Wow, the Left really turning on Obama

Who is 'Barry"? Do you mean the President of the United States?

Did Obama remove the government in Iraq that kept terrorists OUT of that country? Saddam was no angel, but he had no use for al Qaeda or terrorist cells in his country.

So what should Obama have done? If he had armed the Syrian rebels, and those weapon ended up in the hands of ISIS, WHAT would you be whining about today old man?

Is Obama responsible for a bunch of phony scandals, debacles and abuses trumped up by 24/7 faux news propaganda?

Phony scandals? :eusa_liar::eusa_shifty::eusa_liar::eusa_shifty: Don't embarrass yourself...

What he should have done...what he was advised to do by his military leaders, Bob Gates, Leon Panetta and Hillary Clinton...was to leave a force in Iraq to stabilize the country! Barry didn't do that though...because Barry is more concerned with politics than he is with reality.

Yes phony scandals...Benghazi...IRS...NOTHING but political bullshit. A total waste of taxpayer money. Typical of Republican witch hunts instead of governing. If ANY government activity should have been investigated, it was Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, the lies that led to the invasion in Iraq, and war crimes.

BRAVO to President Obama for NOT putting our troops in harms way. Would YOU want your son or daughter serving in Iraq without immunity from being subject to the Iraqi criminal justice system?

Be HONEST for once in your life...

One of the articles of impeachment drawn up against Nixon related to his POTENTIAL use of the IRS as a weapon against his enemies. It is illustrative that TFO's sycophants pretend his ACTUAL use of the IRS as a weapon is somehow "phony".

Wrong. It was his DIRECT use of the IRS to damage people, per direct order, on tape,thanks to Nixon's desire to tape everything.. Learn your history.

Obama never gave a direct order to the IRS for anything.

Direct order? Are you contending that nobody in the Obama White House had any knowledge of what was happening at the IRS? I believe it's been shown that isn't the case. The paper and email "trail" on this has been followed to an office just down the hall from Barry. Did HE give a direct order? Who knows...Barack Obama seems to be oblivious to much that's happening around him. Perhaps this is one more thing that he learned about from the media.

What's important to remember is that Richard Nixon was going to be impeached for "asking" someone at the IRS to use their powers against his political enemies...Barack Obama's White House actually got the IRS to DO that very thing.

Obama has gone to great lengths to cultivate his detached and uninvolved persona. He's possibly the least interested, least connected president I've ever seen. No wonder he's called president "present".
Obama was flawed from the beginning. His first campaign was this; Trash Bush and hide the real Obama from ever being discovered. The media has had their hands full for over 6 years providing cover for the Obama's and has suffered a massive loss in credibility.

And the next president will also be flawed, will also present a campaign that isn't close to the truth, and will upset a lot of people.

Fact is, Obama upset a lot of people before he even got in the White House. Number of far right racist groups increased by 50% from 600 to 900 in the time he went from getting the nomination to winning the presidency. He was a failed president in the eyes of the right before he'd even entered office.

Shock horror.

Blah blah blah, and white people don't support the NFL or the NBA because they are predominately black. BS, if Obama was a leader and accomplished he would find resistance but not due to racism.
Do you think I'm lying? Well, I'm not. We have had a huge increase in temporary and part-time jobs and a loss of full-time jobs here in Massachusetts. I expect it to happen in your state soon as well.

You might not be lying because you believe all the partisan rhetoric that you are gullible enough to swallow without question.

You are trying to make a link between the economy and the ACA. However nonpartisan economists will tell you that we are still suffering from the 2nd great depression. It will probably last until 2020. The ACA is actually alleviating a lot of the suffering that would otherwise be incurred by people working temp jobs and unable to afford healthcare.

So far you haven't provided anything credible that substantiates your allegation. The current economic conditions are not optimal for job growth but the cause is far greater than just Obamacare. The situation would probably be much better had the Republicans opted to do what was best for the American people rather than follow their partisan agenda of making Obama a "failure".

I am basing my statements on my observations on what is happening around me, in my state, regardless of your assumptions.

