Wow, the Left really turning on Obama


...and if you start working at 18 and retire at 65 you will only get a fraction of what you paid in for 47 years back.
The gvmt keeps the rest.

No, you'll get everything back if you live to be 72, and other people will be paying your way beyond that.

if you start working at 18 and die before you retire...say at the age of 50...all the money you paid in goes where?...the gvmt keeps it.

You're the one who brought up SS, medicare and unemployment and alleged they were "entitlements"...
Keep swinging, though.

Well, no, guy, i don't think they are "entitlements". They are social welfare. The only problem is, I'm fine with welfare when the market doesn't take care of people.

Now, here's the thing you don't get. When big corporations like McDonalds and WalMart are having the government subsidize their employees with food stamps and MediCaid, because they aren't paying them a fair wage for their labor, but the Waltons are some of the richest people on the planet, that's all manner of fucked up.

Except for dumbasses like you you and DogStyle and Antares who think that the rich should be able to exploit the shit out of us and we should be happy they are doing it.
who bailed out AIG?


Which kind of makes my point. The thing was, AIG was "too big to fail". Because if it had been allowed to fail, the recession would have been a lot worse than it was and people might start demanding - gasp - socialism.

So we had a big old bailout, and AIG knew it had the government over a barrel and said, 'Shit, mother fuckers, we are totally keeping our bonuses!"
You really don't understand you Joey? Here's how things work in the REAL world! Someone with capital decides that there is a profit to be made selling widgets. They hire a stiff like you to build the widget factory. They hire more stiffs like you to make the widgets themselves. They hire even more stiffs like you to market the widgets.

And only THEN...after giving multiple stiffs like you a working they "possibly" make a profit! That possibility of making a profit is the only thing that provides that job for you.

Guy, if Republicans "understood" economics, why do we have recessions every time they get into power?

The problem is, most capitalists don't understand the market, they hire people who do. They've turned investment into a big casino. and you get a guy like Mitt Romney who will fire a bunch of Americans because he's found a place where they'll lock up 120 Chinese babes behind barbed wire to a single bathroom, and he talks about how wonderful that is to a bunch of his fellow rich douchbags.

Oh, shit, one of the Wage Slaves had a camera!

who bailed out AIG?

Bush and Paulson

...and if you start working at 18 and retire at 65 you will only get a fraction of what you paid in for 47 years back.
The gvmt keeps the rest.

No, you'll get everything back if you live to be 72, and other people will be paying your way beyond that.

if you start working at 18 and die before you retire...say at the age of 50...all the money you paid in goes where?...the gvmt keeps it.

You're the one who brought up SS, medicare and unemployment and alleged they were "entitlements"...
Keep swinging, though.

Well, no, guy, i don't think they are "entitlements". They are social welfare. The only problem is, I'm fine with welfare when the market doesn't take care of people.

Now, here's the thing you don't get. When big corporations like McDonalds and WalMart are having the government subsidize their employees with food stamps and MediCaid, because they aren't paying them a fair wage for their labor, but the Waltons are some of the richest people on the planet, that's all manner of fucked up.

Except for dumbasses like you you and DogStyle and Antares who think that the rich should be able to exploit the shit out of us and we should be happy they are doing it.

It's not "social welfare" guys like to make up new! and exciting! definitions for words..
It is money you paid in yourself...nothing to do with welfare or entitlements or anything of the sort..It's YOUR money they are trickling back to you in drops...

Never mind.We'll never get anywhere...your agenda doesn't allow for accepting ANYTHING your "opponents" are continuously in full defense mode for big government and statist policies..
Some submissive people just like to be dominated and told what to do..

It's not "social welfare" guys like to make up new! and exciting! definitions for words..
It is money you paid in yourself...nothing to do with welfare or entitlements or anything of the sort..It's YOUR money they are trickling back to you in drops...

Never mind.We'll never get anywhere...your agenda doesn't allow for accepting ANYTHING your "opponents" are continuously in full defense mode for big government and statist policies..
Some submissive people just like to be dominated and told what to do..

