WWI was a pointless war, 20M dead, brought about by stupid alliances, like the one we have with NATO

Like most of the Worlds problems, it was caused by the white mans greed and blood lust.

To this day we suffer from the results of ww1 . Take the Mid East for example .
yes, the blacks never murdered/warred/decimated/committed genocide/etc for greed and blood lust .......:rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41:
...as proven in many threads--Africa [ blacks ] is THE shithole of the world--with genocide/wars/disease/poverty/starvation/no sanitation [ shithole] etc
...was decades ago and STILL IS

Africa’s problems are a direct result of the rape and pillage of the white man .
also, the blacks in the US graduate at lower rates--commit crime at higher rates--they are not Africans...?

any way you look at it, the whites are/were superior in technology/etc
..so when you get down to the ROOT of the problems--it's the inferiority of the blacks' culture/technology/education...the blacks just were not as ''smart''
..a lot of black Africa didn't even have a written language/etc !!!!!! = inferior
remember--facts--not hate or racism
Like most of the Worlds problems, it was caused by the white mans greed and blood lust.

To this day we suffer from the results of ww1 . Take the Mid East for example .
yes, the blacks never murdered/warred/decimated/committed genocide/etc for greed and blood lust .......:rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41:
...as proven in many threads--Africa [ blacks ] is THE shithole of the world--with genocide/wars/disease/poverty/starvation/no sanitation [ shithole] etc
...was decades ago and STILL IS

Africa’s problems are a direct result of the rape and pillage of the white man .
...just like the NAs of North America, the Africans were murdering/warring on/etc other Africans long before the whites came
...please prove Africa would not be the shithole it is now if the whites did not go there
..I'm waiting for the reasonable proof

Just look at any of the geopolitical issues In Africa . Goes back to the brutal colonization by the white man.
as stated MANY times on USMB by me--the blacks did the SAME thing to other Africans
NA tribes did the SAME thing to other NA tribes
long before the whites came

Shaka Zulu murdered thousands/more/committed genocide /etc
Shaka Zulu | Encyclopedia.com
Famine and chaos followed the wholesale extermination of populations and the destruction of herds and crops between the Limpopo and the Gariep River. Old chiefdoms vanished and new ones were created.
Effects of Shaka's wars. His wars were accompanied by great slaughter and caused many migrations.
Shaka Zulu
Like most of the Worlds problems, it was caused by the white mans greed and blood lust.

To this day we suffer from the results of ww1 . Take the Mid East for example .
yes, the blacks never murdered/warred/decimated/committed genocide/etc for greed and blood lust .......:rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41:
...as proven in many threads--Africa [ blacks ] is THE shithole of the world--with genocide/wars/disease/poverty/starvation/no sanitation [ shithole] etc
...was decades ago and STILL IS

Africa’s problems are a direct result of the rape and pillage of the white man .
also, the blacks in the US graduate at lower rates--commit crime at higher rates--they are not Africans...?

any way you look at it, the whites are/were superior in technology/etc
..so when you get down to the ROOT of the problems--it's the inferiority of the blacks' culture/technology/education...the blacks just were not as ''smart''
..a lot of black Africa didn't even have a written language/etc !!!!!! = inferior
remember--facts--not hate or racism

Africa is the birthplace of civilization.

As for American blacks. Yet another example of the white mans rape and pillage . Which still continues .
The stupidity of America's involvement in WWII was Wilson's stupidity to get the US involved in an idiotic European war war that had nothing to do with the security the US.

He wanted America to be a player in world politics and he sacrificed 116,000 Americans to do it.
Like most of the Worlds problems, it was caused by the white mans greed and blood lust.

To this day we suffer from the results of ww1 . Take the Mid East for example .
yes, the blacks never murdered/warred/decimated/committed genocide/etc for greed and blood lust .......:rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41:
...as proven in many threads--Africa [ blacks ] is THE shithole of the world--with genocide/wars/disease/poverty/starvation/no sanitation [ shithole] etc
...was decades ago and STILL IS

Africa’s problems are a direct result of the rape and pillage of the white man .
also, the blacks in the US graduate at lower rates--commit crime at higher rates--they are not Africans...?

any way you look at it, the whites are/were superior in technology/etc
..so when you get down to the ROOT of the problems--it's the inferiority of the blacks' culture/technology/education...the blacks just were not as ''smart''
..a lot of black Africa didn't even have a written language/etc !!!!!! = inferior
remember--facts--not hate or racism

Africa is the birthplace of civilization.

As for American blacks. Yet another example of the white mans rape and pillage . Which still continues .
agree--blacks [ not whites ] murder over 8 other blacks --every DAY
The stupidity of America's involvement in WWII was Wilson's stupidity to get the US involved in an idiotic European war war that had nothing to do with the security the US.

