Wow, the Left really turning on Obama



The problem that VERY few will make the sacrifices it takes to generate real wealth, including you.

Yo don't get 15 bucks an hour to make my cheeseburger Joe, that's stupid.

Why not?

Frankly, I could make a better case for $15.00 for flipping burgers than Eight figures for running your company so badly that the Government had to come in and bail it out.

You know, GM, Chrysler, AIG, etc.

It's not whose baking the pie, it's who gets to slice it up.

And RWs insist on voting so they never get a slice.
Unless Luddly can show me how I'm stupid, he'd better get his 'get a job' lines out of the way before I humiliate you both in a debate. I've been waiting to take some clueless far leftists on for a while. Come on, then!


The problem that VERY few will make the sacrifices it takes to generate real wealth, including you.

Yo don't get 15 bucks an hour to make my cheeseburger Joe, that's stupid.

Why not?

Frankly, I could make a better case for $15.00 for flipping burgers than Eight figures for running your company so badly that the Government had to come in and bail it out.

You know, GM, Chrysler, AIG, etc.

It's not whose baking the pie, it's who gets to slice it up.

And RWs insist on voting so they never get a slice.

They don't get a slice but they get the "trickled down" effect, like Reagan promised them.
So . . . I guess basically what all of you liberals are claiming is that nothing is going to change, no new taxes, no hikes in taxes, no hikes in premiums and no effects on the job market due to Obamacare. Everything is going to remain EXACTLY the same and everyone is going to have health insurance cheap!!! YAY!!! Lol. :lol:

I'm saying that you guys have been telling these ghost stories for five years now, and frankly, if anything, for most folks, nothing has changed or things have gotten better.

Oh, but Joe...

Didn't you see all of those great ads that they ran with people who got totally devastated by big, bad Obamacare? Y'know, the ones that totally held up under scrutiny?



Perhaps they are dealing with the effects rather than making a spectacle of themselves. They leave that to you.

You're kinda stupid, y'know. :)

You're kinda out of an argument y'know. Go play in the sandbox, child.

Sorry, all I'm gonna do this time is tell you that I'm not recounting the history of political ads this past year to you. If you once again don't understand what I'm talking about, then maybe someone else can explain it you if they feel it's worth their time.
Unless Luddly can show me how I'm stupid, he'd better get his 'get a job' lines out of the way before I humiliate you both in a debate. I've been waiting to take some clueless far leftists on for a while. Come on, then!

Practice what you preach.

Until you do, you humiliate yourself with your constant whining and silly cardboard sword threats.

I'm saying that you guys have been telling these ghost stories for five years now, and frankly, if anything, for most folks, nothing has changed or things have gotten better.

Oh, but Joe...

Didn't you see all of those great ads that they ran with people who got totally devastated by big, bad Obamacare? Y'know, the ones that totally held up under scrutiny?



Perhaps they are dealing with the effects rather than making a spectacle of themselves. They leave that to you.

You're kinda stupid, y'know. :)

You're kinda out of an argument y'know. Go play in the sandbox, child.

Sorry, all I'm gonna do this time is tell you that I'm not recounting the history of political ads this past year to you. If you once again don't understand what I'm talking about, then maybe someone else can explain it you if they feel it's worth their time.

I'm sorry, I don't understand stupid. So forgive me if I don't sympathize with your plight. Political ads are rarely statements of fact, it's too bad you don't know that.

There are certainly other ways to get the insurance companies under control without the monstrosity that is Obamacare. Lol.

Okay. But here's the thing. They've been trying to do that for 30 years, and frankly, the behavior has gotten worse.

Example- redaction- Calling someone's acne a pre-existing condition for cancer.

The easiest way would be to abolish private insurance and put everyone on medicare. The people making money off it won't like it, but everyone else would.

you do realize that the vast majority on medicare also have private insurance?
How about this one? The Left believes that the State should be able to confiscate through estate taxes the accumulated assets of Americans who have worked hard, saved their earnings and paid taxes on those earnings. The Left feels those assets belong to everyone to be distributed accordingly when those that have those assets simply wish to pass those assets along to their children. I find that to be an "extreme" position.

Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society.
Oliver Wendell Holmes.

Feel free to live elsewhere if you aren't prepared to pay the price of admission to live in America.

That person has PAID taxes their entire working life, Derideo! What we're talking about is the State seizing a large part of their accumulated savings to distribute to someone else rather than having that go to their children or family.

America became great because we had a rule of law that protected the rights of individuals against seizures of property by a "King" or by the State. Now you talk about a "price of admission to live in America"? Seriously? That the State should be able to take what they like and if you don't like that you should move to another country? Who runs things in the United States of America...the citizens...or the State?

Living in America means that you were provided with the opportunity to accumulate excessive wealth. Note that what is being taxed is excess wealth. Only wealth over the limit is subject to Estate taxes.

Furthermore there are a great number of ways in which to legally avoid paying estate taxes. If you have accumulated excessive wealth you are probably going to take full advantage of all of them. That will significantly reduce the taxes that are due.

Lastly there is the concept of taxing transactions. If you win the lottery you have to pay taxes since it is income, albeit unearned. Same thing applies to inheriting wealth from someone's estate. You didn't earn that wealth so therefore taxes are paid when it transfers to the heirs.

But it's the left who decides what is excessive and what is allowed. Obama stated that, at some point, people have made enough money. They don't apply that rule to their own, like Soros, just the people they wish to confiscate money from so they can spend it as they see fit.

The left feels justified in telling people how to live, how much money they are allowed and if they could have their way, they would limit the number of children we could have. It's liberals who dream of putting people into communes where everyone would rely on a monorail for transportation. Liberals in Great Britain are constantly bitching about under occupied homes and would love to force older couples from their families homes and put them into a smaller place. Liberals cannot stand it when some people have it better than others (except for themselves) and they deem it unfair for some to have more than others.

They see everyone's income as theirs and expect us to feel lucky that they let us keep any of it.

Estates and accumulated wealth have already been taxed, yet the left wants to take another huge share so they limit the amount a person may have when their loved ones die. You mention ways to avoid paying taxes and recommend it, though what is the point of the law when loopholes are built into it? Most liberal politicians are lawyers, so of course they make laws that they would know how to get around.

People often save money just to leave to their children. It's common for parents to want their children to be better off than they were. Only a slime ball liberal would get in the middle of that and take more money for the state to waste.

People don't earn welfare either, yet we give more and more as if it's owed to people. Has a liberal ever considered billing people for the benefits they received once they are back on their feet or is it just a gift? How about we make people pay a tax on welfare after they get a job? Would libs go for that since people got something they didn't earn? Of course not. So, why shouldn't a parent who built a nest egg for their children, on their own, be considered unfair and something to be taxed?

I laugh when I see the liberals running from Obama. They all share the same views and it's true that while Obama is not on the ballot, his policies are. The Dems are trying to run from that and they can't since most supported those policies.

Some liberals in the media have been dissing Obama. I think they are just stumping for Dems and figure they'll help by criticizing Obama but not the libs who are campaigning. And it will work since too many simple minded people rely on the latest talking point or sound bite for their news.

There are certainly other ways to get the insurance companies under control without the monstrosity that is Obamacare. Lol.

Okay. But here's the thing. They've been trying to do that for 30 years, and frankly, the behavior has gotten worse.

Example- redaction- Calling someone's acne a pre-existing condition for cancer.

The easiest way would be to abolish private insurance and put everyone on medicare. The people making money off it won't like it, but everyone else would.

Good grief! Do you have any idea what you're talking about?

There are certainly other ways to get the insurance companies under control without the monstrosity that is Obamacare. Lol.

Okay. But here's the thing. They've been trying to do that for 30 years, and frankly, the behavior has gotten worse.

Example- redaction- Calling someone's acne a pre-existing condition for cancer.

The easiest way would be to abolish private insurance and put everyone on medicare. The people making money off it won't like it, but everyone else would.

Good grief! Do you have any idea what you're talking about?

