WTF? Democrat House Judiciary Committee Takes First Step to Hold Bill Barr in Contempt of Congress

Mueller DIDN'T descide what happened to the report. Barr released it if you recall.

However within the report he is surely entitled to state why he felt he could not make a prosecuratorial descision and why it is up to Congress, not DOJ to ultimately hold a sitting president accountable.
When Mueller sent the report to Barr, his job was over. What happened to the report after than was above his pay grade, so for him to suggest that Congress should make the decision on obstruction, was improper and perhaps cowardly.

Stop spinning up nonsense, It's perfectly in his perview to state a legal opinion that holding a sitting president responsible is ultimately a job of Congress. Wether of not Congress WANTS TO is a different matter.
No, it's not. His job was to investigate and then make a decision on guilt or innocence and nothing else.

Source that. :rolleyes:

(your ass doesn't count)
During the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday morning, Barr said that he believed the special counsel should have stated whether his 22-month probe found enough evidence to show whether Trump had committed an obstruction crime.

“I think if he felt that he should not go down the path of making a traditional prosecutive decision, then he should not have investigated,” Barr said.

“That was the time to pull up.”

Barr told Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, that he and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein both believe it was Mueller’s responsibility to come to a decision on obstruction — “not just charging, but to determine whether or not the conduct was criminal,” Barr said, adding that “the president could not be charged as long as he was in office.”

Attorney General William Barr criticizes special counsel Robert Mueller for not saying whether Trump obstructed justice

Nobody aside from Trumpsters gives a shit what his hand picked Roy Cohn said, you need to understand that part.

Source FROM LAW OR DOJ POLICY that Mueller did something improper by stating in the report that it's ultimately Congressional job to hold POTUS accountable for any abuse of powers.
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When Mueller sent the report to Barr, his job was over. What happened to the report after than was above his pay grade, so for him to suggest that Congress should make the decision on obstruction, was improper and perhaps cowardly.

Stop spinning up nonsense, It's perfectly in his perview to state a legal opinion that holding a sitting president responsible is ultimately a job of Congress. Wether of not Congress WANTS TO is a different matter.
No, it's not. His job was to investigate and then make a decision on guilt or innocence and nothing else.

Source that. :rolleyes:

(your ass doesn't count)
During the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday morning, Barr said that he believed the special counsel should have stated whether his 22-month probe found enough evidence to show whether Trump had committed an obstruction crime.

“I think if he felt that he should not go down the path of making a traditional prosecutive decision, then he should not have investigated,” Barr said.

“That was the time to pull up.”

Barr told Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, that he and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein both believe it was Mueller’s responsibility to come to a decision on obstruction — “not just charging, but to determine whether or not the conduct was criminal,” Barr said, adding that “the president could not be charged as long as he was in office.”

Attorney General William Barr criticizes special counsel Robert Mueller for not saying whether Trump obstructed justice

Nobody aside from Trumpster's gives a shit what Trump's Roy Cohn said, you need to understand that part.
The Justice Department expected Mueller to make a decision and he failed to, so your argument that he was somehow prevented by DoJ rules from making a decision of obstruction has no merit. Mueller is still employed by Justice and is still bound by its rules and by instructions from the AG, but Barr has said he will not object to Mueller testifying, so brace yourself for another disappointment if Mueller decides to testify.
This is getting out of hand. I mean how dare AG Barr release redacted Grand Jury material which in itself a federal crime. Nadler is nuts!

BREAKING: Dem-Controlled House Judiciary Committee Takes First Step to Hold Bill Barr in Contempt of Congress
Holding a person in contempt of Congress is the next step after a person ignores a subpoena. The fact that the redacted material is grand jury material is no excuse. The law specifies a close session with 4 members to review such material. Ignoring congressional subpoenas is good way to get impeached.
More political theater from the Democrats. If Barr is impeached, he will not be convicted by the Senate, so why bother?
Like any investigation, you don't know what you're going to find until you look. The decision to remove Trump will be decided by the voters. All democrats are doing is attempting to gather evidence.
This is getting out of hand. I mean how dare AG Barr release redacted Grand Jury material which in itself a federal crime. Nadler is nuts!

