WoW!!! Even The FOXNEWS Calls Out Ryan's Speech As Nothing But A Bag Of Bogus

Describing it in these three words, Dazzling, Deceiving & Distracting.

Paul Ryan

I mean, WoW...just WOW!!!

Kudos to THEFOX. :clap2: :clap2:

You're a lying sack of shit, you know that? FOX NEWS did not say anything like that. Sally Kohn was asked by FOX NEWS to write the liberal response to Ryan's speech...

Sally Kohn
Fox News asked me to write the liberal response to Paul Ryan’s GOP convention speech last night. So I did. I described it in three words: Dazzling, Deceiving and Distracting.

It really doesn't bother you to be such a fucking liar, does it.
Are you ready to refute all her facts?
You misspelled "opinions".
If you had any intellectual honesty, you could have titled the thread any one of a dozen ways, making a point, without lying.

For example, you could have used the actual article title... Paul Ryan’s speech in 3 words

Or, Liberal Response to Ryan Speech.

Etc, etc, etc.

As long as you don't outright lie, like you did in this thread, I could care less what you title a thread. It's when your blatantly dishonest, like you were here, that I get annoyed.
You guys are simultaneously arguing that it's not a "legitimate" THEFOXNEWS article due to it's liberal bias AND that The FOXNEWS has more credibility BECAUSE it can have an article with liberal bias.

Get yourselves in order CON$.

As for you Conservative...the title of the thread is not deceptive.

The point, which I made quite well, was that 1. Ryan was lying for most to all of his speech. and 2. That that can be found even on The FOXNEWS' website.

That's it. Those are the facts sir. Sorry it hurts your feelings.

You never did answer my post.

Which is the official Fox News opinion? The one disagreeing with the speech, or the one praising it?
Out the other side of your cum crusted mouth you say the editors had nothing to do with it.
Uh oh. Now Bodecea is going to chastise you for using a gay sex reference.


Sorry. I couldn't keep a straight face. She'll ignore it, like all the others from her fellow leftists.

I don't if it's an accurate reference.....but I'm sure you don't dave about it....or do you?
Describing it in these three words, Dazzling, Deceiving & Distracting.

Paul Ryan

I mean, WoW...just WOW!!!

Kudos to THEFOX. :clap2: :clap2:
Fox has some wovles in sheeps clothing operating in the hen house fer sure, but anyways did you wait and view the explanation by Ryan on these things in which you speak, and this before you spoke them ? No you didn't, and why is this ? It's because you would rather rush to judgement with baited breath before knowing the facts, and why is that ? It's because you are possibly a pure racist is why. Sorry, but it is what I think about you, and this because of your post and articles written here, and also due to the slant that you have towards it all, it is all quite revealing really of you as a person, and it is a wide open book to your character as well.
Out the other side of your cum crusted mouth you say the editors had nothing to do with it.
Uh oh. Now Bodecea is going to chastise you for using a gay sex reference.


Sorry. I couldn't keep a straight face. She'll ignore it, like all the others from her fellow leftists.

I don't if it's an accurate reference.....but I'm sure you don't dave about it....or do you?

You had a chance to prove you're not a partisan hack.

You declined.

I'd be surprised, but I know you. No enemies on the left.
Describing it in these three words, Dazzling, Deceiving & Distracting.

Paul Ryan

I mean, WoW...just WOW!!!

Kudos to THEFOX. :clap2: :clap2:

Whenever you make a post like this I remember your comment that Fox always lies, and go look for the lies. Not surprisingly, I found a few. In fact, every single one of facts she listed is wrong.
I insinuated nothing. I stated the truth. The opinion piece had to have been approved by FOX editors.

Now get back to your bakkake session, your friends are waiting for you in the circle.

You are laboring under the misapprehension that editors approving of publishing a piece means they agree with it's content. In other words, you're a stone cold moron.

You don't know when to STFU!!! You're getting your ass kicked. Why do you bat crap crazy righties ALWAYS have to have the last word?? Even when you look ridiculous, like now.

SO, you agree that editors approving of publishing a piece means they agree with it's content. You also are a stone cold moron.

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