WoW!!! Even The FOXNEWS Calls Out Ryan's Speech As Nothing But A Bag Of Bogus


Yeah, I fell for it too. I thought the name of the thread was intellectually honest, that a "news" anchor had done this. It was just a liberal pundit, doing what pundits do.

I should have known.

Describing it in these three words, Dazzling, Deceiving & Distracting.

Paul Ryan

I mean, WoW...just WOW!!!

Kudos to THEFOX. :clap2: :clap2:

Sally Kohn is a liberal who does contribute to Fox News. I am surprised they ran with her story though. Pretty much have to assume they at least see some merit in what she said.

Thus the point of the OP. FOX isn't all that enthusiastic about Ryan to carry ALL his water, are they?

moron. the POINT is that FOX is more FAIR & BALANCED than the rest, giving both sides equal time. It has noting to do with carrying eater, as you call it.

Get your head out of your ass.
Uhm, what was the lie exactly?

All I did was post an article from The FOXNEWS and that's it.

What's the reason for the meltdown?

you are being willfully stupid.

The lie was the thread title...
Even The FOXNEWS Calls Out Ryan's Speech As Nothing But A Bag Of Bogus

Simply offering both sides to a story is not 'calling out' anyone.

Perhaps you lack the intellectual capacity to comprehend such a basic concept as being FAIR & BALANCED.
Uhm, what was the lie exactly?

All I did was post an article from The FOXNEWS and that's it.

What's the reason for the meltdown?

you are being willfully stupid.

The lie was the thread title...
Even The FOXNEWS Calls Out Ryan's Speech As Nothing But A Bag Of Bogus

Simply offering both sides to a story is not 'calling out' anyone.

Perhaps you lack the intellectual capacity to comprehend such a basic concept as being FAIR & BALANCED.

How should I have titled it sir?
It is NOT FOX or the organization saying this, as was insinuated... it was a counterpoint that was requested to have an opposing viewpoint... it does not mean it is truth, fact, or endorsed by Fox

You fucking idiot troll...

Do the honorable thing and go try seppuku

Is this sarcasm or a standard Rightwing answer to posts you don't tell someone to kill themselves?

Has nothing to do whether you are left or right.... I respect the hell out of a lot of you guys on the opposite side of the fence... trolls, on the other hand, are a waste of oxygen and I fully support themselves trying seppuku is NOT sarcasm. You DO want people you disagree with to kill themselves.
Wow, when FOX joins in and points out what liars the Romney team is, you know there's going to be a meme by October. It's tough to get back credibility.

And you are just as ignorant for responding in lockstep and not looking in to anything

Idiot troll

You have to be one of the dumbest fucks on this board. FOX published it. Did you miss that fact? Does FOX have editors to decide what to publish, or don't they?

Ignorant wingnut.

Next time MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS et all, publish something highly positive about Romney or Ryan, I'll be sure to remind you that since they have editors who decide what to publish, that means they must support Romney and Ryan. Your logic, own it.
Describing it in these three words, Dazzling, Deceiving & Distracting.

Paul Ryan

I mean, WoW...just WOW!!!

Kudos to THEFOX. :clap2: :clap2:

You're a lying sack of shit, you know that? FOX NEWS did not say anything like that. Sally Kohn was asked by FOX NEWS to write the liberal response to Ryan's speech...

Sally Kohn
Fox News asked me to write the liberal response to Paul Ryan’s GOP convention speech last night. So I did. I described it in three words: Dazzling, Deceiving and Distracting.

It really doesn't bother you to be such a fucking liar, does it.
Are you ready to refute all her facts?
Uhm, what was the lie exactly?

All I did was post an article from The FOXNEWS and that's it.

What's the reason for the meltdown?

you are being willfully stupid.

The lie was the thread title...
Even The FOXNEWS Calls Out Ryan's Speech As Nothing But A Bag Of Bogus

Simply offering both sides to a story is not 'calling out' anyone.

Perhaps you lack the intellectual capacity to comprehend such a basic concept as being FAIR & BALANCED.

How should I have titled it sir?

If you had any intellectual honesty, you could have titled the thread any one of a dozen ways, making a point, without lying.

For example, you could have used the actual article title... Paul Ryan’s speech in 3 words

Or, Liberal Response to Ryan Speech.

Etc, etc, etc.

As long as you don't outright lie, like you did in this thread, I could care less what you title a thread. It's when your blatantly dishonest, like you were here, that I get annoyed.
Lolol fuck off liberals Paul Ryan nailed it;

"You see, even with all the hidden taxes to pay for the health care takeover, even with new taxes on nearly a million small businesses, the planners in Washington still didn't have enough money. They needed more. They needed hundreds of billions more. So, they just took it all away from Medicare. Seven hundred and sixteen billion dollars, funneled out of Medicare by President Obama. An obligation we have to our parents and grandparents is being sacrificed, all to pay for a new entitlement we didn't even ask for. The greatest threat to Medicare is Obamacare, and we're going to stop it."
Lolol fuck off liberals Paul Ryan nailed it;

"You see, even with all the hidden taxes to pay for the health care takeover, even with new taxes on nearly a million small businesses, the planners in Washington still didn't have enough money. They needed more. They needed hundreds of billions more. So, they just took it all away from Medicare. Seven hundred and sixteen billion dollars, funneled out of Medicare by President Obama. An obligation we have to our parents and grandparents is being sacrificed, all to pay for a new entitlement we didn't even ask for. The greatest threat to Medicare is Obamacare, and we're going to stop it."

