Wow, the Left really turning on Obama


They can also FIRE your ass for gross stupidity...where do you work?

Wouldn't you like to know.

I could care less, but I'm sure your 1% BOSS would like to know about your deranged issues with him!

I work for a foreign company where we don't let out CEO's make 8 figures for failing the company miserably.

Do us and yourself a favor...MOVE to that foreign country!

Do us and yourself a favor...MOVE to that foreign country!

Why? We are in the position to FIX this one by making it like those countries.

Universal health care, heavy taxes on the rich, and a social safety net from cradle to grave.

And we'll all be better off for it.

Says a lazy little bitch who demands to be taken care of by Daddy Government?

No thanks, we American Men like taking care of ourselves.....
Says a lazy little bitch who demands to be taken care of by Daddy Government?

No thanks, we American Men like taking care of ourselves.....

Right. WHich is why you will insist your Unemployment, MediCare and Social Security is totally deserved while insisting that some woman shouldn't get food stamps.

I think i was talking to one of you guys who "takes care of himself", by doing a government job while collecting a pension form the military.
I take care of myself by earning more when I need it.
That's what men do Joe, now I KNOW that you don't think that way....YOU are too used to being a ward of the system....DEMANDING people give you shit......turning away from God when He doesn't do what you demand of him......people die despite your whining.
Well, I voted for him in the primary and in 2008...can't say I'm terribly impressed. More wars, wasting tax dollars on useless crap (I have no problem paying taxes for efficiently spent projects that benefit all...not just 'minority' interest groups) and just his general i-dont-care-what-you-think attitude. Plus, the man is an inebriate. Anyone who hasn't caught on to that isn't paying attention. Still, unless the GOP can summon a liberty minded leader, I'm stuck. Probably just won't vote next time. Why bother?

Is owning slaves a right of the people? No. They were considered "property" however. Still, your comparisons are stupid. Obviously you're a weirdo. Do you think it is poor people or rich people who are running the government? You say you don't trust rich powerful people, yet you trust the government.

If you want to rely on the police to come and save you that's fine, but everyone does not feel comfortable with that, nor should they. We can and will continue to defend ourselves, as is our constitutional rights.

Yawn. Here's the thing about rich people in the government. I can vote them the fuck out.

Mitt Romney spent millions he made putting working folks out of work on his two failed Presidential runs, but he still lost.

The problem with your argument about how "you need to defend yourself" is that a gun makes most situations worse. We have 19,000 gun suicides and 11,000 gun homicides and 800 gun accidents compared to the mere 200 times where someone used a gun to kill someone in self defense.

That's fucking crazy.

Oh really? Lol! YOU can vote them out? Are you 5 years old or something? :lol:

Spoken as a true Socialist scumbag.... Those people you hate are the ones that give you musleheads a job. They used their brains, which a majority of pond scum, like you, don't have! Now that their ability to THINK out a problem and have it done by you assholes, you, as any good Socialist. Marxist, Fascist, Communist demands is that you BRAINLESS scum get to take EVERYTHING that the SMART PEOPLE have built..... You are ONLY MUSCLE, you have NO THINKING POWER!

You, see, dumbass, this is where you are confused. Rich people aren't giving me a job. The working class folks who buy the products that my company makes give me a job.

I mean, the rich people who run my company can decide we are going to manufacture shit sandwiches, but if no one buys them, all the money in the world won't keep me in a job for long.

You need to put down the Ayn Rand. The rich aren't any smarter than anyone else, just luckier and in charge of slicing up the pie.

You really don't understand you Joey? Here's how things work in the REAL world! Someone with capital decides that there is a profit to be made selling widgets. They hire a stiff like you to build the widget factory. They hire more stiffs like you to make the widgets themselves. They hire even more stiffs like you to market the widgets.

And only THEN...after giving multiple stiffs like you a working they "possibly" make a profit! That possibility of making a profit is the only thing that provides that job for you.
kaz said:
I wanted the troops to leave. I said that. You are saying you wanted them to stay, but they couldn't becasue W didn't do Obama's job for him. You people are unreal.

Bush DID negotiate the SOFA before he left office

Exactly, years earlier. Obama was President when we left, how did he not revisit the agreement?

He DID revisit the agreement...

Unlike Bush, Obama would not sign a SOFA that would expose our sons and daughters to Iraqi tribunals...
Says a lazy little bitch who demands to be taken care of by Daddy Government?

No thanks, we American Men like taking care of ourselves.....

Right. WHich is why you will insist your Unemployment, MediCare and Social Security is totally deserved while insisting that some woman shouldn't get food stamps.

I think i was talking to one of you guys who "takes care of himself", by doing a government job while collecting a pension form the military.

unemployment, medicare and social security are paid for by the gvmt seizing money from's called "payroll taxes"..

That would be MY money that I already paid's not a free money entitlement like EBT and welfare.
....when you actually get a job, you'll understand how these things work and you wont be so easily influenced by government propaganda.

I'd be fine if I could get a total refund on everything I've paid in so I could go create my own retirement account and purchase health insurance...but the gvmt doesn't want independent wants people to be's good "politics".
I take care of myself by earning more when I need it.

So do I. I've been working since I was 16. And from the Pizza Place I worked then where they paid me sub-minimum wage because they were a "family business" to the last bunch of assholes who fired me after I ran up too many medical bills, I found that people WILL cheat you given the opportunity.

