Wow, the Left really turning on Obama

The wars in Vietnam and Iraq were sold on false pretenses by a lot of people who were getting rich off the deal.

And that went fine, until the people who had to fight it got tired of watching their loved ones come home in body bags.

what we ought to have is an elite unit of the children of rich people and politicians that will be the first deployed to any war zone. I'll bet they won't be so keen on wars after that.

You are big on the anti-rich rhetoric, aren't you Karl? Why don't we just kill all the rich people since we are apparently the problem?

There it is, folks! Joe has finally come out and admitted that for him the answer to all our problems is the banning of the free enterprise system and having Government run EVERYTHING!

I've been in the private sector for 22 years.

Not a ONE of them ran as well as the Army did.

LOL, again you show you were never in the military. I wasn't in the military, but I come from a military family with military friends, and they would all laugh at you. Yeah, there is a discipline that gets the job done, but you've again obviously never been in the military. Just like your shallow lies that you have fired every magic firing stick (what we call guns) known to man while you fantasize about shooting people and look down your nose at anyone else who wants to shoot one for any reason because you assume they are as demented as you are and are fantasizing about shooting people too.

Dude, you are one sick fuck. Then again, I'm sure that's nothing your psychiatrists aren't telling you.

So they only get jobs from "rich people?" I guess to you anyone with a job is rich. But your argument is like saying we should stop giving people flu shots because they only need to wash their hands more.

Then again, simplistic, shallow, that is your speed.

I suppose we could also go after the folks who hire a bunch of Mexicans hanging outside the Home Depot to hang some drywall...

But, no, most of them are here working for rich folks who don't want to pay an American a fair wage.
LOL, again you show you were never in the military. I wasn't in the military, but I come from a military family with military friends, and they would all laugh at you. Yeah, there is a discipline that gets the job done, but you've again obviously never been in the military. Just like your shallow lies that you have fired every magic firing stick (what we call guns) known to man while you fantasize about shooting people and look down your nose at anyone else who wants to shoot one for any reason because you assume they are as demented as you are and are fantasizing about shooting people too.

Dude, you are one sick fuck. Then again, I'm sure that's nothing your psychiatrists aren't telling you.

sorry, Poopy, was in for 11 years. Rank Staff Sergeant, MOS 76Y30.

And while I did encounter my share of officers with egos larger than life and the NCO who only got promoted because he had been around for a long time, it's nothing like some of the utter horseshit I've seen in the private sector.

So they only get jobs from "rich people?" I guess to you anyone with a job is rich. But your argument is like saying we should stop giving people flu shots because they only need to wash their hands more.

Then again, simplistic, shallow, that is your speed.

I suppose we could also go after the folks who hire a bunch of Mexicans hanging outside the Home Depot to hang some drywall...

But, no, most of them are here working for rich folks who don't want to pay an American a fair wage.

Then why is it the party of the rich, the Republicans, want to stop illegal immigration and your rich hating party want it to continue?
LOL, again you show you were never in the military. I wasn't in the military, but I come from a military family with military friends, and they would all laugh at you. Yeah, there is a discipline that gets the job done, but you've again obviously never been in the military. Just like your shallow lies that you have fired every magic firing stick (what we call guns) known to man while you fantasize about shooting people and look down your nose at anyone else who wants to shoot one for any reason because you assume they are as demented as you are and are fantasizing about shooting people too.

Dude, you are one sick fuck. Then again, I'm sure that's nothing your psychiatrists aren't telling you.

sorry, Poopy, was in for 11 years. Rank Staff Sergeant, MOS 76Y30.

Wow, now I'm convinced. Well played. No one who wasn't in the military could come up with that.

And while I did encounter my share of officers with egos larger than life and the NCO who only got promoted because he had been around for a long time, it's nothing like some of the utter horseshit I've seen in the private sector.

Firing your worthless ass over and over shows that the private sector works, not that it doesn't.
You are big on the anti-rich rhetoric, aren't you Karl? Why don't we just kill all the rich people since we are apparently the problem?

Works for me.

The problem with getting rid of your scape goat is that it doesn't fix any of the problems, it just shows that the goat wasn't the problem.

The irony of shallow simpletons like you is that you're manipulated by rich people, liberal politicians. They think they can lead you by the nose to advance their own power. You show they are right.

There it is, folks! Joe has finally come out and admitted that for him the answer to all our problems is the banning of the free enterprise system and having Government run EVERYTHING!

