WW1 100YR memorial: Trump cancels due to "weather", 69 other world leaders are going (54 & rainy)

If security were the issue, wouldn't "unscheduled" events be among the most secure? If they don't know you're coming, they can't plan to get you.
Trump calls off visit to military cemetery because of scheduling and logistics difficulties.

Why you gotta lie? Oh you're a democrat. That explains it all.

Really? Scheduling and logistics? Hey, he's already in Paris - on the 100-year anniversary of Armistice Day. He has no excuse - except for pure ignorance! American taxpayers paid to get his fat ass over there. It's just another Trump national disgrace.

Yes dumbass, logistics is a pretty big deal when rerouting the President’s motorcade for an unscheduled trip. He was supposed to go by helicopter, that had to be cancelled. The secret service would never allow the President to go on an unscheduled and unplanned trip unless it was an emergency.

Another Fake News outrage by the left.
So, you still believe helicopters can't fly in the rain?

Depends on how bad it is. If it’s unsafe, why would they risk it?
7 mph winds. Weather is not a valid excuse. Everyone else got there OK.
Tomorrow is Armistice day, 100 years. I googled the weather near Paris. It's 54 degrees and rainy. The drive to the venue/event is 50 miles.

Trump calls off US military cemetery visit due to bad weather




US President Donald Trump is accompanied by French President Emmanuel Macron and Macron's wife Brigitte as he leaves the Elysee Palace in Paris on November 10, 2018 following bilateral talks AFP / Ludovic MARIN

US President Donald Trump on Saturday called off a trip to a World War I US military cemetery in France because of bad weather, the White House said.

After talks with French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, Trump cancelled his visit to Belleau Wood battlefield and cemetery 80 kilometres (50 miles) northeast of Paris because of “scheduling and logistical difficulties caused by the weather,” his administration said.

He and his wife Melania were to have flown to the site of a 1918 battle led by US Marines against German forces.

A US delegation led by Chief of Staff General John Kelly and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joe Dunford will visit the cemetery instead, the White House added.

Trump was due to join other world leaders for dinner at the Musee d’Orsay art museum Saturday evening, before visiting another American cemetery that holds war dead, at Suresnes, in the Paris suburbs, Sunday morning.

Some 70 leaders will gather at 11 am Sunday (1000 GMT) at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Arc de Triomphe, in Paris, to mark the 100th annniversary of the end of World War I...

Trump calls off US military cemetery visit due to bad weather

After Parkland, Trump claimed he would have rushed to the rescue unarmed.

The orange pussy won’t even go out in the rain
Traffic should be taken into account. Routes can become very clogged, and alternatives often are few and no better. If there was something about flying that didn't work, driving may not have been feasible, either.
In any case, it is surprising.
Trump calls off visit to military cemetery because of scheduling and logistics difficulties.

Why you gotta lie? Oh you're a democrat. That explains it all.

Really? Scheduling and logistics? Hey, he's already in Paris - on the 100-year anniversary of Armistice Day. He has no excuse - except for pure ignorance! American taxpayers paid to get his fat ass over there. It's just another Trump national disgrace.

Yes dumbass, logistics is a pretty big deal when rerouting the President’s motorcade for an unscheduled trip. He was supposed to go by helicopter, that had to be cancelled. The secret service would never allow the President to go on an unscheduled and unplanned trip unless it was an emergency.

Another Fake News outrage by the left.
So, you still believe helicopters can't fly in the rain?

Depends on how bad it is. If it’s unsafe, why would they risk it?
7 mph winds. Weather is not a valid excuse. Everyone else got there OK.

Who else got there by flying?
If security were the issue, wouldn't "unscheduled" events be among the most secure? If they don't know you're coming, they can't plan to get you.

I doubt driving through the Muslim shithole neighborhoods of Paris is secure at any time.
Nobody wants that fat fuck there
After the finding out they are developing their army of girlie men to protect them from Trump, canceling was the right thing to do, no matter what reason he gave. To hell with them. We saved them once, I say let them roast.
Too funny. Trump tells the world to fuck off, then gets mad when they do. If I lived elsewhere, dropping the U.S. would be one of my main priorities.