I think it is completely naive to think that Obamacare is NOT going to have unintended consequences on jobs. It most certainly is!!!

Except that you cannot provide a single credible source that is backed up with data that demonstrates your belief.

But I have, several actually. You guys just don't like the source, but the data is still correct.

Your anecdotes are not data and your sources are not credible.

You keep saying this, yet you cannot say what it is that you are disputing. What in the links do you disagree with?
Liberals realize Obama is a noose around their necks and the 1/2 black has done what the wanted to this point by fucking things they will move on to the woman, gay, Hispanic or whatever freak that can find for 2016.

The DNC is looking for a junior college grad bankrupt vegetarian transgender black-Hispanic gay drug addict dyslexic HIV infected former Army Vet missing a limb to run for office.
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If we go after the "rich people who hire them" then people will stop coming here from Mexico. Question. Do you dress yourself in the morning,, or does the nurse have to help you?

I have a question for you... who changes your diaper?

Wow, repeating my own joke back to me. Par for your lame course.

Seriously, you think with open borders if we go after rich people that will stop illegal aliens from coming from other countries, and you're mocking anyone? LOL. Mirror, mirror, your wheelchair for a mirror...

There it is, folks! Joe has finally come out and admitted that for him the answer to all our problems is the banning of the free enterprise system and having Government run EVERYTHING!

I've been in the private sector for 22 years.

Not a ONE of them ran as well as the Army did.

In case you didn't notice, Einstein...the Armed Forces are a monopoly. They "run" because they get huge amounts of money and have no competition. Duh?

There it is, folks! Joe has finally come out and admitted that for him the answer to all our problems is the banning of the free enterprise system and having Government run EVERYTHING!

I've been in the private sector for 22 years.

Not a ONE of them ran as well as the Army did.

Why do you deny that you're a socialist? I think your pro-government/anti-citizen posts make it quite clear that you have socialist values. Pretty cowardly that you can't own your own beliefs.
Joe is one of the more "bitter" posters you'll run into on this board.

Things didn't work out the way he'd like in a free market economy so he's convinced himself that government running everything would be better for a schmuck like himself because they'll "level the playing field" for all the underachievers.
Joe is one of the more "bitter" posters you'll run into on this board.

Things didn't work out the way he'd like in a free market economy so he's convinced himself that government running everything would be better for a schmuck like himself because they'll "level the playing field" for all the underachievers.

He seems quite bitter.
I don't care about that. The site I supplied is not written by her. It is a valid website about how to best invest your money. Therefore, they certainly KNOW about taxes and how to find them.

So, you don't care if you are reading propaganda or wonder you are unable to discern helping people from throwing them in the river to sink or swim.

What is propaganda in the link I provided? Please post the propaganda.

It's only propaganda if he doesn't agree with it. (See our conversation about the SOFA)

Yes, PLEASE see our conversation about SOFA! PLEASE!!

TemplarKormac and Old Style would have President Obama send 10,000 American sons and daughters into Iraq under the same outrageous SOFA agreement Bush signed. An agreement where Iraqi military tribunals reserve the right to prosecute our service people. Where the Iraqi government can try U.S. civilians and military personnel for crimes committed outside of U.S. bases and while "off duty."

TemplarKormac and Old Style would have America's sons and daughters sent into harms way under an egregious Status of Force agreement that render our troops helpless, subjects them to Iraqi military tribunals, gives the Iraqi government the ability to halt U.S. military operations, and turn vengeful detainees over to the Iraqis. Under a SOFA, where any terrorist American forces apprehends would have to be turned loose to a corrupt Iraqi police force loaded with sleepers within forty eight hours.

TemplarKormac and Old Style approves of a SOFA that confine our troops behind walls while waiting to be assigned approved missions by the Iraqi government. Where every time U.S. troops leave their bases it will have to be cleared by the Iraqis -- even if they want to conduct a convoy to Kuwait for resupply purposes. Not to mention an actual combat mission to quell violence and find bad guys.

So YES, PLEASE read our conversation about SOFA!

You were embarrassed then, as you were now. Care to address my points on Obamacare and premiums? Obama was the one pushing for residual forces, but by insisting on immunity the deal was trashed. But hey, it isn't as if he could have done more, right?

