Zone1 Wow wow wow!!! This just really happened to me!


Gold Member
Aug 4, 2014
Living rent free in libs heads
God as my witness, I was looking at pictures of the Shroud of Turin online after watching an Alan Parr YT video on it. I go to click on my kjv bible on my IPAD. GUESS WHAT the verse of the day is? Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his FACE continually. 1 Chronicles 16:11. I'm speechless. Wow. This is a big deal to me. The last while I've felt that God was far from me due to various things.


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I was playing Diablo 4 last night and i was wanting some necromancer gear with "Blood Surge" enhancements on it, then out of nowhere I got some "Blood Surge" gloves drop in one of the Nightmare Dungeons. It was fucking WILD!!!
I was playing Diablo 4 last night and i was wanting some necromancer gear with "Blood Surge" enhancements on it, then out of nowhere I got some "Blood Surge" gloves drop in one of the Nightmare Dungeons. It was fucking WILD!!!
i'm gonna become a tranny just to spite you, you went from UFC kickboxing star to video game nerd in a few short years. WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?
God as my witness, I was looking at pictures of the Shroud of Turin online after watching an Alan Parr YT video on it. I go to click on my kjv bible on my IPAD. GUESS WHAT the verse of the day is? Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his FACE continually. 1 Chronicles 16:11. I'm speechless. Wow. This is a big deal to me. The last while I've felt that God was far from me due to various things.

That was one of those "mysterious ways" He works in, that we've heard about.
I was playing Diablo 4 last night and i was wanting some necromancer gear with "Blood Surge" enhancements on it, then out of nowhere I got some "Blood Surge" gloves drop in one of the Nightmare Dungeons. It was fucking WILD!!!

How are you liking it? I just got it last weekend and cannot stop playing it.

Still not sure if I like the adaptive levels where everything changes to match your level, I miss being able to go back to an earlier area and just run around like a god and farm for a while and it makes hardcore a lot harder
How are you liking it? I just got it last weekend and cannot stop playing it.

Still not sure if I like the adaptive levels where everything changes to match your level, I miss being able to go back to an earlier area and just run around like a god and farm for a while and it makes hardcore a lot harder
Its awesome. Im level 64.

You can god farm if its equal to your level (at high level). At high level you crush equal level mobs. It starts getting rough at about 3 levels higher than you.

When you run Nightmare dungeons you preferably want it set 3 levels above you. Thats how you get the best loot.

I did a level 70 dungeon when i was like level 60. That shit was nasty. The bosses can one hit kill you. We failed to beat it, but came close.

For the record, the game doesnt really open up until you beat the campaign and hit level 50. Thats when the fun stuff starts.
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Its awesome. Im level 64.

You can god farm if its equal to your level (at high level). At high level you crush equal level mobs. It starts getting rough at about 3 levels higher than you.

When you run Nightmare dungeons you preferably want it set 3 levels above you. Thats how you get the best loot.

I did a level 70 dungeon when i was like level 60. That shit was nasty. The bosses can one hit kill you. We failed to beat it, but came close.

For the record, the game doesnt really open up until you beat the campaign and hit level 50. Thats when the fun stuff starts.

Thanks, I have a long way to go. My highest is 36 right now.
Thanks, I have a long way to go. My highest is 36 right now.
I would skip all the side quests. For one because youre better off doing other things, especially at high level, but for two because it delays finishing the campaign.

There is also at least one side quest i know of that you want to wait until youre very high level to do. It gives a one of a kind amulet that is awesome if you get it at high level. Otherwise it will become obsolete quickly as you almost immediately have to replace at low level.
God as my witness, I was looking at pictures of the Shroud of Turin online after watching an Alan Parr YT video on it. I go to click on my kjv bible on my IPAD. GUESS WHAT the verse of the day is? Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his FACE continually. 1 Chronicles 16:11. I'm speechless. Wow. This is a big deal to me. The last while I've felt that God was far from me due to various things.
What a wonderful account. Sometimes it is possible to almost feel the hand of God in our life.

It calls to mind the Exodus account of Moses not being able to see the face of God--at least not directly, as it is too blinding for humanity to take in yet. One commentary observed that sometimes it pays to remember in our current life it is best to remember the power of observing God indirectly, or what He is not. In your case, the indirect approach might be, God is not far away (He is in our midst); God is not uncaring of our plights (His hand so gentle, we sometimes don't feel it upon us).

Continued blessings
What a wonderful account. Sometimes it is possible to almost feel the hand of God in our life.

It calls to mind the Exodus account of Moses not being able to see the face of God--at least not directly, as it is too blinding for humanity to take in yet. One commentary observed that sometimes it pays to remember in our current life it is best to remember the power of observing God indirectly, or what He is not. In your case, the indirect approach might be, God is not far away (He is in our midst); God is not uncaring of our plights (His hand so gentle, we sometimes don't feel it upon us).

