Wow, the Left really turning on Obama

ISIS has basically taken over Iraq, is about to take Syria, and well NOBODY can stop them. Not even this excuse for an air campaign Obama has launched against them. They have shown no hesitation to kill Americans. So tell me, what will stop them from carrying out their goals here in America? The nature of a fire is to burn anything in its path. ISIS is doing just that. They grow in power while people like you dismiss their threat as 'hyperbole.'

Oh, Runs with Scissors, with his tactical knowledge gained on Grandma's couch.

ISIS is barely an angry mob. ONe that only exists because your boy Bush fucked up and took out the only stabilizing force in the region.

I'm sure if you think this is such a threat, you need to walk down to the recruiter's office RIGHT NOW and sign up.
I would also like to hear Statistikhengst 's opinion as well.
They DIDN'T enlist in the Iraqi military to be subjects of the government of Iraq and have to seek permission from the government of Iraq to do their duty.

They enlisted so they could do their job. And if you didn't notice, Obama was the one who insisted on keeping them there. So why blame Bush for that? Obama insisted on immunity, but Maliki said no. They weren't going there to be the subjects of the Iraqi government, Obama fully intended for them to be there whether the Iraqis wanted them to or not. Perhaps you should study the mechanics of the negotiations before you fling your false outrage at me. Got it?
Nobody said anything about anyone enlisting in the Iraqi military, and if you haven't noticed, they can't even stop ISIS on their own. Our sons and daughters shed blood for the gains they made, only to be pulled out and have their work undone by a feckless man with an agenda to fill rather than a mission to complete. Behold, how once our troops conquered Baghdad, to only see it fall to ISIS 11 years later. Obama did not try hard enough. All the sacrifices they made, all the blood that was shed by our soldiers, only to have it done for naught. Your stances are an insult to every service member who ever died for our country in the defense of freedom around the world. How dare you?

They weren't pulled out, they were ASKED TO LEAVE.

We spent 60 billion dollars training an Iraqi Army that dropped its weapons at the first fight.

We spent 5000 lives and 8 years in Iraq, and guess what, we never made them love each other. All the different factions were just looking at their watches, waiting for us to leave to they could resume fighting over what Umar did to Ali or how many Imams can dance on the head of a pin.
They enlisted so they could do their job. And if you didn't notice, Obama was the one who insisted on keeping them there. So why blame Bush for that? Obama insisted on immunity, but Maliki said no. They weren't going there to be the subjects of the Iraqi government, Obama fully intended for them to be there whether the Iraqis wanted them to or not. Perhaps you should study the mechanics of the negotiations before you fling your false outrage at me. Got it?

I have studied the mechanics of the negotiation.

We didn't want to stay and the Iraqis didn't really want us there.

Pretty simple mechanics.

Why is this our problem again?
Joe is one of the more "bitter" posters you'll run into on this board.

Things didn't work out the way he'd like in a free market economy so he's convinced himself that government running everything would be better for a schmuck like himself because they'll "level the playing field" for all the underachievers.

Yes, I will admit when it comes to being a back-stabbing, lying greedy asshole, I am an "underacheiver'.

I have some funny idea that the richest country in the world should not have children who go to bed hungry at night or lets people die of treatable diseases.

There it is, folks! Joe has finally come out and admitted that for him the answer to all our problems is the banning of the free enterprise system and having Government run EVERYTHING!

I've been in the private sector for 22 years.

Not a ONE of them ran as well as the Army did.

In case you didn't notice, Einstein...the Armed Forces are a monopoly. They "run" because they get huge amounts of money and have no competition. Duh?

You mean other than the companies like Blackwater who cost ten times as much and create diplomatic incidents?

Your boys Bush and Cheney threw a whole lot of money at those guys because they didn't have the balls to ask for a draft.

On that point, Iraq was the first "Private enterprise" war we fought... and look how well that turned out.
It's only propaganda if he doesn't agree with it. (See our conversation about the SOFA)

Yes, PLEASE see our conversation about SOFA! PLEASE!!

TemplarKormac and Old Style would have President Obama send 10,000 American sons and daughters into Iraq under the same outrageous SOFA agreement Bush signed. An agreement where Iraqi military tribunals reserve the right to prosecute our service people. Where the Iraqi government can try U.S. civilians and military personnel for crimes committed outside of U.S. bases and while "off duty."

