'Wrong side of history': GOP's Tom Cotton destroyed after blaming modern Dems for slavery


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Senator Tom Cotton has been blasted for repeating the same garbage we see here from Republicans. He tried the Democrats are the party of slavery line

'Wrong side of history': GOP's Tom Cotton destroyed after blaming modern Dems for slavery​

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) was soundly trounced on social media Thursday when he tried to use Nikki Haley's flub about the Civil War to attack Democrats.

Cotton said that the Civil War began because Democrats supported slavery over the Republican president, Abraham Lincoln. Over and over fact-checkers have said that Republicans may have supported the union in the war, but the parties shifted over time as the Civil Rights and Equal Rights Movement spread across the South. People of color demanded the right to vote without intimidation, eat in the same restaurants, use the same water fountains, and attend the same schools as whites.

The comment earned some mockery, and several people were willing to school the senator on the history of his own state.

"You can’t believe history! It’s a woke liberal plot," exclaimed David Corn of "Mother Jones."

Bhavik Lathia asked Cotton rhetorically: "Which party is actively defending the confederacy in the year 2023, and which party is working to tear down confederate statues and monuments? It's been a 158 years since the Civil War ended. The parties have different values today. The GOP is on the wrong side of history."

S.A. Cosby begged Cotton to fact-check himself before ranting on the internet.

"I swear to God if you would just google one g-ddamn thing before you tweet you'd spare yourself from looking so stupid Lincoln was not anti-slavery until the war forced him to be. It was the Compromise of 1850 that led to the war because slave states didn't want to be outnumbered," he posted.

Democrats created this poor black culture feedback loop. Systemic racism is real. Its Democrats patronizing to blacks White liberals there are black's savior systemic racism thing, White people will save the blacks.
When little im.2 claims that any Republican has been “destroyed” what he is really saying is that he disagrees with that Republican.

But he can’t defend his position.

Clearly, and with no shadow of a doubt, the Dims were the party of slavery.

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