Wow, the Left really turning on Obama

Works for me.

That's because you're an evil socialist. :)

When a plane full of rich people crashes, the only thing I'm upset about is the empty seat.

Yeah, but you're not bitter! Nah...:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

After that comment, he's more than just "bitter." He's a sorry excuse for a human being!

The class envy and jealousy is strong in him...He's always on about the evil "rich"...

Season that with his hatred of anything Christian and you have quite the toxic little psychosis riddled bitter old man.
That's because you're an evil socialist. :)

When a plane full of rich people crashes, the only thing I'm upset about is the empty seat.

Yeah, but you're not bitter! Nah...:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

After that comment, he's more than just "bitter." He's a sorry excuse for a human being!

The class envy and jealousy is strong in him...He's always on about the evil "rich"...

Season that with his hatred of anything Christian and you have quite the toxic little psychosis riddled bitter old man.

I believe you might be right.
That We've always had something is not a good reason to keep doing it.

We've always had slavery until 1865. We always had institutionalized racism until 1968.

Because some Slave Raping Assholes thought something was a good idea 230 years ago does not make it a good idea now.

We don't need every citizen armed today because today we have professional Armies and Police Forces.

Although because of you gun nuts, we have to arm the police like the Army these days.

Slavery is not one of our rights.
That We've always had something is not a good reason to keep doing it.

We've always had slavery until 1865. We always had institutionalized racism until 1968.

Because some Slave Raping Assholes thought something was a good idea 230 years ago does not make it a good idea now.

We don't need every citizen armed today because today we have professional Armies and Police Forces.

Although because of you gun nuts, we have to arm the police like the Army these days.

Slavery is not one of our rights.

No, dummy, but it was "in the constitution".
That We've always had something is not a good reason to keep doing it.

We've always had slavery until 1865. We always had institutionalized racism until 1968.

Because some Slave Raping Assholes thought something was a good idea 230 years ago does not make it a good idea now.

We don't need every citizen armed today because today we have professional Armies and Police Forces.

Although because of you gun nuts, we have to arm the police like the Army these days.

Slavery is not one of our rights.

No, dummy, but it was "in the constitution".

Tell me about the 3/5 clause Joe.
That We've always had something is not a good reason to keep doing it.

We've always had slavery until 1865. We always had institutionalized racism until 1968.

Because some Slave Raping Assholes thought something was a good idea 230 years ago does not make it a good idea now.

We don't need every citizen armed today because today we have professional Armies and Police Forces.

Although because of you gun nuts, we have to arm the police like the Army these days.

Slavery is not one of our rights.

No, dummy, but it was "in the constitution".

Is owning slaves a right of the people? No. They were considered "property" however. Still, your comparisons are stupid. Obviously you're a weirdo. Do you think it is poor people or rich people who are running the government? You say you don't trust rich powerful people, yet you trust the government.

If you want to rely on the police to come and save you that's fine, but everyone does not feel comfortable with that, nor should they. We can and will continue to defend ourselves, as is our constitutional rights.

Who comprise the "rich" Joe?

I'd start with the 1%ers.

The ones who own 43% of the wealth, and didn't do 43% of the labor.

Spoken as a true Socialist scumbag.... Those people you hate are the ones that give you musleheads a job. They used their brains, which a majority of pond scum, like you, don't have! Now that their ability to THINK out a problem and have it done by you assholes, you, as any good Socialist. Marxist, Fascist, Communist demands is that you BRAINLESS scum get to take EVERYTHING that the SMART PEOPLE have built..... You are ONLY MUSCLE, you have NO THINKING POWER!

Is owning slaves a right of the people? No. They were considered "property" however. Still, your comparisons are stupid. Obviously you're a weirdo. Do you think it is poor people or rich people who are running the government? You say you don't trust rich powerful people, yet you trust the government.

If you want to rely on the police to come and save you that's fine, but everyone does not feel comfortable with that, nor should they. We can and will continue to defend ourselves, as is our constitutional rights.

Yawn. Here's the thing about rich people in the government. I can vote them the fuck out.

Mitt Romney spent millions he made putting working folks out of work on his two failed Presidential runs, but he still lost.

The problem with your argument about how "you need to defend yourself" is that a gun makes most situations worse. We have 19,000 gun suicides and 11,000 gun homicides and 800 gun accidents compared to the mere 200 times where someone used a gun to kill someone in self defense.

That's fucking crazy.

Spoken as a true Socialist scumbag.... Those people you hate are the ones that give you musleheads a job. They used their brains, which a majority of pond scum, like you, don't have! Now that their ability to THINK out a problem and have it done by you assholes, you, as any good Socialist. Marxist, Fascist, Communist demands is that you BRAINLESS scum get to take EVERYTHING that the SMART PEOPLE have built..... You are ONLY MUSCLE, you have NO THINKING POWER!

You, see, dumbass, this is where you are confused. Rich people aren't giving me a job. The working class folks who buy the products that my company makes give me a job.

I mean, the rich people who run my company can decide we are going to manufacture shit sandwiches, but if no one buys them, all the money in the world won't keep me in a job for long.

You need to put down the Ayn Rand. The rich aren't any smarter than anyone else, just luckier and in charge of slicing up the pie.

Is owning slaves a right of the people? No. They were considered "property" however. Still, your comparisons are stupid. Obviously you're a weirdo. Do you think it is poor people or rich people who are running the government? You say you don't trust rich powerful people, yet you trust the government.

If you want to rely on the police to come and save you that's fine, but everyone does not feel comfortable with that, nor should they. We can and will continue to defend ourselves, as is our constitutional rights.

Yawn. Here's the thing about rich people in the government. I can vote them the fuck out.

Mitt Romney spent millions he made putting working folks out of work on his two failed Presidential runs, but he still lost.

The problem with your argument about how "you need to defend yourself" is that a gun makes most situations worse. We have 19,000 gun suicides and 11,000 gun homicides and 800 gun accidents compared to the mere 200 times where someone used a gun to kill someone in self defense.

That's fucking crazy.

Come take my guns Joe.

Spoken as a true Socialist scumbag.... Those people you hate are the ones that give you musleheads a job. They used their brains, which a majority of pond scum, like you, don't have! Now that their ability to THINK out a problem and have it done by you assholes, you, as any good Socialist. Marxist, Fascist, Communist demands is that you BRAINLESS scum get to take EVERYTHING that the SMART PEOPLE have built..... You are ONLY MUSCLE, you have NO THINKING POWER!

You, see, dumbass, this is where you are confused. Rich people aren't giving me a job. The working class folks who buy the products that my company makes give me a job.

I mean, the rich people who run my company can decide we are going to manufacture shit sandwiches, but if no one buys them, all the money in the world won't keep me in a job for long.

You need to put down the Ayn Rand. The rich aren't any smarter than anyone else, just luckier and in charge of slicing up the pie.

They can also FIRE your ass for gross stupidity...where do you work?

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