Wow, the Left really turning on Obama

• Medicine Cabinet Tax
Over the counter medicines no longer qualified as medical expenses for flexible spending accounts (FSAs), health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), health savings accounts (HSAs), and Archer Medical Saving accounts (MSAs).

Okay. I have an HSA, and I couldn't use it for over the counter medicines BEFORE ObamaCare. this was really the best you can come up with?

Sorry, but that article is sourced from here! You can't argue with THIS source, bugger.


Joe will defend Obama no matter what, he will also tell you that no matter HOW much you are paying you are selfish and need to pay more.
• Medicine Cabinet Tax
Over the counter medicines no longer qualified as medical expenses for flexible spending accounts (FSAs), health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), health savings accounts (HSAs), and Archer Medical Saving accounts (MSAs).

Okay. I have an HSA, and I couldn't use it for over the counter medicines BEFORE ObamaCare. this was really the best you can come up with?

Sorry, but that article is sourced from here! You can't argue with THIS source, bugger.


Joe will defend Obama no matter what, he will also tell you that no matter HOW much you are paying you are selfish and need to pay more.

"Capitalism and communism stand at opposite poles. Their essential difference is this: The communist, seeing the rich man and his fine home, says: 'No man should have so much.' The capitalist, seeing the same thing, says: 'All men should have as much.' "
Phelps Adams

If the Capitalist really believed that shit, they wouldn't spend so much time busting unions, off-shoring jobs and yes, even sandbagging their competition.

The Capitalist thinks, "I"ve got mine, Fuck you". And then he's really surprised when everyone else actually does fuck him.
"Capitalism and communism stand at opposite poles. Their essential difference is this: The communist, seeing the rich man and his fine home, says: 'No man should have so much.' The capitalist, seeing the same thing, says: 'All men should have as much.' "
Phelps Adams

If the Capitalist really believed that shit, they wouldn't spend so much time busting unions, off-shoring jobs and yes, even sandbagging their competition.

The Capitalist thinks, "I"ve got mine, Fuck you". And then he's really surprised when everyone else actually does fuck him.


The problem that VERY few will make the sacrifices it takes to generate real wealth, including you.

Yo don't get 15 bucks an hour to make my cheeseburger Joe, that's stupid.


The problem that VERY few will make the sacrifices it takes to generate real wealth, including you.

Yo don't get 15 bucks an hour to make my cheeseburger Joe, that's stupid.

Why not?

Frankly, I could make a better case for $15.00 for flipping burgers than Eight figures for running your company so badly that the Government had to come in and bail it out.

You know, GM, Chrysler, AIG, etc.

It's not whose baking the pie, it's who gets to slice it up.
As for the whole "phony scandal" narrative? Nobody is buying that nonsense, Bfgrn and they haven't been for quite some time. It's obvious that not only are the Fast & Furious, Benghazi and the IRS scandals real...but that the Obama White House stonewalled investigations by Congress into ALL of them!

Uh-huh. Hey, why don't you add the Colombian Hooker scandal!

Hey, it's hard to keep track of them all, Joe! I overlooked the VA scandal and the illegal Beau Bergdahl prisoner exchange as well! It's TOUGH to keep track of the fuck ups when they come as fast as they do with this administration!

It's not a matter of running out of other people's money. It's a matter of allocating it fairly.

The delusion you guys have is the rich "Deserve" their money because they "Created" wealth. This is utter horseshit. They just took a really large slice of pie when the pie was baked.

marxist doubletalk and class envy...

NO, guy, just a matter of common sense.

the 1% has 43% of the weatlh. Did they do 43% of the physical labor?

You may not have figured this out yet, Joe (eye-roll) but wealthy people generally became wealthy by using their brains and not breaking their backs. You don't get paid the big bucks because of how much physical labor you make the big money for your ideas.

Hey, it's hard to keep track of them all, Joe! I overlooked the VA scandal and the illegal Beau Bergdahl prisoner exchange as well! It's TOUGH to keep track of the fuck ups when they come as fast as they do with this administration!

Well, yeah, when you are manufacturing outrage, it is hard to keep track.

So how have any of those things made your life worse?

You may not have figured this out yet, Joe (eye-roll) but wealthy people generally became wealthy by using their brains and not breaking their backs. You don't get paid the big bucks because of how much physical labor you make the big money for your ideas.

No, most wealthy people STOLE it from the folks who did the actual work.

