Wow, the Left really turning on Obama


Let me translate for those of you that don't speak "Joe"...

Joe's upset that life hasn't worked out for him and has decided that it's the fault of "rich people" everywhere.

When you have millions of Americans without jobs, with underwater mortgages, with busted 401K's, exactly who is life working out for these days OTHER than the rich?

Thanks Obama! :D

All that shit went down before Obama got there. But I know you can't connect the dots.

:blahblah: I blame Obama. :D Lol.

Let me translate for those of you that don't speak "Joe"...

Joe's upset that life hasn't worked out for him and has decided that it's the fault of "rich people" everywhere.

When you have millions of Americans without jobs, with underwater mortgages, with busted 401K's, exactly who is life working out for these days OTHER than the rich?

Oh, you, you are rich and and have a 12 inch Dick on the Internet.

Stop peeking in my windows, Joe! I'm a very modest person at heart...

The problem with your theories, little that the rich got richer under Obama and the Middle Class got poorer. If you're a Middle Class American right now, the Reagan years are looking like the "Good 'ole Days"!
Then WHY didn't Bush put our troops on the "diplomatic list" instead of signing a SOFA that stranded them there without immunity?

THIS is what the piece of shit Bush signed in 2008. President Obama would not put our troops in Iraq without immunity...BRAVO Mr President!.

There were two years to go. So seriously, you're outraged now that W didn't do Obama's job for him? Negotiate a pact for the troops to stay two years after he left office? Damn it, Obama HAS to pull the troops out, W didn't negotiate this before he left office!!!!

I wanted the troops to leave. I said that. You are saying you wanted them to stay, but they couldn't becasue W didn't do Obama's job for him. You people are unreal.

Bush DID negotiate the SOFA before he left office.


And I didn't want our troops in Iraq from day one. I was vehemently against the invasion of Iraq.

Says you. Americans have always had private gun ownership rights and have always owned guns, since the inception of this country, give or take a few tyrannical gun bans instituted by certain states in the past, the latest of which was Chicago I believe, which was overturned by the Supreme Court. YES, Chicago citizens CAN defend themselves with handguns! It was determined that the Chicago handgun ban infringed upon the constitutional right to bear arms of American citizens.

So, it still doesn't matter what you think or say. It is still a right. You can try to spin it anyway you want, but it is clear that the framers of the Constitution intended for the people of the United States to be armed and ready at a moment's notice. You really should take a history class. :)

That We've always had something is not a good reason to keep doing it.

We've always had slavery until 1865. We always had institutionalized racism until 1968.

Because some Slave Raping Assholes thought something was a good idea 230 years ago does not make it a good idea now.

We don't need every citizen armed today because today we have professional Armies and Police Forces.

Although because of you gun nuts, we have to arm the police like the Army these days.

Stop peeking in my windows, Joe! I'm a very modest person at heart...

The problem with your theories, little that the rich got richer under Obama and the Middle Class got poorer. If you're a Middle Class American right now, the Reagan years are looking like the "Good 'ole Days"!

Actually, the CLINTON years look like the good old days. Reagan, not so much.

Yes, the rich did use the recession as another excuse to loot the working class. But the working class is in a far better place than that idiot Bush left it in.

That's why Obama won a second term.
uhm dude, it wasn't guns that destroyed the middle class. it was democrats


Dude- Republicans busted the unions.

Exactly how did Republicans bust the unions? Unions busted themselves.

Republicans pushed for free trade.

William Jefferson Clinton, the worse president of my time, pushed for the free trade agreements harder then anything else during his administration. Without a democrat president the agreements would have never seen the light of day.

REpublicans pushed to deregulate the banks.

And democrats created a housing bubble and the events leading to 2008 crash.

Republicans destroyed the middle class..

BS, BS, BS, Democrats have been in power now for 6 years. 8 if you count the disaster of the democrat take over of congress.

With the help of Gun and Bible nuts.

kaz said:
I wanted the troops to leave. I said that. You are saying you wanted them to stay, but they couldn't becasue W didn't do Obama's job for him. You people are unreal.

Bush DID negotiate the SOFA before he left office

Exactly, years earlier. Obama was President when we left, how did he not revisit the agreement?

Hey guy, you went down the wrong road. Again. You wanted to argue with Republicans. good luck with that. But it has nothign to do with me.

Well, talking to Libertarians is like talking to Retarded Children. Pointless and ultimately annoying.

The idea of doing anything for yourself instead of mommy government doing it for you is just that inconceivable, is it totty boy?

Stop peeking in my windows, Joe! I'm a very modest person at heart...

The problem with your theories, little that the rich got richer under Obama and the Middle Class got poorer. If you're a Middle Class American right now, the Reagan years are looking like the "Good 'ole Days"!

Actually, the CLINTON years look like the good old days. Reagan, not so much.

Yes, the rich did use the recession as another excuse to loot the working class. But the working class is in a far better place than that idiot Bush left it in.

Say what?

Pure comedy. Economic data exists. Refer to it, partisan...or not...thanks for the laugh, though.
All that shit went down before Obama got there. But I know you can't connect the dots.

:blahblah: I blame Obama. :D Lol.

Of course you do. You are racist and borderline retarded.

Projecting : the attribution of one's own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people or to objects; especially : the externalization of blame, guilt, or responsibility as a defense against anxiety
You are big on the anti-rich rhetoric, aren't you Karl? Why don't we just kill all the rich people since we are apparently the problem?

Works for me.

That's because you're an evil socialist. :)

When a plane full of rich people crashes, the only thing I'm upset about is the empty seat.

Yeah, but you're not bitter! Nah...:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

After that comment, he's more than just "bitter." He's a sorry excuse for a human being!
You are big on the anti-rich rhetoric, aren't you Karl? Why don't we just kill all the rich people since we are apparently the problem?

Works for me.

That's because you're an evil socialist. :)

When a plane full of rich people crashes, the only thing I'm upset about is the empty seat.

Yeah, but you're not bitter! Nah...:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

After that comment, he's more than just "bitter." He's a sorry excuse for a human being!

You've no idea,Joe is as sick as it gets.

That's why he whines and cries about EVERYTHING
You are big on the anti-rich rhetoric, aren't you Karl? Why don't we just kill all the rich people since we are apparently the problem?

Works for me.

That's because you're an evil socialist. :)

When a plane full of rich people crashes, the only thing I'm upset about is the empty seat.

Yeah, but you're not bitter! Nah...:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

After that comment, he's more than just "bitter." He's a sorry excuse for a human being!

The class envy and jealousy is strong in him...He's always on about the evil "rich"...

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