I've been in the private sector for 22 years.

Not a ONE of them ran as well as the Army did.

LOL, again you show you were never in the military. I wasn't in the military, but I come from a military family with military friends, and they would all laugh at you. Yeah, there is a discipline that gets the job done, but you've again obviously never been in the military. Just like your shallow lies that you have fired every magic firing stick (what we call guns) known to man while you fantasize about shooting people and look down your nose at anyone else who wants to shoot one for any reason because you assume they are as demented as you are and are fantasizing about shooting people too.

Dude, you are one sick fuck. Then again, I'm sure that's nothing your psychiatrists aren't telling you.

That's why he's against the 2nd amendment and a socialist, because he knows that he cannot be trusted with freedom, and he just assumes everyone else lacks self-control and needs governmental control as he does, so he is projecting his own weaknesses on the citizens of the United States. He is a traitor to our country and the people. That much is obvious.
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LOL, again you show you were never in the military. I wasn't in the military, but I come from a military family with military friends, and they would all laugh at you. Yeah, there is a discipline that gets the job done, but you've again obviously never been in the military. Just like your shallow lies that you have fired every magic firing stick (what we call guns) known to man while you fantasize about shooting people and look down your nose at anyone else who wants to shoot one for any reason because you assume they are as demented as you are and are fantasizing about shooting people too.

Dude, you are one sick fuck. Then again, I'm sure that's nothing your psychiatrists aren't telling you.

sorry, Poopy, was in for 11 years. Rank Staff Sergeant, MOS 76Y30.

And while I did encounter my share of officers with egos larger than life and the NCO who only got promoted because he had been around for a long time, it's nothing like some of the utter horseshit I've seen in the private sector.

I don't believe it. No military man would use the word "poopy." :lol:
Also Obama failed to reach out to a broader coalition of Iraqi political leaders, leading to Maliki not wanting to make any moves without their support. What's more interesting is the fact that Obama had the option to put the troops on something called 'diplomatic rolls' which would have granted them immunity without input from the Iraqi government:

From October 21, 2011:

For more evidence that the administration actually wanted to extend the troop presence in Iraq, despite today's words by Obama and McDonough, one only has to look at the statements of Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.

In July, Panetta urged Iraqi leaders to, "Dammit, make a decision" about the U.S. troop extension. In August, he told reporters that, "My view is that they finally did say, ‘Yes.'" On Oct. 17, he was still pushing for the extension and said, "At the present time I'm not discouraged because we're still in negotiations with the Iraqis."

Sullivan was one of 40 conservative foreign policy professionals who wrote to Obama in September to warn that even a residual force of 4,000 troops would "leave the country more vulnerable to internal and external threats, thus imperiling the hard-fought gains in security and governance made in recent years at significant cost to the United States."

She said that the administration's negotiating strategy was flawed for a number of reasons: it failed to take into account Iraqi politics, failed to reach out to a broad enough group of Iraqi political leaders, and sent contradictory messages on the troop extension throughout the process.


The main Iraqi opposition party Iraqiya, led by former U.S. ally and former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, decided to tie that vote to two non-related issues. It said they would not vote for the troop extension unless Maliki agreed give them control of a high-level policy council and let them choose the minister of defense from their ranks. Maliki wasn't about to do either.

"It was clear from the beginning that Maliki wasn't going to make a move without the support of the other parties behind him," Sullivan explained, adding that the Obama administration focused on Maliki and neglected other actors, such as Allawi. "There was a misunderstanding of how negotiations were unfolding in Iraq. The negotiations got started in earnest far too late."


As recently as August, Maliki's office was discussing allowing 8,000 to 20,000 U.S. troops to remain until next year, Iraqi Ambassador Samir Sumaida'ie said in an interview with The Cable. He told us that there was widespread support in Iraq for such an extension, but the Obama administration was demanding that immunity for U.S. troops be endorsed by the Iraqi Council of Representatives, which was never really possible.

Administration sources and Hill staffers also tell The Cable that the demand that the troop immunity go through the Council of Representatives was a decision made by the State Department lawyers and there were other options available to the administration, such as putting the remaining troops on the embassy's diplomatic rolls, which would automatically give them immunity.

"An obvious fix for troop immunity is to put them all on the diplomatic list; that's done by notification to the Iraqi foreign ministry," said one former senior Hill staffer. "If State says that this requires a treaty or a specific agreement by the Iraqi parliament as opposed to a statement by the Iraqi foreign ministry, it has its head up its ass."

