WWI was a pointless war, 20M dead, brought about by stupid alliances, like the one we have with NATO

those who dont learn from history are bound to repeat the mistakes of the past

WRONG! NATO is the reason there has not been another World War since 1945. Its the reason the world survived the Cold War and Soviet Unions attempts to take over the world.

Had the United States been apart of the Allies prior to the start of World War I and had troops deployed in France and Belgium prior to 1914, the Germans would never have risked invading Lux., Belgium or France. Germany would have left Austria-Hungary alone to deal with its conflict with Serbia. Austria-Hungary would have settled its differences with Serbia diplomatically with investigations and negotiation. It would not risk war with Russia without Germany which attacking Serbia would entail. Its called DETERRENCE! Strong Alliances like NATO make war less likely! Weaken NATO, and you weaken deterrence, and make war more likely!

We didn't have hardly any troops prior to 1917. much less in 1914. Woulda, coulda, shoulda!
Wrong! WWI was started by ethnic rivalries, among other reasons, that NATO has prevented for the past 70 years.
Germany and Japan were going to do what they did regardless of alliances. Hitler did not think Britain and France would HONOR their alliance with Poland so he invaded.

If alliances had been honored earlier...Hitler would have been stopped when he invaded Czechoslovakia.

In fact had NATO and the UN not existed...The Soviet Union would have gobbled up European states piecemeal until ANOTHER World War would have occurred.

Uhm retard this is WWI


I was wondering where and why he was bringing up Hitler, who was an Austrian corporal in WWI.

Dude your showing your age as being born in the 1990s
those who dont learn from history are bound to repeat the mistakes of the past

WRONG! NATO is the reason there has not been another World War since 1945. Its the reason the world survived the Cold War and Soviet Unions attempts to take over the world.

Had the United States been apart of the Allies prior to the start of World War I and had troops deployed in France and Belgium prior to 1914, the Germans would never have risked invading Lux., Belgium or France. Germany would have left Austria-Hungary alone to deal with its conflict with Serbia. Austria-Hungary would have settled its differences with Serbia diplomatically with investigations and negotiation. It would not risk war with Russia without Germany which attacking Serbia would entail. Its called DETERRENCE! Strong Alliances like NATO make war less likely! Weaken NATO, and you weaken deterrence, and make war more likely!

We didn't have hardly any troops prior to 1917. much less in 1914. Woulda, coulda, shoulda!

That's right, which was a mistake. That's why ever since World War II, the United States has maintained a large standing military in peace time and is apart of a large military Alliance in Europe called NATO. Had there been a large U.S. troop presence in Europe prior to World War I, the war would have been unlikely to have happened. That's the lesson. The United States finally learned it after World War II and has since adopted a more intelligent strategy of maintaining a large military, creating and maintaining alliances, and not being shy about intervening with military force around the world to help maintain stability and prevent threats from growing into grave dangers.
Like most of the Worlds problems, it was caused by the white mans greed and blood lust.

To this day we suffer from the results of ww1 . Take the Mid East for example .
yes, the blacks never murdered/warred/decimated/committed genocide/etc for greed and blood lust .......:rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41:
...as proven in many threads--Africa [ blacks ] is THE shithole of the world--with genocide/wars/disease/poverty/starvation/no sanitation [ shithole] etc
...was decades ago and STILL IS
those who dont learn from history are bound to repeat the mistakes of the past

WRONG! NATO is the reason there has not been another World War since 1945. Its the reason the world survived the Cold War and Soviet Unions attempts to take over the world.

Had the United States been apart of the Allies prior to the start of World War I and had troops deployed in France and Belgium prior to 1914, the Germans would never have risked invading Lux., Belgium or France. Germany would have left Austria-Hungary alone to deal with its conflict with Serbia. Austria-Hungary would have settled its differences with Serbia diplomatically with investigations and negotiation. It would not risk war with Russia without Germany which attacking Serbia would entail. Its called DETERRENCE! Strong Alliances like NATO make war less likely! Weaken NATO, and you weaken deterrence, and make war more likely!

We didn't have hardly any troops prior to 1917. much less in 1914. Woulda, coulda, shoulda!

That's right, which was a mistake. That's why ever since World War II, the United States has maintained a large standing military in peace time and is apart of a large military Alliance in Europe called NATO. Had there been a large U.S. troop presence in Europe prior to World War I, the war would have been unlikely to have happened. That's the lesson. The United States finally learned it after World War II and has since adopted a more intelligent strategy of maintaining a large military, creating and maintaining alliances, and not being shy about intervening with military force around the world to help maintain stability and prevent threats from growing into grave dangers.

Alternative histories are usually wrong because the writers never get the real history correct first.

There was almost nowhere in the world where one country maintained a massive troop concentration on another country's soil, unless it was their own colony It was unthinkable. It only came about after WWII as a result of the war and collapse of the colonial system. Your argument is baseless and pure fantasy.
those who dont learn from history are bound to repeat the mistakes of the past
Cute. When the Nazis invaded Czechoslovakia or Japan bombed Pearl harbor, well, who's going to stop the tides of history? But tell us it repeats it self.. Cute. Yes it does.
Wrong! WWI was started by ethnic rivalries, among other reasons, that NATO has prevented for the past 70 years.
Germany and Japan were going to do what they did regardless of alliances. Hitler did not think Britain and France would HONOR their alliance with Poland so he invaded.

If alliances had been honored earlier...Hitler would have been stopped when he invaded Czechoslovakia.

In fact had NATO and the UN not existed...The Soviet Union would have gobbled up European states piecemeal until ANOTHER World War would have occurred.

