Wow, the Left really turning on Obama

The sheen and luster seems to have rubbed off the Failed Messiah...

The number of surviving Orgasmic ObamaBots continues to drop at an ever-accelerating rate...

It's what happens when the Emus latch onto a pre-fabricated rock star charismatic who, in truth, couldn't lead his way out of a wet paper bag...

Another rookie that should have been sent back down to the Minors, long ago...
The sheen and luster seems to have rubbed off the Failed Messiah...

The number of surviving Orgasmic ObamaBots continues to drop at an ever-accelerating rate...

It's what happens when the Emus latch onto a pre-fabricated rock star charismatic who, in truth, couldn't lead his way out of a wet paper bag...

Another rookie that should have been sent back down to the Minors, long ago...

Community organizers rely on slick verbiage and rabble rousing to inflame the target group and then THEY do all the heavy lifting.
Community organizer = all bark and no bite.

Why doesn't obama close the border?

Wow, are you like some kind of high functioning retard when you can't understand the concept, you go back to the "simple' question that has already been answered.

The border- an imaginary line on a map - can't be "closed" as long as there is something on the other side of people want and people willing to offer it. People will always find a way to get through.

You want to solve the "illegal" problem, you solve it by after the rich people who hire them.

The big omnipresent government you so love refuses to go after the rich people who hire illegals. You know this, yet you continue to love and adore big government.
The sheen and luster seems to have rubbed off the Failed Messiah...

The number of surviving Orgasmic ObamaBots continues to drop at an ever-accelerating rate...

It's what happens when the Emus latch onto a pre-fabricated rock star charismatic who, in truth, couldn't lead his way out of a wet paper bag...

Another rookie that should have been sent back down to the Minors, long ago...

Who is that in your imagination?

Are you sick? Do you have a fever? Delirium?

I know of not even one single Leftie who thinks our President, President Obama, is the messiah. That is just plain old stupid in every conceivable way.

What the fuck is wrong with Conservatives these days, so completely untethered from reality?
The sheen and luster seems to have rubbed off the Failed Messiah...

The number of surviving Orgasmic ObamaBots continues to drop at an ever-accelerating rate...

It's what happens when the Emus latch onto a pre-fabricated rock star charismatic who, in truth, couldn't lead his way out of a wet paper bag...

Another rookie that should have been sent back down to the Minors, long ago...

Who is that in your imagination?

Are you sick? Do you have a fever? Delirium?

I know of not even one single Leftie who thinks our President, President Obama, is the messiah. That is just plain old stupid in every conceivable way.

What the fuck is wrong with Conservatives these days, so completely untethered from reality?
Oh, dearie me, the limitations of the Uber-Literalist mind...
The sheen and luster seems to have rubbed off the Failed Messiah...

The number of surviving Orgasmic ObamaBots continues to drop at an ever-accelerating rate...

It's what happens when the Emus latch onto a pre-fabricated rock star charismatic who, in truth, couldn't lead his way out of a wet paper bag...

Another rookie that should have been sent back down to the Minors, long ago...

Who is that in your imagination?

Are you sick? Do you have a fever? Delirium?

I know of not even one single Leftie who thinks our President, President Obama, is the messiah. That is just plain old stupid in every conceivable way.

What the fuck is wrong with Conservatives these days, so completely untethered from reality?
Oh, dearie me, the limitations of the Uber-Literalist mind...

Oh, dearie me, Conservatives who are like moths and the word "messiah" is the light...
The sheen and luster seems to have rubbed off the Failed Messiah...

The number of surviving Orgasmic ObamaBots continues to drop at an ever-accelerating rate...

It's what happens when the Emus latch onto a pre-fabricated rock star charismatic who, in truth, couldn't lead his way out of a wet paper bag...

Another rookie that should have been sent back down to the Minors, long ago...

Who is that in your imagination?

Are you sick? Do you have a fever? Delirium?

I know of not even one single Leftie who thinks our President, President Obama, is the messiah. That is just plain old stupid in every conceivable way.

What the fuck is wrong with Conservatives these days, so completely untethered from reality?
Oh, dearie me, the limitations of the Uber-Literalist mind...