Hopping for Americas failure just because you don’t like Trump, that makes you look like a stupid liberal doesn’t it!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Embarassed for our country....because this orange slug was elected.
Trump calls off visit to military cemetery because of scheduling and logistics difficulties.

Why you gotta lie? Oh you're a democrat. That explains it all.

Really? Scheduling and logistics? Hey, he's already in Paris - on the 100-year anniversary of Armistice Day. He has no excuse - except for pure ignorance! American taxpayers paid to get his fat ass over there. It's just another Trump national disgrace.

Yes dumbass, logistics is a pretty big deal when rerouting the President’s motorcade for an unscheduled trip. He was supposed to go by helicopter, that had to be cancelled. The secret service would never allow the President to go on an unscheduled and unplanned trip unless it was an emergency.

Another Fake News outrage by the left.
Yet all the other world leaders managed to get it done

Is Trump that inept?
Trump calls off visit to military cemetery because of scheduling and logistics difficulties.

Why you gotta lie? Oh you're a democrat. That explains it all.
He called it off because of a light drizzle.

Huge fail on your part

Huge fail on his part.

A complete slap in the face to Veterans
Trump calls off visit to military cemetery because of scheduling and logistics difficulties.

Why you gotta lie? Oh you're a democrat. That explains it all.

Really? Scheduling and logistics? Hey, he's already in Paris - on the 100-year anniversary of Armistice Day. He has no excuse - except for pure ignorance! American taxpayers paid to get his fat ass over there. It's just another Trump national disgrace.

Yes dumbass, logistics is a pretty big deal when rerouting the President’s motorcade for an unscheduled trip. He was supposed to go by helicopter, that had to be cancelled. The secret service would never allow the President to go on an unscheduled and unplanned trip unless it was an emergency.

Another Fake News outrage by the left.
Yet all the other world leaders managed to get it done

Is Trump that inept?

World leaders managed to get what done?
It was an American Cemetry as well.

“Donald Trump complained about having to stand in the rain, to speak about the massacre in Pittsburgh, because it messed his hair up (more),” said VoteVets in a tweet, referring to Trump’s remarks after a mass shooting two weeks ago in which 11 people were killed. “Today, he will skip honoring fallen American heroes of WWI, and stay in his hotel room, because of some rain.”

It's been claimed that this was called because it was not safe to fly a helicopter in the rain.

If that is true, your complaint is even more bullshit that it was.

You lose.
There wasn't a car he could have taken? He didn't want to go.....period!

Oh, and here's a real President....


I don't know, might not have been doable.

A car might take an hour to make a distance that a helicopter could cover in 10.
It's been claimed that this was called because it was not safe to fly a helicopter in the rain.

If that is true, your complaint is even more bullshit that it was.

You lose.
There wasn't a car he could have taken? He didn't want to go.....period!

Oh, nad here's a real President....

Obama was a "real president" in the same sense he was a Nobel Prize winner.

Trump, on the other hand, is a real president. Don't bother whining about it. We all get it.
trump will never be a real president because he's nothing but a coward and a fake, but he has cult worshipers such as yourself and adoration is the only thing he craves, so keep up the good work. Actually, I guess if you consider a narcissistic, thin skinned, ignorant buffoon to be a good president, then you're correct. In the meantime, keep turning a blind eye to the destruction he's doing to this country.
I suggest you watch history unfold itself. Regaless, there is little doubt that Trump is a far more consequential president after two years than Obama was in eight.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.
I'm done with you because if there's one thing I've learned, logic and facts just don't register with a trump worshiper, so I'm not going to waste my time or energy on you any longer.

He cancelled an event because of rain. Your hysteria and anger and even hate is not called for.

He's done nothing to deserve this. This is you guys being upset you don't get your way and that he doesn't play by your b.s. rules.
Oh, are the Brits annoyed because the President of the United States cancelled a visit to a French cemetery? Boo Hoo. The elitist snobs should thank America every day that they aren't speaking German.
Its an American Military Cemetrey you thick fucker. Didnt you know that ?

