Wow, the Left really turning on Obama

Frankly, guy, it isn't 2008 anymore.

and you speculate it "would have" gotten 100 times worse..LMAO..why not a million times worse as long as you're making things up?..why not a trillion times worse?..LMAO..the compulsion to be a submissive statist to big government is strong in you.
We're never going to're never wrong, obama is never wrong, the only time anything is wrong is when "your" party isn't in office..THEN..EVERYTHING is partisans...quite comical..

Guy, i have a simple way of telling what is wrong.

When George W. Bush came to office, my properties were worth twice what I paid for them, i was making twice what I made when his father got kicked out on his can. Things were going very well were one of the evil rich you go on and on...and on about..

but I was one of you right wing assholes who got all upset because Clinton lied about a blow job.

You may not be "right wing", anymore...but...

Two recessions later I'm was making 20% less than what I was making 2 years before, my mortgage was underwater, my 401K was busted, and I considered myself "lucky" that at least I was still working and not like a lot of people I knew who weren't.

Now we get to the heart of the matter; class envy and comes out in every single post you make...

Lucky thing it happened, would have had some self loathing issues for being one of the evil "rich".

And I give Bush credit. He listened to the grown-ups who told him a major intervention was necessary after years of getting us into this mess by not watching what these guys were doing.

When did bush term end?
Who is president now?
Now we get to the heart of the matter; class envy and comes out in every single post you make...

Lucky thing it happened, would have had some self loathing issues for being one of the evil "rich".

I'd call it more like "survivors guilt". I know that there are people who took it worse than I did.

Not that I considered myself rich because properties I inherited or worked on were worth something.

I bought a property in an underdeveloped neighborhood in 1987, and by 2000 it was worth twice what I paid for it. I had to deal with crazy tenants and put hundreds of hours into rehabbing it and was able to sell it for twice what I paid for it. now it's come to posting silly pictures as a substitute for mature discussion..a sure sign of defeat.

Guy, when someone keeps ranting "close the border, close the border", all I can think of is - angry retard.

Patriots want the border closed. politicians and submissive beta male sycophants don't.

reality- It owuld cost $40,000 an illegal to have a fence that meets the standard you want.

The Border Fence Horrible Deal At Cost Up To 40 000 Per Illegal Immigrant Apprehended - Forbes
Skewed, manipulated numbers based on pure speculation.

Jacobs: It is impossible to pin down exactly, but there are some estimates. In a 2007 study the non-partisan Congressional Research Office pegged the bill to construct and maintain (for 25 years) a 700 mile fence to be $49 billion. This is the same type of double fences contemplated in today’s bill. That was six years ago…..materials and labor prices have increased and then there is my “law of government”……..things always take longer and cost more, usually much more, than they tell us. So what’s the cost today….you pick a number.

And that’s just the beginning. We haven’t tallied the costs for all the new ancillary surveillance paraphernalia; unmanned aerial drones, helicopters, radars, night vision goggles, high tech cameras, airboats, blimps, other high speed power boats, who knows what else…..and then factor all the costs of maintenance on this high tech equipment…..over time it’s well into the billions.

but you're ok with obama bailing out banks, big business and his wall street're ok with a 17 trillion dollar deficit.[/I]

Explain to me how allowing illegals to cross the border who haven't been screened for disease, sanity, literacy or criminal backgrounds is "good"?

What about terrorists? You ok with allowing them across unchecked?
What about drug smugglers? ok with allowing them across?

You're a tool and what communists call a "useful idiot"

Now we get to the heart of the matter; class envy and comes out in every single post you make...

Lucky thing it happened, would have had some self loathing issues for being one of the evil "rich".

I bought a property in an underdeveloped neighborhood in 1987, and by 2000 it was worth twice what I paid for it. I had to deal with crazy tenants and put hundreds of hours into rehabbing it and was able to sell it for twice what I paid for it.
Oh..I like to make money by exploiting poor people in underdeveloped neighborhoods..then when property values increase the poor have to move because of fat cats like you.

Got it...You must really be torn..common sense versus party line...a dilemma
but you're ok with obama bailing out banks, big business and his wall street're ok with a 17 trillion dollar deficit.[/I]

I'm not okay with it. I just realize it's preferable to the alternatives.

Explain to me how allowing illegals to cross the border who haven't been screened for disease, sanity, literacy or criminal backgrounds is "good"?