Guy, we didn't create Social Security and Medicare because we wanted to created an "entitlement". We did it because we know damned well that when you hit a certain age, the "Free Market" has no use for you. No one hires a 65 year old when he can get a 25 year old to do the same job, and no private insurance company is going to sell a policy to a 70 year old.

I don't accept what your side says because I was a Republican for nearly 30 years, and there got to be a certain point where the litany of failures I could no longer rationalize with a straight face. That point was also know as "The George W. Bush Administration".
You really don't understand you Joey? Here's how things work in the REAL world! Someone with capital decides that there is a profit to be made selling widgets. They hire a stiff like you to build the widget factory. They hire more stiffs like you to make the widgets themselves. They hire even more stiffs like you to market the widgets.

And only THEN...after giving multiple stiffs like you a working they "possibly" make a profit! That possibility of making a profit is the only thing that provides that job for you.

Guy, if Republicans "understood" economics, why do we have recessions every time they get into power?

The problem is, most capitalists don't understand the market, they hire people who do. They've turned investment into a big casino. and you get a guy like Mitt Romney who will fire a bunch of Americans because he's found a place where they'll lock up 120 Chinese babes behind barbed wire to a single bathroom, and he talks about how wonderful that is to a bunch of his fellow rich douchbags.

Oh, shit, one of the Wage Slaves had a camera!

who bailed out AIG?

Bush and Paulson
..and geithner...

check the dates on this bailout list;

bush? LMAO..
Jan 20 Barack Obama Takes Office
Obama is inaugurated as the 44th president.

Jan 26 Geithner Takes Office
Timothy Geithner is sworn in as Secretary of the Treasury.

109 bailouts: $31.3B List

Feb 10 Geithner Pitches New Bailout Plan
Geithner rolls out the Financial Stability Plan. Geithner promises to perform "stress tests" on the nation's biggest banks to determine their health and the necessity of more government investments, announces that the government will form some sort of public-private partnership to buy troubled assets from the banks, says he'll commit an additional $100 billion to boost the TALF and promises the administration will soon introduce its foreclosure prevention plan.

Feb 17 Stimulus Bill Passes, Limiting Exec Bonuses
President Obama signs the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which includes a section limiting the bonuses of the highest earning executives at firms that received bailout money.

Feb 18 Rollout of Mortgage Rescue
The administration announces its broad plan to prevent foreclosures and promote mortgage loan modifications. (More about the program here.)

Feb 18 Treasury Ups Limit for Fannie and Freddie to $200 Billion
Geithner announces that the Treasury is increasing its funding commitment to both Fannie and Freddie from $100 billion to $200 billion.

Feb 25 Stress Tests Begin
Bank regulators begin their stress tests of the nation’s 19 largest banks and promise that they'll be finished by the end of April at the latest. Treasury officials explain that the tests will be used to determine how much more money the banks need to survive a steep economic downturn.

Feb 26 Obama Administration Makes Room for $750 Billion More
The administration's budget blueprint suggests that the Treasury Department might need as much as $750 billion more to stabilize the financial sector.

Feb 26 Fannie Mae Asks for $15.2 Billion
Fannie Mae reports a $25.2 billion loss for the fourth quarter of 2008 and losses for all of 2008 totaling $58.7 billion. To fill the holes of its losses, the Federal Housing Finance Agency requests $15.2 billion from the Treasury.
68 bailouts: $77.8B 5 refunds: $353,000,000 2 revenue payments: $395M List

Mar 2 Fourth AIG Bailout
The government restructures its bailout of AIG for the third time. Treasury says it might invest up to $30 billion more. Together, the Fed's and Treasury's commitments add up to $180 billion.

Mar 3 Fed Launches TALF
The Fed and Treasury announce the launch of the TALF.

Mar 4 Administration Launches Homeowner Bailout
The Treasury launches its plan to promote mortgage loan modifications and pledges to spend $75 billion on the effort.