Oh, dearie me, Conservatives who are like moths and the word "messiah" is the light...
Uhhhhh... yeah... sure... whatever you say...
Wow, I'm not easily surprised by anything in politics any more, but it was an eye-opener to see Jonathan Alter going after Obama today:

Exposed The White House s Professor-in-Chief - The Daily Beast

Obviously it's now becoming stylish to pound on Obama now that he can't run for anything, and then line up for Hillary. But holy crap, Obama still has two years in office, gang.

Obama had/has neither the managerial skills nor the temperament to be President, but we put him in there twice. Part of the blame for that has to go to the GOP, which has completely and utterly failed to provide the country with a clear, unified, positive vision for this country.

And here we are. A pox on both houses.


Who did have the managerial skills or the temperament to be President? Bush Dubya? Clinton? Reagan? They all served 2 terms too.

Maybe if the political system wasn't sold to the highest bidder, you might actually get a say.

Being POTUS is not about being a manager, it is about being a leader. When it comes to leadership skills that were effective there is FDR, JFK, Reagan and Clinton. Each of them had a vision, communicated it effectively and then followed through and got it done.

Obama did have a vision for healthcare but he sucked at communicating it and his follow through was abysmal.

Being an effective leader requires good management skills. The two go hand in hand.

Obama has always had a vision, but his skill set wasn't strong enough to lead us from here to there.


Obama was flawed from the beginning. His first campaign was this; Trash Bush and hide the real Obama from ever being discovered. The media has had their hands full for over 6 years providing cover for the Obama's and has suffered a massive loss in credibility.
The sheen and luster seems to have rubbed off the Failed Messiah...

The number of surviving Orgasmic ObamaBots continues to drop at an ever-accelerating rate...

It's what happens when the Emus latch onto a pre-fabricated rock star charismatic who, in truth, couldn't lead his way out of a wet paper bag...

Another rookie that should have been sent back down to the Minors, long ago...

Kind of the same that has happened to most presidents, with the exception of those who managed to pick up girls in the White House.

Riiigghhhhttt. You're an angry, greedy grown up who wants government to feed and burp you. LOL.

No, I want government to do things it does in a civilized society. And so do you. You just don't like it when a civilized society means you can't do anything you want.

First of all, be honest. You don't give a shit about anyone but yourself. So if you're a liberal, you know who's #1 in liberalism.

Second of all you stupid fucking idiot who has no ability to retain or process information, I'm a libertarian, not an anarchist. How stupid are you? Wow. And if you can't respond to my actual view, what does that say about your confidence in your own views? All you have is gimme, gimme, gimme.
If you're not just a blind government loving liberal on every position, maybe you should give some clues what those positions are. We have this conversation over and over and all you chose to post is your liberal views. That's on you, sweet heart, not me.

I didn't say I wasn't liberal. I said I was wasn't a big government liberal. Should I expect you to be able to understand?

Bull, you endlessly support the Marxist Democratic party in discussion after discussion. Maybe you draw some sort of line in your mind, but the side you are fighting on is very clear.
Obama was flawed from the beginning. His first campaign was this; Trash Bush and hide the real Obama from ever being discovered. The media has had their hands full for over 6 years providing cover for the Obama's and has suffered a massive loss in credibility.

And the next president will also be flawed, will also present a campaign that isn't close to the truth, and will upset a lot of people.

Fact is, Obama upset a lot of people before he even got in the White House. Number of far right racist groups increased by 50% from 600 to 900 in the time he went from getting the nomination to winning the presidency. He was a failed president in the eyes of the right before he'd even entered office.

Shock horror.

Why doesn't obama close the border?

Wow, are you like some kind of high functioning retard when you can't understand the concept, you go back to the "simple' question that has already been answered.

The border- an imaginary line on a map - can't be "closed" as long as there is something on the other side of people want and people willing to offer it. People will always find a way to get through.

You want to solve the "illegal" problem, you solve it by going after the rich people who hire them.

If we go after the "rich people who hire them" then people will stop coming here from Mexico. Question. Do you dress yourself in the morning,, or does the nurse have to help you?
I suppose Bush is responsible for Barry's inept leadership when it comes to fighting ISIS? The "reset" with Russia?

