WoW!!! Even The FOXNEWS Calls Out Ryan's Speech As Nothing But A Bag Of Bogus

Well? Isn't it time for radical lefties to admit that Fox is fair and balanced? Funny thing about the left, they tend to confuse editorials with news if they hear what they like. The author of the article, Sally Kohn, is a radical left wing lesbian activist.

So it must be true.
I insinuated nothing. I stated the truth. The opinion piece had to have been approved by FOX editors.

Now get back to your bakkake session, your friends are waiting for you in the circle.

You are laboring under the misapprehension that editors approving of publishing a piece means they agree with it's content. In other words, you're a stone cold moron.
OMG, what a bunch of whiners!!!

Amazing that out of all their posts, not a single wingnut has refuted the article itself. They are indeed in meltdown mode.

I'll refute it, gimme a few posts...but lets start with this:

She's a real cutie...something tells me she may not be into men and republicans? Just saying...I think point of view is a good start.
And who else on Fox, you pick one person? An obscure person and say it represents Fox News? Fox didnt say it and noone on Fox that has actual airtime on it said those things, but keep tying to deceive.
I insinuated nothing. I stated the truth. The opinion piece had to have been approved by FOX editors.

Now get back to your bakkake session, your friends are waiting for you in the circle.

You are laboring under the misapprehension that editors approving of publishing a piece means they agree with it's content. In other words, you're a stone cold moron.

This concept is impossible for the moron troll to grasp
I insinuated nothing. I stated the truth. The opinion piece had to have been approved by FOX editors.

Now get back to your bakkake session, your friends are waiting for you in the circle.

You are laboring under the misapprehension that editors approving of publishing a piece means they agree with it's content. In other words, you're a stone cold moron.

This concept is impossible for the moron troll to grasp

I am honestly surprised he can dress himself.
Ok DickSuck, lets talk now
Fact: While Ryan tried to pin the downgrade of the United States’ credit rating on spending under President Obama, the credit rating was actually downgraded because Republicans threatened not to raise the debt ceiling

Well the debt ceiling was raised, so where is the credit rating? Where is the economny? where is the debt?

Fact: While Ryan blamed President Obama for the shut down of a GM plant in Janesville, Wisconsin, the plant was actually closed under President George W. Bush
. Ryan actually asked for federal spending to save the plant, while Romney has criticized the auto industry bailout that President Obama ultimately enacted to prevent other plants from closing.

WRONG, last truck was made on April 23, 2009. And that's just one point, the plant can be reactivated, but hasnt for 3 years, why???? Even with all this great sucess democrats talk about with GM, where is it?
CNN Fact Check: Did Ryan get Obama's GM speech right? -

Fact: Though Ryan insisted that President Obama wants to give all the credit for private sector success to government, that isn't what the president said. Period.


Fact: Though Paul Ryan accused President Obama of taking $716 billion out of Medicare, the fact
is that that amount was savings in Medicare reimbursement rates (which, incidentally, save Medicare recipients out-of-pocket costs, too) and Ryan himself embraced these savings in his budget plan

Wait savings? I thought "savings" were cuts? and they take it out of Medicare and put it in Obamacare, so you're taking billions from old folks to give it to young folks who dont want insurance.....gotta love liberals

Read more: Paul Ryan
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You have to be one of the dumbest fucks on this board. FOX published it. Did you miss that fact? Does FOX have editors to decide what to publish, or don't they?

Ignorant wingnut.

It is NOT FOX or the organization saying this, as was insinuated... it was a counterpoint that was requested to have an opposing viewpoint... it does not mean it is truth, fact, or endorsed by Fox

You fucking idiot troll...

Do the honorable thing and go try seppuku

I insinuated nothing. I stated the truth. The opinion piece had to have been approved by FOX editors.

Now get back to your bakkake session, your friends are waiting for you in the circle.

Why do you always have to bring up homosexual talk? Are you a closet homosexual? Wait isnt that what you always ask me? ;)
I insinuated nothing. I stated the truth. The opinion piece had to have been approved by FOX editors.

Now get back to your bakkake session, your friends are waiting for you in the circle.

You are laboring under the misapprehension that editors approving of publishing a piece means they agree with it's content. In other words, you're a stone cold moron.

You don't know when to STFU!!! You're getting your ass kicked. Why do you bat crap crazy righties ALWAYS have to have the last word?? Even when you look ridiculous, like now.
I insinuated nothing. I stated the truth. The opinion piece had to have been approved by FOX editors.

Now get back to your bakkake session, your friends are waiting for you in the circle.

You are laboring under the misapprehension that editors approving of publishing a piece means they agree with it's content. In other words, you're a stone cold moron.

You don't know when to STFU!!! You're getting your ass kicked. Why do you bat crap crazy righties ALWAYS have to have the last word?? Even when you look ridiculous, like now.

Watching total desperation by the left isn't pretty

now they are all atta boying each OTHER for their lies
You have to be one of the dumbest fucks on this board. FOX published it. Did you miss that fact? Does FOX have editors to decide what to publish, or don't they?

Ignorant wingnut.

Ah,... attention Dick-Suck.

No, they didn't.
ANOTHER gratuitous gay sex reference.

Funny how you never seem to notice when your fellow leftists do that, huh?

Huggy, Salt Jones, and Sallow do it quite often. I'd post links, but you'd weasel out, as usual.
Describing it in these three words, Dazzling, Deceiving & Distracting.

Paul Ryan

I mean, WoW...just WOW!!!

Kudos to THEFOX. :clap2: :clap2:

You're a lying sack of shit, you know that? FOX NEWS did not say anything like that. Sally Kohn was asked by FOX NEWS to write the liberal response to Ryan's speech...

Sally Kohn
Fox News asked me to write the liberal response to Paul Ryan’s GOP convention speech last night. So I did. I described it in three words: Dazzling, Deceiving and Distracting.

It really doesn't bother you to be such a fucking liar, does it.

FOX printed it. It appeared in their publication. Even in the editorial section (where their news people cite sources of "what's been said" from) this is nearly unprecedented. Usually if they want the opinion of a liberal, they'll invite them onto a show where they're constantly interrupted and talked over and down to.

Kohn has written 59 articles for Fox News, starting in October of 2010.

Sally Kohn - Archive -

You still want to claim this is "unprecedented"?
Describing it in these three words, Dazzling, Deceiving & Distracting.

Paul Ryan

I mean, WoW...just WOW!!!

Kudos to THEFOX. :clap2: :clap2:

Under FOX News logo...folks

From the link:

So which is it? Which is the Official Opinion of Fox News? They published a piece criticizing the speech, which you claim is an official opinion.

They also published a piece praising the speech.

Which is it?

Or, more likely, are you idiots just surprised to find a liberal opinion on Fox (which happens all the time, by the way)?

If you didn't believe your own bullshit about Fox, you wouldn't be surprised at all. However, you're both stupid and gullible.

This lesson to the liberals here is going to be hard to stomach. They will soon abandon this thread and hope it becomes forgotten.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
I haven't read the rest of the thread, but if there's any leftist response to my post at all, it will boil down to "Nuh-UH!!"

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