WWI, WWII: The Hidden Cause Finally Revealed

Page 8 of The Godfathers by Jack Chick Publications

The page is broken into two pictures. The first is a picture of a map with a line drawn from Rome to Constantinople - today it is called Istanbul. (In Turkey)

Above the map we read:

When Constantinople retired, he gave the bishop of Rome the title of Sumo Maximus Pontifix, making him a pope.* Constantine moved to Byzantium in Turkey in 330 A.D., gave it a face lift, and called it Constantinople. He remained loyal to the Roman Catholic System, sitting on the 7 hills of Rome, fulfilling prophecy of Revelation 17:9

At the bottom of the map we read:

As time went on a split developed in the Roman Catholic Institution between Rome in the West and Constantinople in the East. Constantinople became the head of the orthodox church. They became bitter enemies.

The second picture is a scene of battle and war and slaughter. At the bottom of picture it reads:

As time passed,l the Eastern (Russian Orthodox) churches fell under the protection of the Czars of Russia. The Roman Catholic Institution felt if the Czar and the Orthodox Church would not submit to the Vatican, then they should be destroyed just like the Jews.

* Footnote Encyclopedia Britannica Macropedia, Volume 5 Pages 305-306
page 8
page 9 The Godfathers by Jack Chick Publications - testimony of an ex - Jesuit - Dr. Alberto Rivera

By 1491, the religious Godfathers, the Popes, had been ruling over the kings and queens of Europe for centuries. It was a dark time in history. Things were becoming unstable for the papacy. Unrest, and rumblings of protestantism were in the air.

At this time, a little boy was born in the castle of Loyola in the province of Gulpuzcoa, Spain. He was a Spanish Basque by the name of Lopez de Recalde. This boy grew up to change the world. He called himself Ignatius of Loyola.

He was the founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuit order) He also created the Illuminati ( Alumbrados ). He became the first Jesuit General.

Because of the way he strengthened the Roman Catholic Institution, he was made a saint in 1622.

Ignatius of Loyola was a Satanic genius.

He built an army of priests completely dedicated to discipline and order. They soon became the most dreaded religious strike force in history. They were the special forces for the Vatican.

Dr. Alberto Rivera: The Jesuits have captured and broken nations. They have started wars and murdered kings, and presidents, including Abraham Lincoln.
The Jesuits will do anything to destroy the life or reputation of anyone who dares to stand in their way.
They have been thrown out of almost every nation except the United States, where they are very active in controlling politics, U.S. Immigration, etc.

Their job is to make every man, woman and child on the planet fall on their knees and claim the pope is Jesus Christ here on earth, and submit completely to his power.

The Jesuit General is referred to as the Black Pope. He actually runs the Vatican behind the scenes and Satan guides him.

Most of the books that expose the bloody history of the Jesuits are either missing, destroyed, or out of print.

Not only books, but ex-Jesuit priests are either in hiding, disappeared or dead.

Have the Jesuits been busy in the 20th century?

What you are about to read will blow you out of your socks.

footnotes 1 Fifty years in the "Church" of Rome published by Jack Chick publications page 309 2 THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE JESUITS by Paris page 74, published by Jack Chick publications.
page 9
Really sounds like she was sexually abuse by a priest at an early age, she did say he was born and raised catholic, why else ?
I think she might just be clinically insane
Exactly. All that came to mind was 'I'm sorry. All I heard was blah blah blah I am a dirty tramp' lol.

Last warning. No personal attacks. Stay on topic of the OP or get off of my thread, Politico. This thread will not be derailed. Got it? Good. Tell your accomplices and spread the word.
Your topic would have to relevant to be derailed.

You do not decide on my thread what is relevant, Politico. On that note, do you always follow people around who you attack as being insane?

I find your following me around to be downright creepy. I took the liberty of viewing your profile and find I am one of three people you are following while the other two appear to be your friends and are following you too. (I'm not)

Your choice of friends should sound some alarms with any Feds reading this board because PVSI has written some very incriminating things on this board before.