Mar 11 Freddie Mac Asks for $30.8 Billion More
Freddie Mac reports a $23.9 billion net loss for the fourth quarter of 2008 and net losses for 2008 totaling $50.1 billion. To fill the hole of its losses, the Federal Housing Finance Agency requests $30.8 billion from the Treasury, bringing the total bailout to $44.6 billion.

Mar 15 AIG Pays Out Bonuses to Execs
AIG pays out $165 million in retention bonuses to executives who work in the business unit that was primarily responsible for sinking the company.

Mar 16 Treasury Announces Small Biz Program
The Treasury announces a program to spur credit markets for small businesses by purchasing up to $15 billion in securities backed by Small Business Administration loans. The program never gets off the ground.

Mar 19 Treasury Announces Auto Parts Program
The Treasury announces the Auto Supplier Support Program, a plan to provide up to $5 billion in financing to auto parts suppliers. (More about the program here.)

Mar 23 Treasury Announces Toxic Asset Program
Treasury Secretary Geithner rolls out the administration's plan to use government capital and financing to team with private investors to buy up toxic assets. Between $75 billion to $100 billion will be dedicated to the effort. (More about the program here.)
50 bailouts: $25.8B 6 refunds: $683,540,000 2 revenue payments: $995K List

Apr 20 Treasury Trims AIG Aid to Recoup Bonus Payments
AIG and the Treasury Department finalize the agreement to provide AIG up to $30 billion more, but the Treasury trims $165 million from the additional aid and charges a fee for the same amount to recoup the bonuses paid to AIG employees in March.

Apr 30 Chrysler Files for Bankruptcy Protection
Chrysler files for bankruptcy protection, and as part of the restructuring, the Treasury Department agrees to loan Chrysler up to $8 billion more. The Treasury will get an eight percent stake in the company.
57 bailouts: $46.7B 9 refunds: $735,320,000 565 revenue payments: $5.92B List

May 7 Federal releases the results of its stress tests
According to the results of the Federal Reserve's "stress tests," 10 of the 19 largest banks will have to raise a total of $74.6 billion in additional capital to withstand a dire economic scenario. Ultimately, all of the banks raise the money privately, with the exception of GMAC.

May 8 Fannie Mae Asks for $19 Billion More
Fannie Mae reports a $23.2 billion loss for the first quarter of 2009. To fill the holes of its losses, the Federal Housing Finance Agency requests $19 billion from the Treasury.

May 12 Freddie Mac Asks for $6.1 Billion More
Freddie Mac reports a $9.9 billion net loss for the first quarter of 2009. To fill the hole of its losses, the Federal Housing Finance Agency requests $6.1 billion from the Treasury, bringing the total bailout to $50.7 billion.
43 bailouts: $27.5B 12 refunds: $68,352,729,000 27 revenue payments: $2.31B List

Jun 3 Part of Toxic Asset Program Indefinitely Delayed
FDIC chief Sheila Bair announces that the banks have been so successful in raising private capital that there is no longer sufficient interest in a plan to purchase their troubled loans. The loan program comprises one-half of the Public-Private Investment Program; the other, to buy banks' asset-backed securities, is still in development.

Jun 9 Treasury Approves 10 Banks to Repay $68 Billion
The Treasury Department announces that it has approved 10 banks to repay their TARP funds. The banks are JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, U.S. Bank, Northern Trust, Capital One, BB&T, American Express, Bank of New York Mellon, and State Street. You can see a complete list of the banks that have repaid their TARP funds here.

Jun 1 GM Files for Bankruptcy Protection
GM files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. As part of the restructuring, the U.S. government agrees to provide the company up to $30.1 billion more. In exchange, the U.S. will receive a 60 percent stake in the company when it emerges from bankruptcy.

Jun 10 Chrysler Finalizes Deal with Fiat, Begins Operations as New Company
The new Chrysler announces that it has finalized its alliance with Fiat, and that the new company will begin operations immediately. On June 29, seven Chrysler plants resumed production. Most manufacturing operations had been idle since early May.
27 bailouts: $9.76B 5 refunds: $2,189,254,840 17 revenue payments: $2.58B List

Jul 8 Treasury Launches Toxic Securities Program
The Treasury names the nine asset managers who will participate in its program to buy toxic securities and says that up to $30 billion of TARP funds will be invested alongside private investors.

