WTC-7 Was A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

WTC-7 is interesting. I don't subscribe to the "Inside Job" theories but i must admit that the WTC-7 building did look to be intentionally dropped. It really did look like a controlled demolition. Maybe officials decided to drop the building in a controlled fashion for safety reasons. Later they may have decided to keep this a secret because of the wild conspiracy theories it would have encouraged. Something to think about anyway.
WTC-7 is interesting. I don't subscribe to the "Inside Job" theories but i must admit that the WTC-7 building did look to be intentionally dropped. It really did look like a controlled demolition. Maybe officials decided to drop the building in a controlled fashion for safety reasons. Later they may have decided to keep this a secret because of the wild conspiracy theories it would have encouraged. Something to think about anyway.

There really isn't anything to think about. the initial damage to the building pretty much sealed its fate by cutting off the water mains. Then with the various diesel generators and their fuel scattered around the building and the fires left completely unchecked...It was coming down.
Hi Libo:

WTC-7 is interesting. I don't subscribe to the "Inside Job" theories but i must admit that the WTC-7 building did look to be intentionally dropped.

Your statement makes no sense at all for many reasons:

WTC-7 was definitely dropped on purpose:

[ame=]This Is "Two" Deliberate Controlled Demolition Implosions[/ame]

This side-by-side video demonstration confirms your statement that WTC-7 appears to be intentionally dropped, because the second CD Implosion looks just the same. The amazing fact is that millions and millions of people (#9) conclude that WTC-7 collapsed from building fires/debris, but NONE of them would make that claim for the second building in the video. :0) If WTC-7 'was' taken down using Controlled Demolition (A Fact), then we are definitely looking at a deliberate Inside-Job Attack. Why? Thank you for asking: The reason is that the Official Cover Story says WTC-7 collapsed from building fires and nothing like that has ever happened in the history of this planet before or after 9/11.

It really did look like a controlled demolition.

No kidding! This is the conclusion of all these Demo Experts (see #3).

Maybe officials decided to drop the building in a controlled fashion for safety reasons.

No sir. The problem with your theory is that a 47-story Skyscraper takes weeks to wire for a Controlled Demolition Implosion and only 'if' you use 51 Mossad (Israeli Intelligence) Demolition Specialists (story).

Later they may have decided to keep this a secret because of the wild conspiracy theories it would have encouraged. Something to think about anyway.

Please... 9/11 Was Definitely An Inside Job (my 911Truth Blog). This is What Really Happened (my Topic).


Hi Libo:

WTC-7 is interesting. I don't subscribe to the "Inside Job" theories but i must admit that the WTC-7 building did look to be intentionally dropped.

Your statement makes no sense at all for many reasons:

WTC-7 was definitely dropped on purpose:

[ame=]This Is "Two" Deliberate Controlled Demolition Implosions[/ame]

This side-by-side video demonstration confirms your statement that WTC-7 appears to be intentionally dropped, because the second CD Implosion looks just the same. The amazing fact is that millions and millions of people (#9) conclude that WTC-7 collapsed from building fires/debris, but NONE of them would make that claim for the second building in the video. :0) If WTC-7 'was' taken down using Controlled Demolition (A Fact), then we are definitely looking at a deliberate Inside-Job Attack. Why? Thank you for asking: The reason is that the Official Cover Story says WTC-7 collapsed from building fires and nothing like that has ever happened in the history of this planet before or after 9/11.

It really did look like a controlled demolition.

No kidding! This is the conclusion of all these Demo Experts (see #3).

Maybe officials decided to drop the building in a controlled fashion for safety reasons.

No sir. The problem with your theory is that a 47-story Skyscraper takes weeks to wire for a Controlled Demolition Implosion and only 'if' you use 51 Mossad (Israeli Intelligence) Demolition Specialists (story).

Later they may have decided to keep this a secret because of the wild conspiracy theories it would have encouraged. Something to think about anyway.

Please... 9/11 Was Definitely An Inside Job (my 911Truth Blog). This is What Really Happened (my Topic).




How many explosions were heard when WTC7 fell? And how many are heard when you do a controlled Demolition? Nuff said.
other than on 9/11, how many building collapses have you seen that were not controlled demolitions to give you the ability to compare what a controlled demolition looks like compared to a structural failure?
I've never actually been to Palm Springs, but I am excited for the start of Spring on Saturday. This winter has been long and cold and the skin on my hands get so dry and chapped - particularly on my palms.

I prefer Eucerin hand cream which leaves my skin so soft and smooth.

Speaking of hand cream, do you use a laptop or a desktop?

Desktop! So much easier to navigate than a laptop.

You should try Aloe Vera. Its from the desert, a cactus or something.

Speak of a cactus, did you see the picture of the cactus on WTC-7? Tell me this, WHERE are there cacti in New York City? Huh? Yet, there it was, a cactus right there, just when Silverstein said "pull!" It proves that this all really happened in Arizona.

Ever had Arizona Ice Tea?

I use desktop at my home and laptop at my office to carry my data...
LOL, that's me in the picture asshat. Would you also like to see my Retiree ID card? Well you can't.

Why? Because I damned sure do not have to prove my service to an idiot like you.

oh I believe your service asshat..but your contempt for veterans and first responders remains

And you have had this reality problem for how long?
for quite some time
hes a troofer, remember ;)
LOL, that's me in the picture asshat. Would you also like to see my Retiree ID card? Well you can't.

Why? Because I damned sure do not have to prove my service to an idiot like you.

oh I believe your service asshat..but your contempt for veterans and first responders remains

And you have had this reality problem for how long?

since you joined in with your screwloose change guy in the unfounded slander of your fellow veterans at patriotsquestion 9/11
oh I believe your service asshat..but your contempt for veterans and first responders remains

And you have had this reality problem for how long?

since you joined in with your screwloose change guy in the unfounded slander of your fellow veterans at patriotsquestion 9/11

I support veterans more than most people, I support 5 different veteran organizations with a donation each year, I do volunteer work at the Local VA clinic, And of course I am the Vice Commander of my local American legion Post.

If a veteran is one of you truthers that simply means that he or she is mistaken and needs mental assistance. When have I slandered a veteran? I don't like some veterans on a personal level. But hell that's personal.

I don't like you either come to think of it. Must be something about you being a moron.
Greetings to All:

Here is more evidence of Secondary Explosions at the WTC Complex on 9/11:

[ame=]Secondary Explosions at WTC 9_11[/ame]


Greetings to All:

Here is more evidence of Secondary Explosions at the WTC Complex on 9/11:

Secondary Explosions at WTC 9_11



To borrow a line from a movie...

"You're about as useful as a poop flavored lollipop."

Come back when you get something right or you're done pushing over-hyped garbage like you admitted to doing in the past.

Go cry wolf somewhere else moron.


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