Wow, the Left really turning on Obama

Let's not forget the sneaky way the democrats forced us to buy a product from health insurance companies. This has already been in effect in Massachusetts for several years now, and has had terrible effects on jobs! MANY jobs are now only "temporary" jobs and a lot of people have to go through employment services to get a job. Also, a lot of jobs that used to be full time have now been cut back to part-time, and this is all due to the expense of providing mandatory health insurance, unless of course you are a favorite and get an Obama waiver. Good Lord! *rolls eyes*


Are you kidding? Lol. NO. I don't think we need a link to the above. It is common knowledge.

Failure to provide a link when asked is a de facto admission of spewing partisan lies.

Um, no it is not. You are so full of it, I can smell you from here.
anyone who hasn't wised up to Obama and the democrats and the total failures they are is blind as a bat.

But to be fair I have to give credit where it is due. Obama didn't "fail" without a great deal of "help" from the right doing it's utmost to make sure that he did. Their strenuous efforts from the very outset of his presidency to make him a "failure" deserve to be recognized. The right put a lot of hard work into achieving this outcome and they should be given the credit that comes with reaching their stated goal of failure.

Reagan rose above the democrat party politics and was successful. Did you ever think it was the leader of the free worlds fault that people just don't get along?

It takes both parties to reach a compromise. The Dem Speaker was willing to work with Reagan and reach a compromise.

Boehner has not been willing to do anything of the sort which means that the fault is not Obama's in this instance.

Boehner has become the puppet of the TP and as such has proven himself to be a craven coward who is unwilling to do what is best for America. He has allowed the TP to push for a government shutdown and a violation of the Constitution.

So please refrain from blaming Obama for the egregious divisiveness of the extreme right.

More BS whining. If it were not for Boehner I am not sure what excuse the democrats would use for Obama. What didn't Obama get in the way of major legislation? Obamacare? The Stimulus packages? Wall Street reform? An increase in minimum wage? I can't think of one thing he actually wanted he didn't get, except for his bogus immigration reform that the MAJORITY of Americans don't want. Even at that he is by-passing laws and Congress sits on their hands.

No there is one place the failures of this administration end, and that is the Oval office.
From link in post #298.

Get ready to be blindsided by a barrage of new taxes. $1 trillion worth...

They'll be coming courtesy of the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare.

And they won't just be affecting those who make over $250,000. The bulk of these taxes will be passed on directly to the middle class.

That's because while a majority of these "stealth taxes" were designed to be taxes on businesses, they're actually transferred directly to ordinary citizens.

MORE: How much extra will you have to pay? To see how Obamacare taxes will directly affect your paycheck, go here.
They include the investment income surtax, a Medicare payroll tax, even a "tanning tax" on those who utilize indoor tanning services.

"Many of those [hidden] taxes, especially those on hospitals, insurers and medical device manufacturers, will ultimately be passed on through higher health costs," said Michael Tanner an expert on the healthcare law.

In fact, analysts estimate Obamacare will cost the average taxpayer nearly $6,000 in extra taxes as early as next year.
Where did I deflect? What is a hoot is look at the democrat party, look at their leaders. Reid, he is older then dirty. Pelosi, rich arrogant grandmother Hillary, crooked as they come and again, old and white. And all of them sound angry, as do you.

You just deflected again!

But I am not surprised that a partisan sycophant such as yourself cannot comprehend your own myopic partisanship.

You have effectively conceded that my point is valid about the TP and that you have no substantive rebuttal. Have a nice day.

I never made the statement that the TP isn't composed of mostly whites, never said it. But you and your ilk are inferring that because they are mostly white that means they obviously are excluding blacks. THAT is BS. Blacks exclude themselves and I don't blame them. The treatment a black person who leaves the DNC receives is disgraceful and unfortunately the virtual chains placed on them by the DNC are really hard to break.

As a white man can I join the NAACP? I would guess that answer is yes, but could be wrong. But lets say it is yes, my not joining doesn't mean that makes the NAACP racist. And if you want to say my not joining makes me racist then what would you be saying about blacks and the TP? I seriously doubt I could join the black caucus do you think they racist?

Your latest strawman deflection is treated with the contempt it deserves. Have a nice day.

So pointing out that you have absolutely no problem with the NAACP being all black or that the Congressional Black Caucus is all black. Really? I'll also bet you don't have a problem with the Black Entertainment Television or the Black Ms. America contest or a host of other black only organization or events. BUT one groups truthfully started by whites that does NOT exclude anyone and that you find to be troublesome, that you find to be a strawman. Wow the denial runs deep.

Yet another deflection because you cannot refute the facts about the Tea Party being an extremist right wing organization made up virtually exclusively of aging white people who don't even live up to their stated principles when it comes to actions.

But DT, the tea partiers are PATRIOTS...why else would they overwhelmingly support the PATRIOT Act?



And how did the 'Tea-party 'patriots' vote?