Jul 10 New GM Begins Operations
GM announces that its purchase of the company's good assets (and shedding of the bad) has been finalized and that it can begin operations as a new company.

Jul 30 Treasury Completes Exchange of Citigroup Shares
On July 23 and July 30, Treasury exchanged a total of $25 billion of its preferred shares in Citigroup for common stock. As a result, the Treasury owns 7.7 billion shares of Citi's common stock, a 34% stake in the company.
18 bailouts: $14B 3 refunds: $140,000,000 598 revenue payments: $3.03B List

Aug 6 Fannie Mae Asks for $10.7 Billion More
Fannie Mae reports a $14.8 billion billion loss for the second quarter of 2009. To fill the holes of its losses, the Federal Housing Finance Agency requests $10.7 billion from the Treasury.
31 bailouts: $2.74B 7 refunds: $403,938,000 17 revenue payments: $2.6B List

19 bailouts: $12.6B 3 refunds: $88,400,000 12 revenue payments: $609M List

Oct 22 TARP Chief for Exec Compensation Releases Findings
The Special Master for TARP Executive Compensation releases determinations on the compensation packages for the top 25 most highly paid executives at the companies that received "exceptional" assistance -- i.e. those that were bailed out in the strictest sense of the word: AIG, Bank of America, Citigroup, Chrysler, Chrysler Financial, General Motors, and GMAC.
18 bailouts: $18.4B 10 refunds: $368,618,000 596 revenue payments: $1.89B List

Nov 4 Fannie Mae Asks for $15 Billion More
Fannie Mae reports a $18.9 billion billion loss for the third quarter of 2009. To fill the holes of its losses, the Federal Housing Finance Agency requests $15 billion from the Treasury.

Nov 1 CIT Files for Bankruptcy, $2.3 Billion Lost
CIT files for bankruptcy protection. A $2.33 billion TARP investment is wiped out.
53 bailouts: $7.47B 15 refunds: $91,851,152,000 42 revenue payments: $4.44B List

Dec 1 AIG and Fed Strike Deal to Reduce AIG Debt
AIG announces that it has completed two deals that, together, shave $25 billion off its tab to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, bringing the combined total it owes the Fed and the Treasury to about $62 billion.

Dec 23 Citigroup Returns $20 Billion
Citigroup repays $20 billion to the Treasury.

Dec 23 Citi Also Terminates its Loss-Share Agreement
Citi's $5 billion loss-share agreement with the Treasury is terminated. The Treasury still retains the common stock it received in exchanged for its $25 billion investment, so, together with the $20 billion reimbursement, the total outstanding aid falls to $25 billion from $50 billion.

Dec 9 Bank of America Repays $45 Billion
Bank of America returns all $45 billion to the Treasury.

Dec 23 Wells Fargo Returns $25 Billion
Wells Fargo returns all $25 billion.

Dec 24 Treasury Removes $400 Billion Cap on Fannie, Freddie Aid
The Treasury says that in order to preserve "the continued strength and stability of the mortgage market," it is removing the $400 billion cap ($200 billion for each) the Treasury Department placed on the aid earlier in 2009. For the next three years, the Treasury will cover Fannie and Freddie's losses, no matter how large.
5 bailouts: $118M 7 refunds: $448,550,464 23 revenue payments: $127M List