Didn't say it was. Besides the whole 'using disease to rationalize your racism" part, the only reason why they cross the border is that someone is offering them jobs.

What about terrorists? You ok with allowing them across unchecked?
What about drug smugglers? ok with allowing them across?

You're a tool and what communists call a "useful idiot"

gee, guy, you all have been talking about the "Crazy terrorist illegal" for a decade now, but all the terrorists who have struck in this country were either citizens or legal immigrants.

Patriots want the border closed. politicians and submissive beta male sycophants don't.

Guy, your racism isn't a sign of "Patriotism".

Skewed, manipulated numbers based on pure speculation.

Actually, it might be underestimated. Let's look at the manpower you'd need to back up the fence. Let's say that we would need 1 border patrol agent at $50,000 a year for every quarter mile of fence. Except you'd need three for every quarter mile. - 1 working 8 hour shift because those illegals don't punch a clock.

The US Mexico Border is about 2000 miles. so 2000 x 4 x 3 x $50,000. So it's 1.2 BILLION just to pay for the personnel. This is before you've build a fence, put these guys in vehicles, give them radios and night vision goggles and such.

And that was being generous. I doubt that would ever work,r eally.
kaz said:
I wanted the troops to leave. I said that. You are saying you wanted them to stay, but they couldn't becasue W didn't do Obama's job for him. You people are unreal.

Bush DID negotiate the SOFA before he left office

Exactly, years earlier. Obama was President when we left, how did he not revisit the agreement?

He DID revisit the agreement...

Unlike Bush, Obama would not sign a SOFA that would expose our sons and daughters to Iraqi tribunals...

You know what's amusing, Bfgrn? You actually buy the Obama story that he tried to get a new Status of Forces Agreement!
Oh..I like to make money by exploiting poor people in underdeveloped neighborhoods..then when property values increase the poor have to move because of fat cats like you.

Got it...You must really be torn..common sense versus party line...a dilemma

No, actually, I charged below the going rate because I kind of liked my tenant. Didn't raise her rent for something like six years.

When she decided to mo ve to be with her family in another city, that's when I decided to sell because I really didn't want to deal with new tenants. That and i wanted to move (I lived in the same building) because my job at that point was a 50 mile daily commute.

Oh really? Lol! YOU can vote them out? Are you 5 years old or something? :lol:

Yup. Republicans fucked up, and we kicked their asses to the curb in 2008.

And in a scant two years those very same Republicans won more seats in the House and Senate in one election cycle than at any time in modern political history. Hmmm...maybe you didn't "kick" them hard enough, Joey?

You see, your problem is that you liberals had such a landslide victory in 2008 that you got to do whatever you wanted. That got us Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi doing ObamaCare and the Obama Stimulus and THAT got you liberals kicked to the curb in 2010...THE BIGGEST SINGLE POLITICAL TURN AROUND IN HISTORY!
but you're ok with obama bailing out banks, big business and his wall street're ok with a 17 trillion dollar deficit.[/I]

I'm not okay with it. I just realize it's preferable to the alternatives.


Like fair wages and more americans working...and people with diseases, criminal records, illiteracy or insanity or smugglers being kept out...Yeah..great "compromise"..

Explain to me how allowing illegals to cross the border who haven't been screened for disease, sanity, literacy or criminal backgrounds is "good"?

Didn't say it was. Besides the whole 'using disease to rationalize your racism" part, the only reason why they cross the border is that someone is offering them jobs.

"rationalize your racism"? every nation in the world with closed borders who test for disease, literacy, sanity, criminal records are "rationalizing their racism"...LMFAO..

What about terrorists? You ok with allowing them across unchecked?
What about drug smugglers? ok with allowing them across?

You're a tool and what communists call a "useful idiot"

gee, guy, you all have been talking about the "Crazy terrorist illegal" for a decade now, but all the terrorists who have struck in this country were either citizens or legal immigrants.

Patriots want the border closed. politicians and submissive beta male sycophants don't.

Guy, your racism isn't a sign of "Patriotism".
What "racism"? Closing the border is now "racist"? I say deport all matter WHAT race they are..

but, really, why are you trying to change the subject..again...and make it about me..again?

Skewed, manipulated numbers based on pure speculation.