BREAKING: Dem-Controlled House Judiciary Committee Takes First Step to Hold Bill Barr in Contempt of Congress
Holding a person in contempt of Congress is the next step after a person ignores a subpoena. The fact that the redacted material is grand jury material is no excuse. The law specifies a close session with 4 members to review such material. Ignoring congressional subpoenas is good way to get impeached.
More political theater from the Democrats. If Barr is impeached, he will not be convicted by the Senate, so why bother?
Like any investigation, you don't know what you're going to find until you look. The decision to remove Trump will be decided by the voters. All democrats are doing is attempting to gather evidence.
They already have all the evidence available. Someone said politics is show business for ugly people, and the Democrats want face time on TV to prove it.
Sounds like you have sour grapes over losing the election to Trump. Admit it you people were complaining about Trump before the guy was even sworn into office.

Trump is NOT fit to be president.......but I've long accepted a curable disease...his tenure will pass......

Besides, do ignorant morons like you remember this???

Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President ...

....and you people can do all you can to make Trump a one term president. Maybe now you people will realize it’s politics, not racism.
Stop spinning up nonsense, It's perfectly in his perview to state a legal opinion that holding a sitting president responsible is ultimately a job of Congress. Wether of not Congress WANTS TO is a different matter.
No, it's not. His job was to investigate and then make a decision on guilt or innocence and nothing else.

Source that. :rolleyes:

(your ass doesn't count)
During the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday morning, Barr said that he believed the special counsel should have stated whether his 22-month probe found enough evidence to show whether Trump had committed an obstruction crime.

“I think if he felt that he should not go down the path of making a traditional prosecutive decision, then he should not have investigated,” Barr said.

“That was the time to pull up.”

Barr told Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, that he and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein both believe it was Mueller’s responsibility to come to a decision on obstruction — “not just charging, but to determine whether or not the conduct was criminal,” Barr said, adding that “the president could not be charged as long as he was in office.”

Attorney General William Barr criticizes special counsel Robert Mueller for not saying whether Trump obstructed justice

Nobody aside from Trumpster's gives a shit what Trump's Roy Cohn said, you need to understand that part.
The Justice Department expected


I'm not interested in your worthless stories.
Stop spinning up nonsense, It's perfectly in his perview to state a legal opinion that holding a sitting president responsible is ultimately a job of Congress. Wether of not Congress WANTS TO is a different matter.
No, it's not. His job was to investigate and then make a decision on guilt or innocence and nothing else.

Source that. :rolleyes:

(your ass doesn't count)
During the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday morning, Barr said that he believed the special counsel should have stated whether his 22-month probe found enough evidence to show whether Trump had committed an obstruction crime.

“I think if he felt that he should not go down the path of making a traditional prosecutive decision, then he should not have investigated,” Barr said.

“That was the time to pull up.”

Barr told Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, that he and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein both believe it was Mueller’s responsibility to come to a decision on obstruction — “not just charging, but to determine whether or not the conduct was criminal,” Barr said, adding that “the president could not be charged as long as he was in office.”

Attorney General William Barr criticizes special counsel Robert Mueller for not saying whether Trump obstructed justice

Nobody aside from Trumpster's gives a shit what Trump's Roy Cohn said, you need to understand that part.
The Justice Department expected Mueller to make a decision and he failed to, so your argument that he was somehow prevented by DoJ rules from making a decision of obstruction has no merit. Mueller is still employed by Justice and is still bound by its rules and by instructions from the AG, but Barr has said he will not object to Mueller testifying, so brace yourself for another disappointment if Mueller decides to testify.
Trump could never be brought to trial before the next election. He could block any attempt with multiple legal objections and actions that would have to work their way through the courts. However, what is going on in the House is about the election in 2020 and it may well be laying the groundwork for an impeachment after the election if needed.
That's bulllshit. He might no be able to indict the President but there was nothing preventing him from drawing a conclusion from the evidence on obstruction as he did on collusion, and if he believed the evidence supported it he could have recommended the Justice Department indict Trump once he left office. What was not proper was for Mueller to recommend that the issue go to Congress. The report was written for the AG and when Mueller declined to reach a conclusion on obstruction, effectively refusing to do his job, it fell to the AG to decide. No honest person would claim the raving lunatics in the House, the Democrats, would be able to reach a just conclusion on anything regarding Trump.