2 bailouts: $16.1B 7 refunds: $7,999,465,065 584 revenue payments: $758M List

3 bailouts: $31M 9 refunds: $7,206,296,735 10 revenue payments: $4.54B List

2 bailouts: $748K 8 refunds: $6,126,668,619 30 revenue payments: $612M List

3 bailouts: $19B 3 refunds: $8,086,474,158 550 revenue payments: $1.75B List

6 bailouts: $1.52B 6 refunds: $5,445,910,825 30 revenue payments: $3.53B List

1 bailouts: $10.2M 3 refunds: $418,698,000 22 revenue payments: $250M List

10 bailouts: $3.94B 4 refunds: $142,318,000 509 revenue payments: $665M List

137 bailouts: $7.27B 5 refunds: $6,095,822,304 55 revenue payments: $7.26B List

3 refunds: $113,400,000 19 revenue payments: $53M List

2 bailouts: $2.6B 7 refunds: $13,727,572,090 546 revenue payments: $735M List

2 bailouts: $7.6M 24 refunds: $14,171,102,824 47 revenue payments: $11.1B List

1 bailouts: $100K 7 refunds: $125,292,316 29 revenue payments: $463M List

Jan 14 AIG Repayment Plan Executed
In a complex transaction, AIG paid off its outstanding debt to the Fed with the help of the Treasury, which took a large stake in AIG as compensation.
2 bailouts: $3.1B 12 refunds: $5,805,111,839 503 revenue payments: $585M List

