wow reading the front page of Drudge is like reading the book of Revelations

In what way is God 'turning up the heat'?

Please be as specific as possible.
God is turning up the heat a little in trying to get the undecideds to repent and believe the Gospel.

You haven't seen anything yet and I am being serious here. It grieves me to the core to see so many people unprepared. The hour to call on the LORD is here, folks.

What many Americans have yet to understand is that God has already made a way of escape. He is in our tomorrows.........already.

There is a Minister named Michael Boldea. He is the grandson of Dumitru Duduman, a Pastor who was imprisoned by the communists in Poland years ago. His grandmother dug in the ground for worms because there was no food. Their sufferings were tremendous.

Michael Boldea like his grandfather had many visions concerning the end of America and identified the people who would be involved. That was back in the early 80's his grandfather warned America that she was going to be judged. Those visions are like reading the front headlines of the news now. Everything he said is coming to pass and the odds of his being accurate on every single account are staggering. There is no way this man could have known then what would be happening today unless the LORD truly had sent an angel to him with that message of warning to America.

Today his grandson has the same deep faith in the LORD and has been given his own revelations about the times to come.

In a dream / vision Michael Boldea shared prior to Super Storm Sandy, Michael shared an amazing dream. I will have to go and get it because I cannot retell it word for word. It is called the house that stood and it is a message for the American people. Hang on and I'll post the link and story on the board. Maybe it will help some folks to see what is actually going on right now. - Jeri
God is turning up the heat a little in trying to get the undecideds to repent and believe the Gospel.

Hand of Help Ministries - About Michael Boldea

Okay here is the link to Michael Boldea and prophecies concerning End of America - the Prophecy Dumitru gave in the 80's was called, "America will Burn".. you can read about it on the link I am posting and I will post the story on the House that Stood - Michaels vision and the angel who showed him concerning the end of America and the divine protection afforded all who belong to the LORD.

If anyone is seeking the LORD and looking for a sound Ministry that preaches the Gospel for Jesus Christ and not for filthy lucre' ( as some do ) then look into his ministry and I'd especially look at his study links on How to Pray. Excellent series. - Jeremiah
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O.k., so if the ancient stories are to have any credibility, America needs to be judged or Sodom & Gomorrah are owed an apology. I get that...

What specifically is God doing to 'turn up the heat'? :dunno: Driving tornadoes through The Bible Belt?
Here is the latest dream the Lord gave Michael. They all have the same message in them. Those who belong to the LORD will stand in this coming hour. All those who do not will perish. The story of the House that Stood is on that site but I cannot find it. So before you read his latest message here about the future for unbelievers in America let me share the story of the House that Stood. I'm going from memory but this is the jist of it........

Michael had a dream / vision ( cannot recall how he stated this ) of a neighorhood in Chicago. There were homes in this neighorhood, people in yards outside gardening, cookouts, normal day - at end of street he noted a white house with a white picket fence. He heard the people in there crying out to the LORD in prayer and could tell they were very passionate for Christ. The dream ended. An angel appeared. He said, Michael what do you see? He said, I see a neighborhood and a praying family living amongst them on the corner of the block. The angel said, Now look again.

Again, Michael then saw the exact same neighborhood in Chicago but the houses and streets were gone. It looked like a bomb had hit is and everything was destroyed. Everything but the little white house on the corner! So the angel says to him, what do you see? He said I see the christian home still standing and the people are still praying to God inside the home now. The angel said, yes. Those who are prepared now will be prepared then. These are the ones who shall survive the invasion of America.

Now this is really, really spooky, you guys. Because a week or two after Michael posted that dream / vision from the LORD? SuperStorm Sandy hit. While looking at the devastating scenes of NY shoreline I saw a home on the ocean that stood alone. All the other houses were wiped off their foundations and had completely disappeared. The house that still stood had not one window broken, no damage to roof, porch, even their plants were sitting up perfectly. It looked as if God had placed a big bubble of protection over that home while all the others disappeared into the sea and were destroyed. Guess who lived in that house?

A praying Christian family. What really amazed me was that Michael Boldea had just been given this dream weeks before and here I was looking at a photograph of exactly how it shall be when the storms of Communism, Islam create the perfect storm and hit America full force.

You see, there are those in America who have made plans to wipe out the Christians and take this land for Communism - Islam - for whatever goal they have set.

They have yet to realize it is they who will fall into the trap they have laid for the Christians. God has already seen to it. In the future the world shall see the difference between Gods protection concerning Americans who call on His Name and know Him? .........and those who don't. Now please read Michaels latest dream / vision and what the angel told him concerning America because each one is a confirmation of the one he had before. It is truly amazing. To God be the Glory. - Jeremiah

Dear Brethren,

Over Memorial Day weekend I was scheduled to speak in Lake Havasu Arizona. Since Las Vegas was the closest major airport and by far the cheapest ticket, Gene and I flew there having planned to spend the first night upon our arrival somewhere in the area, then make the drive to the meeting the next day.

After a four hour flight, some misunderstandings with the car rental agent, and a couple hours to get acclimated to the heat, we checked into our room without further incident.

That night I had a dream.

>snip for copyright compliance<

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr.
Posted on 1 June 2013 | 12:00 pm

See more at link...,+12:00+pm
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Last night I dreamt I was eating cream doughnuts with the best cream I had ever had. That is no doubt prophetic because if I am ever to have that cream, I need to come up with my own recipe and I will come up with the recipe.

You could take random quotes from the Bible and prove that Dominos is better than Papa Johns. Geeze, Jermiah, give it a rest. No one called for their own personal Biblical prophet here. You seriously need a life.
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If you are not interested in matters pertaining to the salvation of the Lord that is your business, Sunshine.

