Wow, the Left really turning on Obama

WTH do you liberals THINK about post #303? Do you think about unintended consequences EVER?

It's bullshit and not based in reality. At the end of the day, the ACA will SAVE money, not cost more.

How? By reducing emergency room visits? Has that happened already? I read that emergency room visits were not down but up. As I posted my father's cost is going way up. So and how is it going to save money? Are doctors going to take less pay? Nurses? Hospitals? The drug companies? The only place there might be a cost saving is in administration and if we have learned anything, that has never been the case with the government. Even if all administration costs were cut that only amounts to maybe 5 percent.
anyone who hasn't wised up to Obama and the democrats and the total failures they are is blind as a bat.

But to be fair I have to give credit where it is due. Obama didn't "fail" without a great deal of "help" from the right doing it's utmost to make sure that he did. Their strenuous efforts from the very outset of his presidency to make him a "failure" deserve to be recognized. The right put a lot of hard work into achieving this outcome and they should be given the credit that comes with reaching their stated goal of failure.

Reagan rose above the democrat party politics and was successful. Did you ever think it was the leader of the free worlds fault that people just don't get along?

Oh, really?

Ronald Reagan ASKED Tipp O'Neil to help him pass through SIX tax increases from 1982-1986. SIX.

History books are YOUR friends. So is the congressional record.

Thanks for making my point, he could have fought with the democrats as they are doing today or worked with them, he choose wisely.
americans will perform any job if they get hungry enough.

Wow. Thanks, the GOP Platform put into one sentence.

Close the border.
Deport illegals.
You marxists just like the cheap labor and displacing american workers so they are more dependent on gvmt...and skewing the vote to favor democrats.

Why doesn't obama close the border? Tell us?

I think you are a little confused as to who is hiring these folks. I'm not hiring them.

They are being hired by big companies.

You see, I can understand your confusion on the right. The Rich people who really run your party want the cheap labor, but the knuckle-dragging inbred rednecks who bring the votes live in mortal fear a Mexican might deflower their daughters.
americans will perform any job if they get hungry enough.

Wow. Thanks, the GOP Platform put into one sentence.

Close the border.
Deport illegals.
You marxists just like the cheap labor and displacing american workers so they are more dependent on gvmt...and skewing the vote to favor democrats.

Why doesn't obama close the border? Tell us?

I think you are a little confused as to who is hiring these folks. I'm not hiring them.

They are being hired by big companies.

You see, I can understand your confusion on the right. The Rich people who really run your party want the cheap labor, but the knuckle-dragging inbred rednecks who bring the votes live in mortal fear a Mexican might deflower their daughters.

other way around, comrade.
conservatives want the border closed. Now.
You guys like the cheap labor displacing american citizens from jobs and keeping wages down ....and skewing voting results.
americans will perform any job if they get hungry enough.

Wow. Thanks, the GOP Platform put into one sentence.

Close the border.
Deport illegals.
You marxists just like the cheap labor and displacing american workers so they are more dependent on gvmt...and skewing the vote to favor democrats.

Why doesn't obama close the border? Tell us?

I think you are a little confused as to who is hiring these folks. I'm not hiring them.

They are being hired by big companies.

You see, I can understand your confusion on the right. The Rich people who really run your party want the cheap labor, but the knuckle-dragging inbred rednecks who bring the votes live in mortal fear a Mexican might deflower their daughters.

Hey Lil Joe....guess what? The rich run your party too.

Your party knows lots of ignorant people, like you, make good D you they can be easily duped...repeatedly.
americans will perform any job if they get hungry enough.

Wow. Thanks, the GOP Platform put into one sentence.

Close the border.
Deport illegals.
You marxists just like the cheap labor and displacing american workers so they are more dependent on gvmt...and skewing the vote to favor democrats.

Why doesn't obama close the border? Tell us?
So you are saying that Marxist capitalist are the reason the illegals are here?
What is the name of the Marxist that cuts your lawn?

other way around, comrade.
conservatives want the border closed. Now.
You guys like the cheap labor displacing american citizens from jobs and keeping wages down ....and skewing voting results.

You need to check with your boys at the Chamber of Commerce. You know, the people who really run your party.

The GOP shouldn’t even field a presidential candidate in 2016 unless Congress passes immigration reform this year, U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue said Monday.

“If the Republicans don’t do it, they shouldn’t bother to run a candidate in 2016,” Donohue joked at an event on infrastructure investment in D.C. “Think about that. Think about who the voters are. I just did that to get everybody’s attention.”

National Association of Manufacturers President Jay Timmons said he also thought immigration reform could pass this year, perhaps in a lame-duck session.

“This is a unified position of the business community,” Timmons said.

Read more: Chamber of Commerce gives ultimatum to GOP - Kevin Robillard -

THis is what never occurs to you conservatives. Abortion is still legal, gays are getting married and illegals are getting amnesty...

