WTF? Democrat House Judiciary Committee Takes First Step to Hold Bill Barr in Contempt of Congress

That was not within his jurisdiction, and it was improper and perhaps unethical for him to have suggested it.

Based on what? He was a special investigator, why was it NOT within his juristiction to simply lay out the facts for public and Congress without making a prosecutorial descision?

Because Congress is not a court of law and does not decide guilt or innocence of defendants. That's what the DOJ is for.

WRONG. Congress is the judge and jury in the impeachment proceedings.

Impeachment is a political, not legal, process.

It is sorta both and that is exactly why Mueller deffered to that process by ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES to hold POTUS accountable, instead of himself making unilateral call as an un-elected beurocrat.
but all congress can do is impeach. you know that right? Not go to jail, you know that right? hmmmmm, I think you all got your stupid drawers full.
I've already debunked the first two on the list. hahahahahaahahaaha
No, you haven't. If you have, prove it. What lies did you debunk?
how many times must I debunk them? why don't you look them up in here. search under my name. debunked lies.
You're full of crap. If you had lies you debunked you would answer my questions. What lies did you debunk?
every one that anyone has ever brought up for discussion. So feel free to post up one lie you'd like for me to debunk for you!!
The birther lie that helped scump get elected
what's the birther lie?
No, you haven't. If you have, prove it. What lies did you debunk?
how many times must I debunk them? why don't you look them up in here. search under my name. debunked lies.
You're full of crap. If you had lies you debunked you would answer my questions. What lies did you debunk?
every one that anyone has ever brought up for discussion. So feel free to post up one lie you'd like for me to debunk for you!!
The birther lie that helped scump get elected
what's the birther lie?
14 of Donald Trump's most outrageous 'birther' claims - CNNPolitics

Sep 16, 2016 - "President Barack Obama was born in the United States," Trump said brusquely at the end of a campaign event in his new Washington hotel. ... About 12 hours earlier, senior adviser Jason Miller said in a statement Trump had compelled Obama to release his birth certificate in 2011 to ...
No, it's not. His job was to investigate and then make a decision on guilt or innocence and nothing else.

Source that. :rolleyes:

(your ass doesn't count)
During the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday morning, Barr said that he believed the special counsel should have stated whether his 22-month probe found enough evidence to show whether Trump had committed an obstruction crime.

“I think if he felt that he should not go down the path of making a traditional prosecutive decision, then he should not have investigated,” Barr said.

“That was the time to pull up.”

Barr told Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, that he and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein both believe it was Mueller’s responsibility to come to a decision on obstruction — “not just charging, but to determine whether or not the conduct was criminal,” Barr said, adding that “the president could not be charged as long as he was in office.”

Attorney General William Barr criticizes special counsel Robert Mueller for not saying whether Trump obstructed justice

Nobody aside from Trumpster's gives a shit what Trump's Roy Cohn said, you need to understand that part.
The Justice Department expected Mueller to make a decision and he failed to, so your argument that he was somehow prevented by DoJ rules from making a decision of obstruction has no merit. Mueller is still employed by Justice and is still bound by its rules and by instructions from the AG, but Barr has said he will not object to Mueller testifying, so brace yourself for another disappointment if Mueller decides to testify.
Trump could never be brought to trial before the next election. He could block any attempt with multiple legal objections and actions that would have to work their way through the courts. However, what is going on in the House is about the election in 2020 and it may well be laying the groundwork for an impeachment after the election if needed.
I agree with you that what the Democrats in the House are doing is purely political and has nothing at all to do with their legitimate duties as members of Congress. However, the reason the President can't be brought to trial is that there is no evidence he commited a crime. Since collusion is not a crime, at the times Trump is accused of trying to obstruct the investigation, Mueller was not conducting a criminal investigation, therefore interfering with Mueller investigation about non criminal matters could not be construed as obstruction of justice. Impeachment, which may happen, would be just a political gesture by the Democrats, nothing more.
how many times must I debunk them? why don't you look them up in here. search under my name. debunked lies.
You're full of crap. If you had lies you debunked you would answer my questions. What lies did you debunk?
every one that anyone has ever brought up for discussion. So feel free to post up one lie you'd like for me to debunk for you!!
The birther lie that helped scump get elected
what's the birther lie?
14 of Donald Trump's most outrageous 'birther' claims - CNNPolitics

14 of Donald Trump's most outrageous 'birther' claims - CNNPolitics
Sep 16, 2016 - "President Barack Obama was born in the United States," Trump said brusquely at the end of a campaign event in his new Washington hotel. ... About 12 hours earlier, senior adviser Jason Miller said in a statement Trump had compelled Obama to release his birth certificate in 2011 to ...
still don't know what the lie is here. what is the lie you need debunked?
You're full of crap. If you had lies you debunked you would answer my questions. What lies did you debunk?
every one that anyone has ever brought up for discussion. So feel free to post up one lie you'd like for me to debunk for you!!
The birther lie that helped scump get elected
what's the birther lie?
14 of Donald Trump's most outrageous 'birther' claims - CNNPolitics