Continued blessings
Thanks Meri. Hope your well.
God as my witness, I was looking at pictures of the Shroud of Turin online after watching an Alan Parr YT video on it. I go to click on my kjv bible on my IPAD. GUESS WHAT the verse of the day is? Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his FACE continually. 1 Chronicles 16:11. I'm speechless. Wow. This is a big deal to me. The last while I've felt that God was far from me due to various things.
It's called selective recognition, and the shroud has been proven to be a sham.
Besides Jesus being a story based on many figures and myths and not a singular figure, one of those martyrs being Yehuda of Galilee, a tax revolter 1)the only shroud the church claimed to have was of Yehuda.
2) the dating of the shroud fails
3) the image has aclay stain not a blood stain
4)the piercings is innacurate to the actual position they were done to hold the bodies.
5)the figure is over 6' and Jesus is recorded as 4'6", People especially Jews in those days were smaller at an avg 5'
6)the dating coincides with the theory it was a commissioned painting technique in the era of said painter.
Liken to finding no mentions of Jesus in Josephus works until the age of Constantine and Eusebius the great forger and liar (earlier texts do not have the passages), it's a coincidence that doubles the evidence and validates it more that someone commissioned the placement and for forgery just like the shroud has that same perfwct timing evidence of determined carbon date along with the artists era suspected of the process..
What a wonderful account. Sometimes it is possible to almost feel the hand of God in our life.

It calls to mind the Exodus account of Moses not being able to see the face of God--at least not directly, as it is too blinding for humanity to take in yet. One commentary observed that sometimes it pays to remember in our current life it is best to remember the power of observing God indirectly, or what He is not. In your case, the indirect approach might be, God is not far away (He is in our midst); God is not uncaring of our plights (His hand so gentle, we sometimes don't feel it upon us).

Continued blessings
If you are going to use the hebrew Scriptures then it is best to understand the Hebrew concepts… It is not G-ds literal face that is being seeked as that is impossible because G-d is without form and G-d is not a man( numbers 23:19 and other places attest to this) no it is seeking his( G-ds ) presence in one’s life not his actual face….Don’t forget Hebrew is a poetic language and that is how it was trying to be conveyed so seeing the supposed face of a dead man that is claimed to be G-ds face on a forged shroud is not how one is supposed to understand that verse in 1st chronicles..
It's called selective recognition, and the shroud has been proven to be a sham.
Besides Jesus being a story based on many figures and myths and not a singular figure, one of those martyrs being Yehuda of Galilee, a tax revolter 1)the only shroud the church claimed to have was of Yehuda.
2) the dating of the shroud fails
3) the image has aclay stain not a blood stain
4)the piercings is innacurate to the actual position they were done to hold the bodies.
5)the figure is over 6' and Jesus is recorded as 4'6", People especially Jews in those days were smaller at an avg 5'
6)the dating coincides with the theory it was a commissioned painting technique in the era of said painter.
Liken to finding no mentions of Jesus in Josephus works until the age of Constantine and Eusebius the great forger and liar (earlier texts do not have the passages), it's a coincidence that doubles the evidence and validates it more that someone commissioned the placement and for forgery just like the shroud has that same perfwct timing evidence of determined carbon date along with the artists era suspected of the process..
How many shrouds did they have if I remember correctly they were all vying for dominance and there might have been as many as forty at one time… Reminds me of the travelling snake oil charmers moving from city to city pushing their wares to gulliable people then moving on quickly to the next place so they never get called on their scams..
How many shrouds did they have if I remember correctly they were all vying for dominance and there might have been as many as forty at one time… Reminds me of the travelling snake oil charmers moving from city to city pushing their wares to gulliable people then moving on quickly to the next place so they never get called on their scams..
Or the Traveling Jesus cottage scam, many paraded around by the church around many cities around the globe at the same time, claimed to be the very cottage of Jesus.
If you are going to use the hebrew Scriptures then it is best to understand the Hebrew concepts… It is not G-ds literal face that is being seeked as that is impossible because G-d is without form and G-d is not a man( numbers 23:19 and other places attest to this) no it is seeking his( G-ds ) presence in one’s life not his actual face….Don’t forget Hebrew is a poetic language and that is how it was trying to be conveyed so seeing the supposed face of a dead man that is claimed to be G-ds face on a forged shroud is not how one is supposed to understand that verse in 1st chronicles..
Yes, I do understand all of that. Christianity teaches that the man, Jesus, had two natures--fully human during his life on earth, yet his full existence, truly divine--and, as you say, without form. Christians do understand that there are questions about the Shroud of Turin and whether it truly is the face of the crucified Jesus. There is also the Miracle at Lanciano where the communion bread, after consecration, turned into actual heart and blood tissue.

