WW1 100YR memorial: Trump cancels due to "weather", 69 other world leaders are going (54 & rainy)

Obama was a "real president" in the same sense he was a Nobel Prize winner.

Trump, on the other hand, is a real president. Don't bother whining about it. We all get it.
trump will never be a real president because he's nothing but a coward and a fake, but he has cult worshipers such as yourself and adoration is the only thing he craves, so keep up the good work. Actually, I guess if you consider a narcissistic, thin skinned, ignorant buffoon to be a good president, then you're correct. In the meantime, keep turning a blind eye to the destruction he's doing to this country.
I suggest you watch history unfold itself. Regaless, there is little doubt that Trump is a far more consequential president after two years than Obama was in eight.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.
I'm done with you because if there's one thing I've learned, logic and facts just don't register with a trump worshiper, so I'm not going to waste my time or energy on you any longer.

He cancelled an event because of rain. Your hysteria and anger and even hate is not called for.

He's done nothing to deserve this. This is you guys being upset you don't get your way and that he doesn't play by your b.s. rules.

Traveled over a thousand miles
Stuck his head out and said......looks like rain

Went home

Says the man that is still looking forward to the US becoming an oppressive One Party State where the largest ethnic group is discriminated against by law with no possibility of political recourse.
Wait this coming from the man who claims he cares more about the military than any president in history. He is almost 2yrs into his presidency and how many times has he gone and visited our troops still in combat theaters.

I give up. I don't know.

You feeling a strong desire for more photos ops?
Wait this coming from the man who claims he cares more about the military than any president in history. He is almost 2yrs into his presidency and how many times has he gone and visited our troops still in combat theaters.

I give up. I don't know.

You feeling a strong desire for more photos ops?

So now it's just a photo op, sounds more like hypocrisy.
“It’s incredible that a president would travel to France for this significant anniversary — and then remain in his hotel room watching TV rather than pay in person his respects to the Americans who gave their lives in France for the victory gained 100 years ago tomorrow,” David Frum, who served as a speechwriter to President George W. Bush, wrote in tweets. Trump is actually staying at the U.S. ambassador’s residence in Paris.
Trump calls off visit to military cemetery because of scheduling and logistics difficulties.

Why you gotta lie? Oh you're a democrat. That explains it all.

Wow! Just amazing how desperate Trumpsters are to excuse their crooked little man child! Calling someone a liar merely for repeating well established fact.

It really isn't surprising that Trumpsters are reduced to this. Your fuhrer ran a campaign steeped in open appeals to bigotry, and he got crushed in the Congressional mid term elections.

He knows what's next, and he knows that dispite all his idiotic bluster, he is accountable. And he knows that he won't be able to run to his security blanket, doing schtick at rallies.

He did much better than Clinton and Obama in the mid-terms and you call that crushed?
You have no cred.

Yes, Trump did miserably this year. Trump and Obama also did as well. But measured against previous GOP losses, this was the worst drubbing the GOP has received since 1974.

And the balance of legislative power has shifted decisively.

Trump's domestic legislative agenda (if there actually is one), is over.

All it wil take is one defection by a moderate Republican, and the Federalist Society's dream of planting ultra conservative judges on courts is over too.

And this election gives Republicans no reason to fear Trump at all.

He did not deliver. And the Republicans who have backed Trump did so out of either opportunism or fear, he no longer has a hold on them.

Trump ran on bigotry and fearmongering. The right wing noise machine sang the same song. There were plenty of political reasons to sit still for this nonsense. After all, race baiting and fearmongering have been key parts of the right wing media narrative for a very long time. Right wing talk radio America is the home of the poorly informed, the fearful and the parochial. And so is its media. Trump merely supercharged the message.

But that message failed in the very districts that delivered his his narrow fluke of an electoral vote in 2016.

It won't happen again.

Trump has no power over the GOP congress now.

He can't do anything for them in 2020.

Trump did something that Clinton and Obama did not do. He made the election about him.

And he lost. (he knows it too). He lost it in the very districts that gave him his 2016 electoral victory.

Clinton and Obama both took their licks and adjusted. Both had better second mid terms. Both managed to achieve their legislative goals and deliver the country in better shape then they found it.

Trump isn't going to do that. Trump inherited the economy he's taking credit for, and the GOP front loaded the gains from it and put much of it in Wall Street's pockets, leaving the US buried in new debt, which taxpayers will have to pay for.

The other reason Trump isn't going to do that is because he's a one trick pony. playing racism and fearmongering as the main focus. That will insure that the Limbaughloonies will still be with him. But not anyone else.
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Trump picked a special day to announce his disparaging disrespect for the USMC. Anyone know what day today is?

