Zone1 Wow we really are one Nation under God

The Father, Son and Holy Ghost are separate personages and members of the Godhead. They all agree as one in purpose and have no desire to supercede each other. The Father is the most high God of the 3. The Son is Lord God and Savior. The Holy Ghost is the Comforter.
So Jesus lied then you are saying by the choice you made. 1 of the 2 i mentioned is not teaching truth. There is only 1 truth.
So Jesus lied then you are saying by the choice you made. 1 of the 2 i mentioned is not teaching truth. There is only 1 truth.
Jesus taught this too. It’s you who do not understand doctrine because your prudent men are fake prophets.
Yes but God doesn't want a single one to perish-Matt 18:14-- Few are chosen because they won't repent-99% on earth are being mislead into partaking off the table of demons and are told the opposite by the blind guides.
True. God has a plan for all (most) of mankind, pictured in the 'fall harvest', the Feast of Tabernacles. We're in the 'spring harvest' now, the 'church age', or 'firstfruits'.
True. God has a plan for all (most) of mankind, pictured in the 'fall harvest', the Feast of Tabernacles. We're in the 'spring harvest' now, the 'church age', or 'firstfruits'.
You must be kidding. Revelation is getting near to the end of this system.
They aren't prophets at all. The last prophecy made was the book of revelation. What are you saying Jesus taught?
Isaiah said this 700 years before Jesus. But he said it for the last days, our time. He prophesied about the sealed or buried book that would come forth in the last days. Do you have the book? No. We do. The heavens are again open and your prudent scholars are silenced by Jesus who speaks again through prophets and apostles.
You must be kidding. Revelation is getting near to the end of this system.
Those called into the church, the bride of Christ, will be saved at the end of the church age, when Christ returns. The 'rest' will come up during Christ's millennial reign, during the White Throne judgment period. Most will be saved.
Isaiah said this 700 years before Jesus. But he said it for the last days, our time. He prophesied about the sealed or buried book that would come forth in the last days. Do you have the book? No. We do. The heavens are again open and your prudent scholars are silenced by Jesus who speaks again through prophets and apostles.
Yes, the hidden truths of the book of Daniel were revealed here in these last days. Those hidden truths unlocked Revelation. So now truth has become abundant-Daniel12:4)
Those called into the church, the bride of Christ, will be saved at the end of the church age, when Christ returns. The 'rest' will come up during Christ's millennial reign, during the White Throne judgment period. Most will be saved.
Only the little flock( Luke 12:32) = the anointed bride of Christ=144,000 bought from the earth.( Rev 14:3)- These will sit on thrones beside Jesus( Rev 1:6, Rev 20:6) in heaven.
The great crowd( Rev 7:9) which no man can number are the other sheep( John 10:16) who are not of that fold( little flock)--They receive=Matt 5:5, Psalm 37:29--These are not promised heaven in 1 single spot in the bible. Prov 2:21-22 assures they will remain on earth. Matt 24:22 shows they will be brought through, the tribulation and Harmageddon on earth.
Yes, the hidden truths of the book of Daniel were revealed here in these last days. Those hidden truths unlocked Revelation. So now truth has become abundant-Daniel12:4)
Daniel was never a sealed book unearthed. Your scholars are sham artists. It was from an unlearned man that opened up the truth of this book which was sealed. So, your scholars cannot claim any revelation whatsoever. Try again.
Daniel was never a sealed book unearthed. Your scholars are sham artists. It was from an unlearned man that opened up the truth of this book which was sealed. So, your scholars cannot claim any revelation whatsoever. Try again.
The truths found in Daniel that unlocked Revelation are the hidden truths of Daniel 12:4. They are now abundant.
The truths found in Daniel that unlocked Revelation are the hidden truths of Daniel 12:4. They are now abundant.
Are you blind too? Can you not read Isaiah 29? Has nothing to do with Daniel. The book that was sealed was understood by an unlearned man. Your scholars were and still are learned men. So, repeating their false teachings just makes you look ignorant.
Are you blind too? Can you not read Isaiah 29? Has nothing to do with Daniel. The book that was sealed was understood by an unlearned man. Your scholars were and still are learned men. So, repeating their false teachings just makes you look ignorant.
When God shows they are correct, you will see. I pray its soon before Babylon the great falls.
When God shows they are correct, you will see. I pray its soon before Babylon the great falls.
When? God has given us what we need to read and see. A marvelous work and wonder. A book that was sealed underground and unsealed by an unlearned man that would sink the scholar learned people. The book will give sound doctrine and upend the prudent men and their doctrine. That’s you and your learned men along with all those churches that demand divinity college before teaching doctrine. And, all this coming forth in the last days. The book being found dug up from the ground meaning this has nothing to do with Daniel.
11 And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed:
12 And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.
So far, the word book is used twice in two verses.
13 Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:
14 Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid.
18 And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness.
There’s book again. A marvellous work and wonder. (The book)

And how do you respond?
21 That make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate, and turn aside the just for a thing of nought.

You snare at the work of the man who translated the words.

24 They also that erred in spirit shall come to understanding, and they that murmured shall learn doctrine.

Not all will be humble enough to learn doctrine. Just murmur like you.
The 'book' may have been the writings of Hosea.
The 'book' may have been the writings of Hosea.
Ya? What book? Why do you say Hosea? Was the Book of Hosea buried in the dust (ground) and someone dug it up, some of it to learned men who could not read and understand it? Are you saying that Jewish scholars from Hosea to now are unable to read the book of Hosea? I would say that if that is the case, an unlearned man still would have to translated it to understand it and be a prophet of God. Hosea was a prophet but not this unlearned man. He was learned as well. Also, the last chapter of Hosea speaks about Ephraim, who is of the tribe of Joseph will repent and teach true doctrine. The Book of Mormon is the Stick or Book of Joseph with Ephraim involved. Ishmael, the friend of Lehi who traveled to the Americas together and their families was of Ephraim and thus part of the writing of the plates in which the Book of Mormon was translated. No, Isaiah's sealed book is clearly The Book of Mormon and given to Joseph Smith to translate and/or write. The learned man was Professor Anthon whom Joseph and his friends took part of the writings to and he could not read it but said they were true writings of ancient origins. At least, until he asked where Joseph got them and then reversed course. Isaiah war privileged to see this in a vision.

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