WOW!!!! - Mueller was involved in the Waco massacre coverup

If Waco was full of Black people and Jews you'd be in this thread mad that you couldn't be there to toast marshmellows. So your fake outrage here is a bore.
Mueller is a Swamp Rat. Nobody can deny that.

No, no he's not. Before being appointed to run this investigation he was well respected by people of both parties. Now because of who he is investigating you guys are all trying to run him through the mud.
Mueller is a Swamp Rat. Nobody can deny that.
Why did trump pick him.? Why pick anyone.? Trump should have just said it's a phony scandal invented by the media cartels and to hell with it.

Trump didn't pick him... Deputy AG Rosenstein did, because Sessions had recused himself from the Russian investigation.

And I really wish people on here would make a little sense. So if a guy is liked by one side and hated by the other he is partisan. If he is hated by both sides he's wishy-washy and poor at doing his job, and now if he is respected by both sides he's a swamp rat. Seems to me like people are just making excuses not to like a guy because he's about to serve up the President you support's balls in a sling.
Typical Federal government swamp.

His credibility is shot.
You're not getting rid of Bob Mueller. So get that thought out of your head.We all know you're petrified justice will be served and the truth coming out on Trump.

If you people gave a shit about Justice, you would have pursued fast and furious, lois lerner and Benghazi. Further, you would not have let Hillary off the hook for emailgate. You people are not about justice being served you are simpletons who want to get Trump out of office at any cost; legal, illegal, ethical, doesn't matter, does it?

I.m not going to sell you on Trump but at the same time, don't try and sell US that Liberals are committed to Justice.
In1993 Bill Clinton sent tanks into a building where white christian gun-owners (the 3 groups libs hate most) were living and started a fire that burned 76 americans alive including a bunch of kids. Nothing was done to Clinton or his gang. In fact he had some of the survivors sent to prison!!

Here, let me me fix that for you.

In 1993, Bill Clinton sent armored vehicles into a building where murdering, child molesting cultists were holed up, causing them to commit mass suicide by lighting the building on fire, burning 76 of them alive, including some kids who were probably going to grow up to be criminals. Nothing was done because Clinton really didn't anything wrong. Some of the survivors were sent to prison for their role in the murder of four ATF agents.
You're not getting rid of Bob Mueller. So get that thought out of your head.We all know you're petrified justice will be served and the truth coming out on Trump.
The only thing so far this investigation has showed us, is how corrupt your party is. I'm sure lynch is wanting this investigation to end.

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