No, actually there is something - DOJ policies of:


And it's more then policy, Muller seems to have felt that is the RIGHT way of handling this for the sake of this country.
Silly stuff, both Barr and Rosenstein believed Mueller failed in his duties by not reaching a conclusion on obstruction. Apparently no one at Justice believes reaching a conclusion is against DoJ policy.
He left any conclusions to be made by congress Are you folks that thick you don't understand?
That was not within his jurisdiction, and it was improper and perhaps unethical for him to have suggested it.

Based on what? He was a special investigator, why was it NOT within his juristiction to simply lay out the facts for public and Congress without making a prosecutorial descision?

Because Congress is not a court of law and does not decide guilt or innocence of defendants. That's what the DOJ is for.
When Mueller sent the report to Barr, his job was over. What happened to the report after than was above his pay grade, so for him to suggest that Congress should make the decision on obstruction, was improper and perhaps cowardly.

Are you brain damaged?

No, but you are.
If you are not brain damaged then why is it you seem unable to support any of your post with arguments?

I do it all the time. But in this case you are wrong and that is all needed to be said. Barr had not even read the report so his opinion is negligent and should not be considered. And congress doesn't need Barrs permission to ask Mueller for anything. The congress will decide when things end, not Barr and not Trump.

Barr read the report. To say otherwise is foolish.
No, actually there is something - DOJ policies of:


And it's more then policy, Muller seems to have felt that is the RIGHT way of handling this for the sake of this country.
Silly stuff, both Barr and Rosenstein believed Mueller failed in his duties by not reaching a conclusion on obstruction. Apparently no one at Justice believes reaching a conclusion is against DoJ policy.
He left any conclusions to be made by congress Are you folks that thick you don't understand?
That was not within his jurisdiction, and it was improper and perhaps unethical for him to have suggested it.

Based on what? He was a special investigator, why was it NOT within his juristiction to simply lay out the facts for public and Congress without making a prosecutorial descision?

Because Congress is not a court of law and does not decide guilt or innocence of defendants. That's what the DOJ is for.

WRONG. Congress is the judge and jury in the impeachment proceedings.
This is getting out of hand. I mean how dare AG Barr release redacted Grand Jury material which in itself a federal crime. Nadler is nuts!

BREAKING: Dem-Controlled House Judiciary Committee Takes First Step to Hold Bill Barr in Contempt of Congress
Holding a person in contempt of Congress is the next step after a person ignores a subpoena. The fact that the redacted material is grand jury material is no excuse. The law specifies a close session with 4 members to review such material. Ignoring congressional subpoenas is good way to get impeached.
More political theater from the Democrats. If Barr is impeached, he will not be convicted by the Senate, so why bother?
Like any investigation, you don't know what you're going to find until you look. The decision to remove Trump will be decided by the voters. All democrats are doing is attempting to gather evidence.
That's not how this system is working. The Democrats are grabbing at straws of hope they can find any little thing out of line in Trump's private matters to get him out of office in revenge for his winning the election from Hillary Clinton, who should be under House arrest at this time for her crime of colluding with Russia to get dirt on Trump, the exact crime for which they tried to Frame President Trump during the Obama Administration's last year, when he decided to muddy Trump's waters good but couldn't.

The Dog and Pony show that is unfolding in the Congress could well be the Swan Song for the Democrats ever having the smallest amount of power in this nation ever again. They are decimating the Constitution, the First Amendment, Second Amendment, not to mention the Separation of Powers. They're supposed to be legislators, not criminal conspirators, judges and jury all rolled into one dirt-filled attempted coup against someone who beat them fair and square in an election that represents all of the American people, not just the cushy populated small areas of big cities.

I think the Democrats are largely traitors, but first they had to play like Trump colluded with the Russians to cover Obama/Clinton collusion using the FBI in an illegal way with agents who were anti-conservatives who thought they could get better benefits through abusing the Constitution they pledged they would defend. All they defended was Hillary's lies and greed for power.

