Wow, the Left really turning on Obama

Then WHY didn't Bush put our troops on the "diplomatic list" instead of signing a SOFA that stranded them there without immunity?

THIS is what the piece of shit Bush signed in 2008. President Obama would not put our troops in Iraq without immunity...BRAVO Mr President!.

There were two years to go. So seriously, you're outraged now that W didn't do Obama's job for him? Negotiate a pact for the troops to stay two years after he left office? Damn it, Obama HAS to pull the troops out, W didn't negotiate this before he left office!!!!

I wanted the troops to leave. I said that. You are saying you wanted them to stay, but they couldn't becasue W didn't do Obama's job for him. You people are unreal.
ISIS has basically taken over Iraq, is about to take Syria, and well NOBODY can stop them. Not even this excuse for an air campaign Obama has launched against them. They have shown no hesitation to kill Americans. So tell me, what will stop them from carrying out their goals here in America? The nature of a fire is to burn anything in its path. ISIS is doing just that. They grow in power while people like you dismiss their threat as 'hyperbole.'

Oh, Runs with Scissors, with his tactical knowledge gained on Grandma's couch.

ISIS is barely an angry mob. ONe that only exists because your boy Bush fucked up and took out the only stabilizing force in the region..

Hussein attacking Iran, invading Kuwait, using WMDs on his own people and trying to eradicate the Kurds is what you consider a "stabilizing force?" LOL, you're not turning on O, are you psycho boy? Maybe you should only post after you take your meds.

Obama should convert to Mormon. I've known Mormons all my life and they are just one after another good people. Who cares what the details of what they believe are, it sure works. That's what Obama needs.
Yes, PLEASE see our conversation about SOFA! PLEASE!!

TemplarKormac and Old Style would have President Obama send 10,000 American sons and daughters into Iraq under the same outrageous SOFA agreement Bush signed. An agreement where Iraqi military tribunals reserve the right to prosecute our service people. Where the Iraqi government can try U.S. civilians and military personnel for crimes committed outside of U.S. bases and while "off duty."

TemplarKormac and Old Style would have America's sons and daughters sent into harms way under an egregious Status of Force agreement that render our troops helpless, subjects them to Iraqi military tribunals, gives the Iraqi government the ability to halt U.S. military operations, and turn vengeful detainees over to the Iraqis. Under a SOFA, where any terrorist American forces apprehends would have to be turned loose to a corrupt Iraqi police force loaded with sleepers within forty eight hours.

TemplarKormac and Old Style approves of a SOFA that confine our troops behind walls while waiting to be assigned approved missions by the Iraqi government. Where every time U.S. troops leave their bases it will have to be cleared by the Iraqis -- even if they want to conduct a convoy to Kuwait for resupply purposes. Not to mention an actual combat mission to quell violence and find bad guys.

So YES, PLEASE read our conversation about SOFA!

You were embarrassed then, as you were now. Care to address my points on Obamacare and premiums? Obama was the one pushing for residual forces, but by insisting on immunity the deal was trashed. But hey, it isn't as if he could have done more, right?

You approve of Barbarians beheading Americans and rampaging all over Syria and Iraq. You really don't give a damn about the Christians being slaughtered over there. No war! No saving lives, more focus on Ebola, less war!

Shut the fuck up.

Thank you for proving my point. You could care less about our sons and daughters. SO...Obama should have signed the same traitorous agreement Bush signed. Send our kids into a war zone under the jurisdiction of Iraqi tribunals.

FUCK YOU, you traitorous piece of shit.

Hah! You call me a traitor? Thank you for proving MY point.

Our sons and daughters enlisted in the military for a reason. They are ready, willing, and able to fight on a moment's notice. They are driven by a desire to serve their country. They know the risks, you do not. I do care, because my father fought, my grandfather fought, I had a brother in law fight in Afghanistan. We have the most powerful military in the world, but the biggest stick is ineffective if you don't know how wield it properly. I do care, because I know they care about their country.