122 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted FOR final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

17 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted AGAINST final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform
Let's not forget the sneaky way the democrats forced us to buy a product from health insurance companies. This has already been in effect in Massachusetts for several years now, and has had terrible effects on jobs! MANY jobs are now only "temporary" jobs and a lot of people have to go through employment services to get a job. Also, a lot of jobs that used to be full time have now been cut back to part-time, and this is all due to the expense of providing mandatory health insurance, unless of course you are a favorite and get an Obama waiver. Good Lord! *rolls eyes*


Are you kidding? Lol. NO. I don't think we need a link to the above. It is common knowledge.

Failure to provide a link when asked is a de facto admission of spewing partisan lies.

Um, no it is not. You are so full of it, I can smell you from here.

Only you can destroy your own credibility.

Failing to provide a link when requested will ruin your credibility.

Congratulations on trashing your own reputation.
But DT, the tea partiers are PATRIOTS...why else would they overwhelmingly support the PATRIOT Act?



And how did the 'Tea-party 'patriots' vote?

122 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted FOR final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

17 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted AGAINST final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

I'd like to see the wording of the bill to find out exactly which "provisions" are being "extended"....but a vote from 2011 isn't really relevant today, anyway.

Is the patriot act still in effect?
Is obama still the president?
From link in post #298.

Get ready to be blindsided by a barrage of new taxes. $1 trillion worth...

They'll be coming courtesy of the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare.

And they won't just be affecting those who make over $250,000. The bulk of these taxes will be passed on directly to the middle class.

That's because while a majority of these "stealth taxes" were designed to be taxes on businesses, they're actually transferred directly to ordinary citizens.

MORE: How much extra will you have to pay? To see how Obamacare taxes will directly affect your paycheck, go here.
They include the investment income surtax, a Medicare payroll tax, even a "tanning tax" on those who utilize indoor tanning services.

"Many of those [hidden] taxes, especially those on hospitals, insurers and medical device manufacturers, will ultimately be passed on through higher health costs," said Michael Tanner an expert on the healthcare law.

In fact, analysts estimate Obamacare will cost the average taxpayer nearly $6,000 in extra taxes as early as next year.

Hey Chris...WHO is the Money Morning 'staff'? and where do they get their 'information'?
But DT, the tea partiers are PATRIOTS...why else would they overwhelmingly support the PATRIOT Act?



And how did the 'Tea-party 'patriots' vote?

122 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted FOR final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

17 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted AGAINST final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

I'd like to see the wording of the bill to find out exactly which "provisions" are being "extended"....but a vote from 2011 isn't really relevant today, anyway.

Is the patriot act still in effect?
Is obama still the president?

The patriot act is still in effect ONLY because of Republicans and teabaggers.

Democrats voted 122-54 AGAINST renewal.

It'll be interesting to see the post-mortems on this presidency once the dust has settled. I have no doubt that Obama knew that hopes and dreams and expectations could not be met fully. Or, who knows, maybe he thought it was possible that Democrats could take over Congress, too, and that would have made a big difference. It'll be a fascinating story one day, the first true Cult of Personality presidency.


the first true Cult of Personality presidency



If anything there is way more of a cult like following for Reagan than there is for Obama.

Granted it will take until the "dust settles" to see if a similar "Reagan reverence" develops on the left for Obama in the coming decades but I don't see the signs of that anywhere.

Yeah, I thought about Kennedy and Reagan. Well, more Reagan. But this was more than about a man and his policies, this was taken to a whole new level. Even a member of the media (I forget his name) calling Obama "god-like". The list goes on and on.

Put another way, Reagan inspired an increased love of America, Obama inspired an intense love of Obama.

Reagan's flaws became more clear with time. I'm less interested in Obama's flaws than I am about the atmosphere around him during those first couple of years, what he and his people thought of the intense global adulation, and how it affected his decision-making.


Obama had the potential for becoming a great leader. The reality turned out to be different. Partly it was the obstruction on the right and partly it was Obama's failure to rise to meet that challenge. He never used his office to inspire the people to push for his agenda. Had he done so I am reasonably certain he could have got a whole more accomplished than he did.

Either way he just doesn't have the same "cult" following as Reagan does in my opinion.

PS there have been any number of attempts on the right to place Obama on a pedestal just so that they can subsequently tear him down. I have never seen anyone on the left call Obama "the Messiah" or "god-like" so I dismiss that as just partisan rabble rousing.

It was Evan Thomas, Editor of Newsweek, who said "in a way, Obama is standing above the country, above the world, he's sort of God".

Editor of Newsweek.

Reagan's contemporary following is very intense, indeed. But from an independent perspective, it's apples and oranges, and the love Obama had from his followers was more profound, and remains so to this day. And in the clip, Thomas says pretty much what I said above, that Reagan was about America, Obama is above that.



So, you are saying that the words of one man are suddenly supposed to apply ot the feelings of all Liberals and/or Obama supporters?

Strange. I have never said that about our President nor have I ever felt it.

Hmmmmm.... guess I'm not an Obama supporter, after all.

No, I wouldn't make such a simplistic, absolutist, intellectually dishonest statement.

What I am saying is that it was my observation that the national and international adoration for Obama was something I had never seen before, at least for a politician. Even more than for Reagan, whose message was all about and specific to America. Obama's message was more than that, as was the outpouring of emotion for him. Not just his ideas. Him.