The American people can see through all that Demopcrat caterwauling against President Trump and his staff.
Silly stuff, both Barr and Rosenstein believed Mueller failed in his duties by not reaching a conclusion on obstruction. Apparently no one at Justice believes reaching a conclusion is against DoJ policy.
He left any conclusions to be made by congress Are you folks that thick you don't understand?
That was not within his jurisdiction, and it was improper and perhaps unethical for him to have suggested it.

Based on what? He was a special investigator, why was it NOT within his juristiction to simply lay out the facts for public and Congress without making a prosecutorial descision?

Because Congress is not a court of law and does not decide guilt or innocence of defendants. That's what the DOJ is for.

WRONG. Congress is the judge and jury in the impeachment proceedings.

Impeachment is a political, not legal, process.
the House are only interested in trashing Trump on TV.

"Trashing" is the DIRECT RESULT of a fucked up, corrupt and unethical administration.

What is the orange moron AFRAID of????...A little scrutiny...a little transparency...a little expose' of the TRUTH???
You demoncraps don't care about the truth. You proved that with the Clinton's and obuthole.

And here is another republican liar.
A demoncrap calling a republican a liar, too funny. You're the LIAR.
He left any conclusions to be made by congress Are you folks that thick you don't understand?
That was not within his jurisdiction, and it was improper and perhaps unethical for him to have suggested it.

Based on what? He was a special investigator, why was it NOT within his juristiction to simply lay out the facts for public and Congress without making a prosecutorial descision?

Because Congress is not a court of law and does not decide guilt or innocence of defendants. That's what the DOJ is for.

WRONG. Congress is the judge and jury in the impeachment proceedings.

Impeachment is a political, not legal, process.

It is sorta both and that is exactly why Mueller deffered to that process by ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES to hold POTUS accountable, instead of himself making unilateral call as an un-elected beurocrat.
well just post that link then.

so you and the rest of the RW mouthbreathers on the board can slobber FAKE NEWS .......

Fact Checker
In 828 days, President
Trump has made 10,111
false or misleading claims
I've already debunked the first two on the list. hahahahahaahahaaha
No, you haven't. If you have, prove it. What lies did you debunk?
how many times must I debunk them? why don't you look them up in here. search under my name. debunked lies.
You're full of crap. If you had lies you debunked you would answer my questions. What lies did you debunk?
every one that anyone has ever brought up for discussion. So feel free to post up one lie you'd like for me to debunk for you!!
Election fraud for paying off a porn star, plus, Mueller suggested 10 examples of obstruction of justice. Add to that multiple offenses not included in Mueller's report. He ordered multiple officials to not cooperate in investigations making him guilty of conspiracy to obstruct and obstruction itself.
election fraud? what is that? name the crime bubba.

here, Michael Cohen sentenced to 3 years in prison
"received three years in prison for a series of tax fraud and lying charges,"
Election fraud encompasses laws against illegal activities of manipulating elections. You can look up election fraud on Google or some other search engine for detailed codes and laws. Perhaps you should learn a few things before acting like such an arrogant jerk.
no one was indicted for election fraud. so I'm still unclear what you're bantering on about. again, Cohen was tax fraud, not election fraud.

And if I'm not mistaken, mueller didn't find any election tampering. just saying, you still can't figure it out cause you're overcome with alien drool.
from Mueller's summary..."the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."
DOJ has a policy that protects President Trump from being indicted for anything, and, election fraud case in under the jurisdiction of Southern District of NY, not Mueller.

So if, according to your wackadoodle theory, it's utterly impossible for Mueller to have done anything to Trump, the question becomes, "Then what was the fucking point of having Mueller investigate him for two years and spend all that money?"

so you and the rest of the RW mouthbreathers on the board can slobber FAKE NEWS .......

Fact Checker
In 828 days, President
Trump has made 10,111
false or misleading claims
I've already debunked the first two on the list. hahahahahaahahaaha
No, you haven't. If you have, prove it. What lies did you debunk?
how many times must I debunk them? why don't you look them up in here. search under my name. debunked lies.
You're full of crap. If you had lies you debunked you would answer my questions. What lies did you debunk?
every one that anyone has ever brought up for discussion. So feel free to post up one lie you'd like for me to debunk for you!!
The birther lie that helped scump get elected

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