I would like for you to take me off your follow list and stop your obsession with me immediately. Whatever you and your PVSI friend are into I'm not interested. I've decided to put you on ignore (you've earned it) and will no longer be responding to your personal attacks. Bye now.
Speaking of psycho. I don't follow you anywhere. And any link on a profile would only be there if you followed me first and I got an invite from you. So if I and others happen to pop up it is because of content not your name. That says a lot.
Moving forward to page 10 The Godfathers by Jack Chick publications - we will now see how the Vatican was behind World War I and Communism and then we will move on to World War II and how the Vatican created the Nazi party - who it was made up of and their reason for creating that war. For those of you who have read part of Dr. Alberto Rivera's testimony on this thread - it will be a review for you as I already put a small portion of this information up here for you to read. Still, it is good to review it and read it again - also if you would - please invite as many people as possible to read this material - not just your Jewish friends but Catholics too. They deserve to know the truth - because the truth is what sets people free. Amen? Amen. Lets begin now with page 10:

In Scene 1 on page 10 - Dr. Alberto Rivera is seated in a chair and he is speaking to Jim and Tim.

Dr. Alberto Rivera: In our special sessions in the Vatican, we learned the true story behind Communism. The loyal Communist Party members would go into shock if they ever found out that their great heroes, Marx and Engels, who wrote the Communist Manifesto in the 1800's were actually coached and directed by the Jesuit priests.

Augustin Bea told us that the Communist Party was formed by the Jesuits for one task. At the proper time they were to destroy the protector of the hated Orthodox Church, the Czar of Russia! It was for revenge!

The Communist Party was secretly bankrolled by agents of Rome (the illuminati) in order to create another major power loyal to the Vatican.

These Jews fighting against the Institution would pay for their stubbornness.

Dr. Rivera recalling the words of Jesuit Cardinal Augustin Bea spoke to him and the other Jesuits in that meeting:

So we Jesuits constructed a master plan that would not only annihilate European Jews, but would turn the world against them.

A new abomination came into existence. We were instructed that the Jesuits directed certain Jews who were loyal to the Pope to write a document called, "The Protocols of Zion." When it was published the Europeans went wild.
*Footnote Behind the Dictators by L.H. Lehmann. Pages 10-15, published by Agora Publishing Company, N.Y.1942

The mother of Abominations (Rev.17:5) had created another masterpiece. (Catholic Vatican & their Jesuits) This document would pave the way for the coming Inquisition, even if it would cost the lives of millions of Roman Catholics.
Page 10

historical fact -
*68 million people were put to death by the Roman Catholic Institution during the Inquisitions.

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page 11 of The Godfathers by Jack Chick Publications

In the early 1900's, France really blew it in the eyes of the Vatican. France made a political deal with none other than the Czar of Russia.

The Pope and the Jesuits were furious.

France had been on their list ever since she had dumped her Catholic king and become a republic. But this deal with the Czar was the last straw!

In the meantime, the power of the Orthodox Church was spreading into Bulgaria, Rumania, Greece, the European part of Turkey, and Serbia Yugoslavia.

The Vatican had to bring France to her knees, and stamp out the religious competition in the Balkans. the solution was simple. The Jesuits would set up World War 1.

Next to this information is a map of Yugoslavia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Albania and Greece.

Then there is a picture of Kaiser Wilhelm of the Royal German family.

Next to the picture is this information:

The Pope was backing Germany, so when the Kaiser (a good Roman Catholic) asked the Vatican if he could expand Germany's borders, Pope Pius X and the Jesuits gave him their blessings. Just after the war began, Pope Pius X died on August 20,1914, making way for the next godfather.

Pope Benedict XV replaced him in the Vatican. He also was a friend to Germany, and so the war to stop all wars was under way.

Satan, guiding the Jesuits and the Pope, had German Roman Catholics killing French Roman Catholics. The godfather could care less how many Roman Catholics died. He was only after power and revenge. Germany was fighting France, England, and Russia. Then the U.S. got into it. The war lasted four long years: 1914-1918. Europe was ruined. Satan, working through the Vatican, had put millions into hell.

While men were screaming in agony, dying in the mud and on barbed wire, being torn by bullets and destroyed by poison gas, the Jesuits were busy planning World War II. Unknown to the German people, the Jesuits had already sacrificed Catholic Germany, the Kaiser and his government, in order to bring about a new Inquisition.