You approve of Barbarians beheading Americans and rampaging all over Syria and Iraq. You really don't give a damn about the Christians being slaughtered over there. No war! No saving lives, more focus on Ebola, less war!

Shut the fuck up.

Thank you for proving my point. You could care less about our sons and daughters. SO...Obama should have signed the same traitorous agreement Bush signed. Send our kids into a war zone under the jurisdiction of Iraqi tribunals.

FUCK YOU, you traitorous piece of shit.
So, you don't care if you are reading propaganda or wonder you are unable to discern helping people from throwing them in the river to sink or swim.

What is propaganda in the link I provided? Please post the propaganda.

It's only propaganda if he doesn't agree with it. (See our conversation about the SOFA)

Yes, PLEASE see our conversation about SOFA! PLEASE!!

TemplarKormac and Old Style would have President Obama send 10,000 American sons and daughters into Iraq under the same outrageous SOFA agreement Bush signed. An agreement where Iraqi military tribunals reserve the right to prosecute our service people. Where the Iraqi government can try U.S. civilians and military personnel for crimes committed outside of U.S. bases and while "off duty."

TemplarKormac and Old Style would have America's sons and daughters sent into harms way under an egregious Status of Force agreement that render our troops helpless, subjects them to Iraqi military tribunals, gives the Iraqi government the ability to halt U.S. military operations, and turn vengeful detainees over to the Iraqis. Under a SOFA, where any terrorist American forces apprehends would have to be turned loose to a corrupt Iraqi police force loaded with sleepers within forty eight hours.

TemplarKormac and Old Style approves of a SOFA that confine our troops behind walls while waiting to be assigned approved missions by the Iraqi government. Where every time U.S. troops leave their bases it will have to be cleared by the Iraqis -- even if they want to conduct a convoy to Kuwait for resupply purposes. Not to mention an actual combat mission to quell violence and find bad guys.

So YES, PLEASE read our conversation about SOFA!

You were embarrassed then, as you were now. Care to address my points on Obamacare and premiums? Obama was the one pushing for residual forces, but by insisting on immunity the deal was trashed. But hey, it isn't as if he could have done more, right?

You approve of Barbarians beheading Americans and rampaging all over Syria and Iraq. You really don't give a damn about the Christians being slaughtered over there. No war! No saving lives, more focus on Ebola, less war!

Shut the fuck up.

Thank you for proving my point. You could care less about our sons and daughters. SO...Obama should have signed the same traitorous agreement Bush signed. Send our kids into a war zone under the jurisdiction of Iraqi tribunals.

FUCK YOU, you traitorous piece of shit.

Hah! You call me a traitor? Thank you for proving MY point.

Our sons and daughters enlisted in the military for a reason. They are ready, willing, and able to fight on a moment's notice. They are driven by a desire to serve their country. They know the risks, you do not. I do care, because my father fought, my grandfather fought, I had a brother in law fight in Afghanistan. We have the most powerful military in the world, but the biggest stick is ineffective if you don't know how wield it properly. I do care, because I know they care about their country.

You are a pacifist and a coward. Go ahead, keep the sword in the scabbard while your enemies bear down on you with no regard for your views on peace or your supposed compassion for our 'sons or daughters.' You lie on a bed of roses while ignoring the thorns underneath. ISIS is an existential threat to the world, they are taking whole countries over, conquering and pillaging as they go. So, do you not care for the innocents being slaughtered over there?

You show your ignorance when you label anyone a traitor.
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What is propaganda in the link I provided? Please post the propaganda.

It's only propaganda if he doesn't agree with it. (See our conversation about the SOFA)

Yes, PLEASE see our conversation about SOFA! PLEASE!!

TemplarKormac and Old Style would have President Obama send 10,000 American sons and daughters into Iraq under the same outrageous SOFA agreement Bush signed. An agreement where Iraqi military tribunals reserve the right to prosecute our service people. Where the Iraqi government can try U.S. civilians and military personnel for crimes committed outside of U.S. bases and while "off duty."