Sure bub, President Trump picked today just because he knew there would be bad weather preventing his helicopter from being able to make it there.

No, Trump is a spoiled, weak little man who insulted his host before he even arrived. He's very uncomfortable in the company of real world leaders. He knows that the know he is a clown in way over his head. And he can't stand to be compared.
Nobody wants that fat fuck there
After the finding out they are developing their army of girlie men to protect them from Trump, canceling was the right thing to do, no matter what reason he gave. To hell with them. We saved them once, I say let them roast.
Too funny. Trump tells the world to fuck off, then gets mad when they do. If I lived elsewhere, dropping the U.S. would be one of my main priorities.

No it wouldn’t
Nicholas Soames, a British politician and grandson of Winston Churchill, ripped President Trump on Saturday for canceling a cemetery visit in France due to bad weather.

"They died with their face to the foe and that pathetic inadequate @realDonaldTrump couldn’t even defy the weather to pay his respects to The Fallen," Soames tweeted.

Soames, who is a member of Parliament for Mid Sussex, included a hashtag saying Trump is "not fit to represent his great country."

Churchill's grandson slams Trump for skipping cemetery visit because of weather

I suppose it was raining. "Pathetic inadequate" covers so many bases.

It was cancelled because it was too dangerous to fly a helicopter in, you dumb fuck. But if he did fly there the media would had criticized him for risking the lives of the flight crew and other cabinet members “just to get a photo op”.
Other people got there.
trump will never be a real president because he's nothing but a coward and a fake, but he has cult worshipers such as yourself and adoration is the only thing he craves, so keep up the good work. Actually, I guess if you consider a narcissistic, thin skinned, ignorant buffoon to be a good president, then you're correct. In the meantime, keep turning a blind eye to the destruction he's doing to this country.
I suggest you watch history unfold itself. Regaless, there is little doubt that Trump is a far more consequential president after two years than Obama was in eight.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.
I'm done with you because if there's one thing I've learned, logic and facts just don't register with a trump worshiper, so I'm not going to waste my time or energy on you any longer.

He cancelled an event because of rain. Your hysteria and anger and even hate is not called for.

He's done nothing to deserve this. This is you guys being upset you don't get your way and that he doesn't play by your b.s. rules.

Traveled over a thousand miles
Stuck his head out and said......looks like rain

Went home

Says the man that is still looking forward to the US becoming an oppressive One Party State where the largest ethnic group is discriminated against by law with no possibility of political recourse.
Looks like you need this
I suggest you watch history unfold itself. Regaless, there is little doubt that Trump is a far more consequential president after two years than Obama was in eight.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.
I'm done with you because if there's one thing I've learned, logic and facts just don't register with a trump worshiper, so I'm not going to waste my time or energy on you any longer.

He cancelled an event because of rain. Your hysteria and anger and even hate is not called for.

He's done nothing to deserve this. This is you guys being upset you don't get your way and that he doesn't play by your b.s. rules.

Traveled over a thousand miles
Stuck his head out and said......looks like rain

Went home

Says the man that is still looking forward to the US becoming an oppressive One Party State where the largest ethnic group is discriminated against by law with no possibility of political recourse.
Looks like you need this
Yeah, I'm a victim of white priviledge.
Tomorrow is Armistice day, 100 years. I googled the weather near Paris. It's 54 degrees and rainy. The drive to the venue/event is 50 miles.

Trump calls off US military cemetery visit due to bad weather




US President Donald Trump is accompanied by French President Emmanuel Macron and Macron's wife Brigitte as he leaves the Elysee Palace in Paris on November 10, 2018 following bilateral talks AFP / Ludovic MARIN

US President Donald Trump on Saturday called off a trip to a World War I US military cemetery in France because of bad weather, the White House said.

After talks with French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, Trump cancelled his visit to Belleau Wood battlefield and cemetery 80 kilometres (50 miles) northeast of Paris because of “scheduling and logistical difficulties caused by the weather,” his administration said.

He and his wife Melania were to have flown to the site of a 1918 battle led by US Marines against German forces.

A US delegation led by Chief of Staff General John Kelly and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joe Dunford will visit the cemetery instead, the White House added.

Trump was due to join other world leaders for dinner at the Musee d’Orsay art museum Saturday evening, before visiting another American cemetery that holds war dead, at Suresnes, in the Paris suburbs, Sunday morning.

Some 70 leaders will gather at 11 am Sunday (1000 GMT) at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Arc de Triomphe, in Paris, to mark the 100th annniversary of the end of World War I...

