Wow, the Left really turning on Obama

Unless Luddly can show me how I'm stupid, he'd better get his 'get a job' lines out of the way before I humiliate you both in a debate. I've been waiting to take some clueless far leftists on for a while. Come on, then!

Templar, i don't think you are stupid. I think you are a bright guy with some fucked up values and ideas who takes no responsibility for his own life.

You preach a gospel of self-reliance and live off of the kindness of others.

The u.s. has 6 times the population of the u.k.
The u.s. has almost as many ILLEGAL ALIENS as the ENTIRE population of England!

Apples and oranges.

The population of the United Kingdom is 64 million. The population of the US is 318 million. So we have 4.9X the number of people the UK has.

The undocumented worker population of the US is estimated to be anywhere from 7 to 30 million, but according to the US Census Bureau and the GAO, it's probably about 11 million.

Not so good at the math, are you?

Actually, Joe...those wealthy people probably paid out wages to many other people for their labor in order to create the profits they were looking for. That's not stealing money from the people that did the work...that's REWARDING the people who did the work!

Once again your rabid hatred of anyone who owns a company because they're successful and you're not...clouds your vision!

when the poor steal it's called "Crime", when the rich steal, it's called "Capitalism".
Oh look.. cliched, bumpersticker sloganeering

......But as a wise man once observed, the problem with Capitalism is Capitalists. They're too fucking greedy.
More cliched, bumpersticker slogans

And I deal with "companies" all day that kiss my ass trying to get me to toss a few purchase orders their way.
Since capitalism is so bad, you should try unemployment...Maybe you'd be happier living like the rest of the drones.

The u.s. has 6 times the population of the u.k.
The u.s. has almost as many ILLEGAL ALIENS as the ENTIRE population of England!

Apples and oranges.

The population of the United Kingdom is 64 million. The population of the US is 318 million. So we have 4.9X the number of people the UK has.

The undocumented worker population of the US is estimated to be anywhere from 7 to 30 million, but according to the US Census Bureau and the GAO, it's probably about 11 million.

Not so good at the math, are you?
I disregard most revisionist "gvmt math"..anyone who seriously believes what they're told by the gvmt has been thoroughly in point.

LMAO.."undocumented worker"....That means illegal aliens, right?
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Since capitalism is so bad, you should try unemployment...Maybe you'd be happier living like the rest of the drones.

I think you miss the point, sluggo. We don't need capitalists to have jobs. If everything were run by government agency to provide goods and services, you'd still need someone like me who understood pricing and inventory planning and material requirement plans.

And currently I work for a non-American company. Our CEO only makes six figures for running a multi-billion dollar company. Only in the US do you have the insanity that CEO's need 8 figure salaries even if they fail.
I disregard most revisionist "gvmt math"..anyone who seriously believes what they're told by the gvmt has been thoroughly in point.

LMAO.."undocumented worker"....That means illegal aliens, right?

Well, if you are going to make up your own facts, you can believe whatever you want.

I'm not sure you'll get very far in life, though.
Since capitalism is so bad, you should try unemployment...Maybe you'd be happier living like the rest of the drones.

I think you miss the point, sluggo. We don't need capitalists to have jobs. If everything were run by government agency to provide goods and services, you'd still need someone like me who understood pricing and inventory planning and material requirement plans. are a crucial and unique little snowflake and all business would collapse without your specialized knowledge... :rolleyes:

And currently I work for a non-American company. Our CEO only makes six figures for running a multi-billion dollar company. Only in the US do you have the insanity that CEO's need 8 figure salaries even if they fail.

Well, good for you. Good for your ceo and good for non american offshore company?..You work for a company that took jobs away from america so they could make more in profits?
You're part of the problem, then, aren't you?
I disregard most revisionist "gvmt math"..anyone who seriously believes what they're told by the gvmt has been thoroughly in point.

LMAO.."undocumented worker"....That means illegal aliens, right?

Well, if you are going to make up your own facts, you can believe whatever you want.

I'm not sure you'll get very far in life, though.

The gvmt case you hadn't heard...yes...even dear leader and his administration are liars...shocking, isn't it? are a crucial and unique little snowflake and all business would collapse without your specialized knowledge... :rolleyes:

They WILL be in a lot of trouble when I quit. But that wasn't my point. My point was, the economy doesn't need a few rich assholes at the top making a shitload of money. Most of the world, in fact, doesn't work this way. British, German, Japanese companies have line workers that make more and CEO's that make less, and guess what, those companies are more productive. Imagine that, those bunch of fucking socialists.