First World War:

Known dead: 10,000,000 men
Wounded: 20,000,000 men
Estimated overall cost world wide:
Thanks to Satan and the Vatican. (Rev.18:24)

Protestant England and Protestant America had beaten them. The Jesuits were still trying to destroy us for that.

Remember the words of Abraham Lincoln: "THE JESUITS NEVER FORGIVE NOR FORSAKE (GIVE UP)"

FOOTNOTES* 1 SECRET HISTORY OF THE JESUITS BY Edmond Paris, Pages 8,9, and 116 - 124.
2 New Illustrated Encyclopedia of World History by Lancer pub. by Harry N. Abrams, Inc. 1975 page 911.

3 FIFTY YEARS IN THE "CHURCH" OF ROME BY Chiniquy page 281 published by Jack Chick publications.
page 11

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The Godfathers by Jack Chick Publications page 12 Testimony of Ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera:

In Russia, Czar Nicholas, who was the protector of the Russian Orthodox Church, and his wife, the empress Alexandra, had a son named Alexis, who was heir to the throne. The little boy suffered from a disease called hemophilia. His blood wouldn't clot when he got a cut. If he fell when playing, the slightest bruise could cause internal bleeding. His mother's heart was breaking. the doctors couldn't help. The little boy suffered terribly.

Rasputin, called the Mad Monk, was a man who had a strange gift of healing (just like many priests of today who claim to have this same powers)* Rasputin had visions of God and the Virgin. When he came near the little boy, the bleeding stopped.

Rasputin was involved in Satanic sexual worship.
2 He controlled the Czarina (empress) He made many enemies in high places. Many believed Rasputin to be a demon possessed monster 3 who ruled Russia from behind the scenes. Even the Czar was afraid of him and his strange powers. * Rev. 13:13-15

Dr. Alberto Rivera: Augustin Cardinal Bea told us that in a weak moment, the empress told Rasputin where the Czar had hidden his gold.

Rasputin passed this valuable information on to the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, just before Rasputin was assassinated.

At Augustin Cardinal Bea's periodic briefings he covered the past, present and future goals on the Vatican's temporal power (earthly power).

This was at the time when the constitution was updated, as a result of the Vatican Council II.

Augustin Cardinal Bea revealed to his Jesuits which included Dr. Alberto Rivera in this meeting the following:

In our long and careful preparation for the Russian revolution, Jesuits worked closely with Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin. We secretly moved our gold into Russia through Germany using our key men.
5 We believed that soon our enemy would be destroyed...... and Communism would rise up as a new strong daughter of the Vatican!

footnotes: 1. RASPUTIN by M. Rasputin and Barham, published by Warner books 1977 pages 68,69,77,99 2. Ibid. pags. 103-105 3. Ibid, pg 91 4. BLACK NIGHT, WHITE SNOW by Salisbury, published by Doubleday 1977 Garden City, N.Y. pgs. 208,209,210,283,284
5. Von Bergen and Parvus, GERMANY AND THE REVOLUTION IN RUSSIAN 1915-198 BY Documents from the Archives of the German Foreign Ministry edited by Z.A.B. Zeman, pub. by London Oxford Univ. Press, N.Y. Toronto 1958, Also THE SEALED TRAIN by Michael Pearson 1975 pub. by G. P. Pullman's Sons, N.Y. pg. 63
page 12 of The Godfathers by Jack Chick Publications.

page 13 of The Godfathers by Jack Chick Publications - testimony of an Ex- Jesuit - Dr. Alberto Rivera:

Lenin was in Switzerland when he heard the news of the revolution starting in Russia. To help the revolution destroy their enemy, the German High Command and others, secretly prepared a train to transport Lenin and his revolutionaries through Germany. In April 1917, Lenin and some of his key men made the trip in the famous "Sealed Train."

The man most responsible for arranging this journey was Diego Bergen, a devout German Roman Catholic, trained in Jesuit schools,
2 , later to become the Germany Ambassador to the Vatican during the Weimar Republic and Hitler's regime.3 If the Revolution was successful, it would mean death to millions of people, including the Czar and his family.

By the time Lenin arrived in Russia in April of 1917, Lenin's competitors were controlling the revolution. The Czar had been forced to abdicate (give up his throne). He and his family had been placed under house arrest. His government had collapsed and most of his army had deserted him.