So you really think the CEO of GM deserved 12 million after he crashed the company? Really?
So . . . I guess basically what all of you liberals are claiming is that nothing is going to change, no new taxes, no hikes in taxes, no hikes in premiums and no effects on the job market due to Obamacare. Everything is going to remain EXACTLY the same and everyone is going to have health insurance cheap!!! YAY!!! Lol. :lol:

I'm saying that you guys have been telling these ghost stories for five years now, and frankly, if anything, for most folks, nothing has changed or things have gotten better.

Oh, but Joe...

Didn't you see all of those great ads that they ran with people who got totally devastated by big, bad Obamacare? Y'know, the ones that totally held up under scrutiny?



Perhaps they are dealing with the effects rather than making a spectacle of themselves. They leave that to you.
Hey Chris...WHO is the Money Morning 'staff'? and where do they get their 'information'?

It's a money investment advice site.

About Us

From your article:

Editor's Note: Real facts and figures about the hidden Obamacare taxes and fees and how they will affect everyday Americans and seniors are hard to find. As a courtesy, Money Morning is offering readers a free copy of Betsy McCaughey's new book Beating Obamacare: Your Handbook for Surviving The New Health Care Law. But only a limited number of copies are available.

Do you know who Betsy "death panel" McCaughey is Chris?? She is the woman who was paid by big tobacco to use false information and fear mongering to destroy health care reform in 1993.

She is the woman who turned 'advanced directives', where people voluntarily meet with their doctor to decide what THEY want done and NOT done on THEIR behalf at the end of their life, into DEATH panels.

Congratulations Chris...

I don't care about that. The site I supplied is not written by her. It is a valid website about how to best invest your money. Therefore, they certainly KNOW about taxes and how to find them.

So, you don't care if you are reading propaganda or wonder you are unable to discern helping people from throwing them in the river to sink or swim.

What is propaganda in the link I provided? Please post the propaganda.

It's only propaganda if he doesn't agree with it. (See our conversation about the SOFA)
As long as the gvmt stayed out of it no one cared except stockholders.
Poor business practices tend to be self long as the gvmt doesn't get involved....

joeb131 said:
So how have any of those things made your life worse?

You may not have figured this out yet, Joe (eye-roll) but wealthy people generally became wealthy by using their brains and not breaking their backs. You don't get paid the big bucks because of how much physical labor you make the big money for your ideas.

No, most wealthy people STOLE it from the folks who did the actual work.

So you really think the CEO of GM deserved 12 million after he crashed the company? Really?

MOST wealthy people stole their money? Links please. :D

You may not have figured this out yet, Joe (eye-roll) but wealthy people generally became wealthy by using their brains and not breaking their backs. You don't get paid the big bucks because of how much physical labor you make the big money for your ideas.

No, most wealthy people STOLE it from the folks who did the actual work.

So you really think the CEO of GM deserved 12 million after he crashed the company? Really?

Actually, Joe...those wealthy people probably paid out wages to many other people for their labor in order to create the profits they were looking for. That's not stealing money from the people that did the work...that's REWARDING the people who did the work!

Once again your rabid hatred of anyone who owns a company because they're successful and you're not...clouds your vision!
So . . . I guess basically what all of you liberals are claiming is that nothing is going to change, no new taxes, no hikes in taxes, no hikes in premiums and no effects on the job market due to Obamacare. Everything is going to remain EXACTLY the same and everyone is going to have health insurance cheap!!! YAY!!! Lol. :lol:

I'm saying that you guys have been telling these ghost stories for five years now, and frankly, if anything, for most folks, nothing has changed or things have gotten better.

Oh, but Joe...

Didn't you see all of those great ads that they ran with people who got totally devastated by big, bad Obamacare? Y'know, the ones that totally held up under scrutiny?



Perhaps they are dealing with the effects rather than making a spectacle of themselves. They leave that to you.

You're kinda stupid, y'know. :)

You may not have figured this out yet, Joe (eye-roll) but wealthy people generally became wealthy by using their brains and not breaking their backs. You don't get paid the big bucks because of how much physical labor you make the big money for your ideas.

No, most wealthy people STOLE it from the folks who did the actual work.

So you really think the CEO of GM deserved 12 million after he crashed the company? Really?

Actually, Joe...those wealthy people probably paid out wages to many other people for their labor in order to create the profits they were looking for. That's not stealing money from the people that did the work...that's REWARDING the people who did the work!

Once again your rabid hatred of anyone who owns a company because they're successful and you're not...clouds your vision!