Please don't be an obstacle to what the He is doing and desires to do for people here. It's rude. Thank you for your consideration. - Jeremiah
If you are not interested in matters pertaining to the salvation of the Lord that is your business, Sunshine.

Please don't be an obstacle to what the He is doing and desires to do for people here. It's rude. Thank you for your consideration. - Jeremiah

You are an idiot, and you do not have the authority to cast anyone off of a thread. Get a life, you seriously need one. Advertising is prohibited on this forum and that is all you are doing.
In what way is God 'turning up the heat'?

Please be as specific as possible.


Here, Joe. This is a film of the prophecy given to Dumitri Duduman from the Lord concerning the future destruction of the United States of America. He died & went to Heaven many years ago. This film is from the early 1980's I believe. His book about the Future Destruction of America was published in either late 70's or early 1980's. Today it reads like a newspaper that was sent your home yesterday.

His accuracy is 100% I know of no one Pastor alive today who lived so godly a life as Dumitru Duduman. He was the meekest man I've ever heard in my life. I loved him. He has been in heaven for a long time now but his grandson, Michael, carries on his ministry today. I like reading Michael Boldea's website because he is the one of the few Pastors I can read online and know I can trust these days. This ministry is the real deal.

- Jeremiah
If you are not interested in matters pertaining to the salvation of the Lord that is your business, Sunshine.

Please don't be an obstacle to what the He is doing and desires to do for people here. It's rude. Thank you for your consideration. - Jeremiah

You are an idiot, and you do not have the authority to cast anyone off of a thread. Get a life, you seriously need one. Advertising is prohibited on this forum and that is all you are doing.

No one is advertising God here. He is well known by this point.

The Preacher is dead and gone, the link is to source the story I posted. Have a nice day and good bye.

- Jeri
If you are not interested in matters pertaining to the salvation of the Lord that is your business, Sunshine.

Please don't be an obstacle to what the He is doing and desires to do for people here. It's rude. Thank you for your consideration. - Jeremiah

Such a lunatic and then demanding that people respect his nutter stuff!
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Dumitru Duduman is no lunatic. His entire life is a testimony and he is considered one of the greatest Christians ever to grace this earth, Polkow. You cannot judge the man without listening to him. Why not click the link and hear his testimony. Then you decide with some actual facts to base it on rather than hatred of God and all things relating to God. - Jeri
I'm loving all this mocking of Gawd! Has anyone gone outside, raised both middle fingers to the sky and yelled: "F*ck YOU Gawd".

Feels good man, you should do it, It's so empowering.
In what way is God 'turning up the heat'?

Please be as specific as possible.


Here, Joe. This is a film of the prophecy given to Dumitri Duduman from the Lord concerning the future destruction of the United States of America. He died & went to Heaven many years ago. This film is from the early 1980's I believe. His book about the Future Destruction of America was published in either late 70's or early 1980's. Today it reads like a newspaper that was sent your home yesterday.

His accuracy is 100% I know of no one Pastor alive today who lived so godly a life as Dumitru Duduman. He was the meekest man I've ever heard in my life. I loved him. He has been in heaven for a long time now but his grandson, Michael, carries on his ministry today. I like reading Michael Boldea's website because he is the one of the few Pastors I can read online and know I can trust these days. This ministry is the real deal.

- Jeremiah

Good information, but it still doesn't shed any light on what God is doing to 'turn up the heat' in the here and now.

I'm one of those stubborn Monkeys who refuses to be influenced by the ancient stories on my decisions about God, and I was hoping for some evidence for the hand of God doing ANYTHING in modern times. 'Turning up the heat' sounded like it may have some potential.....
I'm loving all this mocking of Gawd! Has anyone gone outside, raised both middle fingers to the sky and yelled: "F*ck YOU Gawd".

Feels good man, you should do it, It's so empowering.

[ame=]The Farting Preacher - YouTube[/ame]
In what way is God 'turning up the heat'?

Please be as specific as possible.


Here, Joe. This is a film of the prophecy given to Dumitri Duduman from the Lord concerning the future destruction of the United States of America. He died & went to Heaven many years ago. This film is from the early 1980's I believe. His book about the Future Destruction of America was published in either late 70's or early 1980's. Today it reads like a newspaper that was sent your home yesterday.

His accuracy is 100% I know of no one Pastor alive today who lived so godly a life as Dumitru Duduman. He was the meekest man I've ever heard in my life. I loved him. He has been in heaven for a long time now but his grandson, Michael, carries on his ministry today. I like reading Michael Boldea's website because he is the one of the few Pastors I can read online and know I can trust these days. This ministry is the real deal.

- Jeremiah

Good information, but it still doesn't shed any light on what God is doing to 'turn up the heat' in the here and now.

I'm one of those stubborn Monkeys who refuses to be influenced by the ancient stories on my decisions about God, and I was hoping for some evidence for the hand of God doing ANYTHING in modern times. 'Turning up the heat' sounded like it may have some potential.....

When God speaks about His rod of correction he spoke of the Assyrians. It is quite apparent He has chosen to use that rod again to bring judgment. In the book of Habbakuk you'll find that the people who were to be used as Gods rod of correction to his people were far more evil in their behavior and well known for it. Habbakuk even questioned the Lord wondering why He would use a more disobedient people to punish His own I believe.

But in the end Habbakuk reasoned in his heart this is the Will of God in this matter. I choose to praise him no matter what. Habbakuk means One who clings. It is my belief we are facing a likewise Habbakuk moment here in the USA. Time to cling to God like Habakkuk.

- Jeri
[ame=]Ray Stevens performs "Mississippi Squirrel Revival" on Opry Live - YouTube[/ame]
Your signature line is very interesting statement. I hope the Lord blesses you today, Sunshine. That something good happens to you.


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