Well, good for you. Good for your ceo and good for non american offshore company?..You work for a company that took jobs away from america so they could make more in profits?
You're part of the problem, then, aren't you?

No, i work for a company that is based outside the US and has factories here. Factories that they acquired because the Greedy American Capitalists ran them badly and they got bought out.
I disregard most revisionist "gvmt math"..anyone who seriously believes what they're told by the gvmt has been thoroughly in point.

LMAO.."undocumented worker"....That means illegal aliens, right?

Well, if you are going to make up your own facts, you can believe whatever you want.

I'm not sure you'll get very far in life, though.

The gvmt case you hadn't heard...yes...even dear leader and his administration are liars...shocking, isn't it?

So you get to make up your own facts. Why ,we have 70 million Illegals, right now. There's probably one hiding under your bed, waiting to spring out and get you when you go to sleep tonight. are a crucial and unique little snowflake and all business would collapse without your specialized knowledge... :rolleyes:

They WILL be in a lot of trouble when I quit. But that wasn't my point. My point was, the economy doesn't need a few rich assholes at the top making a shitload of money. Most of the world, in fact, doesn't work this way. British, German, Japanese companies have line workers that make more and CEO's that make less, and guess what, those companies are more productive. Imagine that, those bunch of fucking socialists.

Perhaps you'd be happier in one of those countries, then. All your prayers would be would be a workers paradise, comrade.

Well, good for you. Good for your ceo and good for non american offshore company?..You work for a company that took jobs away from america so they could make more in profits?
You're part of the problem, then, aren't you?

No, i work for a company that is based outside the US and has factories here. Factories that they acquired because the Greedy American Capitalists ran them badly and they got bought out.
Why is the company based outside the u.s.?
Tax avoidance reasons?
I disregard most revisionist "gvmt math"..anyone who seriously believes what they're told by the gvmt has been thoroughly in point.

LMAO.."undocumented worker"....That means illegal aliens, right?

Well, if you are going to make up your own facts, you can believe whatever you want.

I'm not sure you'll get very far in life, though.

The gvmt case you hadn't heard...yes...even dear leader and his administration are liars...shocking, isn't it?

So you get to make up your own facts. Why ,we have 70 million Illegals, right now. There's probably one hiding under your bed, waiting to spring out and get you when you go to sleep tonight.
Sure, comrade..whatever you say.

Close the border.
Deport illegals.
Problem solved.
So you get to make up your own facts. Why ,we have 70 million Illegals, right now. There's probably one hiding under your bed, waiting to spring out and get you when you go to sleep tonight.
Sure, comrade..whatever you say.

Close the border.
Deport illegals.
Problem solved.

And this is a great demonstration of why Republicans are, well, kind of fucking stupid.

Okay, gonna try to make this easy for you, Cleetus. Why do you think there are illegals here?

There are illegals here because there are some jobs Americans won't do for the wages rich people you spend all your time worshiping are willing to pay.

Which is why you can't close a 3000 mile imaginary line and solve the problem.
Maybe if the political system wasn't sold to the highest bidder, you might actually get a say.

LOL, what a liar. So you believe this, yet you're a big government liberal. You believe government works for the wealthy, and you want to make it bigger and more powerful. This is the shallowest of liberal lies.

Oh, I'm a big govt liberal now. How's that?

Or maybe you're putting up a generic answers that you feel matches all those on the left, without a clue about what I think about.

So, come on, tell me what I think.
I suppose Bush is responsible for Barry's inept leadership when it comes to fighting ISIS? The "reset" with Russia?

I suppose Bush is responsible for the Fast & Furious scandal? The Benghazi debacle? The IRS abuses? The wiretaps on American journalists? The total lack of transparency of the Obama White House?

Who KNEW that the man you liberals derided for all those years as the "village idiot" was actually a political MASTERMIND who somehow manages to control the US government from his ranch in Crawford, Texas!

Who is 'Barry"? Do you mean the President of the United States?

Did Obama remove the government in Iraq that kept terrorists OUT of that country? Saddam was no angel, but he had no use for al Qaeda or terrorist cells in his country.

So what should Obama have done? If he had armed the Syrian rebels, and those weapon ended up in the hands of ISIS, WHAT would you be whining about today old man?

Is Obama responsible for a bunch of phony scandals, debacles and abuses trumped up by 24/7 faux news propaganda?

Phony scandals? :eusa_liar::eusa_shifty::eusa_liar::eusa_shifty: Don't embarrass yourself...