TemplarKormac and Old Style would have America's sons and daughters sent into harms way under an egregious Status of Force agreement that render our troops helpless, subjects them to Iraqi military tribunals, gives the Iraqi government the ability to halt U.S. military operations, and turn vengeful detainees over to the Iraqis. Under a SOFA, where any terrorist American forces apprehends would have to be turned loose to a corrupt Iraqi police force loaded with sleepers within forty eight hours.

TemplarKormac and Old Style approves of a SOFA that confine our troops behind walls while waiting to be assigned approved missions by the Iraqi government. Where every time U.S. troops leave their bases it will have to be cleared by the Iraqis -- even if they want to conduct a convoy to Kuwait for resupply purposes. Not to mention an actual combat mission to quell violence and find bad guys.

So YES, PLEASE read our conversation about SOFA!

You were embarrassed then, as you were now. Care to address my points on Obamacare and premiums? Obama was the one pushing for residual forces, but by insisting on immunity the deal was trashed. But hey, it isn't as if he could have done more, right?

You approve of Barbarians beheading Americans and rampaging all over Syria and Iraq. You really don't give a damn about the Christians being slaughtered over there. No war! No saving lives, more focus on Ebola, less war!

Shut the fuck up.

Thank you for proving my point. You could care less about our sons and daughters. SO...Obama should have signed the same traitorous agreement Bush signed. Send our kids into a war zone under the jurisdiction of Iraqi tribunals.

FUCK YOU, you traitorous piece of shit.

Hah! You call me a traitor? Thank you for proving MY point.

Our sons and daughters enlisted in the military for a reason. They are ready, willing, and able to fight on a moment's notice. They are driven by a desire to serve their country. They know the risks, you do not. I do care, because my father fought, my grandfather fought, I had a brother in law fight in Afghanistan. We have the most powerful military in the world, but the biggest stick is ineffective if you don't know how wield it properly. I do care, because I know they care about their country.

You are a pacifist and a coward. Go ahead, keep the sword in the scabbard while your enemies bear down on you with no regard for your views on peace or your supposed compassion for our 'sons or daughters.' You lie on a bed of roses while ignoring the thorns underneath. ISIS is an existential threat to the world, they are taking whole countries over, conquering and pillaging as they go. So, do you not care for the innocents being slaughtered over there?

You show your ignorance when you label anyone a traitor.

Our sons and daughters enlisted to serve in the armed forces of the United States of America, and answer only to the chain of command that was structured by that SAME United States of America. They DIDN'T enlist in the Iraqi military to be subjects of the government of Iraq and have to seek permission from the government of Iraq to do their duty. They DIDN'T sign up for that. They didn't enlist to be targets of terrorists AND tribunals of an Iraqi government that sees us as occupiers and be subjects of laws and tribunals that our government has no control over. THAT is a situation NO American should be subject to.

Congratulations President Obama, for NOT signing the same agreement the piece of shit president Bush signed. Bush sold our soldiers and our country out.

You are a FUCKING COWARD who is so fearful for you OWN sniveling skin that you would throw anything in the way to save you fearful little ass, even our brave sons and daughters.
It's only propaganda if he doesn't agree with it. (See our conversation about the SOFA)

Yes, PLEASE see our conversation about SOFA! PLEASE!!

TemplarKormac and Old Style would have President Obama send 10,000 American sons and daughters into Iraq under the same outrageous SOFA agreement Bush signed. An agreement where Iraqi military tribunals reserve the right to prosecute our service people. Where the Iraqi government can try U.S. civilians and military personnel for crimes committed outside of U.S. bases and while "off duty."

TemplarKormac and Old Style would have America's sons and daughters sent into harms way under an egregious Status of Force agreement that render our troops helpless, subjects them to Iraqi military tribunals, gives the Iraqi government the ability to halt U.S. military operations, and turn vengeful detainees over to the Iraqis. Under a SOFA, where any terrorist American forces apprehends would have to be turned loose to a corrupt Iraqi police force loaded with sleepers within forty eight hours.