14 of Donald Trump's most outrageous 'birther' claims - CNNPolitics

Sep 16, 2016 - "President Barack Obama was born in the United States," Trump said brusquely at the end of a campaign event in his new Washington hotel. ... About 12 hours earlier, senior adviser Jason Miller said in a statement Trump had compelled Obama to release his birth certificate in 2011 to ...
still don't know what the lie is here. what is the lie you need debunked?
JEEZUS,,,,the lie that Obama wasn't an American
every one that anyone has ever brought up for discussion. So feel free to post up one lie you'd like for me to debunk for you!!
The birther lie that helped scump get elected
what's the birther lie?
14 of Donald Trump's most outrageous 'birther' claims - CNNPolitics

14 of Donald Trump's most outrageous 'birther' claims - CNNPolitics

Sep 16, 2016 - "President Barack Obama was born in the United States," Trump said brusquely at the end of a campaign event in his new Washington hotel. ... About 12 hours earlier, senior adviser Jason Miller said in a statement Trump had compelled Obama to release his birth certificate in 2011 to ...
still don't know what the lie is here. what is the lie you need debunked?
JEEZUS,,,,the lie that Obama wasn't an American
what's the lie? he said it both ways, he said without a birth certificate he didn't believe he was born here. he got obammy to show a birth certificate and so ok so he was. what is the lie?
Good. If he doesn't produce the requested documents do it. Then take it to court.

Since everything Barr has done has been in compliance with existing law...what exactly is it that you've going to charge him with...doing his job?
Good. If he doesn't produce the requested documents do it. Then take it to court.

Since everything Barr has done has been in compliance with existing law...what exactly is it that you've going to charge him with...doing his job?
Good. If he doesn't produce the requested documents do it. Then take it to court.

Since everything Barr has done has been in compliance with existing law...what exactly is it that you've going to charge him with...doing his job?
Not producing the report ?

Do you even know what he's legally required to do, Eddie? Before you make an even bigger ass of yourself then you already might want to bone up on that topic!
In other words, you haven't read Barr's memo but you have strong opinions about it anyway. That's a definition of bigotry. While Mueller may not have been able to indict Trump while he was in office,, nothing prevented him from concluding Trump was guilty of obstruction and should be indicted when he leaves office if the evidence supported such a conclusion; the fact that Mueller never reached that conclusion shows he did not believe the evidence supported it.

As for Mueller's position on allowing Congress to decide, it was improper for him to suggest it in his report, since his job ended when he turned in the report. The real reason Mueller didn't offer an opinion on obstruction is that as Barr's memo pointed out the expanded definition of obstruction Mueller was using had no precedent in law and no case law to support it.

this is EXACTLY the misrepresentation of Muller’s position I was talking about.

NO, him not reaching a conclusion WAS NOT due to lack of evidence but due to his belief that it is not proper for him, an unelected person, to make a negative prosecutorial judgement on a sitting president.

You can agree with that view, you can disagree with that view, but Barr very specifically mislead the country on Special Prosecutor’s position.

Nice twisting of logic. Sorry, but that letter indicated Mueller was unappy with the MEDIA's misrepresenting the report, not Barr.

BULLFUCKINGSHIT. Did you READ THE LETTER? Nothing about any media in it.

And hey I've got a very simple way for us, and the rest of America to fully settle this one - HAVE MUELLER TESTIFY.

The fact that Trump's admin is fighting tooth and nail to prevent that from happenning should tell you all you need to know.

So you've read Barr's personal mail?. know, there is a way for you stop shitting yourself publicly like this: do a simple google search.

Read: Robert Mueller letter to Attorney General William Barr - CNNPolitics

You best worry about changing your own pants. By the way, nice avoidance of the FACT that Mueller can't answer any of your idiotic "questions" without breaking the law. Also, CNN as a source? Get a REAL one before speaking. Enoy losing again when Trump rolls t re-election.
this is EXACTLY the misrepresentation of Muller’s position I was talking about.

NO, him not reaching a conclusion WAS NOT due to lack of evidence but due to his belief that it is not proper for him, an unelected person, to make a negative prosecutorial judgement on a sitting president.

You can agree with that view, you can disagree with that view, but Barr very specifically mislead the country on Special Prosecutor’s position.

Nice twisting of logic. Sorry, but that letter indicated Mueller was unappy with the MEDIA's misrepresenting the report, not Barr.

BULLFUCKINGSHIT. Did you READ THE LETTER? Nothing about any media in it.

And hey I've got a very simple way for us, and the rest of America to fully settle this one - HAVE MUELLER TESTIFY.