So yes, I'm very comfortable calling his the first Cult of Personality presidency.

But DT, the tea partiers are PATRIOTS...why else would they overwhelmingly support the PATRIOT Act?



And how did the 'Tea-party 'patriots' vote?

122 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted FOR final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

17 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted AGAINST final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

I'd like to see the wording of the bill to find out exactly which "provisions" are being "extended"....but a vote from 2011 isn't really relevant today, anyway.

Is the patriot act still in effect?
Is obama still the president?

The patriot act is still in effect ONLY because of Republicans and teabaggers.

Democrats voted 122-54 AGAINST renewal.
They voted not to extend certain provisions. Which provisions specifically?..You don't know.

One graphic taken out of context with nothing to support it doesn't prove anything.

Is the patriot act still in effect?
Is obama still the president?

What about his pen and his phone?
Silly partisan...:laugh2:
WTH do you liberals THINK about post #303? Do you think about unintended consequences EVER?

Of course not. Liberals only care about intentions, not results. Results are for the unsophisticated, the unwashed masses.
But DT, the tea partiers are PATRIOTS...why else would they overwhelmingly support the PATRIOT Act?



And how did the 'Tea-party 'patriots' vote?

122 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted FOR final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

17 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted AGAINST final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

I'd like to see the wording of the bill to find out exactly which "provisions" are being "extended"....but a vote from 2011 isn't really relevant today, anyway.

Is the patriot act still in effect?
Is obama still the president?

The patriot act is still in effect ONLY because of Republicans and teabaggers.

Democrats voted 122-54 AGAINST renewal.
They voted not to extend certain provisions. Which provisions specifically?..You don't know.

One graphic taken out of context with nothing to support it doesn't prove anything.

Is the patriot act still in effect?
Is obama still the president?

What about his pen and his phone?
Silly partisan...:laugh2:

Hey PEA brain...what EVER the provisions were, it ONLY passed because of Republicans and teabaggers.

Try to absorb this...there would be NO patriot act today if only Democrats were in charge.
WTH do you liberals THINK about post #303? Do you think about unintended consequences EVER?

Of course not. Liberals only care about intentions, not results. Results are for the unsophisticated, the unwashed masses.

Results? According to WHOM? WHO is the Money Morning 'staff'? and where do they get their 'information'?
Hey PEA brain...what EVER the provisions were, it ONLY passed because of Republicans and teabaggers.

Try to absorb this...there would be NO patriot act today if only Democrats were in charge.

Is the patriot act still in effect?
Is obama still the president?

What about his pen and his phone?
Hey PEA brain...what EVER the provisions were, it ONLY passed because of Republicans and teabaggers.

Try to absorb this...there would be NO patriot act today if only Democrats were in charge.

Is the patriot act still in effect?
Is obama still the president?

What about his pen and his phone?

That's it...when defeated, double down pea brain.

The patriot act is still in effect. NOW, tell me who voted for and who voted against it? Did Democrats vote for or against it? Did Republicans vote for or against it? Did teabaggers vote for or against it?

Maybe you could use 2006's vote when Bush was in office?


That won't work either, now will it pea brain?
That's it...when defeated, double down pea brain.

The patriot act is still in effect. NOW, tell me who voted for and who voted against it? Did Democrats vote for or against it? Did Republicans vote for or against it? Did teabaggers vote for or against it?

Maybe you could use 2006's vote when Bush was in office?


That won't work either, now will it pea brain?

Oh...bush now, huh? :laugh2:

Once again;

Is the patriot act still in effect?
Is obama still the president?

What about his pen and his phone?
Hey PEA brain...what EVER the provisions were, it ONLY passed because of Republicans and teabaggers.

Try to absorb this...there would be NO patriot act today if only Democrats were in charge.

Is the patriot act still in effect?
Is obama still the president?

What about his pen and his phone?

That's it...when defeated, double down pea brain.

The patriot act is still in effect. NOW, tell me who voted for and who voted against it? Did Democrats vote for or against it? Did Republicans vote for or against it? Did teabaggers vote for or against it?

Maybe you could use 2006's vote when Bush was in office?


That won't work either, now will it pea brain?

Only one way to deal with a fucking, incompetent him the TRUTH...

Obama signs Patriot Act extension into law TheHill
Hey PEA brain...what EVER the provisions were, it ONLY passed because of Republicans and teabaggers.

Try to absorb this...there would be NO patriot act today if only Democrats were in charge.

Is the patriot act still in effect?
Is obama still the president?

What about his pen and his phone?

That's it...when defeated, double down pea brain.

The patriot act is still in effect. NOW, tell me who voted for and who voted against it? Did Democrats vote for or against it? Did Republicans vote for or against it? Did teabaggers vote for or against it?

Maybe you could use 2006's vote when Bush was in office?


That won't work either, now will it pea brain?

Only one way to deal with a fucking, incompetent him the TRUTH...

Obama signs Patriot Act extension into law TheHill

Pea brain #2...would it have gotten to his desk if only Democrat votes were counted?

1) yes

2) no

take your time...

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