TemplarKormac and Old Style approves of a SOFA that confine our troops behind walls while waiting to be assigned approved missions by the Iraqi government. Where every time U.S. troops leave their bases it will have to be cleared by the Iraqis -- even if they want to conduct a convoy to Kuwait for resupply purposes. Not to mention an actual combat mission to quell violence and find bad guys.

So YES, PLEASE read our conversation about SOFA!

You were embarrassed then, as you were now. Care to address my points on Obamacare and premiums? Obama was the one pushing for residual forces, but by insisting on immunity the deal was trashed. But hey, it isn't as if he could have done more, right?

You approve of Barbarians beheading Americans and rampaging all over Syria and Iraq. You really don't give a damn about the Christians being slaughtered over there. No war! No saving lives, more focus on Ebola, less war!

Shut the fuck up.

Thank you for proving my point. You could care less about our sons and daughters. SO...Obama should have signed the same traitorous agreement Bush signed. Send our kids into a war zone under the jurisdiction of Iraqi tribunals.

FUCK YOU, you traitorous piece of shit.

Hah! You call me a traitor? Thank you for proving MY point.

Our sons and daughters enlisted in the military for a reason. They are ready, willing, and able to fight on a moment's notice. They are driven by a desire to serve their country. They know the risks, you do not. I do care, because my father fought, my grandfather fought, I had a brother in law fight in Afghanistan. We have the most powerful military in the world, but the biggest stick is ineffective if you don't know how wield it properly. I do care, because I know they care about their country.

You are a pacifist and a coward. Go ahead, keep the sword in the scabbard while your enemies bear down on you with no regard for your views on peace or your supposed compassion for our 'sons or daughters.' You lie on a bed of roses while ignoring the thorns underneath. ISIS is an existential threat to the world, they are taking whole countries over, conquering and pillaging as they go. So, do you not care for the innocents being slaughtered over there?

You show your ignorance when you label anyone a traitor.

Our sons and daughters enlisted to serve in the armed forces of the United States of America, and answer only to the chain of command that was structured by that SAME United States of America. They DIDN'T enlist in the Iraqi military to be subjects of the government of Iraq and have to seek permission from the government of Iraq to do their duty. They DIDN'T sign up for that. They didn't enlist to be targets of terrorists AND tribunals of an Iraqi government that sees us as occupiers and be subjects of laws and tribunals that our government has no control over. THAT is a situation NO American should be subject to.

Congratulations President Obama, for NOT signing the same agreement the piece of shit president Bush signed. Bush sold our soldiers and our country out.

You are a FUCKING COWARD who is so fearful for you OWN sniveling skin that you would throw anything in the way to save you fearful little ass, even our brave sons and daughters.

Nobody said anything about anyone enlisting in the Iraqi military, and if you haven't noticed, they can't even stop ISIS on their own. Our sons and daughters shed blood for the gains they made, only to be pulled out and have their work undone by a feckless man with an agenda to fill rather than a mission to complete. Behold, how once our troops conquered Baghdad, to only see it fall to ISIS 11 years later. Obama did not try hard enough. All the sacrifices they made, all the blood that was shed by our soldiers, only to have it done for naught. Your stances are an insult to every service member who ever died for our country in the defense of freedom around the world. How dare you?

You are so much of a coward that you oppose us using our military for any purpose. In fact, I bet you would reject us raising our army to combat an invasion. And for the record, our sons and daughters fought for your freedom to be a jackass. You are the fearful one, my friend; not me, you sniveling pacifist. You would have us sit on our hands and let the world fall into chaos, in fact you would have us lie down in submission to our enemies. You are like a man in front of a raging inferno who is afraid to use the fire hose.

Now what of your objections of our president sending our sons and daughters to combat Ebola? Funny how you are strangely quiet about that. Nice, another liberal double standard. They can't fight a war, but they can fight a disease. Yeah, right.

Tell me, does keeping our troops from doing their duty project an aura of strength? No, it projects one of cowardice. What good are they when you keep them at home and not letting them do what what they enlisted to do? And what good are they in helping the fight against Ebola? Talk about misuse of manpower. Your silence is telling.

