WTC-7 Was A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

Greetings to All:

[ame=]WTC-7 Was Taken Down Using Controlled Demolition Explosions[/ame]

The notion that WTC-7 collapsed from building fires is perhaps the most ridiculous 'conspiracy theory' that anyone has ever tried to pass off as the 911Truth. WTC-7 imploded at freefall speed in 6.6 seconds 'and' massive 2800-degree red-iron structural steel members were deliberately 'cut,' so the massive 47-story skyscraper ...


... collapsed into its own footprint into this little pile:


If any of the Loyal Bushie/Obama DUPES around this place want to stand up and defend Official Govt LIES, that WTC-7 collapsed from building fires :)cuckoo:), then accept my Challenge (Topic) and start your "Building Fires Did It" Topic ASAP. Nobody will accept the challenge, because there is no precedent and no evidence that 800-degree building fires can melt 2800-degree red-iron structural steel ...


Greetings to All:

WTC-7 Was Taken Down Using Controlled Demolition Explosions

The notion that WTC-7 collapsed from building fires is perhaps the most ridiculous 'conspiracy theory' that anyone has ever tried to pass off as the 911Truth. WTC-7 imploded at freefall speed in 6.6 seconds 'and' massive 2800-degree red-iron structural steel members were deliberately 'cut,' so the massive 47-story skyscraper ...


... collapsed into its own footprint into this little pile:


If any of the Loyal Bushie/Obama DUPES around this place want to stand up and defend Official Govt LIES, that WTC-7 collapsed from building fires :)cuckoo:), then accept my Challenge (Topic) and start your "Building Fires Did It" Topic ASAP. Nobody will accept the challenge, because there is no precedent and no evidence that 800-degree building fires can melt 2800-degree red-iron structural steel ...



yeah its funny Terral that the 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists wont accept your challenge to do that because they know they CANT do it.:lol::lol:
Greetings to All:

WTC-7 Was Taken Down Using Controlled Demolition Explosions

The notion that WTC-7 collapsed from building fires is perhaps the most ridiculous 'conspiracy theory' that anyone has ever tried to pass off as the 911Truth. WTC-7 imploded at freefall speed in 6.6 seconds 'and' massive 2800-degree red-iron structural steel members were deliberately 'cut,' so the massive 47-story skyscraper ...


... collapsed into its own footprint into this little pile:


If any of the Loyal Bushie/Obama DUPES around this place want to stand up and defend Official Govt LIES, that WTC-7 collapsed from building fires :)cuckoo:), then accept my Challenge (Topic) and start your "Building Fires Did It" Topic ASAP. Nobody will accept the challenge, because there is no precedent and no evidence that 800-degree building fires can melt 2800-degree red-iron structural steel ...



yeah its funny Terral that the 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists wont accept your challenge to do that because they know they CANT do it.:lol::lol:
lick that ass, rimjob, lick that ass

(for the moronic troofer dipshits that dont understand sarcasm, this is not saying he actually licks ass, but that he symbolically does on this message board)
Greetings to All:

WTC-7 Was Taken Down Using Controlled Demolition Explosions

The notion that WTC-7 collapsed from building fires is perhaps the most ridiculous 'conspiracy theory' that anyone has ever tried to pass off as the 911Truth. WTC-7 imploded at freefall speed in 6.6 seconds 'and' massive 2800-degree red-iron structural steel members were deliberately 'cut,' so the massive 47-story skyscraper ...


... collapsed into its own footprint into this little pile:


If any of the Loyal Bushie/Obama DUPES around this place want to stand up and defend Official Govt LIES, that WTC-7 collapsed from building fires :)cuckoo:), then accept my Challenge (Topic) and start your "Building Fires Did It" Topic ASAP. Nobody will accept the challenge, because there is no precedent and no evidence that 800-degree building fires can melt 2800-degree red-iron structural steel ...



So sorry but there is no recorded explosions that sound like those needed to bring down a building. and why is there several seconds of your video edited out? Right at 5:23 when the video tries to make you believe was the beginning of the collapse. They edited out the first seconds of it when the penthouse went first...Now why not show the whole thing? I guess that would mean your free fall speeds wouldn't work anymore.
Greetings to All:

Here is more evidence of Secondary Explosions at the WTC Complex on 9/11:

Secondary Explosions at WTC 9_11




yeah thats a great video Terral.One that the 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists that have responded so far cant get around, and make themselves look like fools for defending the official version.
another example of rimjob symbolically licking ass

another example of dwivecon homosexual thoughts
It should sound like this:

[ame=]YouTube - Controlled Demolition, Inc.: Kingdome - GUINNESS WORLD RECORD![/ame]

Or this:

[ame=]YouTube - Landmark Implosion[/ame]

You got nothing even close........

Makes 20 bars

You will need:

1 cup of mixed nuts
1/3 cup of butter
1 cup of packed brown sugar
1 beaten egg
½ teaspoon of vanilla
1 cup of all purpose flour
½ teaspoon of baking powder

1.Preheat oven to 350. Grease an 8x8x2 inch baking pan. Set aside. In
a medium sauce pan, heat butter and brown sugar stirring constantly
until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat and let it cool slightly.

2.Stir in vanilla and egg. Stir in flour and baking powder until well
combined. Stir in the nuts and spread batter onto greased pan.