How the Obama administration bungled the Iraq withdrawal negotiations

Then WHY didn't Bush put our troops on the "diplomatic list" instead of signing a SOFA that stranded them there without immunity?

THIS is what the piece of shit Bush signed in 2008. President Obama would not put our troops in Iraq without immunity...BRAVO Mr President!

This Army Sargent wrote this about SOFA in 2009...

Iraq: Is the SOFA viable?

The Status of Forces Agreement between the governments of Iraq and the United States comes with outrageous stipulations that render our troops helpless, subject them to Iraqi military tribunals, halt U.S. military operations, and turn vengeful detainees over to the Iraqis. So what is the point of leaving our troops there as potted plants for the next three years?

Anyone who thinks this SOFA is similar to that of the pacts we have with Germany or Japan is delusional. There will be no safe tours of the Iraqi countryside for our troops on R&R. The Bush Administration, in one of their last attempts to salvage some grain of positive legacy, pushed this "rush job" through so they can say: "look at how far the Iraqis have come, see, we really did liberate them." At the same time a bipartisan majority of Congress sat on their hands with the deer in the headlights look. Knowing it's going to blow up in the Obama Administration's face. You gotta love how politics works.

Mr. Obama has promised to initiate a firm time line for troop withdrawal which coincides with the SOFA. However, it won't be overnight -- it will take years. And if upon our exit from Iraq violence spikes, it is likely that the withdrawal plan will be replaced by a contingency plan that keeps our troops in harms way indefinitely.

According to the SOFA a system has to be established for Iraqi approval of all U.S. missions. Therefore, our military strategy over the next six months is to leave Iraqi cities and confine ourselves behind walls while waiting to be assigned approved missions by the Iraqi government. Every time U.S. troops leave their bases it will have to be cleared by the Iraqis -- even if they want to conduct a convoy to Kuwait for resupply purposes. Not to mention an actual combat mission to quell violence and find bad guys.

How many undercover insurgent cells currently plague the Iraqi police and security forces? When retired Marine General James Jones and then D.C. Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey conducted their trip to Iraq to evalute the Iraqi police they concluded that the Iraqi National Police Force is so sectarian and corrupt that the entire force should be disbanded and rebuilt from the ground up -- it never happened.

Next month we start the process of releasing approximately sixteen thousand Iraqi detainees in U.S. custody to the Iraqi government. We here in America have no clue who these people are. They may be actual anti-American killers or just Iraqi bystanders that were falsely identified as insurgents and locked up for the last 5 years. When released many Iraqi men may find that their homes have been destroyed and their family members killed. Will that provide sixteen thousand (a divisional size element) reinforcements to the Iraqi insurgency? It's very conceivable.

Our regular ground forces still apprehend 50 insurgents a day while our special forces teams apprehend approximately a dozen hardline terrorists. Under the SOFA, not only can't we apprehend them, we have to turn them loose to a corrupt Iraqi police force loaded with sleepers within forty eight hours.

What about the Iraqi detainees that will be considered "enemies of the state?" They'll be placed in brutal Iraqi detention camps where they're likely to be tortured and eventually killed on mere circumstantial evidence. If they're fortunate enough to be released further down the line don't expect them not to retaliate -- a perfect ingredient to jump start the abated Iraqi civil war.

If and when that happens, and the Iraqis authorize U.S. troops to restart military operations and innocent people are accidentally killed, Iraqi military tribunals reserve the right to prosecute our service people.

The Iraqi government can now try U.S. civilians and military personnel for crimes committed outside of U.S. bases and while "off duty." I can't envision a scenario that would place our military in an "off duty" status in a country as hostile as Iraq. Suffice it to say that our troops will be subject to the Iraqi criminal justice system every second of the day.

The Iraqi government, in an effort to further demonstrate it's sovereignty, reserves the right search and inventory all U.S. cargo entering the country. They will check off the boxes on exactly what resources they feel are acceptable for our military. So if a shipment of ordinance arrives in Kuwait and the Iraqis decide to conduct an inspection of a U.S. convoy carrying the shipment across the border and render a decision to confiscate our munitions will they allow us to turn it around or will they confiscate it, use it, or possibly turn it over to our enemies for them to use against our residual forces?

Silly us, we must have forgotten it's their country.