TemplarKormac and Old Style would have America's sons and daughters sent into harms way under an egregious Status of Force agreement that render our troops helpless, subjects them to Iraqi military tribunals, gives the Iraqi government the ability to halt U.S. military operations, and turn vengeful detainees over to the Iraqis. Under a SOFA, where any terrorist American forces apprehends would have to be turned loose to a corrupt Iraqi police force loaded with sleepers within forty eight hours.

TemplarKormac and Old Style approves of a SOFA that confine our troops behind walls while waiting to be assigned approved missions by the Iraqi government. Where every time U.S. troops leave their bases it will have to be cleared by the Iraqis -- even if they want to conduct a convoy to Kuwait for resupply purposes. Not to mention an actual combat mission to quell violence and find bad guys.

So YES, PLEASE read our conversation about SOFA!

You were embarrassed then, as you were now. Care to address my points on Obamacare and premiums? Obama was the one pushing for residual forces, but by insisting on immunity the deal was trashed. But hey, it isn't as if he could have done more, right?

You approve of Barbarians beheading Americans and rampaging all over Syria and Iraq. You really don't give a damn about the Christians being slaughtered over there. No war! No saving lives, more focus on Ebola, less war!

Shut the fuck up.

Thank you for proving my point. You could care less about our sons and daughters. SO...Obama should have signed the same traitorous agreement Bush signed. Send our kids into a war zone under the jurisdiction of Iraqi tribunals.

FUCK YOU, you traitorous piece of shit.

Hah! You call me a traitor? Thank you for proving MY point.

Our sons and daughters enlisted in the military for a reason. They are ready, willing, and able to fight on a moment's notice. They are driven by a desire to serve their country. They know the risks, you do not. I do care, because my father fought, my grandfather fought, I had a brother in law fight in Afghanistan. We have the most powerful military in the world, but the biggest stick is ineffective if you don't know how wield it properly. I do care, because I know they care about their country.

You are a pacifist and a coward. Go ahead, keep the sword in the scabbard while your enemies bear down on you with no regard for your views on peace or your supposed compassion for our 'sons or daughters.' You lie on a bed of roses while ignoring the thorns underneath. ISIS is an existential threat to the world, they are taking whole countries over, conquering and pillaging as they go. So, do you not care for the innocents being slaughtered over there?

You show your ignorance when you label anyone a traitor.

ISIS is an existential threat to the world[/QUOTE]

Hyperbolic drivel!

Some far left drones have not gotten their updates yet..
ISIS has basically taken over Iraq, is about to take Syria, and well NOBODY can stop them. Not even this excuse for an air campaign Obama has launched against them. They have shown no hesitation to kill Americans. So tell me, what will stop them from carrying out their goals here in America? The nature of a fire is to burn anything in its path. ISIS is doing just that. They grow in power while people like you dismiss their threat as 'hyperbole.'

Oh, Runs with Scissors, with his tactical knowledge gained on Grandma's couch.

ISIS is barely an angry mob. ONe that only exists because your boy Bush fucked up and took out the only stabilizing force in the region.

I'm sure if you think this is such a threat, you need to walk down to the recruiter's office RIGHT NOW and sign up.

Wrong! That would be Obama, but that is something the far left will never admit to.

He cut and run and did not try and negotiate. He could have by passed the prime minister and talked directly to the President of Iraq. Oh wait does the far left even realize that Iraq has an elected President?
Joe is one of the more "bitter" posters you'll run into on this board.

Things didn't work out the way he'd like in a free market economy so he's convinced himself that government running everything would be better for a schmuck like himself because they'll "level the playing field" for all the underachievers.

He seems quite bitter.

Well, yeah. Unlike you, I've been paying attention. It's kind of sad to watch rich people fuck it up as badly as they have and then blame the rest of us for it and leave us holding the bag.
Also Obama failed to reach out to a broader coalition of Iraqi political leaders, leading to Maliki not wanting to make any moves without their support. What's more interesting is the fact that Obama had the option to put the troops on something called 'diplomatic rolls' which would have granted them immunity without input from the Iraqi government:

From October 21, 2011:

For more evidence that the administration actually wanted to extend the troop presence in Iraq, despite today's words by Obama and McDonough, one only has to look at the statements of Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.

In July, Panetta urged Iraqi leaders to, "Dammit, make a decision" about the U.S. troop extension. In August, he told reporters that, "My view is that they finally did say, ‘Yes.'" On Oct. 17, he was still pushing for the extension and said, "At the present time I'm not discouraged because we're still in negotiations with the Iraqis."