19 refunds: $17,448,371,348 34 revenue payments: $4.5B List

4 bailouts: $2.45M 9 refunds: $607,753,763 25 revenue payments: $224M List

2 bailouts: $8.51B 11 refunds: $11,753,847,385 483 revenue payments: $1.39B List

9 refunds: $456,565,590 26 revenue payments: $3.97B List

1 bailouts: $1.22M 40 refunds: $2,342,855,359 77 revenue payments: $730M List

2 bailouts: $6.57B 48 refunds: $2,867,147,097 496 revenue payments: $385M List

2 bailouts: $1.4M 85 refunds: $1,760,920,302 157 revenue payments: $4.23B List

8 refunds: $66,068,305 32 revenue payments: $108M List

2 bailouts: $13.8B 5 refunds: $1,188,113,765 343 revenue payments: $352M List

1 bailouts: $33.6M 14 refunds: $305,893,484 27 revenue payments: $4.3B List

9 refunds: $469,910,270 24 revenue payments: $53.5M List

1 bailouts: $4.57B 6 refunds: $296,511,426 299 revenue payments: $414M List

2 bailouts: $146M 28 refunds: $16,851,830,270 28 revenue payments: $4.71B List

12 refunds: $3,655,251,000 38 revenue payments: $135M List

1 bailouts: $19M 10 refunds: $6,642,999,390 285 revenue payments: $293M List

1 bailouts: $18.6M 27 refunds: $1,248,865,032 33 revenue payments: $4.77B List

25 refunds: $1,740,364,535 58 revenue payments: $124M List

27 refunds: $8,762,661,153 275 revenue payments: $360M List

29 refunds: $23,200,288,329 38 revenue payments: $4.96B List

26 refunds: $2,267,044,753 17 revenue payments: $196M List

1 bailouts: $2.37M 50 refunds: $2,035,069,840 268 revenue payments: $661M List

1 bailouts: $10K 40 refunds: $10,395,244,728 70 revenue payments: $9.87B List

1 bailouts: $100M 17 refunds: $1,703,873,782 22 revenue payments: $53.8M List

1 bailouts: $627K 30 refunds: $1,454,790,514 179 revenue payments: $1.53B List

1 bailouts: $10.3M 24 refunds: $942,816,262 34 revenue payments: $11B List

19 refunds: $2,247,914,669 35 revenue payments: $346M List

1 bailouts: $60K 12 refunds: $573,832,772 145 revenue payments: $285M List

1 bailouts: $11.3K 14 refunds: $1,155,636,082 48 revenue payments: $66.6B List

2 bailouts: $70K 15 refunds: $1,329,638,187 36 revenue payments: $119M List

16 refunds: $322,578,026 131 revenue payments: $246M List

18 refunds: $4,091,734,259 20 revenue payments: $14.7B List

1 bailouts: $70K 17 refunds: $86,902,058 20 revenue payments: $5.81M List

1 bailouts: $10K 13 refunds: $8,570,691,819 107 revenue payments: $163M List

2 bailouts: $70K 4 refunds: $1,222,349,687 18 revenue payments: $39.1B List

1 bailouts: $409K 4 refunds: $3,032,015,788 6 revenue payments: $34.6M List

1 bailouts: $150K 10 refunds: $62,225,792 98 revenue payments: $25.8M List

10 refunds: $48,841,266 19 revenue payments: $17.6B List

19 refunds: $2,471,594,618 24 revenue payments: $20.5M List

2 bailouts: $250K 3 refunds: $192,391,680 82 revenue payments: $34.3M List

3 refunds: $11,908,000 12 revenue payments: $10.2B List

1 bailouts: $10K 14 refunds: $1,013,080,800 16 revenue payments: $50.3M List

1 bailouts: $7.6M 1 refunds: $22,500,000 77 revenue payments: $23.8M List

1 bailouts: $10K 2 refunds: $221,052,700 6 revenue payments: $5.62B List

1 revenue payments: $17.4M List
Treasury s bank bailout list -

Here is another obama scam
Servicers participating in Making Home Affordable -

Treasury s bank bailout list -
Just to put it in perspective.


...and if you start working at 18 and retire at 65 you will only get a fraction of what you paid in for 47 years back.
The gvmt keeps the rest.

No, you'll get everything back if you live to be 72, and other people will be paying your way beyond that.

if you start working at 18 and die before you retire...say at the age of 50...all the money you paid in goes where?...the gvmt keeps it.

You're the one who brought up SS, medicare and unemployment and alleged they were "entitlements"...
Keep swinging, though.

Well, no, guy, i don't think they are "entitlements". They are social welfare. The only problem is, I'm fine with welfare when the market doesn't take care of people.

Now, here's the thing you don't get. When big corporations like McDonalds and WalMart are having the government subsidize their employees with food stamps and MediCaid, because they aren't paying them a fair wage for their labor, but the Waltons are some of the richest people on the planet, that's all manner of fucked up.

That's why you guys don't want the border allow illegals to flood in displace american workers and drive fair wages down....which leads to more dependency on gvmt...which leads to votes for the "free stuff" party.
Close the borders. Protect american workers and maintain fair wages....

Except for dumbasses like you you and DogStyle and Antares who think that the rich should be able to exploit the shit out of us and we should be happy they are doing it.

marxist doubletalk, class envy and jealousy.

That's why you guys don't want the border allow illegals to flood in displace american workers and drive fair wages down....which leads to more dependency on gvmt...which leads to votes for the "free stuff" party.
Close the borders. Protect american workers and maintain fair wages....


Guy, I've explained it to you several times. the people who want "open borders" are the rich who want a cheap labor force they can easily exploit.

You can end the illegal problem by going after the people who hire them and making examples out of them. Instead, Reagan's Amnesty program included a provision that made EMPLOYERS responsible for determining who was legally able to work here.

But it really was like letting the foxes guard the hen house.
who bailed out AIG?


Which kind of makes my point. The thing was, AIG was "too big to fail". Because if it had been allowed to fail, the recession would have been a lot worse than it was and people might start demanding - gasp - socialism.
pure (partisan) way to prove markets are self correcting and have no need for central planning, comrade...

LMAO..too big to fail...the roman empire was "too big to fail"...that's weakest excuse for misconduct I've heard since "bush did it too"....LMAO..
who bailed out AIG?


Which kind of makes my point. The thing was, AIG was "too big to fail". Because if it had been allowed to fail, the recession would have been a lot worse than it was and people might start demanding - gasp - socialism.
pure (partisan) way to prove markets are self correcting and have no need for central planning, comrade...

LMAO..too big to fail...the roman empire was "too big to fail"...that's weakest excuse for misconduct I've heard since "bush did it too"....LMAO..

Frankly, guy, given what a mess the 2008 Recession was for everyone I know, I had no desire to watch it get 100 times worse because Libertarian retards have a child-like faith in "the markets".

That's why you guys don't want the border allow illegals to flood in displace american workers and drive fair wages down....which leads to more dependency on gvmt...which leads to votes for the "free stuff" party.
Close the borders. Protect american workers and maintain fair wages....


Guy, I've explained it to you several times. the people who want "open borders" are the rich who want a cheap labor force they can easily exploit.