All for the bargain price of 3 billion dollars per week. What a beautiful mess.
Because Bush was out of office two years? Because that wasn't the original agreement? Bush signed the SOFA that pulled the troops out of Iraq in 2011, but however, he did warn that pulling them out too soon was a dangerous proposition. And why exactly should I care to read anything from the Huffington post?

Silly you, having to post highly partisan garbage to prove a broken point.
They enlisted so they could do their job. And if you didn't notice, Obama was the one who insisted on keeping them there. So why blame Bush for that? Obama insisted on immunity, but Maliki said no. They weren't going there to be the subjects of the Iraqi government, Obama fully intended for them to be there whether the Iraqis wanted them to or not. Perhaps you should study the mechanics of the negotiations before you fling your false outrage at me. Got it?

I have studied the mechanics of the negotiation.

We didn't want to stay and the Iraqis didn't really want us there.

Pretty simple mechanics.

Why is this our problem again?

Obama didn't want to stay...Bob Gates, Leon Panetta, Hillary Clinton and the Joint Chiefs of Staff all agreed that we NEEDED to or exactly what has happened WOULD happen! It is pretty simple, Joe...Barry made the call...and Barry made the WRONG call.
Joe is one of the more "bitter" posters you'll run into on this board.

Things didn't work out the way he'd like in a free market economy so he's convinced himself that government running everything would be better for a schmuck like himself because they'll "level the playing field" for all the underachievers.

He seems quite bitter.

Well, yeah. Unlike you, I've been paying attention. It's kind of sad to watch rich people fuck it up as badly as they have and then blame the rest of us for it and leave us holding the bag.

Let me translate for those of you that don't speak "Joe"...

Joe's upset that life hasn't worked out for him and has decided that it's the fault of "rich people" everywhere.

There it is, folks! Joe has finally come out and admitted that for him the answer to all our problems is the banning of the free enterprise system and having Government run EVERYTHING!

I've been in the private sector for 22 years.

Not a ONE of them ran as well as the Army did.

LOL, again you show you were never in the military. I wasn't in the military, but I come from a military family with military friends, and they would all laugh at you. Yeah, there is a discipline that gets the job done, but you've again obviously never been in the military. Just like your shallow lies that you have fired every magic firing stick (what we call guns) known to man while you fantasize about shooting people and look down your nose at anyone else who wants to shoot one for any reason because you assume they are as demented as you are and are fantasizing about shooting people too.

Dude, you are one sick fuck. Then again, I'm sure that's nothing your psychiatrists aren't telling you.

That's why he's against the 2nd amendment and a socialist, because he knows that he cannot be trusted with freedom, and he just assumes everyone else lacks self-control and needs governmental control as he does, so he is projecting his own weaknesses on the citizens of the United States. He is a traitor to our country and the people. That much is obvious.

Yep, and it's why he's a fan of Obama, two peas in a pod.

You're not turning on Obama, are you Joe?
Wow, I'm not easily surprised by anything in politics any more, but it was an eye-opener to see Jonathan Alter going after Obama today:

Exposed The White House s Professor-in-Chief - The Daily Beast

Obviously it's now becoming stylish to pound on Obama now that he can't run for anything, and then line up for Hillary. But holy crap, Obama still has two years in office, gang.

Obama had/has neither the managerial skills nor the temperament to be President, but we put him in there twice. Part of the blame for that has to go to the GOP, which has completely and utterly failed to provide the country with a clear, unified, positive vision for this country.

And here we are. A pox on both houses.


so don't vote for him again.

p.s. still none of us would vote for Romney and the wacko right.
Wow, I'm not easily surprised by anything in politics any more, but it was an eye-opener to see Jonathan Alter going after Obama today:

Exposed The White House s Professor-in-Chief - The Daily Beast

Obviously it's now becoming stylish to pound on Obama now that he can't run for anything, and then line up for Hillary. But holy crap, Obama still has two years in office, gang.

Obama had/has neither the managerial skills nor the temperament to be President, but we put him in there twice. Part of the blame for that has to go to the GOP, which has completely and utterly failed to provide the country with a clear, unified, positive vision for this country.

And here we are. A pox on both houses.


so don't vote for him again.

p.s. still none of us would vote for Romney and the wacko right.

We know that the far left is not capable of thing for themselves nor can they vote any other way except far left.

Obama is worse than Bush and the far left votes for him twice.

Obama starts several illegal wars and the far left votes for him twice.

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