Sullivan was one of 40 conservative foreign policy professionals who wrote to Obama in September to warn that even a residual force of 4,000 troops would "leave the country more vulnerable to internal and external threats, thus imperiling the hard-fought gains in security and governance made in recent years at significant cost to the United States."

She said that the administration's negotiating strategy was flawed for a number of reasons: it failed to take into account Iraqi politics, failed to reach out to a broad enough group of Iraqi political leaders, and sent contradictory messages on the troop extension throughout the process.


The main Iraqi opposition party Iraqiya, led by former U.S. ally and former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, decided to tie that vote to two non-related issues. It said they would not vote for the troop extension unless Maliki agreed give them control of a high-level policy council and let them choose the minister of defense from their ranks. Maliki wasn't about to do either.

"It was clear from the beginning that Maliki wasn't going to make a move without the support of the other parties behind him," Sullivan explained, adding that the Obama administration focused on Maliki and neglected other actors, such as Allawi. "There was a misunderstanding of how negotiations were unfolding in Iraq. The negotiations got started in earnest far too late."


As recently as August, Maliki's office was discussing allowing 8,000 to 20,000 U.S. troops to remain until next year, Iraqi Ambassador Samir Sumaida'ie said in an interview with The Cable. He told us that there was widespread support in Iraq for such an extension, but the Obama administration was demanding that immunity for U.S. troops be endorsed by the Iraqi Council of Representatives, which was never really possible.

Administration sources and Hill staffers also tell The Cable that the demand that the troop immunity go through the Council of Representatives was a decision made by the State Department lawyers and there were other options available to the administration, such as putting the remaining troops on the embassy's diplomatic rolls, which would automatically give them immunity.

"An obvious fix for troop immunity is to put them all on the diplomatic list; that's done by notification to the Iraqi foreign ministry," said one former senior Hill staffer. "If State says that this requires a treaty or a specific agreement by the Iraqi parliament as opposed to a statement by the Iraqi foreign ministry, it has its head up its ass."

How the Obama administration bungled the Iraq withdrawal negotiations

Wrong! That would be Obama, but that is something the far left will never admit to.

He cut and run and did not try and negotiate. He could have by passed the prime minister and talked directly to the President of Iraq. Oh wait does the far left even realize that Iraq has an elected President?

The President of Iraq doesn't have that much power in their system, by design. And he didn't want us there, either.

Look, I know you guys look back with 20/20 hindsight and stuff, but the reality- Americans wanted the fuck out of Iraq in 2011, and Iraqis wanted us out of Iraq.
Also Obama failed to reach out to a broader coalition of Iraqi political leaders, leading to Maliki not wanting to make any moves without their support:

so let me ask you a question, Runs with Scissors. How many troops were we supposed to keep in Iraq? For how long? At what cost?

If the Iraqis weren't willing to fight for Tikrit or Mosul, why should we?

Wrong! That would be Obama, but that is something the far left will never admit to.

He cut and run and did not try and negotiate. He could have by passed the prime minister and talked directly to the President of Iraq. Oh wait does the far left even realize that Iraq has an elected President?

The President of Iraq doesn't have that much power in their system, by design. And he didn't want us there, either.

Look, I know you guys look back with 20/20 hindsight and stuff, but the reality- Americans wanted the fuck out of Iraq in 2011, and Iraqis wanted us out of Iraq.

You do not know that because Obama never contacted him. Thus, you posted far left propaganda.
Yes, PLEASE see our conversation about SOFA! PLEASE!!

TemplarKormac and Old Style would have President Obama send 10,000 American sons and daughters into Iraq under the same outrageous SOFA agreement Bush signed. An agreement where Iraqi military tribunals reserve the right to prosecute our service people. Where the Iraqi government can try U.S. civilians and military personnel for crimes committed outside of U.S. bases and while "off duty."

TemplarKormac and Old Style would have America's sons and daughters sent into harms way under an egregious Status of Force agreement that render our troops helpless, subjects them to Iraqi military tribunals, gives the Iraqi government the ability to halt U.S. military operations, and turn vengeful detainees over to the Iraqis. Under a SOFA, where any terrorist American forces apprehends would have to be turned loose to a corrupt Iraqi police force loaded with sleepers within forty eight hours.

TemplarKormac and Old Style approves of a SOFA that confine our troops behind walls while waiting to be assigned approved missions by the Iraqi government. Where every time U.S. troops leave their bases it will have to be cleared by the Iraqis -- even if they want to conduct a convoy to Kuwait for resupply purposes. Not to mention an actual combat mission to quell violence and find bad guys.