Uhm retard this is WWI


I was wondering where and why he was bringing up Hitler, who was an Austrian corporal in WWI.

Dude your showing your age as being born in the 1990s

In the 1990s I was well on my way into my second career.
Most of that stems from revisionist history from right after the 2nd world war from people looking for scapegoats to blame for the 2nd.

The Generals were as usual trying to fight the last war early on in the current war, and discounted the lessons of the late US civil war with regards to entrenchment being a viable method of clogging up a war of maneuver.

Defensive firepower was supreme for the first time since castles were in use. The machine gun replaced stone walls as the major factor in the battle between offense and defense.

The armored vehicle was the offense's response.
And aviation. I agree.....good to see someone else besides myself see that the beginning of trench warfare was actually the last year of the American Civil War.

I did forget about aviation. I still believe mechanized armor had a greater impact with regards the offense/defense balance on the ground.

Aviation's biggest impact was on naval warfare and strategic warfare.

I recall some quote of Bismark about not being able to learn anything from the American Civil War due to it being fought by "armed mobs on either side"


Hans-Ulrich Rudel was the ultimate tank killer in WWII that dude killed over 500 tanks alone.


Over many many years, and while it contributed, other tanks and anti-tank guns were by far the bigger tank killers in the war.

CAS was a big part of the allied war plan, but without it you would still have large tank on tank battles.

Remove aviation from naval warfare, and you are back to the battleship era. Remove aviation from strategic warfare and you don't have strategic warfare.

Your changing the goal posts, if he was an American it would make poppy boyington look like a girl scout.

Eliminated targets is not the only determining factor in the impact of a type of warfare. I think that in today's environment, air power is the ultimate deciding factor in warfare as air power has the ability to totally deny an enemy access to tech, movement and supply. In WWII, aircraft just were not there yet. Armor is what actually took territory and allowed forces to progress. Without it, air power was impotent.

Both are and were, of course, necessary but I think that Germany showed how powerful and central good armor was during that era.
those who dont learn from history are bound to repeat the mistakes of the past

WRONG! NATO is the reason there has not been another World War since 1945. Its the reason the world survived the Cold War and Soviet Unions attempts to take over the world.

Had the United States been apart of the Allies prior to the start of World War I and had troops deployed in France and Belgium prior to 1914, the Germans would never have risked invading Lux., Belgium or France. Germany would have left Austria-Hungary alone to deal with its conflict with Serbia. Austria-Hungary would have settled its differences with Serbia diplomatically with investigations and negotiation. It would not risk war with Russia without Germany which attacking Serbia would entail. Its called DETERRENCE! Strong Alliances like NATO make war less likely! Weaken NATO, and you weaken deterrence, and make war more likely!

We didn't have hardly any troops prior to 1917. much less in 1914. Woulda, coulda, shoulda!
Different world then too. Just the reality of moving troops and equipment back then meant US forces had less impact through the world.
Austrians are Germans too.

You're fucking idiot. Austrians are Germans like Americans are Canadians.

I'll bet you think Austrians speak Austrian like Obama did!

Of course! That's why I used a metaphor about two countries speaking the same language.

How about you lie down before you hurt yourself.

I apologize. It's so hard to tell when you actually post anything intelligent because it is so rare.
"I am in Paris getting ready to celebrate the end of World War One. Is there anything better to celebrate than the end of a war, in particular that one, which was one of the bloodiest and worst of all time?" - President Trump
Wilson is an excellent example of how presidents can exploit wars to increase authoritarian power and restrict freedom, some arguing that criticizing the commander in chief amounts to criticizing soldiers in the field
Like most of the Worlds problems, it was caused by the white mans greed and blood lust.

To this day we suffer from the results of ww1 . Take the Mid East for example .
yes, the blacks never murdered/warred/decimated/committed genocide/etc for greed and blood lust .......:rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41:
...as proven in many threads--Africa [ blacks ] is THE shithole of the world--with genocide/wars/disease/poverty/starvation/no sanitation [ shithole] etc
...was decades ago and STILL IS

Africa’s problems are a direct result of the rape and pillage of the white man .
Like most of the Worlds problems, it was caused by the white mans greed and blood lust.

To this day we suffer from the results of ww1 . Take the Mid East for example .
yes, the blacks never murdered/warred/decimated/committed genocide/etc for greed and blood lust .......:rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41:
...as proven in many threads--Africa [ blacks ] is THE shithole of the world--with genocide/wars/disease/poverty/starvation/no sanitation [ shithole] etc
...was decades ago and STILL IS

Africa’s problems are a direct result of the rape and pillage of the white man .
...just like the NAs of North America, the Africans were murdering/warring on/etc other Africans long before the whites came
...please prove Africa would not be the shithole it is now if the whites did not go there
..I'm waiting for the reasonable proof
Like most of the Worlds problems, it was caused by the white mans greed and blood lust.

To this day we suffer from the results of ww1 . Take the Mid East for example .
yes, the blacks never murdered/warred/decimated/committed genocide/etc for greed and blood lust .......:rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41:
...as proven in many threads--Africa [ blacks ] is THE shithole of the world--with genocide/wars/disease/poverty/starvation/no sanitation [ shithole] etc
...was decades ago and STILL IS

Africa’s problems are a direct result of the rape and pillage of the white man .
...just like the NAs of North America, the Africans were murdering/warring on/etc other Africans long before the whites came
...please prove Africa would not be the shithole it is now if the whites did not go there
..I'm waiting for the reasonable proof

Just look at any of the geopolitical issues In Africa . Goes back to the brutal colonization by the white man.

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