Short answer: No.

Irony...Words from the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom...a capitalist nation that has a fully national health insurance system.
It's a money investment advice site.

About Us

From your article:

Editor's Note: Real facts and figures about the hidden Obamacare taxes and fees and how they will affect everyday Americans and seniors are hard to find. As a courtesy, Money Morning is offering readers a free copy of Betsy McCaughey's new book Beating Obamacare: Your Handbook for Surviving The New Health Care Law. But only a limited number of copies are available.

Do you know who Betsy "death panel" McCaughey is Chris?? She is the woman who was paid by big tobacco to use false information and fear mongering to destroy health care reform in 1993.

She is the woman who turned 'advanced directives', where people voluntarily meet with their doctor to decide what THEY want done and NOT done on THEIR behalf at the end of their life, into DEATH panels.

Congratulations Chris...

I don't care about that. The site I supplied is not written by her. It is a valid website about how to best invest your money. Therefore, they certainly KNOW about taxes and how to find them.

So, you don't care if you are reading propaganda or wonder you are unable to discern helping people from throwing them in the river to sink or swim.

What is propaganda in the link I provided? Please post the propaganda.

It's only propaganda if he doesn't agree with it. (See our conversation about the SOFA)

Yes, PLEASE see our conversation about SOFA! PLEASE!!

TemplarKormac and Old Style would have President Obama send 10,000 American sons and daughters into Iraq under the same outrageous SOFA agreement Bush signed. An agreement where Iraqi military tribunals reserve the right to prosecute our service people. Where the Iraqi government can try U.S. civilians and military personnel for crimes committed outside of U.S. bases and while "off duty."

TemplarKormac and Old Style would have America's sons and daughters sent into harms way under an egregious Status of Force agreement that render our troops helpless, subjects them to Iraqi military tribunals, gives the Iraqi government the ability to halt U.S. military operations, and turn vengeful detainees over to the Iraqis. Under a SOFA, where any terrorist American forces apprehends would have to be turned loose to a corrupt Iraqi police force loaded with sleepers within forty eight hours.

TemplarKormac and Old Style approves of a SOFA that confine our troops behind walls while waiting to be assigned approved missions by the Iraqi government. Where every time U.S. troops leave their bases it will have to be cleared by the Iraqis -- even if they want to conduct a convoy to Kuwait for resupply purposes. Not to mention an actual combat mission to quell violence and find bad guys.

So YES, PLEASE read our conversation about SOFA!

There are certainly other ways to get the insurance companies under control without the monstrosity that is Obamacare. Lol.

Okay. But here's the thing. They've been trying to do that for 30 years, and frankly, the behavior has gotten worse.

Example- redaction- Calling someone's acne a pre-existing condition for cancer.

The easiest way would be to abolish private insurance and put everyone on medicare. The people making money off it won't like it, but everyone else would.

Good grief! Do you have any idea what you're talking about?

Yes, Joe knows exactly what he is talking about. I see you refused to invest 30 minutes to educate yourself about why health care reform was paramount. Why is that Chris?

Bill Moyers Journal . Wendell Potter on Profits Before Patients PBS
From your article:

Editor's Note: Real facts and figures about the hidden Obamacare taxes and fees and how they will affect everyday Americans and seniors are hard to find. As a courtesy, Money Morning is offering readers a free copy of Betsy McCaughey's new book Beating Obamacare: Your Handbook for Surviving The New Health Care Law. But only a limited number of copies are available.

Do you know who Betsy "death panel" McCaughey is Chris?? She is the woman who was paid by big tobacco to use false information and fear mongering to destroy health care reform in 1993.

She is the woman who turned 'advanced directives', where people voluntarily meet with their doctor to decide what THEY want done and NOT done on THEIR behalf at the end of their life, into DEATH panels.

Congratulations Chris...

I don't care about that. The site I supplied is not written by her. It is a valid website about how to best invest your money. Therefore, they certainly KNOW about taxes and how to find them.

So, you don't care if you are reading propaganda or wonder you are unable to discern helping people from throwing them in the river to sink or swim.