So YES, PLEASE read our conversation about SOFA!

You were embarrassed then, as you were now. Care to address my points on Obamacare and premiums? Obama was the one pushing for residual forces, but by insisting on immunity the deal was trashed. But hey, it isn't as if he could have done more, right?

You approve of Barbarians beheading Americans and rampaging all over Syria and Iraq. You really don't give a damn about the Christians being slaughtered over there. No war! No saving lives, more focus on Ebola, less war!

Shut the fuck up.

Thank you for proving my point. You could care less about our sons and daughters. SO...Obama should have signed the same traitorous agreement Bush signed. Send our kids into a war zone under the jurisdiction of Iraqi tribunals.

FUCK YOU, you traitorous piece of shit.

Hah! You call me a traitor? Thank you for proving MY point.

Our sons and daughters enlisted in the military for a reason. They are ready, willing, and able to fight on a moment's notice. They are driven by a desire to serve their country. They know the risks, you do not. I do care, because my father fought, my grandfather fought, I had a brother in law fight in Afghanistan. We have the most powerful military in the world, but the biggest stick is ineffective if you don't know how wield it properly. I do care, because I know they care about their country.

You are a pacifist and a coward. Go ahead, keep the sword in the scabbard while your enemies bear down on you with no regard for your views on peace or your supposed compassion for our 'sons or daughters.' You lie on a bed of roses while ignoring the thorns underneath. ISIS is an existential threat to the world, they are taking whole countries over, conquering and pillaging as they go. So, do you not care for the innocents being slaughtered over there?

You show your ignorance when you label anyone a traitor.

ISIS is an existential threat to the world[/QUOTE]

Hyperbolic drivel!

Some far left drones have not gotten their updates yet..
ISIS has basically taken over Iraq, is about to take Syria, and well NOBODY can stop them. Not even this excuse for an air campaign Obama has launched against them. They have shown no hesitation to kill Americans. So tell me, what will stop them from carrying out their goals here in America? The nature of a fire is to burn anything in its path. ISIS is doing just that. They grow in power while people like you dismiss their threat as 'hyperbole.'

Oh, Runs with Scissors, with his tactical knowledge gained on Grandma's couch.

ISIS is barely an angry mob. ONe that only exists because your boy Bush fucked up and took out the only stabilizing force in the region.

I'm sure if you think this is such a threat, you need to walk down to the recruiter's office RIGHT NOW and sign up.

Wrong! That would be Obama, but that is something the far left will never admit to.

He cut and run and did not try and negotiate. He could have by passed the prime minister and talked directly to the President of Iraq. Oh wait does the far left even realize that Iraq has an elected President?

Joe says that "ISIS is barely an angry mob." I'll simply let that speak for itself.
Also Obama failed to reach out to a broader coalition of Iraqi political leaders, leading to Maliki not wanting to make any moves without their support:

so let me ask you a question, Runs with Scissors. How many troops were we supposed to keep in Iraq? For how long? At what cost?

If the Iraqis weren't willing to fight for Tikrit or Mosul, why should we?

More far left conundrums not based on reality. More proof that far left propaganda trumps reality.

However if the plan would have followed the troop levels would be between 10,000 and 25,000. And they would be there until the Iraq army was stable fight force. Had the US not cut and run under the Obama orders to appease the far left like you, this would not be happening as we would have assets in the area to help the Iraqi army (if need).
You were embarrassed then, as you were now. Care to address my points on Obamacare and premiums? Obama was the one pushing for residual forces, but by insisting on immunity the deal was trashed. But hey, it isn't as if he could have done more, right?

You approve of Barbarians beheading Americans and rampaging all over Syria and Iraq. You really don't give a damn about the Christians being slaughtered over there. No war! No saving lives, more focus on Ebola, less war!

Shut the fuck up.

Thank you for proving my point. You could care less about our sons and daughters. SO...Obama should have signed the same traitorous agreement Bush signed. Send our kids into a war zone under the jurisdiction of Iraqi tribunals.

FUCK YOU, you traitorous piece of shit.

Hah! You call me a traitor? Thank you for proving MY point.

Our sons and daughters enlisted in the military for a reason. They are ready, willing, and able to fight on a moment's notice. They are driven by a desire to serve their country. They know the risks, you do not. I do care, because my father fought, my grandfather fought, I had a brother in law fight in Afghanistan. We have the most powerful military in the world, but the biggest stick is ineffective if you don't know how wield it properly. I do care, because I know they care about their country.