You are a pacifist and a coward. Go ahead, keep the sword in the scabbard while your enemies bear down on you with no regard for your views on peace or your supposed compassion for our 'sons or daughters.' You lie on a bed of roses while ignoring the thorns underneath. ISIS is an existential threat to the world, they are taking whole countries over, conquering and pillaging as they go. So, do you not care for the innocents being slaughtered over there?

You show your ignorance when you label anyone a traitor.

ISIS is an existential threat to the world[/QUOTE]

Hyperbolic drivel!

ISIS has basically taken over Iraq, is about to take Syria, and well NOBODY can stop them. Not even this excuse for an air campaign Obama has launched against them. They have shown no hesitation to kill Americans. So tell me, what will stop them from carrying out their goals here in America? The nature of a fire is to burn anything in its path. ISIS is doing just that. They grow in power while people like you dismiss their threat as 'hyperbole.'

Do you understand the meaning of the term "existential threat"?

Simply because a gang of terrorists has seized the arms that were left lying around for the taking and is using them to terrorize civilians in one area of the ME does not come remotely close to your allegation.

ISIS is going to have a hard time holding onto the territory it currently occupies. Controlling a territory is vastly different to merely occupying it. Look what happened in both Iraq and Afghanistan. ISIS has zero air power and zero ability to wage war outside of where it is right now. The absolute most that it can do is to carry out a terrorist attack elsewhere in the world.

If you consider that terrorist attacks are an "existential threat" to America then there is no point in wasting any further time even discussing this with you.

Then why is it the party of the rich, the Republicans, want to stop illegal immigration and your rich hating party want it to continue?

Sweet Evil Jesus, I've already explained this to you. The people who count, the people who run your party - they dont' want to stop illegal immigration. They've been pushing for reform. They'd probably prefer to keep the illegals illegal so they can keep exploiting them, but the fact is, they have no interest in keeping them out.

It's like abortion and gay marriage and everything else they use to get stupid inbred fucks like you upset. They have no intent to stop it, just to get you mad and voting against your own economic interests.
Hussein attacking Iran, invading Kuwait, using WMDs on his own people and trying to eradicate the Kurds is what you consider a "stabilizing force?" LOL, you're not turning on O, are you psycho boy? Maybe you should only post after you take your meds.

Maybe you should post after you are done being a retard.

Here's the thing about Saddam killing the Kurds and invading Iran-

Ronald Reagan was ALL FOR IT!!!!

Ronald Reagan sent Rummy to Baghdad to see what we could do to help. See, here's a picture.


And when he killed the Kurds, we were the ones who sold him the poison gas to do it!

Shit, the only thing Old Saddam did wrong was that he took Bush-41's initial mealymouthed warnings on Kuwait as an assent to him invading.

Let me translate for those of you that don't speak "Joe"...

Joe's upset that life hasn't worked out for him and has decided that it's the fault of "rich people" everywhere.

When you have millions of Americans without jobs, with underwater mortgages, with busted 401K's, exactly who is life working out for these days OTHER than the rich?

Oh, you, you are rich and and have a 12 inch Dick on the Internet.

Obama didn't want to stay...Bob Gates, Leon Panetta, Hillary Clinton and the Joint Chiefs of Staff all agreed that we NEEDED to or exactly what has happened WOULD happen! It is pretty simple, Joe...Barry made the call...and Barry made the WRONG call.

Uh, no, he made the call AMERICANS WANTED.

He ran on the platform of getting us the fuck out of Iraq. He got us the fuck out of Iraq.

I mean, I know you Repukes are used to your guys lying to you, but he actually did what he promised.

That's why he's against the 2nd amendment and a socialist, because he knows that he cannot be trusted with freedom, and he just assumes everyone else lacks self-control and needs governmental control as he does, so he is projecting his own weaknesses on the citizens of the United States. He is a traitor to our country and the people. That much is obvious.

I'm all for the Second Amendment. I think a Well-Regulated Militia is an awesome idea.

Little girls who are upset the town nerd jerked off in her bedroom once and has snuff fantasies do not constitute a "Well-Regulated Militia".

There's no good reason for an average citizen to have a gun, and 32,000 bad ones. (The number of people killed by guns every year.)

