WOW.....James Clapper tells the obvious about Trump.....

And again, I make a number of points, and your post challenges none of them.
The Cold War is over, we need to stop fucking with Russia, or even worrying about them much.
Are you so stupid that you can't grasp that you have failed to address my points, let alone refute them.
Easy? That pain you feel is your ass hurting from being kicked, you moron.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Russia is not our enemy.

Nitwit......The Russian people are NOT our enemy....But Putin and his crooked oligarchs MOST CERTAINLY ARE (among others.)

Ask Putin how he got to be the richest man on the planet on his salary of an ex KGB agent............He is so crooked that he could hide behind a corkscrew....and he needed a stooge like Trump to rebuild his version of a "soviet union."

He corruption is an issue for the Russian people, not the American people.

What he wants, is an American President who knows the Cold War is over.

Which would be good for everyone.
And again, I make a number of points, and your post challenges none of them.
The Cold War is over, we need to stop fucking with Russia, or even worrying about them much.
Are you so stupid that you can't grasp that you have failed to address my points, let alone refute them.
Easy? That pain you feel is your ass hurting from being kicked, you moron.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^


And that's not a supporting argument either, you moron.
And then Obama built it anyway. Haha, what a stupid comparison. You literally highlighted the difgerence between Obama's treatment of Putin and Trumps fellatio of Putin.

Putin HATED both Clinton and Obama and desperately wanted a fucking moron in the WH to do his bidding.....and, hell, he sure got himself one.

The Comrade is one of his best agents. You know, a man on the inside.
The Comrade is one of his best agents. You know, a man on the inside.

Heck,Putin well knows that all his has to do is give the orange moron a few praises about his hair or about the size of crowds at his rallies.....and Trump would just nod if Russia took over Romania.....
More and more Blacks are graduating college, entering the work force, and escaping the Democrat welfare plantation system.

And are fleeing to the safety of the Republican party.

Election 2016...........less than 6% of blacks voted for the orange buffoon...LOL

That may change next time around since blacks are finding jobs at a rate of 40% higher under Trump than under your dear leader. 30,000 a month are leaving the unemployment rolls. It's the economy stupid.

That may change next time around since blacks are finding jobs at a rate of 40% higher under Trump than under your dear leader. 30,000 a month are leaving the unemployment rolls. It's the economy stupid.

WOW....a right winger [new-found] believer in polls.....Please share how enthusiasm is spreading around the black community love of the orange fuck head......Please !!!
who lied under oath, to congress and the American people about the NSAs collection of data on millions of Americans. Not exactly what you could call credible.

Ahhhhh, thank you for praising Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) for asking the question of Clapper.........

So, how does Clapper's lie refute what he stated about Trump???
Are you concluding that a liar is always a liar and that Trump is NOT a Putin puppet?

Yep, clap boy is a liar, nothing will change that. And you being a ignorant regressive, who beats their dog, leaves you no moral high ground to judge anyone. BTW I have just as much evidence to back up my claim as you.

That may change next time around since blacks are finding jobs at a rate of 40% higher under Trump than under your dear leader. 30,000 a month are leaving the unemployment rolls. It's the economy stupid.

WOW....a right winger [new-found] believer in polls.....Please share how enthusiasm is spreading around the black community love of the orange fuck head......Please !!!

Has nothing to do with polls tard.

So far under Trump, median family incomes have risen by more than $1,000, according‎ to Sentier Research and based on Census Bureau numbers. These numbers are not broken down by race, but it's a pretty good bet that black incomes have risen with those of other races under Trump.

The rate of job growth per month for blacks under Trump has so far been 40 percent higher than the monthly average under ‎Obama. Trump has averaged nearly 30,000 new black jobs per month. That's especially remarkable because Obama was elected when employment was way down.

Read more@

Trump's real record on race may surprise you

If things keep this up you commiecrats will lose your plantation dwellers. LMAO

So far under Trump, median family incomes have risen by more than $1,000, according‎ to Sentier Research and based on Census Bureau numbers. These numbers are not broken down by race, but it's a pretty good bet that black incomes have risen with those of other races under Trump.

The rate of job growth per month for blacks under Trump has so far been 40 percent higher than the monthly average under ‎Obama. Trump has averaged nearly 30,000 new black jobs per month. That's especially remarkable because Obama was elected when employment was way down.

So.....let me get this straight..........

During Trump's first year in office....ALL the good things that are happening are ALL Trump's doing.......

But during Obama's first year in office....ALL the bad things that were happening were ALL Obama's fault.......

(I thought, wrongly, that you were a bit LESS of an asshole, Tigger.......and to assume that blacks are as dumb as you to "reward" Trump shows that ol' racism that Texas is renowned for.....)
So far under Trump, median family incomes have risen by more than $1,000, according‎ to Sentier Research and based on Census Bureau numbers. These numbers are not broken down by race, but it's a pretty good bet that black incomes have risen with those of other races under Trump.

The rate of job growth per month for blacks under Trump has so far been 40 percent higher than the monthly average under ‎Obama. Trump has averaged nearly 30,000 new black jobs per month. That's especially remarkable because Obama was elected when employment was way down.

So.....let me get this straight..........

During Trump's first year in office....ALL the good things that are happening are ALL Trump's doing.......

But during Obama's first year in office....ALL the bad things that were happening were ALL Obama's fault.......

(I thought, wrongly, that you were a bit LESS of an asshole, Tigger.......and to assume that blacks are as dumb as you to "reward" Trump shows that ol' racism that Texas is renowned for.....)

Get rid of job killing regulations and people will get jobs. WHO KNEW???? Certainly not commiecrats. Be thankful there's more to come.

Get rid of job killing regulations and people will get jobs. WHO KNEW???? Certainly not commiecrats. Be thankful there's more to come.

Tigger is "correct"......Under Trump, his entire administration had to hire teams of lawyers.....See, Trump DOES create jobs...................LOL
When are they going to be enacted?

Hopefully never.

Why do you ask?

Oh yeah, I forgot. True patriots support the FSB rather than the FBI.

FUnny, I was kind of expecting a stinging retort from you, going off on all the reasons that putting sanctions on Russia would be good for the US.

I mean, I expected your reasons to all be bs, but I thought you would at least try.

Liberals: I have such low expectations of you, and yet you continue to surprise me, by failing to meet even them.

Your red baiting is noted and dismissed, war monger.

Give Peace a Chance.

Sorry, I'm not interested in not holding Russia accountable for attempting to disrupt our democratic processes.

How many people you willing to see die for that?

Die? You're a nut.

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