Zone1 Wow we really are one Nation under God

Literal Israel is cut off-Matt 23:38-39--spiritual Israel is now Gods chosen.
Matthew 23 is a condemnation of the scribes and Pharisees. The "house of Israel" is God's chosen.
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Because Daniel 12:4 says its the book of Daniel that truths were hidden until these last days.
Yes, the book that was sealed. Isaiah 29:11. And, in verst 14, your prudent (scholars) men will not be able to read it and understand it. For their prosperity in filthy lucre they will not benefit from it. In fact, they will lose doctrine and understanding.
The house Israel follows their spiritual teachers. They are in the same boat.
Jesus Christ is the spiritual teacher of the house of Israel.

Matthew 15:24
But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

Furthermore, he sent the disciples there as well.

Matthew 10:
5 These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:
6 But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israe

By this we know that the countries of the Christian west are the "lost sheep of the house of Israel".
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Yes, the book that was sealed. Isaiah 29:11. And, in verst 14, your prudent (scholars) men will not be able to read it and understand it. For their prosperity in filthy lucre they will not benefit from it. In fact, they will lose doctrine and understanding.
C.T.Russell using a year for a day prophecy-- was the only mortal on earth who saw Rev 6 occur years before it happened--The prophecy in Daniel hidden from all= From the removal of the last king in Jerusalem( 607 bce) 2520 years when Gods kingdom would be established in heaven. 607 + 2520= 1914--In 1879 he said--peace will be taken from the earth in 1914( Rev 6:4)= ww1-- he was correct.
Jesus Christ is the spiritual teacher of the house of Israel.

Matthew 15:24
But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

Furthermore, he sent the disciples there as well.

Matthew 10:
5 These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:
6 But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israe

By this we know that the countries of the Christian west are the "lost sheep of the house of Israel".
Jesus after telling the religious leaders off( Matt 23) assured them their religion is cut off( Matt 23:38--unless they do verse 39--they will not. Its been over 1950 years. Spiritual Israel is now Gods chosen- John had no clue what the religion would be called here in the last days so he referenced Israel in Revelation, just meaning Gods chosen.
C.T.Russell using a year for a day prophecy-- was the only mortal on earth who saw Rev 6 occur years before it happened--The prophecy in Daniel hidden from all= From the removal of the last king in Jerusalem( 607 bce) 2520 years when Gods kingdom would be established in heaven. 607 + 2520= 1914--In 1879 he said--peace will be taken from the earth in 1914( Rev 6:4)= ww1-- he was correct.
So, there were no other wars before 1914. Once again, the old JW prophecy that didn't come true. What has come true in 1820, the heavens reopened and the Book of Joseph was unsealed and a marvellous work and wonder came forth which has blinded your scholars and caused JWs to follow the precepts of men instead of the the Lord God Jesus Christ.
So, there were no other wars before 1914. Once again, the old JW prophecy that didn't come true. What has come true in 1820, the heavens reopened and the Book of Joseph was unsealed and a marvellous work and wonder came forth which has blinded your scholars and caused JWs to follow the precepts of men instead of the the Lord God Jesus Christ.
Peace will be taken from the earth= a world war, not a single little war.
Who follows Jesus? Matt 6:33-Keepon seeking- FIRST- the kingdom and his( YHWH(Jehovah) righteousness
John 17:3- This means eternal life, their knowing you(Father) THE ONLY TRUE GOD and the one whom you sent forth Jesus Christ= The Only true God( Father sent another, he did not come down to earth.
Its as easy as 1+1=2 if one believes Jesus--All his real followers do.
Peace will be taken from the earth= a world war, not a single little war.
Who follows Jesus? Matt 6:33-Keepon seeking- FIRST- the kingdom and his( YHWH(Jehovah) righteousness
John 17:3- This means eternal life, their knowing you(Father) THE ONLY TRUE GOD and the one whom you sent forth Jesus Christ= The Only true God( Father sent another, he did not come down to earth.
Its as easy as 1+1=2 if one believes Jesus--All his real followers do.
You can’t see the Forrest for the trees…
Really good video detailing how literally everything about our founding and thereafter was bible based.

The US Constitution also allows us to amend it and there's nothing in our Constitution that states we must depend upon privately owned business enterprises and markets to provide us with the goods and services we consume. Christians who claim American society can't organize the production of goods and services using a non-profit system of production, that is publicly owned and run democratically, in the form of labor cooperatives, collaborating with a government central planning office, aren't basing their objections upon the Bible or the US Constitution.
Jesus after telling the religious leaders off( Matt 23) assured them their religion is cut off( Matt 23:38--unless they do verse 39--they will not. Its been over 1950 years. Spiritual Israel is now Gods chosen- John had no clue what the religion would be called here in the last days so he referenced Israel in Revelation, just meaning Gods chosen.
Judaism is alive and well, however it is cut off from God.

True that the church is spiritual Israel, but the church was called out of physical Israel first.
All will see soon
Jesus = The Father is THE ONLY TRUE GOD.
Trinity teachers = The Fathers is God, the son is God, the holy spirit is God

Who do you think is correct?
The Father, Son and Holy Ghost are separate personages and members of the Godhead. They all agree as one in purpose and have no desire to supercede each other. The Father is the most high God of the 3. The Son is Lord God and Savior. The Holy Ghost is the Comforter.

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