But the rich still get their free trade treaties and their tax cuts and their deregulation and their bailouts. And they get their cheap labor.
americans will perform any job if they get hungry enough.

Wow. Thanks, the GOP Platform put into one sentence.

Close the border.
Deport illegals.
You marxists just like the cheap labor and displacing american workers so they are more dependent on gvmt...and skewing the vote to favor democrats.

Why doesn't obama close the border? Tell us?

I think you are a little confused as to who is hiring these folks. I'm not hiring them.

They are being hired by big companies.

You see, I can understand your confusion on the right. The Rich people who really run your party want the cheap labor, but the knuckle-dragging inbred rednecks who bring the votes live in mortal fear a Mexican might deflower their daughters.

Hey Lil Joe....guess what? The rich run your party too.

Your party knows lots of ignorant people, like you, make good D you they can be easily duped...repeatedly.

hard core partisans are quite funny. Naive little drones.

other way around, comrade.
conservatives want the border closed. Now.
You guys like the cheap labor displacing american citizens from jobs and keeping wages down ....and skewing voting results.

You need to check with your boys at the Chamber of Commerce. You know, the people who really run your party.

The GOP shouldn’t even field a presidential candidate in 2016 unless Congress passes immigration reform this year, U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue said Monday.

“If the Republicans don’t do it, they shouldn’t bother to run a candidate in 2016,” Donohue joked at an event on infrastructure investment in D.C. “Think about that. Think about who the voters are. I just did that to get everybody’s attention.”

National Association of Manufacturers President Jay Timmons said he also thought immigration reform could pass this year, perhaps in a lame-duck session.

“This is a unified position of the business community,” Timmons said.

Read more: Chamber of Commerce gives ultimatum to GOP - Kevin Robillard -

THis is what never occurs to you conservatives. Abortion is still legal, gays are getting married and illegals are getting amnesty...

But the rich still get their free trade treaties and their tax cuts and their deregulation and their bailouts. And they get their cheap labor.

Why doesn't obama close the border?
Maybe if the political system wasn't sold to the highest bidder, you might actually get a say.

LOL, what a liar. So you believe this, yet you're a big government liberal. You believe government works for the wealthy, and you want to make it bigger and more powerful. This is the shallowest of liberal lies.

Oh, I'm a big govt liberal now. How's that?

Or maybe you're putting up a generic answers that you feel matches all those on the left, without a clue about what I think about.

So, come on, tell me what I think.

If you're not just a blind government loving liberal on every position, maybe you should give some clues what those positions are. We have this conversation over and over and all you chose to post is your liberal views. That's on you, sweet heart, not me.

Hey Lil Joe....guess what? The rich run your party too.

Your party knows lots of ignorant people, like you, make good D you they can be easily duped...repeatedly.

Go back to the Libertarian Kiddy Table, the Grownups are talking.

Riiigghhhhttt. You're an angry, greedy grown up who wants government to feed and burp you. LOL.

Why doesn't obama close the border?

Wow, are you like some kind of high functioning retard when you can't understand the concept, you go back to the "simple' question that has already been answered.

The border- an imaginary line on a map - can't be "closed" as long as there is something on the other side of people want and people willing to offer it. People will always find a way to get through.

You want to solve the "illegal" problem, you solve it by going after the rich people who hire them.

Why doesn't obama close the border?

Wow, are you like some kind of high functioning retard when you can't understand the concept, you go back to the "simple' question that has already been answered.

The border- an imaginary line on a map - can't be "closed" as long as there is something on the other side of people want and people willing to offer it. People will always find a way to get through.

I see...So why bother?..LMAO...marxist doubletalk.
Borders can be closed and enforced. It's done worldwide.It's a basic responsibility of government.

Even mexico has strict border enforcement.

--Immigrants must have necessary funds for their sustenance and dependents
(Article 34)

--Foreigners may be barred from the country if they are not physically or
mentally healthy(Article 37)

--The General Law on Population says under Mexican Law, Illegal immigration is
a felony (Art.123)

--Foreigners deported from Mexico & attempt to re-enter without
authorization can be
imprisoned up to 10 years (Article 118)

--Non-citizens cannot in any way participate in the political affairs of the


Medical: No treatment for illegals
Education: No education for illegals
Deportation: No due process required
Misd. Vs. Felony: 2 yrs, 10 yrs, Felony
Aid: No Sustenance, may deport

You want to solve the "illegal" problem, you solve it by going after the rich people who hire them. close the border then the left won't have the ability to use them as pawns to displace american workers, drive down fair wages and skew the vote. Problem solved.
Close the border.
Deport illegals.
Enough is enough.
If you're not just a blind government loving liberal on every position, maybe you should give some clues what those positions are. We have this conversation over and over and all you chose to post is your liberal views. That's on you, sweet heart, not me.

I didn't say I wasn't liberal. I said I was wasn't a big government liberal. Should I expect you to be able to understand?

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