You are a pacifist and a coward. Go ahead, keep the sword in the scabbard while your enemies bear down on you with no regard for your views on peace or your supposed compassion for our 'sons or daughters.' You lie on a bed of roses while ignoring the thorns underneath. ISIS is an existential threat to the world, they are taking whole countries over, conquering and pillaging as they go. So, do you not care for the innocents being slaughtered over there?

You show your ignorance when you label anyone a traitor.

ISIS is an existential threat to the world[/QUOTE]

Hyperbolic drivel!

Some far left drones have not gotten their updates yet..
ISIS has basically taken over Iraq, is about to take Syria, and well NOBODY can stop them. Not even this excuse for an air campaign Obama has launched against them. They have shown no hesitation to kill Americans. So tell me, what will stop them from carrying out their goals here in America? The nature of a fire is to burn anything in its path. ISIS is doing just that. They grow in power while people like you dismiss their threat as 'hyperbole.'

Oh, Runs with Scissors, with his tactical knowledge gained on Grandma's couch.

ISIS is barely an angry mob. ONe that only exists because your boy Bush fucked up and took out the only stabilizing force in the region.

I'm sure if you think this is such a threat, you need to walk down to the recruiter's office RIGHT NOW and sign up.

Wrong! That would be Obama, but that is something the far left will never admit to.

He cut and run and did not try and negotiate. He could have by passed the prime minister and talked directly to the President of Iraq. Oh wait does the far left even realize that Iraq has an elected President?

Joe says that "ISIS is barely an angry mob." I'll simply let that speak for itself.

Well Obama did say something like that at one point, just that some of the far left programmed masses missed their updates.

ISIS is a threat. The problem is no one wants to do anything about it, so they just grow and grow.

Turkey is buying OIL from them and did nothing as they also hate Asad!
More far left conundrums not based on reality. More proof that far left propaganda trumps reality.

However if the plan would have followed the troop levels would be between 10,000 and 25,000. And they would be there until the Iraq army was stable fight force. Had the US not cut and run under the Obama orders to appease the far left like you, this would not be happening as we would have assets in the area to help the Iraqi army (if need).

We spent 8 years and 60 billion dollars trying to make the Iraqi Army a "Stable Fighting Force".

Just like we spent decades trying to make the Army of South Vietnam a "Stable Fighting force".

You can't make a stable army in a country where you aren't wanted and people have no use for you.
More far left conundrums not based on reality. More proof that far left propaganda trumps reality.

However if the plan would have followed the troop levels would be between 10,000 and 25,000. And they would be there until the Iraq army was stable fight force. Had the US not cut and run under the Obama orders to appease the far left like you, this would not be happening as we would have assets in the area to help the Iraqi army (if need).

We spent 8 years and 60 billion dollars trying to make the Iraqi Army a "Stable Fighting Force".

Just like we spent decades trying to make the Army of South Vietnam a "Stable Fighting force".

You can't make a stable army in a country where you aren't wanted and people have no use for you.

Yes and the far left fought tit all the way, for them it was cut run or blow things up in the 60's.

No it was not decades, but keep reaching there, it was Kennedy who rammed up "advisors" in Vietnam four months before his death. But then again I do not expect the far left to know actual real history.

The U shad a lot of obstacles in the way in Iraq, mostly form the far left in this country.

Yes and the far left fought tit all the way, for them it was cut run or blow things up in the 60's.

No it was not decades, but keep reaching there, it was Kennedy who rammed up "advisors" in Vietnam four months before his death. But then again I do not expect the far left to know actual real history.

The U shad a lot of obstacles in the way in Iraq, mostly form the far left in this country.

The wars in Vietnam and Iraq were sold on false pretenses by a lot of people who were getting rich off the deal.

And that went fine, until the people who had to fight it got tired of watching their loved ones come home in body bags.

what we ought to have is an elite unit of the children of rich people and politicians that will be the first deployed to any war zone. I'll bet they won't be so keen on wars after that.

Seriously, you think with open borders if we go after rich people that will stop illegal aliens from coming from other countries, and you're mocking anyone? LOL. Mirror, mirror, your wheelchair for a mirror...

Yes, I really think if there were no jobs here for them, they wouldn't come here.

Why do you think they are coming here, for the ObamaPhone?

So they only get jobs from "rich people?" I guess to you anyone with a job is rich. But your argument is like saying we should stop giving people flu shots because they only need to wash their hands more.

Then again, simplistic, shallow, that is your speed.

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