I suppose Bush is responsible for the Fast & Furious scandal? The Benghazi debacle? The IRS abuses? The wiretaps on American journalists? The total lack of transparency of the Obama White House?

Who KNEW that the man you liberals derided for all those years as the "village idiot" was actually a political MASTERMIND who somehow manages to control the US government from his ranch in Crawford, Texas!

Who is 'Barry"? Do you mean the President of the United States?

Did Obama remove the government in Iraq that kept terrorists OUT of that country? Saddam was no angel, but he had no use for al Qaeda or terrorist cells in his country.

So what should Obama have done? If he had armed the Syrian rebels, and those weapon ended up in the hands of ISIS, WHAT would you be whining about today old man?

Is Obama responsible for a bunch of phony scandals, debacles and abuses trumped up by 24/7 faux news propaganda?

Phony scandals? :eusa_liar::eusa_shifty::eusa_liar::eusa_shifty: Don't embarrass yourself...

What he should have done...what he was advised to do by his military leaders, Bob Gates, Leon Panetta and Hillary Clinton...was to leave a force in Iraq to stabilize the country! Barry didn't do that though...because Barry is more concerned with politics than he is with reality.

Yes phony scandals...Benghazi...IRS...NOTHING but political bullshit. A total waste of taxpayer money. Typical of Republican witch hunts instead of governing. If ANY government activity should have been investigated, it was Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, the lies that led to the invasion in Iraq, and war crimes.

BRAVO to President Obama for NOT putting our troops in harms way. Would YOU want your son or daughter serving in Iraq without immunity from being subject to the Iraqi criminal justice system?

Be HONEST for once in your life...

One of the articles of impeachment drawn up against Nixon related to his POTENTIAL use of the IRS as a weapon against his enemies. It is illustrative that TFO's sycophants pretend his ACTUAL use of the IRS as a weapon is somehow "phony".

Wrong. It was his DIRECT use of the IRS to damage people, per direct order, on tape,thanks to Nixon's desire to tape everything.. Learn your history.

Obama never gave a direct order to the IRS for anything.

Direct order? Are you contending that nobody in the Obama White House had any knowledge of what was happening at the IRS? I believe it's been shown that isn't the case. The paper and email "trail" on this has been followed to an office just down the hall from Barry. Did HE give a direct order? Who knows...Barack Obama seems to be oblivious to much that's happening around him. Perhaps this is one more thing that he learned about from the media.

What's important to remember is that Richard Nixon was going to be impeached for "asking" someone at the IRS to use their powers against his political enemies...Barack Obama's White House actually got the IRS to DO that very thing.
Since capitalism is so bad, you should try unemployment...Maybe you'd be happier living like the rest of the drones.

I think you miss the point, sluggo. We don't need capitalists to have jobs. If everything were run by government agency to provide goods and services, you'd still need someone like me who understood pricing and inventory planning and material requirement plans.

And currently I work for a non-American company. Our CEO only makes six figures for running a multi-billion dollar company. Only in the US do you have the insanity that CEO's need 8 figure salaries even if they fail.

There it is, folks! Joe has finally come out and admitted that for him the answer to all our problems is the banning of the free enterprise system and having Government run EVERYTHING!

Why doesn't obama close the border?

Wow, are you like some kind of high functioning retard when you can't understand the concept, you go back to the "simple' question that has already been answered.

The border- an imaginary line on a map - can't be "closed" as long as there is something on the other side of people want and people willing to offer it. People will always find a way to get through.

You want to solve the "illegal" problem, you solve it by going after the rich people who hire them.

If we go after the "rich people who hire them" then people will stop coming here from Mexico. Question. Do you dress yourself in the morning,, or does the nurse have to help you?

No they won't. There's no way to go after the rich...blah...blah...they will continue to work under the table, displacing americans and keeping wages low.

Then there's the problem of health screens, criminal background checks, literacy, sanity, smuggling....etc...
THEN there's the problem of terrorists.... don't let 3rd world people wander back and forth across your border if you want to remain a 1st world nation

Close and enforce the border and they will stop coming.
So all you have is your own personal anecdotal impressions and an article that is 3 years out of date?