The fact that Trump's admin is fighting tooth and nail to prevent that from happenning should tell you all you need to know.

So you've read Barr's personal mail?. know, there is a way for you stop shitting yourself publicly like this: do a simple google search.

Read: Robert Mueller letter to Attorney General William Barr - CNNPolitics

You best worry about changing your own pants. By the way, nice avoidance of the FACT that Mueller can't answer any of your idiotic "questions" without breaking the law. Also, CNN as a source? Get a REAL one before speaking. Enoy losing again when Trump rolls t re-election.

I change my own pants and do a smidge of fact finding before opening my mouth, which you obviousy can't say for yourself.

Mueller can ABSOLUTELY answer MANY questions without devuldging any redacted material. Starting with clearification of the implications of Part 2 of his report and his view on Constitutional mechanisms to hold the President accountable.
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No, actually there is something - DOJ policies of:


And it's more then policy, Muller seems to have felt that is the RIGHT way of handling this for the sake of this country.
Silly stuff, both Barr and Rosenstein believed Mueller failed in his duties by not reaching a conclusion on obstruction. Apparently no one at Justice believes reaching a conclusion is against DoJ policy.
He left any conclusions to be made by congress Are you folks that thick you don't understand?
That was not within his jurisdiction, and it was improper and perhaps unethical for him to have suggested it.

Based on what? He was a special investigator, why was it NOT within his juristiction to simply lay out the facts for public and Congress without making a prosecutorial descision?

Because Congress is not a court of law and does not decide guilt or innocence of defendants. That's what the DOJ is for.
I think Mueller did exactly what he should have done, leave it to congress. The constitution gives us a method of dealing with misconduct on the part of a president. The founding fathers clearly understood the problems that would arise from charging and trying a sitting president in a criminal court.
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Source that. :rolleyes:

(your ass doesn't count)
During the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday morning, Barr said that he believed the special counsel should have stated whether his 22-month probe found enough evidence to show whether Trump had committed an obstruction crime.

“I think if he felt that he should not go down the path of making a traditional prosecutive decision, then he should not have investigated,” Barr said.

“That was the time to pull up.”

Barr told Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, that he and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein both believe it was Mueller’s responsibility to come to a decision on obstruction — “not just charging, but to determine whether or not the conduct was criminal,” Barr said, adding that “the president could not be charged as long as he was in office.”

Attorney General William Barr criticizes special counsel Robert Mueller for not saying whether Trump obstructed justice

Nobody aside from Trumpster's gives a shit what Trump's Roy Cohn said, you need to understand that part.
The Justice Department expected Mueller to make a decision and he failed to, so your argument that he was somehow prevented by DoJ rules from making a decision of obstruction has no merit. Mueller is still employed by Justice and is still bound by its rules and by instructions from the AG, but Barr has said he will not object to Mueller testifying, so brace yourself for another disappointment if Mueller decides to testify.
Trump could never be brought to trial before the next election. He could block any attempt with multiple legal objections and actions that would have to work their way through the courts. However, what is going on in the House is about the election in 2020 and it may well be laying the groundwork for an impeachment after the election if needed.
I agree with you that what the Democrats in the House are doing is purely political and has nothing at all to do with their legitimate duties as members of Congress. However, the reason the President can't be brought to trial is that there is no evidence he commited a crime. Since collusion is not a crime, at the times Trump is accused of trying to obstruct the investigation, Mueller was not conducting a criminal investigation, therefore interfering with Mueller investigation about non criminal matters could not be construed as obstruction of justice. Impeachment, which may happen, would be just a political gesture by the Democrats, nothing more.
Yes, investigating the president for a possible bill of impeachment is pure politics because that is what impeachment is, a political process to remove a government official from office, not a legal process. The House of Representative has the authority to investigate any government official, including the president to gather information for a Bill of Impeachment.
During the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday morning, Barr said that he believed the special counsel should have stated whether his 22-month probe found enough evidence to show whether Trump had committed an obstruction crime.

“I think if he felt that he should not go down the path of making a traditional prosecutive decision, then he should not have investigated,” Barr said.

“That was the time to pull up.”

Barr told Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, that he and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein both believe it was Mueller’s responsibility to come to a decision on obstruction — “not just charging, but to determine whether or not the conduct was criminal,” Barr said, adding that “the president could not be charged as long as he was in office.”