Confusion was everywhere, the troops still loyal to the Czar were called "the White Russians." The revolutionists were called "Reds." They were deadly enemies, fighting to survive. Lenin gained control of the revolutionary government and moved it to Moscow on March 10,1918.

In July, the royal family was moved for security reasons to Yekaterinburg in the Urals.

(A photograph of the royal family pictured on page 13)

An army of the Czechs (White Army) was moving towards the town where the family was staying. There was a chance they could be rescued.

July 17,1918, a group called the Ural Soviets, (others called them an unknown band of marauders
4) held a quick trial, and found the royal family guilty.

Dr. Rivera said: We were told some of them were Jesuits posing as Communists. At last, the moment the Pope had waited for finally came.

footnotes 1. BLACK NIGHT,WHITE SNOW by Salisbury 1977 pub. by Doubleday and Co. Inc. Garden City, N.Y. pages 405-407
2.LIFE AND DEATH OF LENIN by R. Payne 1964 pub by Simon and Schuster, N.Y, pages 285-300. 3. GERMANY AND THE REVOLUTION IN RUSSIA 1915-1918, DOCUMENTS FROM THE ARCHIVES OF THE GERMAN FOREIGN MINISTRY edited by Z.A.B. Zeman pub. by London Oxford Univ. Press. N.Y. Toronto 1958, PG, IX 4. BLACK NIGHT, WHITE SNOW, Doubleday & Co. 1978 page 594
Page 13 of The Godfathers by Jack Chick Publications
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Page 14 of the The Godfathers by Jack Chick publications - testimony of an Ex-Jesuit - Dr. Alberto Rivera:

The protector of the Orthodox Church was at long last facing the Jesuits of Rome, and without mercy, they blasted the poor, frightened family into eternity.

The Czar and his family - photograph

Later that night the bodies were loaded into a truck, taken to a lonely mine called, "The Four Brothers." There, they were chopped up, burned, drenched with acid, and thrown down an abandoned mine shaft.

The Jesuits had moved so fast, the Central Communist Party wasn't even aware 3 of the trial or the killing of the Czar and his family until it was over. It was a tremendous victory for the Vatican.

We were told that the hunt for Patriarchs (the religious leaders), the priests, the nuns, and monks of the Orthodox Church, began in earnest. The Vatican was anxiously awaiting news of the destruction of their religious competitors. the Soviets attacked the monasteries and convents, and the killing began. Only a strange twist of fate saved the Russian church...... the old Patriarch had an ace up his sleeve.

Interesting note: Dr. Rivera claims this was a test case. If the Russian church was destroyed, the next target would be the Church of England, which was still reeling from the false conversion of the great Jesuit, Cardinal Newman. But since the case failed, the Church of England was pulled into the hands of the Vatican about 60 years later through the ecumenical movement.

footnotes 1. Jesuit technique and a secret sign of their involvement according to Dr. Rivera, ex-Jesuit priest. 2. BLACK NIGHT, BLACK SNOW, by Salsibury, pub. by Doubleday & Co. Garden City, N.Y. page 593, copyrighted 1978 3. Ibid, pgs. 593, 594
You are about to learn of an amazing story - what happens next with be nothing short of astounding! Wait until you read about this! You will truly be amazed at the outcome here!

Page 15 - The Godfathers - by Jack Chick publications - testimony of an Ex-Jesuit - Dr. Alberto Rivera:

Dr. Rivera: We were told that when the Red Army was closing in to kill the old chief Patriarch, he greeted them with open arms, and cried.........

Comrades, at last you have come. We have been waiting for you. We've been holding the Czar's gold for you........my dear Comrades.

The Communist's response was: Gold? For us?

The Communists were stunned at what he said. They put down their weapons and accepted the gold, the Patriarch's friendship and ordered the killing of the Orthodox priests, nuns, and monks stopped immediately.

The Orthodox Church was saved. The Communists not only got the Czar's gold, but kept the Pope's gold too! The Pope's gold, which passed into Russia through Germany, was estimated to be worth $666,000,000.

When the Pope found out, he almost had a heart attack. He had been betrayed by his own Communists!

The Vatican went wild with anger. They had been double-crossed. The Communists would pay for this crime, no matter what it would cost.