Here is a picture of an American who braved the slight drizzle to pay respects.

Maybe the real reason is that the cemetery is really big and there are no golf carts to cart his obese ass around. We all know he can't even walk a short distance without one. Where was it that all the rest of the presidents of the countries were walking but he had to ride in a golf cart?

Fat shaming.
There wasn't a car he could have taken? He didn't want to go.....period!

Oh, nad here's a real President....

Obama was a "real president" in the same sense he was a Nobel Prize winner.

Trump, on the other hand, is a real president. Don't bother whining about it. We all get it.
trump will never be a real president because he's nothing but a coward and a fake, but he has cult worshipers such as yourself and adoration is the only thing he craves, so keep up the good work. Actually, I guess if you consider a narcissistic, thin skinned, ignorant buffoon to be a good president, then you're correct. In the meantime, keep turning a blind eye to the destruction he's doing to this country.
I suggest you watch history unfold itself. Regaless, there is little doubt that Trump is a far more consequential president after two years than Obama was in eight.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.
I'm done with you because if there's one thing I've learned, logic and facts just don't register with a trump worshiper, so I'm not going to waste my time or energy on you any longer.

He cancelled an event because of rain. Your hysteria and anger and even hate is not called for.

He's done nothing to deserve this. This is you guys being upset you don't get your way and that he doesn't play by your b.s. rules.

Traveled over a thousand miles
Stuck his head out and said......looks like rain

Went home
Trump calls off visit to military cemetery because of scheduling and logistics difficulties.

Why you gotta lie? Oh you're a democrat. That explains it all.

Really? Scheduling and logistics? Hey, he's already in Paris - on the 100-year anniversary of Armistice Day. He has no excuse - except for pure ignorance! American taxpayers paid to get his fat ass over there. It's just another Trump national disgrace.

Yes dumbass, logistics is a pretty big deal when rerouting the President’s motorcade for an unscheduled trip. He was supposed to go by helicopter, that had to be cancelled. The secret service would never allow the President to go on an unscheduled and unplanned trip unless it was an emergency.

Another Fake News outrage by the left.
Yet all the other world leaders managed to get it done

Is Trump that inept?

World leaders managed to get what done?
Like get to an event honoring heroic Americans?

Looks like Trump is still pouting about his election smackdown
Nicholas Soames, a British politician and grandson of Winston Churchill, ripped President Trump on Saturday for canceling a cemetery visit in France due to bad weather.

"They died with their face to the foe and that pathetic inadequate @realDonaldTrump couldn’t even defy the weather to pay his respects to The Fallen," Soames tweeted.

Soames, who is a member of Parliament for Mid Sussex, included a hashtag saying Trump is "not fit to represent his great country."

Churchill's grandson slams Trump for skipping cemetery visit because of weather

I suppose it was raining. "Pathetic inadequate" covers so many bases.
Churchi;ll's grandson slams the president who put his grandaddies bust back in the Oval Office? Seriously?


Trump has spent the last two years attacking and repudiating the legacy of world leadership that Roosevelt and Churchill established in 1941.

He insulted the Prime Minister on his last visit, and he insulted the Queen. The man is crass, vulgar and stupid. He thinks that this kind of parochial Ugly Americanism that he practices won't cost the US anything, while pleasing his flat earth backward base.

He's wrong. He's making the idea of the US as the one essential superpower into a remote memory. The world is relearning the lesson they had temporarily adopted during the Geoge W Bush years. Watch the Americans show up and bluster and strut,. And, ignore them. The Chinese are much easier to do business with and they're not tight with their money.

The next US President will have a much smaller bully pulpit than Trump inherited. Trump is squandering American influence and the power of the Presidency, even as he tries to behave like a king who is above the law.

I would not be surprised if the British asked for the Churchill bust back. Trump is destroying what it stood for.
Wait this coming from the man who claims he cares more about the military than any president in history. He is almost 2yrs into his presidency and how many times has he gone and visited our troops still in combat theaters.

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