That's why he's against the 2nd amendment and a socialist, because he knows that he cannot be trusted with freedom, and he just assumes everyone else lacks self-control and needs governmental control as he does, so he is projecting his own weaknesses on the citizens of the United States. He is a traitor to our country and the people. That much is obvious.

I'm all for the Second Amendment. I think a Well-Regulated Militia is an awesome idea.

Little girls who are upset the town nerd jerked off in her bedroom once and has snuff fantasies do not constitute a "Well-Regulated Militia".

There's no good reason for an average citizen to have a gun, and 32,000 bad ones. (The number of people killed by guns every year.)

There certainly is a good reason. Self defense, among others. It doesn't matter what you think. It's a right.

Let me translate for those of you that don't speak "Joe"...

Joe's upset that life hasn't worked out for him and has decided that it's the fault of "rich people" everywhere.

When you have millions of Americans without jobs, with underwater mortgages, with busted 401K's, exactly who is life working out for these days OTHER than the rich?

Thanks Obama! :D
anyone who hasn't wised up to Obama and the democrats and the total failures they are is blind as a bat.

But to be fair I have to give credit where it is due. Obama didn't "fail" without a great deal of "help" from the right doing it's utmost to make sure that he did. Their strenuous efforts from the very outset of his presidency to make him a "failure" deserve to be recognized. The right put a lot of hard work into achieving this outcome and they should be given the credit that comes with reaching their stated goal of failure.

Reagan rose above the democrat party politics and was successful. Did you ever think it was the leader of the free worlds fault that people just don't get along?

Oh, really?

Ronald Reagan ASKED Tipp O'Neil to help him pass through SIX tax increases from 1982-1986. SIX.

History books are YOUR friends. So is the congressional record.

all of which have absolutely nothing to do with Obama's failures. then again, spin is a liberals friend. its all they've got

There's no good reason for an average citizen to have a gun, and 32,000 bad ones. (The number of people killed by guns every year.)

There certainly is a good reason. Self defense, among others. It doesn't matter what you think. It's a right.

No, it's an interpretation no one made before 2008, and no one will make after Hillary replaces that old fuck Scalia.

Self Defense would be a good reason, if it ever happened. It really doesn't.

Let me translate for those of you that don't speak "Joe"...

Joe's upset that life hasn't worked out for him and has decided that it's the fault of "rich people" everywhere.

When you have millions of Americans without jobs, with underwater mortgages, with busted 401K's, exactly who is life working out for these days OTHER than the rich?

Thanks Obama! :D

All that shit went down before Obama got there. But I know you can't connect the dots.

Then why is it the party of the rich, the Republicans, want to stop illegal immigration and your rich hating party want it to continue?

Sweet Evil Jesus, I've already explained this to you. The people who count, the people who run your party - they dont' want to stop illegal immigration. They've been pushing for reform. They'd probably prefer to keep the illegals illegal so they can keep exploiting them, but the fact is, they have no interest in keeping them out.

It's like abortion and gay marriage and everything else they use to get stupid inbred fucks like you upset. They have no intent to stop it, just to get you mad and voting against your own economic interests.

Hey guy, you went down the wrong road. Again. You wanted to argue with Republicans. good luck with that. But it has nothign to do with me.

There's no good reason for an average citizen to have a gun, and 32,000 bad ones. (The number of people killed by guns every year.)

There certainly is a good reason. Self defense, among others. It doesn't matter what you think. It's a right.

No, it's an interpretation no one made before 2008, and no one will make after Hillary replaces that old fuck Scalia.

Self Defense would be a good reason, if it ever happened. It really doesn't.

Says you. Americans have always had private gun ownership rights and have always owned guns, since the inception of this country, give or take a few tyrannical gun bans instituted by certain states in the past, the latest of which was Chicago I believe, which was overturned by the Supreme Court. YES, Chicago citizens CAN defend themselves with handguns! It was determined that the Chicago handgun ban infringed upon the constitutional right to bear arms of American citizens.

So, it still doesn't matter what you think or say. It is still a right. You can try to spin it anyway you want, but it is clear that the framers of the Constitution intended for the people of the United States to be armed and ready at a moment's notice. You really should take a history class. :)

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