Bush didn't do a damned thing to sell our soldiers short. At least he supported them. Obama? He could care less. Our VA is clear evidence that our soldiers are not treated with the respect they deserve. Bush this, Bush that. Is that all you do? We call our military the 'world's greatest army,' but how are they so great when all they do is sit on standby? These people made conscious decisions to put their lives on the line. So who are you to stand in their way?
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You might not be lying because you believe all the partisan rhetoric that you are gullible enough to swallow without question.

You are trying to make a link between the economy and the ACA. However nonpartisan economists will tell you that we are still suffering from the 2nd great depression. It will probably last until 2020. The ACA is actually alleviating a lot of the suffering that would otherwise be incurred by people working temp jobs and unable to afford healthcare.

So far you haven't provided anything credible that substantiates your allegation. The current economic conditions are not optimal for job growth but the cause is far greater than just Obamacare. The situation would probably be much better had the Republicans opted to do what was best for the American people rather than follow their partisan agenda of making Obama a "failure".

I am basing my statements on my observations on what is happening around me, in my state, regardless of your assumptions.

I think it is completely naive to think that Obamacare is NOT going to have unintended consequences on jobs. It most certainly is!!!

Except that you cannot provide a single credible source that is backed up with data that demonstrates your belief.

But I have, several actually. You guys just don't like the source, but the data is still correct.

Your anecdotes are not data and your sources are not credible.

You keep saying this, yet you cannot say what it is that you are disputing. What in the links do you disagree with?

Your links don't prove that jobs are being harmed because of the ACA. You have not provided a single shred of credible evidence to substantiate your allegation.
What is propaganda in the link I provided? Please post the propaganda.

It's only propaganda if he doesn't agree with it. (See our conversation about the SOFA)

Yes, PLEASE see our conversation about SOFA! PLEASE!!

TemplarKormac and Old Style would have President Obama send 10,000 American sons and daughters into Iraq under the same outrageous SOFA agreement Bush signed. An agreement where Iraqi military tribunals reserve the right to prosecute our service people. Where the Iraqi government can try U.S. civilians and military personnel for crimes committed outside of U.S. bases and while "off duty."

TemplarKormac and Old Style would have America's sons and daughters sent into harms way under an egregious Status of Force agreement that render our troops helpless, subjects them to Iraqi military tribunals, gives the Iraqi government the ability to halt U.S. military operations, and turn vengeful detainees over to the Iraqis. Under a SOFA, where any terrorist American forces apprehends would have to be turned loose to a corrupt Iraqi police force loaded with sleepers within forty eight hours.

TemplarKormac and Old Style approves of a SOFA that confine our troops behind walls while waiting to be assigned approved missions by the Iraqi government. Where every time U.S. troops leave their bases it will have to be cleared by the Iraqis -- even if they want to conduct a convoy to Kuwait for resupply purposes. Not to mention an actual combat mission to quell violence and find bad guys.

So YES, PLEASE read our conversation about SOFA!

You were embarrassed then, as you were now. Care to address my points on Obamacare and premiums? Obama was the one pushing for residual forces, but by insisting on immunity the deal was trashed. But hey, it isn't as if he could have done more, right?

You approve of Barbarians beheading Americans and rampaging all over Syria and Iraq. You really don't give a damn about the Christians being slaughtered over there. No war! No saving lives, more focus on Ebola, less war!

Shut the fuck up.

Thank you for proving my point. You could care less about our sons and daughters. SO...Obama should have signed the same traitorous agreement Bush signed. Send our kids into a war zone under the jurisdiction of Iraqi tribunals.

FUCK YOU, you traitorous piece of shit.

Hah! You call me a traitor? Thank you for proving MY point.

Our sons and daughters enlisted in the military for a reason. They are ready, willing, and able to fight on a moment's notice. They are driven by a desire to serve their country. They know the risks, you do not. I do care, because my father fought, my grandfather fought, I had a brother in law fight in Afghanistan. We have the most powerful military in the world, but the biggest stick is ineffective if you don't know how wield it properly. I do care, because I know they care about their country.