This whole thread simply proves my signature is correct.
If you had any intellectual honesty, you could have titled the thread any one of a dozen ways, making a point, without lying.

For example, you could have used the actual article title... Paul Ryan’s speech in 3 words

Or, Liberal Response to Ryan Speech.

Etc, etc, etc.

As long as you don't outright lie, like you did in this thread, I could care less what you title a thread. It's when your blatantly dishonest, like you were here, that I get annoyed.
You guys are simultaneously arguing that it's not a "legitimate" THEFOXNEWS article due to it's liberal bias AND that The FOXNEWS has more credibility BECAUSE it can have an article with liberal bias.

Get yourselves in order CON$.

As for you Conservative...the title of the thread is not deceptive.

The point, which I made quite well, was that 1. Ryan was lying for most to all of his speech. and 2. That that can be found even on The FOXNEWS' website.

That's it. Those are the facts sir. Sorry it hurts your feelings.

And you are just as ignorant for responding in lockstep and not looking in to anything

Idiot troll

You have to be one of the dumbest fucks on this board. FOX published it. Did you miss that fact? Does FOX have editors to decide what to publish, or don't they?

Ignorant wingnut.

Next time MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS et all, publish something highly positive about Romney or Ryan, I'll be sure to remind you that since they have editors who decide what to publish, that means they must support Romney and Ryan. Your logic, own it.

You simpleton. You say out one side of your mouth that this is an example of FOX being fair and balanced. Out the other side of your cum crusted mouth you say the editors had nothing to do with it. You're one delusional turd.
It's not bad enough that you go thru life as a racist.... but you are ignorant as well

Sally Kohn. @sallykohn. Writer. Community organizer. Progressive voice on Fox News

hahaha Dick Suck and MARCATL didnt see that or they just dont care about facts, man it must be tough having to put up all these smoke and wonder the party of slavery and jim crow has conned blacks to vote for them......
If you had any intellectual honesty, you could have titled the thread any one of a dozen ways, making a point, without lying.

For example, you could have used the actual article title... Paul Ryan’s speech in 3 words

Or, Liberal Response to Ryan Speech.

Etc, etc, etc.

As long as you don't outright lie, like you did in this thread, I could care less what you title a thread. It's when your blatantly dishonest, like you were here, that I get annoyed.

You guys are simultaneously arguing that it's not a "legitimate" THEFOXNEWS article due to it's liberal bias AND that The FOXNEWS has more credibility BECAUSE it can have an article with liberal bias.

Get yourselves in order CON$.

As for you Conservative...the title of the thread is not deceptive.

The point, which I made quite well, was that 1. Ryan was lying for most to all of his speech. and 2. That that can be found even on The FOXNEWS' website.

That's it. Those are the facts sir. Sorry it hurts your feelings.


Those are opinions, not facts. You're entitle to them. But when you claim them as fact, and lie like you did in the thread title, expect to be called on it, dumb ass.

Not once did I claim it was not a legitimate article. Show me the post where I said that. I said it is proof FOX NEWS is FAIR & BALANCED, because they gave both sides equal time.

The point is, your thread title says FOX NEWS was calling out Ryan for lying in his speech. How could they be calling him out for lying, at the exact same time they praise him?

Again, you're being willfully stupid, and if the rest of the libtard population is like you, that explains a great deal.
You have to be one of the dumbest fucks on this board. FOX published it. Did you miss that fact? Does FOX have editors to decide what to publish, or don't they?

Ignorant wingnut.

Next time MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS et all, publish something highly positive about Romney or Ryan, I'll be sure to remind you that since they have editors who decide what to publish, that means they must support Romney and Ryan. Your logic, own it.

You simpleton. You say out one side of your mouth that this is an example of FOX being fair and balanced. Out the other side of your cum crusted mouth you say the editors had nothing to do with it. You're one delusional turd.

Your elevator doesn't go to the top floor, you know that right?
And you are just as ignorant for responding in lockstep and not looking in to anything

Idiot troll

You have to be one of the dumbest fucks on this board. FOX published it. Did you miss that fact? Does FOX have editors to decide what to publish, or don't they?

Ignorant wingnut.

It is NOT FOX or the organization saying this, as was insinuated... it was a counterpoint that was requested to have an opposing viewpoint... it does not mean it is truth, fact, or endorsed by Fox

You fucking idiot troll...

Do the honorable thing and go try seppuku

I insinuated nothing. I stated the truth. The opinion piece had to have been approved by FOX editors.

Now get back to your bakkake session, your friends are waiting for you in the circle.
In the meantime...#LyinRyan is currently trending on Twitter.

This is my favorite tweet...

"President Obama Didn't do ANYTHING to stop Pearl Harbor attack." #LyinRyan

CLASSIC!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

wow, republicans havent blamed him for anything but horrible policies and a failed economy, but liberals have blamed Bush for a Hurricane and 9/11.......go hang out with the rest of the truthers Marc, I'm glad to see you back, Dick Suck was beginning to be too easy, I like a little feistyness!

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