What is propaganda in the link I provided? Please post the propaganda.

It's only propaganda if he doesn't agree with it. (See our conversation about the SOFA)

Yes, PLEASE see our conversation about SOFA! PLEASE!!

TemplarKormac and Old Style would have President Obama send 10,000 American sons and daughters into Iraq under the same outrageous SOFA agreement Bush signed. An agreement where Iraqi military tribunals reserve the right to prosecute our service people. Where the Iraqi government can try U.S. civilians and military personnel for crimes committed outside of U.S. bases and while "off duty."

TemplarKormac and Old Style would have America's sons and daughters sent into harms way under an egregious Status of Force agreement that render our troops helpless, subjects them to Iraqi military tribunals, gives the Iraqi government the ability to halt U.S. military operations, and turn vengeful detainees over to the Iraqis. Under a SOFA, where any terrorist American forces apprehends would have to be turned loose to a corrupt Iraqi police force loaded with sleepers within forty eight hours.

TemplarKormac and Old Style approves of a SOFA that confine our troops behind walls while waiting to be assigned approved missions by the Iraqi government. Where every time U.S. troops leave their bases it will have to be cleared by the Iraqis -- even if they want to conduct a convoy to Kuwait for resupply purposes. Not to mention an actual combat mission to quell violence and find bad guys.

So YES, PLEASE read our conversation about SOFA!

You were embarrassed then, as you were now. Care to address my points on Obamacare and premiums? Obama was the one pushing for residual forces, but by insisting on immunity the deal was trashed. But hey, it isn't as if he could have done more, right?

You approve of Barbarians beheading Americans and rampaging all over Syria and Iraq. You really don't give a damn about the Christians being slaughtered over there. No war! No saving lives, more focus on Ebola, less war!

Shut the fuck up.
anyone who hasn't wised up to Obama and the democrats and the total failures they are is blind as a bat.

But to be fair I have to give credit where it is due. Obama didn't "fail" without a great deal of "help" from the right doing it's utmost to make sure that he did. Their strenuous efforts from the very outset of his presidency to make him a "failure" deserve to be recognized. The right put a lot of hard work into achieving this outcome and they should be given the credit that comes with reaching their stated goal of failure.

Reagan rose above the democrat party politics and was successful. Did you ever think it was the leader of the free worlds fault that people just don't get along?

Oh, really?

Ronald Reagan ASKED Tipp O'Neil to help him pass through SIX tax increases from 1982-1986. SIX.

History books are YOUR friends. So is the congressional record.

Are you kidding? Lol. NO. I don't think we need a link to the above. It is common knowledge.

Failure to provide a link when asked is a de facto admission of spewing partisan lies.

Um, no it is not. You are so full of it, I can smell you from here.

Only you can destroy your own credibility.

Failing to provide a link when requested will ruin your credibility.

Congratulations on trashing your own reputation.

There is a link. Not my fault if you cannot read or follow along. I'm sure you probably already have quite the "reputation" and, by your horrible tude, it cannot be anything good. :D

The "link" points to no hard data at all. It also has no date on it at all.
Irony...Words from the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom...a capitalist nation that has a fully national health insurance system.

The u.s. has 6 times the population of the u.k.
The u.s. has almost as many ILLEGAL ALIENS as the ENTIRE population of England!

Apples and oranges.

Actually, Joe...those wealthy people probably paid out wages to many other people for their labor in order to create the profits they were looking for. That's not stealing money from the people that did the work...that's REWARDING the people who did the work!

Once again your rabid hatred of anyone who owns a company because they're successful and you're not...clouds your vision!

when the poor steal it's called "Crime", when the rich steal, it's called "Capitalism".

The thing is, there are profits, which I have no problem with, and then there are obscene profits. When the workforce was largely unionized, and the rich paid their fair share in taxes, we had the right balance and we became the richest country in the world. But as a wise man once observed, the problem with Capitalism is Capitalists. They're too fucking greedy.

And I deal with "companies" all day that kiss my ass trying to get me to toss a few purchase orders their way.

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