Attorney General William Barr criticizes special counsel Robert Mueller for not saying whether Trump obstructed justice

Nobody aside from Trumpster's gives a shit what Trump's Roy Cohn said, you need to understand that part.
The Justice Department expected Mueller to make a decision and he failed to, so your argument that he was somehow prevented by DoJ rules from making a decision of obstruction has no merit. Mueller is still employed by Justice and is still bound by its rules and by instructions from the AG, but Barr has said he will not object to Mueller testifying, so brace yourself for another disappointment if Mueller decides to testify.
Trump could never be brought to trial before the next election. He could block any attempt with multiple legal objections and actions that would have to work their way through the courts. However, what is going on in the House is about the election in 2020 and it may well be laying the groundwork for an impeachment after the election if needed.
I agree with you that what the Democrats in the House are doing is purely political and has nothing at all to do with their legitimate duties as members of Congress. However, the reason the President can't be brought to trial is that there is no evidence he commited a crime. Since collusion is not a crime, at the times Trump is accused of trying to obstruct the investigation, Mueller was not conducting a criminal investigation, therefore interfering with Mueller investigation about non criminal matters could not be construed as obstruction of justice. Impeachment, which may happen, would be just a political gesture by the Democrats, nothing more.
Yes, investigating the president for a possible bill of impeachment is pure politics because that is what impeachment is, a political process to remove a government official from office, not a legal process. The House of Representative has the authority to investigate any government official, including the president to gather information for a Bill of Impeachment.

It's not pure politics, far from considering the substance of Trump's behavior in office, including many of the episodes documented in the special council's report.

What is the precedent for the Presidency of the United States of America going forward if Trump simply walks off such blatant obstruction of justice? Trump will come and go but the swampy new norms left behind will stink for generations.
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This is getting out of hand. I mean how dare AG Barr release redacted Grand Jury material which in itself a federal crime. Nadler is nuts!

BREAKING: Dem-Controlled House Judiciary Committee Takes First Step to Hold Bill Barr in Contempt of Congress

Nadler in the morning is going lose big because his absurd actions are being bone in bad faith, he was sent a letter TODAY, saying that if Nadler follows through, it is over for that dumb ass, from The Last Refuge:

DOJ to Nadler: Threaten Barr With Impeachment, You Get Nothing…

May 7, 2019


Smart move by DOJ lawyers. The letter below informs Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler the previous report content was provided without assertion of executive privilege; however, if Nadler follows-through with impeachment plan, executive privilege is now enforced and the totality of the report is withdrawn from congress.

The Letter is in the LINK
There was never any credible case for Contempt/Impeachment against Barr, Nadler is a terrible Chairman of the Committee as he is about to get clobbered.

Go read the letter in the link!
This is getting out of hand. I mean how dare AG Barr release redacted Grand Jury material which in itself a federal crime. Nadler is nuts!

BREAKING: Dem-Controlled House Judiciary Committee Takes First Step to Hold Bill Barr in Contempt of Congress

Nadler in the morning is going lose big because his absurd actions are being bone in bad faith, he was sent a letter TODAY, saying that if Nadler follows through, it is over for that dumb ass, from The Last Refuge:

DOJ to Nadler: Threaten Barr With Impeachment, You Get Nothing…

May 7, 2019


Smart move by DOJ lawyers. The letter below informs Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler the previous report content was provided without assertion of executive privilege; however, if Nadler follows-through with impeachment plan, executive privilege is now enforced and the totality of the report is withdrawn from congress.

The Letter is in the LINK
There was never any credible case for Contempt/Impeachment against Barr, Nadler is a terrible Chairman of the Committee as he is about to get clobbered.

Go read the letter in the link!
hmm. using executive privilege as a threat against congress.

Barr broke the law for Trump, and now he's freaking out because he's on the precipice of being held accountable for a cover up.

This is why you don't do illegal shit for your boss.

Since the Mueller report totally exonerates the president, they have to go to such extraordinary lengths to prevent it from being released
This is getting out of hand. I mean how dare AG Barr release redacted Grand Jury material which in itself a federal crime. Nadler is nuts!

BREAKING: Dem-Controlled House Judiciary Committee Takes First Step to Hold Bill Barr in Contempt of Congress

Nadler in the morning is going lose big because his absurd actions are being bone in bad faith, he was sent a letter TODAY, saying that if Nadler follows through, it is over for that dumb ass, from The Last Refuge:

DOJ to Nadler: Threaten Barr With Impeachment, You Get Nothing…

May 7, 2019


Smart move by DOJ lawyers. The letter below informs Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler the previous report content was provided without assertion of executive privilege; however, if Nadler follows-through with impeachment plan, executive privilege is now enforced and the totality of the report is withdrawn from congress.

The Letter is in the LINK
There was never any credible case for Contempt/Impeachment against Barr, Nadler is a terrible Chairman of the Committee as he is about to get clobbered.

Go read the letter in the link!
hmm. using executive privilege as a threat against congress.

Barr broke the law for Trump, and now he's freaking out because he's on the precipice of being held accountable for a cover up.

This is why you don't do illegal shit for your boss.

Since the Mueller report totally exonerates the president, they have to go to such extraordinary lengths to prevent it from being released

It is clear you didn't read the letter and didn't read the laws about Grand jury disclosures.


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