Actually, it might be underestimated. Let's look at the manpower you'd need to back up the fence. Let's say that we would need 1 border patrol agent at $50,000 a year for every quarter mile of fence. Except you'd need three for every quarter mile. - 1 working 8 hour shift because those illegals don't punch a clock.

you use invented numbers in a fantasy scenario that has people doing things you made up out of thin air....and that's your defense of allowing smugglers, diseased, insane, illiterate criminals across the

The US Mexico Border is about 2000 miles. so 2000 x 4 x 3 x $50,000. So it's 1.2 BILLION just to pay for the personnel. This is before you've build a fence, put these guys in vehicles, give them radios and night vision goggles and such.

Far less money than we give to israel...or the palestinians..or africa..every year.

And that was being generous. I doubt that would ever work,r eally.

Closed borders work well.[/QUOTE]
Just to put it in perspective.


must be frustrating to not be able to express yourself with words and being forced to resort to political propaganda cartoons and pictures, rather than thinking for oneself.

Now, now, now, To be perfectly honest here, He did a good job of using props, as I do, to make a point. His problem was that he used a prop of a virtually unknown comedian, and part time journalist to make a point,,,, much like putting his picture on it and saying the same thing. Even a cartoon character would have been more effective, as the satire of the situation would have made the point better. Joe B, is learning the craft, as is Nuttley who since I started using these little meme's has also started to post them, although, the liberal mind isn't quite sharp enough to produce them, nor do they have the objects of ridicule that we on the right have...we can't look at the Net without finding MORE SHIT the Democrat subversives have done each day.... it's a virtual mind field of fuck ups, and gaffes!... Now Joe, you need to find some CELEBRETIES to enhance your pics... such as...



See Joe, this is how you do it, making your political points, pointing out the stupidity of the celebrity, and giving YOUR SIDE something to chuckle about while pissing off your opponent!

The idea of doing anything for yourself instead of mommy government doing it for you is just that inconceivable, is it totty boy?

You know what, without government, we'd be Somalia. Maybe we need to get all you LIbertarians to move to that paradise.

I'm an anarchist because small government libertarians are anarchists. You know why your Mormon boss shit canned you? Because you're a complete and utter idiot who makes excuses for your failures instead of addressing them. You suck because you're a loser.
kaz said:
I wanted the troops to leave. I said that. You are saying you wanted them to stay, but they couldn't becasue W didn't do Obama's job for him. You people are unreal.

Bush DID negotiate the SOFA before he left office

Exactly, years earlier. Obama was President when we left, how did he not revisit the agreement?

He DID revisit the agreement...

Unlike Bush, Obama would not sign a SOFA that would expose our sons and daughters to Iraqi tribunals...

So Obama got the same agreement as W, and you're criticizing W for not getting a better agreement, but you're OK with Obama not getting a better agreement. Doesn't the smell of your hypocrisy reek even to you?

And in a scant two years those very same Republicans won more seats in the House and Senate in one election cycle than at any time in modern political history. Hmmm...maybe you didn't "kick" them hard enough, Joey?

You see, your problem is that you liberals had such a landslide victory in 2008 that you got to do whatever you wanted. That got us Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi doing ObamaCare and the Obama Stimulus and THAT got you liberals kicked to the curb in 2010...THE BIGGEST SINGLE POLITICAL TURN AROUND IN HISTORY!

Guy, the only reason you did well in 2010 was because 2008 and 2006 were such complete disasters for your party. And you still didn't get control of the Senate in 2010, and you lost ground in it in 2012 as well as the Presidency. Not to mention we kicked out clowns out of the House like Joe Walsh (R-Koch Brothers) and Allen West (R-Arkham Asylum)

Long term, though. When your party loses people like me, you are on the path to follow the Whigs and Federalists to oblivion.

I'm an anarchist because small government libertarians are anarchists. You know why your Mormon boss shit canned you? Because you're a complete and utter idiot who makes excuses for your failures instead of addressing them. You suck because you're a loser.

guy, didn't have a Mormon Boss. I wouldn't work for a Mormon if you paid me six figures.

And, no, you LIbertards aren't "anarchists". You just want all the benefits of a civilized society without any of the responsibility.
Just to put it in perspective.


must be frustrating to not be able to express yourself with words and being forced to resort to political propaganda cartoons and pictures, rather than thinking for oneself.

No, you see, you have me confused with Vagasil, who never adds anything to a conversation.

I do a pretty good job of whipping your ass and exposing you as a crazy person.

The idea that one party is "better" or "different" than the other one...
you've been duped...

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