I agree..that's why the democrats want it left open...more illegals displacing american workers and driving down fair wages...which leads to more people dependent on gvmt...which leads to more votes for submissive democrats who are entirely enamored with big gvmt. telling them what to do..

Explain how letting illegals who have not been screened for diseases, sanity, criminal background or literacy is "good" for america?
Close the border
Deport illegals.

You can end the illegal problem by going after the people who hire them and making examples out of them. Instead, Reagan's Amnesty program included a provision that made EMPLOYERS responsible for determining who was legally able to work here.

But it really was like letting the foxes guard the hen house.

reagan..bush...who cares? I've said before: misconduct in the past is no excuse for willful misconduct today.

Who is president RIGHT NOW?

You can end the illegal problem in one day.
Close. the. border. and. enforce. it.
who bailed out AIG?


Which kind of makes my point. The thing was, AIG was "too big to fail". Because if it had been allowed to fail, the recession would have been a lot worse than it was and people might start demanding - gasp - socialism.
pure (partisan) way to prove markets are self correcting and have no need for central planning, comrade...

LMAO..too big to fail...the roman empire was "too big to fail"...that's weakest excuse for misconduct I've heard since "bush did it too"....LMAO..

Frankly, guy, given what a mess the 2008 Recession was for everyone I know, I had no desire to watch it get 100 times worse because Libertarian retards have a child-like faith in "the markets".

Frankly, guy, it isn't 2008 anymore.

and you speculate it "would have" gotten 100 times worse..LMAO..why not a million times worse as long as you're making things up?..why not a trillion times worse?..LMAO..the compulsion to be a submissive statist to big government is strong in you.
We're never going to're never wrong, obama is never wrong, the only time anything is wrong is when "your" party isn't in office..THEN..EVERYTHING is partisans...quite comical..
Frankly, guy, it isn't 2008 anymore.

and you speculate it "would have" gotten 100 times worse..LMAO..why not a million times worse as long as you're making things up?..why not a trillion times worse?..LMAO..the compulsion to be a submissive statist to big government is strong in you.
We're never going to're never wrong, obama is never wrong, the only time anything is wrong is when "your" party isn't in office..THEN..EVERYTHING is partisans...quite comical..

Guy, i have a simple way of telling what is wrong.

When George W. Bush came to office, my properties were worth twice what I paid for them, i was making twice what I made when his father got kicked out on his can. Things were going very well, but I was one of you right wing assholes who got all upset because Clinton lied about a blow job.

Two recessions later I'm was making 20% less than what I was making 2 years before, my mortgage was underwater, my 401K was busted, and I considered myself "lucky" that at least I was still working and not like a lot of people I knew who weren't.

And I give Bush credit. He listened to the grown-ups who told him a major intervention was necessary after years of getting us into this mess by not watching what these guys were doing. now it's come to posting silly pictures as a substitute for mature discussion..a sure sign of defeat.

Guy, when someone keeps ranting "close the border, close the border", all I can think of is - angry retard.

reality- It owuld cost $40,000 an illegal to have a fence that meets the standard you want.

The Border Fence Horrible Deal At Cost Up To 40 000 Per Illegal Immigrant Apprehended - Forbes

Jacobs: It is impossible to pin down exactly, but there are some estimates. In a 2007 study the non-partisan Congressional Research Office pegged the bill to construct and maintain (for 25 years) a 700 mile fence to be $49 billion. This is the same type of double fences contemplated in today’s bill. That was six years ago…..materials and labor prices have increased and then there is my “law of government”……..things always take longer and cost more, usually much more, than they tell us. So what’s the cost today….you pick a number.

And that’s just the beginning. We haven’t tallied the costs for all the new ancillary surveillance paraphernalia; unmanned aerial drones, helicopters, radars, night vision goggles, high tech cameras, airboats, blimps, other high speed power boats, who knows what else…..and then factor all the costs of maintenance on this high tech equipment…..over time it’s well into the billions.

Oh, Geez, boring real numbers. Here's an angry retard screaming...


"Doy... Close the BOrder, Deport the Illegals!"

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