That's what men do Joe, now I KNOW that you don't think that way....YOU are too used to being a ward of the system....DEMANDING people give you shit.....

I call it - "holding up your end of an agreement." Case in point. I worked for a salary and health insurance. That means I have a reasonable expectation that when I got injured and required surgery to correct the problem, I don't spend a year fighting with the insurance company while the employer tries to find a rational to fire me.

Otherwise, shit, just go to a Single Payer government run system like every other civilized country has. Because clearly,t he system you worship doesn't work.

Iturning away from God when He doesn't do what you demand of him......people die despite your whining.

No, I turned away from God because he clearly doesn't exist. I'm sorry you can't seem to comprehend that. There is no God, and the concept of God - at least the Christian one - is so utterly silly it deserves ridicule. An eternal, omnipotent, omniscient being whose biggest concern in life is whether 1/3rd of the population of a single planet in a huge universe is worshiping him?

a being that won't stop Ebola or famine in Ethiopia, but is going to totally make sure Tebow gets a touchdown?

I turned from your God because he's absurd.

unemployment, medicare and social security are paid for by the gvmt seizing money from's called "payroll taxes"..

That would be MY money that I already paid's not a free money entitlement like EBT and welfare.
....when you actually get a job, you'll understand how these things work and you wont be so easily influenced by government propaganda.

The problem with that mentality is, the government will not say, "No More' once you exceed what you've paid in.

If you live to be 72 after retiring at 65, you will get back everything you paid into social security. It's why the system is having issues now, because people are now living to 78 and beyond.

Similarly, you'd get back everything you paid into Unemployment if you were laid off more than 10 weeks. (And actually, it's your employer who pays into that, not you.)

And one serious illness will cash out anything you paid into Medicare.

I'd be fine if I could get a total refund on everything I've paid in so I could go create my own retirement account and purchase health insurance...but the gvmt doesn't want independent wants people to be's good "politics".

And are you going to obediently die when your private insurance company decides your cancer is a "Pre-existing condition" or starve to death if the market crashes and takes your retirement account down with it?

You really don't understand you Joey? Here's how things work in the REAL world! Someone with capital decides that there is a profit to be made selling widgets. They hire a stiff like you to build the widget factory. They hire more stiffs like you to make the widgets themselves. They hire even more stiffs like you to market the widgets.

And only THEN...after giving multiple stiffs like you a working they "possibly" make a profit! That possibility of making a profit is the only thing that provides that job for you.

Guy, if Republicans "understood" economics, why do we have recessions every time they get into power?

The problem is, most capitalists don't understand the market, they hire people who do. They've turned investment into a big casino. and you get a guy like Mitt Romney who will fire a bunch of Americans because he's found a place where they'll lock up 120 Chinese babes behind barbed wire to a single bathroom, and he talks about how wonderful that is to a bunch of his fellow rich douchbags.

Oh, shit, one of the Wage Slaves had a camera!

unemployment, medicare and social security are paid for by the gvmt seizing money from's called "payroll taxes"..

That would be MY money that I already paid's not a free money entitlement like EBT and welfare.
....when you actually get a job, you'll understand how these things work and you wont be so easily influenced by government propaganda.

The problem with that mentality is, the government will not say, "No More' once you exceed what you've paid in.
If you live to be 72 after retiring at 65, you will get back everything you paid into social security. It's why the system is having issues now, because people are now living to 78 and beyond.

Similarly, you'd get back everything you paid into Unemployment if you were laid off more than 10 weeks. (And actually, it's your employer who pays into that, not you.)

And one serious illness will cash out anything you paid into Medicare.

I'd be fine if I could get a total refund on everything I've paid in so I could go create my own retirement account and purchase health insurance...but the gvmt doesn't want independent wants people to be's good "politics".

And are you going to obediently die when your private insurance company decides your cancer is a "Pre-existing condition" or starve to death if the market crashes and takes your retirement account down with it?


...and if you start working at 18 and retire at 65 you will only get a fraction of what you paid in for 47 years back...(unless you live to be around 112 years old.)
The gvmt keeps the rest.

if you start working at 18 and die before you retire...say at the age of 50...all the money you paid in goes where?...the gvmt keeps it.

You're the one who brought up SS, medicare and unemployment and alleged they were "entitlements"...
Keep swinging, though.
You really don't understand you Joey? Here's how things work in the REAL world! Someone with capital decides that there is a profit to be made selling widgets. They hire a stiff like you to build the widget factory. They hire more stiffs like you to make the widgets themselves. They hire even more stiffs like you to market the widgets.

And only THEN...after giving multiple stiffs like you a working they "possibly" make a profit! That possibility of making a profit is the only thing that provides that job for you.

Guy, if Republicans "understood" economics, why do we have recessions every time they get into power?

The problem is, most capitalists don't understand the market, they hire people who do. They've turned investment into a big casino. and you get a guy like Mitt Romney who will fire a bunch of Americans because he's found a place where they'll lock up 120 Chinese babes behind barbed wire to a single bathroom, and he talks about how wonderful that is to a bunch of his fellow rich douchbags.

Oh, shit, one of the Wage Slaves had a camera!

who bailed out AIG?

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