Trump calls off US military cemetery visit due to bad weather

Hilarious, the guy can't even cope with rain.
Nicholas Soames, a British politician and grandson of Winston Churchill, ripped President Trump on Saturday for canceling a cemetery visit in France due to bad weather.

"They died with their face to the foe and that pathetic inadequate @realDonaldTrump couldn’t even defy the weather to pay his respects to The Fallen," Soames tweeted.

Soames, who is a member of Parliament for Mid Sussex, included a hashtag saying Trump is "not fit to represent his great country."

Churchill's grandson slams Trump for skipping cemetery visit because of weather

I suppose it was raining. "Pathetic inadequate" covers so many bases.
Churchi;ll's grandson slams the president who put his grandaddies bust back in the Oval Office? Seriously?


Trump has spent the last two years attacking and repudiating the legacy of world leadership that Roosevelt and Churchill established in 1941.

He insulted the Prime Minister on his last visit, and he insulted the Queen. The man is crass, vulgar and stupid. He thinks that this kind of parochial Ugly Americanism that he practices won't cost the US anything, while pleasing his flat earth backward base.

He's wrong. He's making the idea of the US as the one essential superpower into a remote memory. The world is relearning the lesson they had temporarily adopted during the Geoge W Bush years. Watch the Americans show up and bluster and strut,. And, ignore them. The Chinese are much easier to do business with and they're not tight with their money.

The next US President will have a much smaller bully pulpit than Trump inherited. Trump is squandering American influence and the power of the Presidency, even as he tries to behave like a king who is above the law.

I would not be surprised if the British asked for the Churchill bust back. Trump is destroying what it stood for.
The world is learning to get along without relying on US leadership.
We are no longer an ally they can depend on. They realize the US will go batshit crazy once a Republican is elected

Obama was able to rebuild alliances destroyed by Bush neocons. The next president will not be trusted because they know eventually, another Republican will come along
trump will never be a real president because he's nothing but a coward and a fake, but he has cult worshipers such as yourself and adoration is the only thing he craves, so keep up the good work. Actually, I guess if you consider a narcissistic, thin skinned, ignorant buffoon to be a good president, then you're correct. In the meantime, keep turning a blind eye to the destruction he's doing to this country.
I suggest you watch history unfold itself. Regaless, there is little doubt that Trump is a far more consequential president after two years than Obama was in eight.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.
I'm done with you because if there's one thing I've learned, logic and facts just don't register with a trump worshiper, so I'm not going to waste my time or energy on you any longer.

He cancelled an event because of rain. Your hysteria and anger and even hate is not called for.

He's done nothing to deserve this. This is you guys being upset you don't get your way and that he doesn't play by your b.s. rules.

Traveled over a thousand miles
Stuck his head out and said......looks like rain

Went home

Says the man that is still looking forward to the US becoming an oppressive One Party State where the largest ethnic group is discriminated against by law with no possibility of political recourse.
I am willing to accept whatever the US becomes demographically

It is you who is on a white power tyrade
How would clown Trump protect his goofy hairdo in the drizzling rain?
The weather wasn't the reason. Lying Democrats say it was the reason. Europeans who are losing their whole continent to islam have no reason to criticize Trump.
Weather was the excuse. Trump needed pouting time.

Trump is one pissed off dude

He was just trounced in the elections
He can’t turn off the Mueller investigation

AP Wire ^ | 11.11.2018 | Jill Colvin

PARIS (AP) — President Donald Trump canceled a planned visit to a cemetery for Americans killed in World War I, the White House said, citing bad weather that grounded his helicopter. .... Attending in Trump’s place were the White House chief of staff, retired Marine Gen. John Kelly; the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine Gen. Joe Dunford; and several members of the White House staff. The Battle of Belleau Wood was a critical conflict in the war and a pivotal encounter in Marine Corps history.
Trump picked a special day to announce his disparaging disrespect for the USMC. Anyone know what day today is?

Sure bub, President Trump picked today just because he knew there would be bad weather preventing his helicopter from being able to make it there.

No, Trump is a spoiled, weak little man who insulted his host before he even arrived. He's very uncomfortable in the company of real world leaders. He knows that the know he is a clown in way over his head. And he can't stand to be compared.
Trump is very insecure

He is used to being pandered and praised. He realizes he is odd man out on the world stage and can’t compete intellectually with other world leaders
Weird how the media freakout over TRUMP suggesting steel trade as a national security issue twisting his comments as suggesting a threat of going to war with Canada, yet the media doesn't have the same issue with Macron directly saying Europe needs to be able to defend it self from a military attack from the US.

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