Zone1 “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 2:5).

Weren't everyone else simply worshiping idols, graven images, and not practicing legitimate religion?

Yes, that is one chapter in the book of the Bible, the basis for the christian religion.

Says nothing about other religions. Most every religion says the same thing about other religions--- my way or the highway.

What the Bible meant is that in this physical world, we are forever set apart from truly being with God in heaven. He has his domain and we have ours, thus are sinners.
What religion teaches that we are forever set apart from being with God?
The God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, and Christians, says we are mere sojourners here. That our home is with Him.
False Gods. You're a scream. Might as well talk to the wall. Go thump a Bible.
How do you get by this fact? Isaiah 44:6--I am YHVH(Jehovah) beside-ME( NOT WE) there is no other God.
I understand your translation you use has been altered to mislead you.
But it really only takes believing Jesus-John 17:3= The one who sent him= Father is THE ONLY TRUE GOD--And Paul-1Cor 8:6-There is one God to all=the Father.
When ones teachers don't match Jesus and Paul-RUN FROM THEM.
How do you get by this fact? Isaiah 44:6--I am YHVH(Jehovah) beside-ME( NOT WE) there is no other God.
I understand your translation you use has been altered to mislead you.
But it really only takes believing Jesus-John 17:3= The one who sent him= Father is THE ONLY TRUE GOD--And Paul-1Cor 8:6-There is one God to all=the Father.
When ones teachers don't match Jesus and Paul-RUN FROM THEM.

Of course there is no other God since there is only one true God, but understand also that the Bible was written some 1800+ years ago, by people who were impressing on others not to accept any other religion but their own, meaning, PAGAN religions. The only way the people of the Levant had of meeting people of other lands back 1800-1900 years ago, was to get on a freaking camel and ride there, so they effectively had ZERO understanding of other religions outside that region of Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, et al. If they had any actual direct exposure to any other bonafide religion at all, it was superficial contact with Islam, which is nearly incomprehensible to the western mind.
Of course there is no other God since there is only one true God, but understand also that the Bible was written some 1800+ years ago, by people who were impressing on others not to accept any other religion but their own, meaning, PAGAN religions. The only way the people of the Levant had of meeting people of other lands back 1800-1900 years ago, was to get on a freaking camel and ride there, so they effectively had ZERO understanding of other religions outside that region of Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, et al. If they had any actual direct exposure to any other bonafide religion at all, it was superficial contact with Islam, which is nearly incomprehensible to the western mind.
God inspired the bible. Catholicism altered it to mislead. To fit false council teachings and removed Gods name against Gods will to mislead. Catholicism= 2 Thess 2:3
What religion teaches that we are forever set apart from being with God?
That our home is with Him.

Thank you, Ram! You just confirmed what I was saying! How can we be forever apart from God if our home is WITH him?
As souls, we began in heaven. Then through forgetfulness of God (the cause of sin), also called bodily awareness where the soul identifies with the body, we fell out of Heaven apart from him, to end up on this place called Earth.
Why are we here and not in hell? So that we may find him again and return by his side.
That doesn't sound like we are forever set apart from him! ;)
Thank you, Ram! You just confirmed what I was saying! How can we be forever apart from God if our home is WITH him?
As souls, we began in heaven. Then through forgetfulness of God (the cause of sin), also called bodily awareness where the soul identifies with the body, we fell out of Heaven apart from him, to end up on this place called Earth.
Why are we here and not in hell? So that we may find him again and return by his side.
That doesn't sound like we are forever set apart from him! ;)
The Hebrew word for soul=Nephesh, Greek= psy-khe translates a breathing being. It does not mean a spirit part that survives death.
The bible calls fish living souls, and animals-Gen 1:20,21,24,25
1Cor 15:45-- The first man Adam became a living soul---
Gen2:7--Man came to be a living soul( after receiving the breath of life)

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