God has periodically blocked the Vatican through the centuries. This pattern will continue until she's finally destroyed. (Rev.17:16,17) See page 4 - (Mohammad's doublecross)

The Holy Office would soon be back in operation, like it was during the Spanish Inquisition, inflicting torture, death and revenge on its victims. Only this time, along with the Jews and Protestants, the victims would include the Orthodox Church and the Communists of Russia.

The Jesuits knew they could pull it off with another war.

footnotes* 1. LEON TROSKY by Joel Carmichael, page 171, pub by St. Martin's press. 175 5th Ave. New York, NY 1975 also found in THE SEALED TRAIN by Michael Pearson, 1975 by G.P. PUtnam's Sons, New York, page 290
page 15

page 16 of The Godfathers by Jack Chick Publications - Testimony of an Ex- Jesuit - Dr. Alberto Rivera:

Dr. Alberto Rivera: We learned in these sessions that because of her tremendous wealth, the Vatican can sway the economy of the world. She can bring nations to their knees with planned depressions.

Tim: Even in the U.S.?

Dr. Alberto Rivera: Of course! She did it in the past, and she'll do it again in the future. Tim, the Illuminati working in conjunction with the Opus Dei' along with key masons, is the financial arm of the Vatican. Through them, the Vatican controls the world's wealth.
footnotes 1 Los Angeles Times, Oct. 7, 1968 (Madrid UPI)

Page 16 first part - Page 16 continues on next post. Please read this again. Read it again and again until it sinks in. The Roman Catholic System is the anti-Christ system, a Satanic organization that has been behind World Wars, assassinations of presidents, kings, rulers of nations - this is not a church - this is an anti-Christ system that is moving towards taking control through a One World Government - One World Order. There can be no communion between true Christians and the Roman Catholic Anti-Christ system - if you want to follow Christ you must come out of it, if you want to go to heaven - have nothing to do with it. Do not support it and warn others to have no part of it. As the world is heading closer and closer towards the third World War we will once again find the old adage true - History repeats itself! And a leopard does not change it's spots!
Page 16 continues of The Godfathers by Jack Chick Publications.

Rome has cleverly gotten those who are suspicious of a worldwide conspiracy going in all different directions.

It's a tremendous smoke screen to keep the attention away from the Vatican.

This is why so many books have been published exposing communism, the Trilateral commission, the C.F.R., the Rockefeller empire, Zionism, The Illuminati, Opus Dei, the Club of Rome, etc. The tragic part is that most of the writers and their followers are blind to the fact that Rome has created most of these organizations as well as the organizations fighting them. It's a big game.

THE BIBLE SAYS: "For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies (Rev.18:3)

Dr. Alberto Rivera: Let's go back to the preparations of World War II. Just after the first world war, Germany was in a terrible depression. Certain Pro-Catholic Jews were ordered by the Vatican to buy up the land from the broke and hungry Germans.

The money was supplied by the Vatican and the pro-Catholic Jews bought the land dirt cheap. The Germans were desperate.

At the right time the Jesuits would use this incident to stir up hatred against the orthodox Jews. The battle cry would be that the Jews showed no mercy to the Germans when they stole their lands during the depression. And now it was time to pay them back! It was well planned.

second half of page 16
Page 17 of The Godfathers by Jack Chick Publications - Testimony of an Ex-Jesuit - Dr. Alberto Rivera:

Dr. Alberto Rivera: At the end of World War 1, when the allies signed the Treaty of Versailles in July, 1919.... They were so mad at the Vatican for starting the war that they refused to recognize them as a political power any more and kept them away from the conference table. 1

Even though Europe was in shambles, neither France was broken nor was the Orthodox Church in Serbia (Yugoslavia) Young people in Germany and Italy didn't know which way to turn. They were rebellious. Inflation was ruining the country.

picture of map of Germany, Spain, Vatican, Italy, on page 17 - Communists were organizing revolutionary groups. The Jesuits moved on three fronts. Pope Benedict XV died of poisoning in 1922, and Pope Pius XI took over.

Pope Pius XI

The first front was Italy. At this time, an unknown man appeared, strutting around, saying he was the new Caesar destined to rebuild the Roman Empire. His name was Benito Mussolini.

He was arrogant, ruthless, and vicious. His little army of black shirts were nothing more than a group of thugs who beat all opponents into submission.