Biblical terms such as The Face of G-d, The Right Hand of G-d, The Finger of G-d are to assist us humans by using pictures we do understand. It is Christianity and the Catholic faith that dropped me into the lap of G-d--also figuratively speaking.

Ninja007 was learning about the Shroud of Turin, which told of Jesus, which calls to mind we are taught to know G-d, love G-d, and to serve G-d. To seek the face of God, we are seeking to know God ever better and to seek His face (presence) in our own lives.

As Christians we contemplate, G-d as Creatior; as Word; as Spirit. One G-d, all inclusive, as the Spirit of G-d hovered over the abyss before Creation began; as Creation started with a Word of G-d.
Yes, I do understand all of that. Christianity teaches that the man, Jesus, had two natures--fully human during his life on earth, yet his full existence, truly divine--and, as you say, without form. Christians do understand that there are questions about the Shroud of Turin and whether it truly is the face of the crucified Jesus. There is also the Miracle at Lanciano where the communion bread, after consecration, turned into actual heart and blood tissue.

Biblical terms such as The Face of G-d, The Right Hand of G-d, The Finger of G-d are to assist us humans by using pictures we do understand. It is Christianity and the Catholic faith that dropped me into the lap of G-d--also figuratively speaking.

Ninja007 was learning about the Shroud of Turin, which told of Jesus, which calls to mind we are taught to know G-d, love G-d, and to serve G-d. To seek the face of God, we are seeking to know God ever better and to seek His face (presence) in our own lives.

As Christians we contemplate, G-d as Creatior; as Word; as Spirit. One G-d, all inclusive, as the Spirit of G-d hovered over the abyss before Creation began; as Creation started with a Word of G- d"………………. I see.. Here is the problem .. You stated that Christianity ” teachs”.. Does Christianity teach from a position of truth and knowledge and strength by holding the unpopular truth or do they teach from a position of weakness because their foundation is based on lies and folly… After all one will know them by their “ fruits” or teaching will one not… If I deem to teach what is shown in the Hebrew Scriptures in a straightforward and proper fashion showing that G-d cannot be seen in a physical or literal manner and the Christian teachings are opposite of that fact then why are such false teachings held onto… If the “ teacher” is really bad and doesn’t know what he is talking about should that teacher not be replaced or fired before your children become corrupted by errounous, illogical and mistaken concepts… If you as a parent know that said teacher is not giving your child the proper education to make your child a fully functioning adult then is it not your fault for continuing to allow that teacher to teach mistaken fundamentals to your child… Afterall as parents do we not what is best for our children… The Hebrew Scriptures are pretty straightforward if the Christian scriptures contradict them then one istelling the truth and the other is not…If you are going to hold onto the concepts and teachings of the Hebrew Scriptures by taking what you want and disregarding the rest then you are not Allowing your “ students” to grow and become all they can be which isa shame because nobody grows by getting a free get out of jail card and never taking responsibility for their own actions…
Or the Traveling Jesus cottage scam, many paraded around by the church around many cities around the globe at the same time, claimed to be the very cottage of Jesus.
Funny how people like to carry their baggage around with them without realizing that not only is it holding them back but holding them down as well…
shimon wrote:
I see.. Here is the problem .. You stated that Christianity ” teachs”.. Does Christianity teach from a position of truth and knowledge and strength by holding the unpopular truth or do they teach from a position of weakness because their foundation is based on lies and folly… After all one will know them by their “ fruits” or teaching will one not… If I deem to teach what is shown in the Hebrew Scriptures in a straightforward and proper fashion showing that G-d cannot be seen in a physical or literal manner and the Christian teachings are opposite of that fact then why are such false teachings held onto… If the “ teacher” is really bad and doesn’t know what he is talking about should that teacher not be replaced or fired before your children become corrupted by errounous, illogical and mistaken concepts… If you as a parent know that said teacher is not giving your child the proper education to make your child a fully functioning adult then is it not your fault for continuing to allow that teacher to teach mistaken fundamentals to your child… Afterall as parents do we not what is best for our children… The Hebrew Scriptures are pretty straightforward if the Christian scriptures contradict them then one istelling the truth and the other is not…If you are going to hold onto the concepts and teachings of the Hebrew Scriptures by taking what you want and disregarding the rest then you are not Allowing your “ students” to grow and become all they can be which isa shame because nobody grows by getting a free get out of jail card and never taking responsibility for their own actions…


Give me a specific example of where you believe Christianity does not teach from a position of truth.

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