WSJ Management Working For the Wealthy & Big Business Lobby Against American People!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Two days ago the Wall Street Journal had an "extremely valuable to the American people" article about America's really terrible budget deficits "Debt Costs, Long Quiet, Begin Rise - Kate Davidson & Daniel Kruger". The really strange occurrence that transpired with the publishing of this article was that there was a printing malfunction on the page that contained this article where ink blotches resulted on approximately forty percent of the article which a reasonable person would conclude would prevent a lot of people from reading the article. I don't believe this was any accident the WSJ's history proves there is a pro-business and pro-wealthy bias in the newspaper that is evident by studying their editorial pages; if there is any "truly good journalists" in the WSJ top management they will see to it that this article is republished in the WSJ in an "ink blot free" manner!

The reason why this article was so valuable is that it reported facts that support the prudent conclusion that America today has a budget deficit crisis, a five alarm fire emergency type, a type that means the country is definitely on a trajectory for an economic Depression unless something drastic is done; a type that should be mobilizing both parties to come together and agree on a major response that takes the country permanently out of this danger zone. Some of the important points in the article are: that because of ballooning budget deficits the country will spend more on interest payments for the national debt than it spends on Medicaid in 2020, on national defense in 2023 and on all "the entire panorama" of non-defense "discretionary" federal spending in 2025 (this means all government agencies and departments outside of defense, the Department of Justice, Health and Human Services, Department of Transportation, Department of Agriculture, Department of Energy, etc., etc.). Another critical point and this is really mind boggling that the article reports that the Congressional Budget Office projects that by 2028 the federal government's expense for interest payments on the national debt will rise to $915 billion dollars which will be thirteen percent of all federal spending not only discretionary but also non-discretionary spending (entitlement spending including Social Security and Medicare spending).

The year 2028 is just ten years from now and in this short period of time the nation will be experiencing these crushing debt payments; I have a prediction which really holds no speculation at all if one is behaving reasonably which is when ten years rolls around and this is the debt load the American people are not going to go along with this unfairness where a shockingly large portion of their tax dollars are going to pay for interest on the debt they are going to support defaulting on the debt! They will see the truth that this national debt problem was caused by a corrupt political system where the wealthy and special interest through lobbyist and political contributions manipulate the government to work for them at the expense of ordinary Americans and conclude we're not getting stuck with the bill for this. Populist leaders will rise up in America that could devise plans to largely protect the middle class in America during the economic devastation that would ensue from such a default the government could use the Federal Reserve Bank giving them super expansive power to buy things, manage them, and lend and the federal government could use price controls and wage controls to stabilize the economy and over a twenty year period slowly normalize things; the economic devastation on the wealthy and big business would be epic and would cause huge impairment on our economy and our society during this twenty year transition but the country would get through it and survive. Elected officials should step-up now, do their duty, and respond to this deficit crisis while it is still possible to avert the calamity and save the country from the economic and societal devastation it will bring!

Why have the wealthy and big business been pulling out all the stops to block the American people from becoming aware of and appreciating the federal budget deficit crisis the nation has; this should have been the front and center issues in the recent election cycle? It is that the response, the fix to they problem, is to roll back many of the tax cuts in the 2017 tax reform legislation to take away this political bloc's precious golden goose that is laying big dollar eggs for them. I am not suggesting here that only Republican politicians face pain here in solving this crisis for America Democrat politicians face pain here too. The needed response here is the much ballyhooed "grand bargain" spoken of often over the past two decades where both parties make great sacrifices to put the deficit on a trajectory for it to be eliminated. Not only do Republicans have to agree to roll back the 2017 tax cuts for the wealthy and big business they have to agree to reform Medicare and Social Security where the wealthy in America kick-in big time but the Democrats have to bite the bullet also and move as if they are experiencing an earthquake. All Medicaid has to be converted into HMO type programs to curtail costs and Social Security disability has to be reformed the system needs to do away with mental disability too much gaming the system is going on and other gaming of the system needs to stop. Democrats have to agree to raise the age on Social Security an exception could be made for people that do physical labor if their health status makes them unable or causes them severe pain to work. The Democrats have to agree to reform the civil service system in the Federal Government and allow the government to lay-off people for cost cutting measures like the private sector. The Democrats have to agree to do away with defined pensions for federal employees not engaged in law enforcement put them into 401k and Social Security programs like the private sector. People in America's economy are pulling the alarm that Federal Budget Deficits are at crisis levels and the country is in an unescapable trajectory to an economic Depression, the big question is whether or not America's elected officials in Washington will do their duty and heed this alarm and successfully respond to this cataclysmic financial emergency!
Cool, where'd you cut and paste that from?
In the age of twitter and zero attention spans, few places have editors that recommend their writers go with "wall of text" format. It wouldn't surprise me if it were original.
Two days ago the Wall Street Journal had an "extremely valuable to the American people" article about America's really terrible budget deficits "Debt Costs, Long Quiet, Begin Rise - Kate Davidson & Daniel Kruger". The really strange occurrence that transpired with the publishing of this article was that there was a printing malfunction on the page that contained this article where ink blotches resulted on approximately forty percent of the article which a reasonable person would conclude would prevent a lot of people from reading the article. I don't believe this was any accident the WSJ's history proves there is a pro-business and pro-wealthy bias in the newspaper that is evident by studying their editorial pages; if there is any "truly good journalists" in the WSJ top management they will see to it that this article is republished in the WSJ in an "ink blot free" manner!