What he should have done...what he was advised to do by his military leaders, Bob Gates, Leon Panetta and Hillary Clinton...was to leave a force in Iraq to stabilize the country! Barry didn't do that though...because Barry is more concerned with politics than he is with reality.

Yes phony scandals...Benghazi...IRS...NOTHING but political bullshit. A total waste of taxpayer money. Typical of Republican witch hunts instead of governing. If ANY government activity should have been investigated, it was Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, the lies that led to the invasion in Iraq, and war crimes.

BRAVO to President Obama for NOT putting our troops in harms way. Would YOU want your son or daughter serving in Iraq without immunity from being subject to the Iraqi criminal justice system?

Be HONEST for once in your life...

One of the articles of impeachment drawn up against Nixon related to his POTENTIAL use of the IRS as a weapon against his enemies. It is illustrative that TFO's sycophants pretend his ACTUAL use of the IRS as a weapon is somehow "phony".

Wrong. It was his DIRECT use of the IRS to damage people, per direct order, on tape,thanks to Nixon's desire to tape everything.. Learn your history.

Obama never gave a direct order to the IRS for anything.
And this is a great demonstration of why Republicans are, well, kind of fucking stupid.

Okay, gonna try to make this easy for you, Cleetus. Why do you think there are illegals here?

There are illegals here because there are some jobs Americans won't do for the wages rich people you spend all your time worshiping are willing to pay.
americans will perform any job if they get hungry enough. Allowing illegals to wander back and forth across our border at will has nothing to do with working.
the left needs illegals in order to skew the voting (once they get amnesty) and to exploit for cheap labor and political points.
If they work cheaper and displace americans, it reinforces the progressive agenda of having more people dependent on gvmt.

Which is why you can't close a 3000 mile imaginary line and solve the problem.

If it WERE up to me the border would have been closed years leave me out of it.

obama is the president..Why does he want the border to remain open?
Why does he want to allow people to break the law and enter illegally while evading medical, sanity and background screenings?
Why do YOU want the border to remain open?
Let's also not forget how Obamacare was forced upon us. IMO, that is a violation of the Constitution. It is forcing the people to buy a product, just to live, but they were snakes about it and passed it through as a "tax." That is so shady. Everything they do is so shady. How can anybody trust them?

This is, of course a lie.

The ACA passed both houses of Congress with a majority after it already passed a cloture vote in the US Senate.

We elect our representatives (Reps and Senators) to do exactly this.

Did you flunk civics 101, or what?

You may not like the ACA, for whatever illogical reason, but it was neither "forced" upon the American people nor is is unconstitutional.

You will learn that in USMB, your kind of bullshit will be combatted with actual facts.
From link in post #298.

Get ready to be blindsided by a barrage of new taxes. $1 trillion worth...

They'll be coming courtesy of the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare.

And they won't just be affecting those who make over $250,000. The bulk of these taxes will be passed on directly to the middle class.

That's because while a majority of these "stealth taxes" were designed to be taxes on businesses, they're actually transferred directly to ordinary citizens.

MORE: How much extra will you have to pay? To see how Obamacare taxes will directly affect your paycheck, go here.
They include the investment income surtax, a Medicare payroll tax, even a "tanning tax" on those who utilize indoor tanning services.

"Many of those [hidden] taxes, especially those on hospitals, insurers and medical device manufacturers, will ultimately be passed on through higher health costs," said Michael Tanner an expert on the healthcare law.

In fact, analysts estimate Obamacare will cost the average taxpayer nearly $6,000 in extra taxes as early as next year.

Hey Chris...WHO is the Money Morning 'staff'? and where do they get their 'information'?

It's a money investment advice site.

About Us

From your article:

Editor's Note: Real facts and figures about the hidden Obamacare taxes and fees and how they will affect everyday Americans and seniors are hard to find. As a courtesy, Money Morning is offering readers a free copy of Betsy McCaughey's new book Beating Obamacare: Your Handbook for Surviving The New Health Care Law. But only a limited number of copies are available.

Do you know who Betsy "death panel" McCaughey is Chris?? She is the woman who was paid by big tobacco to use false information and fear mongering to destroy health care reform in 1993.

She is the woman who turned 'advanced directives', where people voluntarily meet with their doctor to decide what THEY want done and NOT done on THEIR behalf at the end of their life, into DEATH panels.

Congratulations Chris...

I don't care about that. The site I supplied is not written by her. It is a valid website about how to best invest your money. Therefore, they certainly KNOW about taxes and how to find them.

What makes it valid? What actual and REAL figures does it quote? Show us, since you trumpet this link.

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