He wanted America to be a player in world politics and he sacrificed 116,000 Americans to do it.

Fun fact . The US gave Puerto Ricians US citizenship during WW1 so they could instantly draft them as cannon fodder .
The stupidity of America's involvement in WWII was Wilson's stupidity to get the US involved in an idiotic European war war that had nothing to do with the security the US.

He wanted America to be a player in world politics and he sacrificed 116,000 Americans to do it.

Fun fact . The US gave Puerto Ricians US citizenship during WW1 so they could instantly draft them as cannon fodder .
Another Wilsonian evil.
The stupidity of America's involvement in WWII was Wilson's stupidity to get the US involved in an idiotic European war war that had nothing to do with the security the US.

He wanted America to be a player in world politics and he sacrificed 116,000 Americans to do it.

Fun fact . The US gave Puerto Ricians US citizenship during WW1 so they could instantly draft them as cannon fodder .

Fun fact #2. Obama let millions of Illegals flood across the borders so they could be future Democrat voters.
America has lost over 1 million Vietnam War Veterans since the end of the war.
The NATO alliance has worked for 75 years and Europe for the first time in centuries has been at peace

The difference is that Europe has alligned as one rather than aligning against each other
The stupidity of America's involvement in WWII was Wilson's stupidity to get the US involved in an idiotic European war war that had nothing to do with the security the US.

He wanted America to be a player in world politics and he sacrificed 116,000 Americans to do it.

Fun fact . The US gave Puerto Ricians US citizenship during WW1 so they could instantly draft them as cannon fodder .

Fun fact #2. Obama let millions of Illegals flood across the borders so they could be future Democrat voters.
Actually, he didn’t

Illegal immigrations decreased under the Great Obama
It was those enemy Austrian-Hungarian Axis psychologists and psychiatrists Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud who adjudicated our troops as mental defectives and social undesirables.

They came home from the war smoking pot and doing yoga and Pilates and $#!+. It was Al Capone's grand glan to smoke a whole generation of youngsters high on weed and missing limbs.

The whole Italian and Sicilian Mafia were on the side of that Axis, too, and they have ruled City Hall with a rod of iron in the U.S. ever since we lost that war. Then the Japanese got involved and we had another war after ten miserable years of depression, and the enemy once again conquered our government through Operation Paperclip.

V for victory? That's pretty hollow for what it is after the Nazis passed the Gun Control Act of 1968.
Wilson is an excellent example of how presidents can exploit wars to increase authoritarian power and restrict freedom, some arguing that criticizing the commander in chief amounts to criticizing soldiers in the field
Can you imagine how Teddy Roosevelt would have acted if he was President during WWI?
Wrong! WWI was started by ethnic rivalries, among other reasons, that NATO has prevented for the past 70 years.
You mean the way they prevented the Hutu from committing genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda?
Like most of the Worlds problems, it was caused by the white mans greed and blood lust.

To this day we suffer from the results of ww1 . Take the Mid East for example .
yes, the blacks never murdered/warred/decimated/committed genocide/etc for greed and blood lust .......:rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41:
...as proven in many threads--Africa [ blacks ] is THE shithole of the world--with genocide/wars/disease/poverty/starvation/no sanitation [ shithole] etc
...was decades ago and STILL IS

Africa’s problems are a direct result of the rape and pillage of the white man .
also, the blacks in the US graduate at lower rates--commit crime at higher rates--they are not Africans...?

any way you look at it, the whites are/were superior in technology/etc
..so when you get down to the ROOT of the problems--it's the inferiority of the blacks' culture/technology/education...the blacks just were not as ''smart''
..a lot of black Africa didn't even have a written language/etc !!!!!! = inferior
remember--facts--not hate or racism

Africa is the birthplace of civilization.

As for American blacks. Yet another example of the white mans rape and pillage . Which still continues .
Mesopotamia is the birthplace of civilization.

Arabs and other blacks are the ones who captured African blacks for export, moron. Blacks behave as if they are the only race that's ever been enslaved. Arabs raided the South and West of Europe for white slaves for centuries. Millions of Europeans ended up being sold in Arab slave markets. Yet, nary a peep about this massive holocaust from any of the social justice warriors.
The NATO alliance has worked for 75 years and Europe for the first time in centuries has been at peace

The difference is that Europe has alligned as one rather than aligning against each other
Yeah, NATO worked great to end the Serbian, Bosnian, Herzegovinian civil war, didn't it?
Wrong! WWI was started by ethnic rivalries, among other reasons, that NATO has prevented for the past 70 years.
You mean the way they prevented the Hutu from committing genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda?

I am not as well versed in geography as you are, but Rwanda is not in Europe.

Did you major in geography at Trump U?
Every military adventure in the bloody 20th century happened during democrat administrations and they were all handled badly.

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