Do you think I'm lying? Well, I'm not. We have had a huge increase in temporary and part-time jobs and a loss of full-time jobs here in Massachusetts. I expect it to happen in your state soon as well.

You might not be lying because you believe all the partisan rhetoric that you are gullible enough to swallow without question.

You are trying to make a link between the economy and the ACA. However nonpartisan economists will tell you that we are still suffering from the 2nd great depression. It will probably last until 2020. The ACA is actually alleviating a lot of the suffering that would otherwise be incurred by people working temp jobs and unable to afford healthcare.

So far you haven't provided anything credible that substantiates your allegation. The current economic conditions are not optimal for job growth but the cause is far greater than just Obamacare. The situation would probably be much better had the Republicans opted to do what was best for the American people rather than follow their partisan agenda of making Obama a "failure".

I am basing my statements on my observations on what is happening around me, in my state, regardless of your assumptions.

I think it is completely naive to think that Obamacare is NOT going to have unintended consequences on jobs. It most certainly is!!!

Except that you cannot provide a single credible source that is backed up with data that demonstrates your belief.

But I have, several actually. You guys just don't like the source, but the data is still correct.

Your anecdotes are not data and your sources are not credible.
Irony...Words from the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom...a capitalist nation that has a fully national health insurance system.

The u.s. has 6 times the population of the u.k.
The u.s. has almost as many ILLEGAL ALIENS as the ENTIRE population of England!

Apples and oranges.

The u.s. has almost as many ILLEGAL ALIENS as the ENTIRE population of England!

So according to you there are almost 64 million "illegal aliens" here in the USA?

Better provide a seriously credible source for that BS allegation.
I suppose Bush is responsible for Barry's inept leadership when it comes to fighting ISIS? The "reset" with Russia?

I suppose Bush is responsible for the Fast & Furious scandal? The Benghazi debacle? The IRS abuses? The wiretaps on American journalists? The total lack of transparency of the Obama White House?

Who KNEW that the man you liberals derided for all those years as the "village idiot" was actually a political MASTERMIND who somehow manages to control the US government from his ranch in Crawford, Texas!

Who is 'Barry"? Do you mean the President of the United States?

Did Obama remove the government in Iraq that kept terrorists OUT of that country? Saddam was no angel, but he had no use for al Qaeda or terrorist cells in his country.

So what should Obama have done? If he had armed the Syrian rebels, and those weapon ended up in the hands of ISIS, WHAT would you be whining about today old man?

Is Obama responsible for a bunch of phony scandals, debacles and abuses trumped up by 24/7 faux news propaganda?

Phony scandals? :eusa_liar::eusa_shifty::eusa_liar::eusa_shifty: Don't embarrass yourself...

What he should have done...what he was advised to do by his military leaders, Bob Gates, Leon Panetta and Hillary Clinton...was to leave a force in Iraq to stabilize the country! Barry didn't do that though...because Barry is more concerned with politics than he is with reality.

Yes phony scandals...Benghazi...IRS...NOTHING but political bullshit. A total waste of taxpayer money. Typical of Republican witch hunts instead of governing. If ANY government activity should have been investigated, it was Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, the lies that led to the invasion in Iraq, and war crimes.

BRAVO to President Obama for NOT putting our troops in harms way. Would YOU want your son or daughter serving in Iraq without immunity from being subject to the Iraqi criminal justice system?

Be HONEST for once in your life...

One of the articles of impeachment drawn up against Nixon related to his POTENTIAL use of the IRS as a weapon against his enemies. It is illustrative that TFO's sycophants pretend his ACTUAL use of the IRS as a weapon is somehow "phony".

Wrong. It was his DIRECT use of the IRS to damage people, per direct order, on tape,thanks to Nixon's desire to tape everything.. Learn your history.

Obama never gave a direct order to the IRS for anything.

Nixon's IRS never went after anyone. Obama's did. And, of course, there's Obama's famous missing 18 minutes in the faux "the dog ate my emails" mess. You DO know your history, right?

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