3.Bake for 25 minutes and test to see if center is ready by inserting a
toothpick in the center of the pan. If it comes out clean remove from the
oven and let it cool slightly on a wire rack. Cut into bars while still warm.
Let it cool completely in the pan."
Nut Bar recipe
Greetings to All:

WTC-7 Was Taken Down Using Controlled Demolition Explosions

The notion that WTC-7 collapsed from building fires is perhaps the most ridiculous 'conspiracy theory' that anyone has ever tried to pass off as the 911Truth. WTC-7 imploded at freefall speed in 6.6 seconds 'and' massive 2800-degree red-iron structural steel members were deliberately 'cut,' so the massive 47-story skyscraper ...


... collapsed into its own footprint into this little pile:


If any of the Loyal Bushie/Obama DUPES around this place want to stand up and defend Official Govt LIES, that WTC-7 collapsed from building fires :)cuckoo:), then accept my Challenge (Topic) and start your "Building Fires Did It" Topic ASAP. Nobody will accept the challenge, because there is no precedent and no evidence that 800-degree building fires can melt 2800-degree red-iron structural steel ...



yeah its funny Terral that the 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists wont accept your challenge to do that because they know they CANT do it.:lol::lol:
lick that ass, rimjob, lick that ass

(for the moronic troofer dipshits that dont understand sarcasm, this is not saying he actually licks ass, but that he symbolically does on this message board)

and you are symbolically..... A CLOSET CASE
yeah its funny Terral that the 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists wont accept your challenge to do that because they know they CANT do it.:lol::lol:
lick that ass, rimjob, lick that ass

(for the moronic troofer dipshits that dont understand sarcasm, this is not saying he actually licks ass, but that he symbolically does on this message board)

and you are symbolically..... A CLOSET CASE
^^^^^^more TPP
Greetings to All:

This leading Texas Engineer does a very good job of exposing the 9/11 Inside Job Cover Story ...

[ame=]Texas Engineer Demolitions the 9/11 WTC 7 Fairy Tale Part 1 of 8[/ame]


A Fox News hit piece against Jesse Ventura and the 9/11 truth movement written by former Washington D.C. prosecutor Jeffrey Scott Shapiro inadvertently reveals a shocking truth, that World Trade Center leaseholder Larry Silverstein, who collected nearly $500 million dollars in insurance as a result of the collapse of Building 7, a 47-story structure that was not hit by a plane but collapsed within seven seconds on September 11, was on the phone to his insurance carrier attempting to convince them that the building should be brought down via controlled demolition.

Shame On Jesse Ventura!
By Jeffrey Scott Shapiro

The former Minnesota governor has discredited himself, and dishonored and defamed his country by promoting the mistaken view that our government was involved in the Sept. 11 attacks.

Shortly before the building collapsed, several NYPD officers and Con-Edison workers told me that Larry Silverstein, the property developer of One World Financial Center was on the phone with his insurance carrier to see if they would authorize the controlled demolition of the building – since its foundation was already unstable and expected to fall.

A controlled demolition would have minimized the damage caused by the building’s imminent collapse and potentially save lives. Many law enforcement personnel, firefighters and other journalists were aware of this possible option. There was no secret. There was no conspiracy.
While I was talking with a fellow reporter and several NYPD officers, Building 7 suddenly collapsed, and before it hit the ground, not a single sound emanated from the tower area. There were no explosives; I would have heard them. In fact, I remember that in those few seconds, as the building sank to the ground that I was stunned by how quiet it was. - Shame On Jesse Ventura!
As most of the other damaged buildings were eventually brought down by controlled demolitions. Or pulled down with cables.

wtc 7 was much larger and had much less damage,the other damaged buildings were not claimed to be unstable in there foundations and expected to fall. the call was made on 9/11 then the implication was the controlled demolition would have to occur immediately to insure a safer collapse
this information should be investigated
A Fox News hit piece against Jesse Ventura and the 9/11 truth movement written by former Washington D.C. prosecutor Jeffrey Scott Shapiro inadvertently reveals a shocking truth, that World Trade Center leaseholder Larry Silverstein, who collected nearly $500 million dollars in insurance as a result of the collapse of Building 7, a 47-story structure that was not hit by a plane but collapsed within seven seconds on September 11, was on the phone to his insurance carrier attempting to convince them that the building should be brought down via controlled demolition.

Shame On Jesse Ventura!
By Jeffrey Scott Shapiro

The former Minnesota governor has discredited himself, and dishonored and defamed his country by promoting the mistaken view that our government was involved in the Sept. 11 attacks.

Shortly before the building collapsed, several NYPD officers and Con-Edison workers told me that Larry Silverstein, the property developer of One World Financial Center was on the phone with his insurance carrier to see if they would authorize the controlled demolition of the building – since its foundation was already unstable and expected to fall.

A controlled demolition would have minimized the damage caused by the building’s imminent collapse and potentially save lives. Many law enforcement personnel, firefighters and other journalists were aware of this possible option. There was no secret. There was no conspiracy.
While I was talking with a fellow reporter and several NYPD officers, Building 7 suddenly collapsed, and before it hit the ground, not a single sound emanated from the tower area. There were no explosives; I would have heard them. In fact, I remember that in those few seconds, as the building sank to the ground that I was stunned by how quiet it was. - Shame On Jesse Ventura!
because a nutball like Ventura claims this, he is to be believed?????
As most of the other damaged buildings were eventually brought down by controlled demolitions. Or pulled down with cables.

wtc 7 was much larger and had much less damage,the other damaged buildings were not claimed to be unstable in there foundations and expected to fall. the call was made on 9/11 then the implication was the controlled demolition would have to occur immediately to insure a safer collapse
this information should be investigated

you moron.... do you even know what "pulled" means in demolition terms?

if you think silverstein was tallking about demolition when he said "pull it" then why were explosives used (according to you)??

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