The reason why this article was so valuable is that it reported facts that support the prudent conclusion that America today has a budget deficit crisis, a five alarm fire emergency type, a type that means the country is definitely on a trajectory for an economic Depression unless something drastic is done; a type that should be mobilizing both parties to come together and agree on a major response that takes the country permanently out of this danger zone. Some of the important points in the article are: that because of ballooning budget deficits the country will spend more on interest payments for the national debt than it spends on Medicaid in 2020, on national defense in 2023 and on all "the entire panorama" of non-defense "discretionary" federal spending in 2025 (this means all government agencies and departments outside of defense, the Department of Justice, Health and Human Services, Department of Transportation, Department of Agriculture, Department of Energy, etc., etc.). Another critical point and this is really mind boggling that the article reports that the Congressional Budget Office projects that by 2028 the federal government's expense for interest payments on the national debt will rise to $915 billion dollars which will be thirteen percent of all federal spending not only discretionary but also non-discretionary spending (entitlement spending including Social Security and Medicare spending).

The year 2028 is just ten years from now and in this short period of time the nation will be experiencing these crushing debt payments; I have a prediction which really holds no speculation at all if one is behaving reasonably which is when ten years rolls around and this is the debt load the American people are not going to go along with this unfairness where a shockingly large portion of their tax dollars are going to pay for interest on the debt they are going to support defaulting on the debt! They will see the truth that this national debt problem was caused by a corrupt political system where the wealthy and special interest through lobbyist and political contributions manipulate the government to work for them at the expense of ordinary Americans and conclude we're not getting stuck with the bill for this. Populist leaders will rise up in America that could devise plans to largely protect the middle class in America during the economic devastation that would ensue from such a default the government could use the Federal Reserve Bank giving them super expansive power to buy things, manage them, and lend and the federal government could use price controls and wage controls to stabilize the economy and over a twenty year period slowly normalize things; the economic devastation on the wealthy and big business would be epic and would cause huge impairment on our economy and our society during this twenty year transition but the country would get through it and survive. Elected officials should step-up now, do their duty, and respond to this deficit crisis while it is still possible to avert the calamity and save the country from the economic and societal devastation it will bring!

Why have the wealthy and big business been pulling out all the stops to block the American people from becoming aware of and appreciating the federal budget deficit crisis the nation has; this should have been the front and center issues in the recent election cycle? It is that the response, the fix to they problem, is to roll back many of the tax cuts in the 2017 tax reform legislation to take away this political bloc's precious golden goose that is laying big dollar eggs for them. I am not suggesting here that only Republican politicians face pain here in solving this crisis for America Democrat politicians face pain here too. The needed response here is the much ballyhooed "grand bargain" spoken of often over the past two decades where both parties make great sacrifices to put the deficit on a trajectory for it to be eliminated. Not only do Republicans have to agree to roll back the 2017 tax cuts for the wealthy and big business they have to agree to reform Medicare and Social Security where the wealthy in America kick-in big time but the Democrats have to bite the bullet also and move as if they are experiencing an earthquake. All Medicaid has to be converted into HMO type programs to curtail costs and Social Security disability has to be reformed the system needs to do away with mental disability too much gaming the system is going on and other gaming of the system needs to stop. Democrats have to agree to raise the age on Social Security an exception could be made for people that do physical labor if their health status makes them unable or causes them severe pain to work. The Democrats have to agree to reform the civil service system in the Federal Government and allow the government to lay-off people for cost cutting measures like the private sector. The Democrats have to agree to do away with defined pensions for federal employees not engaged in law enforcement put them into 401k and Social Security programs like the private sector. People in America's economy are pulling the alarm that Federal Budget Deficits are at crisis levels and the country is in an unescapable trajectory to an economic Depression, the big question is whether or not America's elected officials in Washington will do their duty and heed this alarm and successfully respond to this cataclysmic financial emergency!




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