Obviously Joe is a socialist.
Rate Shock Massachusetts Edition 60 Of Small Biz To See Premiums Rise Up To 97 - Forbes

This is a very good and comprehensive article. I'm sure some people are going to complain about it though, without even reading the relevant data.

Rate Shock Massachusetts Edition: 60% Of Small Biz To See Premiums Rise, Up To 97%
Josh Archambault , Contributor

More right wing industry funded propaganda... Pioneer Institute

  • Joshua Archambault, Director of Health Care Policy and Program Manager, Middle Cities Initiative

The Pioneer Institute (PI) is a right-wing pressure group that describes itself as a "think tank" that is "committed to individual freedom and responsibility, limited and accountable government, and the application of free market principles to state and local policy".[1] It houses and runs the Center for School Reform,[2] the Shamie Center for Better Government,[3] and the Center for Economic Opportunity.[4] It is known for having a staff that has served in various positions in the recent Republican Massachusetts governors' administrations (Weld, Cellucci, Swift,[5] and Romney).[6]

The Pioneer Institute is a member of the State Policy Network (SPN).

SPN is a web of right-wing “think tanks” in every state across the country. It is an $83 million right-wing empire as of the 2011 funding documents from SPN itself and each of its state "think tank" members. Although SPN's member organizations claim to be nonpartisan and independent, the Center for Media and Democracy's in-depth investigation, "EXPOSED: The State Policy Network -- The Powerful Right-Wing Network Helping to Hijack State Politics and Government," reveals that SPN and its member think tanks are major drivers of the right-wing, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)-backed corporate agenda in state houses nationwide, with deep ties to the Koch brothers and the national right-wing network of funders.[7]

Other known funders of the Pioneer Institute include:

Seeing as how Forbes is a reputable news source, you need to stop quoting Wikipedia and actually do some research.

More than half of the counties in 34 states using the federal health insurance exchange lack even a bronze plan that's affordable — by the government's own definition — for 40-year-old couples who make just a little too much for financial assistance, a USA TODAY analysis shows.

Many of these counties are in rural, less populous areas that already had limited choice and pricey plans, but many others are heavily populated, such as Bergen County, N.J., and Philadelphia and Milwaukee counties.


The USA TODAY analysis looked at whether premiums for the least expensive plan in any of the metal levels was more than 8% of household income. That's similar to the affordability test used by the federal government to determine whether premiums are so expensive consumers aren't required to buy plans under the Affordable Care Act.


The number of people who earn close to the subsidy cutoff and are priced out of affordable coverage may be a small slice of the estimated 4.4 million people buying their own insurance and ineligible for subsidies. But the analysis clearly shows how the sticker shock hitting many in the middle class, including the self-employed and early retirees, isn't just a perception problem. The lack of counties with affordable plans means many middle-class people will either opt out of insurance or pay too much to buy it.

  • In the vast majority of states, the number of insurers competing in the state’s exchange is actually less than the number of carriers that previously sold individual market policies in the state.
  • At the local level, in over half of the 3,135 counties in the U.S., consumers will face an exchange market that is either a duopoly or monopoly. In 78 percent of U.S. counties, exchange enrollees will have a choice of coverage from three or fewer carriers.
  • The exchange market in over 94 percent of U.S. counties will feature competition among five or fewer companies. In Alabama, about 96 percent of that state’s counties will have only one insurer offering coverage in the exchange.

A recent Heritage study found that 42 of the 47 states for which comparable premium data is available will see significant average premium increases—in many cases, over 100 percent—for individuals purchasing from the exchanges.Competition has the ability to lower costs and improve quality, but Obamacare exchanges do not achieve this goal.

USA Today
So . . . I guess basically what all of you liberals are claiming is that nothing is going to change, no new taxes, no hikes in taxes, no hikes in premiums and no effects on the job market due to Obamacare. Everything is going to remain EXACTLY the same and everyone is going to have health insurance cheap!!! YAY!!! Lol. :lol:

I'm saying that you guys have been telling these ghost stories for five years now, and frankly, if anything, for most folks, nothing has changed or things have gotten better.

Oh, but Joe...

Didn't you see all of those great ads that they ran with people who got totally devastated by big, bad Obamacare? Y'know, the ones that totally held up under scrutiny?



Perhaps they are dealing with the effects rather than making a spectacle of themselves. They leave that to you.

You're kinda stupid, y'know. :)

You're kinda out of an argument y'know. Go play in the sandbox, child.

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