Germany, South Korea and Japan. Who fucked it up?
yeah it settled down ,,,,all their soldiers went to isis,,,,and the leaders of iraq wanted us out ,,and gwb's deal was for us to get out ,,,remember?

The facts haven't changed, both democrats and republicans said Saddam was not complying to the cease fire agreement, the UN inspectors came to the same conclusion. Hussein was being defiant not Bush. Did you even bother to read what the Clinton administration had to say about Iraq's pursuit of WMDs? Saddam fucked up, and both administrations felt a need to intervene, while Clinton signed the Congessional order for regime change. You can not dispute the facts.
did bush order inspectors out of Iraq??? and how was the get out plan bush said he'd have , working? What did the moron do about N Korea who said they had nukes??? Don't they have oil??
You're slinging a lot of shit to see what sticks. The US can't order UN inspectors around. There was a lengthy time line for Saddam to get his act together, ten years really. But he held firm to the end despite all the threats.
Who pulled the trigger dolt Without bush there'd be no iraq war Get that thru your thick repub head
Congress pulled the trigger. But Iraq had settled down and could have been a great ally, like Germany, South Korea and Japan. Who fucked it up?
yeah it settled down ,,,,all their soldiers went to isis,,,,and the leaders of iraq wanted us out ,,and gwb's deal was for us to get out ,,,remember?

The facts haven't changed, both democrats and republicans said Saddam was not complying to the cease fire agreement, the UN inspectors came to the same conclusion. Hussein was being defiant not Bush. Did you even bother to read what the Clinton administration had to say about Iraq's pursuit of WMDs? Saddam fucked up, and both administrations felt a need to intervene, while Clinton signed the Congessional order for regime change. You can not dispute the facts.
did bush order inspectors out of Iraq??? and how was the get out plan bush said he'd have , working? What did the moron do about N Korea who said they had nukes??? Don't they have oil??
You're slinging a lot of shit to see what sticks. The US can't order UN inspectors around. There was a lengthy time line for Saddam to get his act together, ten years really. But he held firm to the end despite all the threats.
and you still cling to the fact that your moron bush didn't start an unjust war killing many 1000's injuring 10's of 1000's spending a trillion or so and getting NOTHING in return.....nice going repub protecting our troops
Congress pulled the trigger. But Iraq had settled down and could have been a great ally, like Germany, South Korea and Japan. Who fucked it up?
yeah it settled down ,,,,all their soldiers went to isis,,,,and the leaders of iraq wanted us out ,,and gwb's deal was for us to get out ,,,remember?

The facts haven't changed, both democrats and republicans said Saddam was not complying to the cease fire agreement, the UN inspectors came to the same conclusion. Hussein was being defiant not Bush. Did you even bother to read what the Clinton administration had to say about Iraq's pursuit of WMDs? Saddam fucked up, and both administrations felt a need to intervene, while Clinton signed the Congessional order for regime change. You can not dispute the facts.
did bush order inspectors out of Iraq??? and how was the get out plan bush said he'd have , working? What did the moron do about N Korea who said they had nukes??? Don't they have oil??
You're slinging a lot of shit to see what sticks. The US can't order UN inspectors around. There was a lengthy time line for Saddam to get his act together, ten years really. But he held firm to the end despite all the threats.
and you still cling to the fact that your moron bush didn't start an unjust war killing many 1000's injuring 10's of 1000's spending a trillion or so and getting NOTHING in return.....nice going repub protecting our troops
That's been answered, you're full of shit and had no interest in the truth.
yeah it settled down ,,,,all their soldiers went to isis,,,,and the leaders of iraq wanted us out ,,and gwb's deal was for us to get out ,,,remember?

The facts haven't changed, both democrats and republicans said Saddam was not complying to the cease fire agreement, the UN inspectors came to the same conclusion. Hussein was being defiant not Bush. Did you even bother to read what the Clinton administration had to say about Iraq's pursuit of WMDs? Saddam fucked up, and both administrations felt a need to intervene, while Clinton signed the Congessional order for regime change. You can not dispute the facts.
did bush order inspectors out of Iraq??? and how was the get out plan bush said he'd have , working? What did the moron do about N Korea who said they had nukes??? Don't they have oil??
You're slinging a lot of shit to see what sticks. The US can't order UN inspectors around. There was a lengthy time line for Saddam to get his act together, ten years really. But he held firm to the end despite all the threats.
and you still cling to the fact that your moron bush didn't start an unjust war killing many 1000's injuring 10's of 1000's spending a trillion or so and getting NOTHING in return.....nice going repub protecting our troops
That's been answered, you're full of shit and had no interest in the truth.
And you call yourself an American? After a repub moron killed so many of those soldiers repubs profess to love?? and you side with the moron??? For shame

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