You are a pacifist and a coward. Go ahead, keep the sword in the scabbard while your enemies bear down on you with no regard for your views on peace or your supposed compassion for our 'sons or daughters.' You lie on a bed of roses while ignoring the thorns underneath. ISIS is an existential threat to the world, they are taking whole countries over, conquering and pillaging as they go. So, do you not care for the innocents being slaughtered over there?

You show your ignorance when you label anyone a traitor.

ISIS is an existential threat to the world[/QUOTE]

Hyperbolic drivel!
It's only propaganda if he doesn't agree with it. (See our conversation about the SOFA)

Yes, PLEASE see our conversation about SOFA! PLEASE!!

TemplarKormac and Old Style would have President Obama send 10,000 American sons and daughters into Iraq under the same outrageous SOFA agreement Bush signed. An agreement where Iraqi military tribunals reserve the right to prosecute our service people. Where the Iraqi government can try U.S. civilians and military personnel for crimes committed outside of U.S. bases and while "off duty."

TemplarKormac and Old Style would have America's sons and daughters sent into harms way under an egregious Status of Force agreement that render our troops helpless, subjects them to Iraqi military tribunals, gives the Iraqi government the ability to halt U.S. military operations, and turn vengeful detainees over to the Iraqis. Under a SOFA, where any terrorist American forces apprehends would have to be turned loose to a corrupt Iraqi police force loaded with sleepers within forty eight hours.

TemplarKormac and Old Style approves of a SOFA that confine our troops behind walls while waiting to be assigned approved missions by the Iraqi government. Where every time U.S. troops leave their bases it will have to be cleared by the Iraqis -- even if they want to conduct a convoy to Kuwait for resupply purposes. Not to mention an actual combat mission to quell violence and find bad guys.

So YES, PLEASE read our conversation about SOFA!

You were embarrassed then, as you were now. Care to address my points on Obamacare and premiums? Obama was the one pushing for residual forces, but by insisting on immunity the deal was trashed. But hey, it isn't as if he could have done more, right?

You approve of Barbarians beheading Americans and rampaging all over Syria and Iraq. You really don't give a damn about the Christians being slaughtered over there. No war! No saving lives, more focus on Ebola, less war!

Shut the fuck up.

Thank you for proving my point. You could care less about our sons and daughters. SO...Obama should have signed the same traitorous agreement Bush signed. Send our kids into a war zone under the jurisdiction of Iraqi tribunals.

FUCK YOU, you traitorous piece of shit.

Hah! You call me a traitor? Thank you for proving MY point.

Our sons and daughters enlisted in the military for a reason. They are ready, willing, and able to fight on a moment's notice. They are driven by a desire to serve their country. They know the risks, you do not. I do care, because my father fought, my grandfather fought, I had a brother in law fight in Afghanistan. We have the most powerful military in the world, but the biggest stick is ineffective if you don't know how wield it properly. I do care, because I know they care about their country.

You are a pacifist and a coward. Go ahead, keep the sword in the scabbard while your enemies bear down on you with no regard for your views on peace or your supposed compassion for our 'sons or daughters.' You lie on a bed of roses while ignoring the thorns underneath. ISIS is an existential threat to the world, they are taking whole countries over, conquering and pillaging as they go. So, do you not care for the innocents being slaughtered over there?

You show your ignorance when you label anyone a traitor.

ISIS is an existential threat to the world[/QUOTE]

Hyperbolic drivel!

ISIS has basically taken over Iraq, is about to take Syria, and well NOBODY can stop them. Not even this excuse for an air campaign Obama has launched against them. They have shown no hesitation to kill Americans. So tell me, what will stop them from carrying out their goals here in America? The nature of a fire is to burn anything in its path. ISIS is doing just that. They grow in power while people like you dismiss their threat as 'hyperbole.'

Seriously, you think with open borders if we go after rich people that will stop illegal aliens from coming from other countries, and you're mocking anyone? LOL. Mirror, mirror, your wheelchair for a mirror...

Yes, I really think if there were no jobs here for them, they wouldn't come here.

Why do you think they are coming here, for the ObamaPhone?

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