The Black pope assigned a top Jesuit to work with Mussolini.

Photo of Black Pope - Jesuit General
- Halke Von Ledochowski*

His priest and father confessor was a Jesuit named Venturi. The Catholic vote, directed by the Vatican, swept Mussolini into power. Pope XI called Mussolini, "The man whom providence allowed us to meet.


1. The Secret History of the Jesuits page 122 2. The General of the Jesuits at this time was Halke Von Ledochowski. 3. The Secret History of the Jesuits. Edmond Paris page 126
page 17 of The Godfathers by Jack Chick Publications
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continuing to page 18 of The Godfathers by Jack Chick Publications

To pay off the Vatican, Mussolini signed a concordat,1 making Roman Catholicism the only religion allowed in Italy and it's territories. Mussolini re-established the temporal 2 power of the Pope, and gave the clergy complete power over the life of the nation. 3

Italy became a major power under their Catholic fascist dictator, Mussolini. He built a powerful modern day army and flexed his muscles by attacking Ethiopia. Italy needed more land.

The poor, bewildered Ethiopians didn't have a chance. they fought valiantly with their spears and shields but Mussolini's air force cut them to shreds with machine guns, bombs and poisoned gas.

The Pope had blessed Mussolini's troops and Cardinal Archbishop of Milan, Alfredo Ildefonso Schuster (Jesuit), called this massacre of the blacks in Ethiopia, A CATHOLIC CRUSADE.


1. A compact between a national government and a religious group establishing terms of agreement concerning matters of mutual interest. (Webster's Dictionary) 2. Worldly and Political power. 3. THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE JESUITS PG 126
Page 19 of The Godfathers by Jack Chick Publications

By 1923,1 Germany was a mess. Inflation was sky high,2 and money was worthless. The German people were sick of war with all its death and misery. They blamed the Kaiser for the whole thing and had him and his government thrown out of office. The communists were fighting to take over.

Scene depicted on page 19 with following dialogue - Man asks question: How many marks does it take to buy one American dollar? Another man answers: About four trillion marks. German couple weeping says: Germany is ruined...I've lost everything! The other man cries out....This won't even buy a loaf of bread!

------depicted in cartoon form--------

The new government was very weak. Some men wanted the German people to run their own governments like they did in France, and were attempting to make Germany a Republic. The Pope was outraged. The Republic was doomed to failure.

Two things the Vatican despises are Protestantism and Democracy. The Jesuits moved to stop this new Weimar Republic. Two men destroyed it.

One was Franz Von Papen.

Photo: Franz Von Papen later being awarded the Cross by Hitler.

The other was Pacelli, who would later become Pope Pius XII.

Photo of Pacelli - Pope Pius XII

footnotes 1. Western World by Major 1966 by Frederick Muller page 865
First part of page 19 and next post the conclusion of page 19...
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Von Papen and Hitler working together - both men - Loyal Roman Catholics who served their Pope faithfully. To the bitter end.


Von Pappen seated with Vatican leadership at the time - he served his black pope / Jesuit General faithfully. A faithful Catholic agent of Rome. Just like Adoph Hitler.

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Page 17 of The Godfathers by Jack Chick Publications - Testimony of an Ex-Jesuit - Dr. Alberto Rivera:

Dr. Alberto Rivera: At the end of World War 1, when the allies signed the Treaty of Versailles in July, 1919.... They were so mad at the Vatican for starting the war that they refused to recognize them as a political power any more and kept them away from the conference table. 1

Even though Europe was in shambles, neither France was broken nor was the Orthodox Church in Serbia (Yugoslavia) Young people in Germany and Italy didn't know which way to turn. They were rebellious. Inflation was ruining the country.

picture of map of Germany, Spain, Vatican, Italy, on page 17 - Communists were organizing revolutionary groups. The Jesuits moved on three fronts. Pope Benedict XV died of poisoning in 1922, and Pope Pius XI took over.

Pope Pius XI

The first front was Italy. At this time, an unknown man appeared, strutting around, saying he was the new Caesar destined to rebuild the Roman Empire. His name was Benito Mussolini.

He was arrogant, ruthless, and vicious. His little army of black shirts were nothing more than a group of thugs who beat all opponents into submission.

The Black pope assigned a top Jesuit to work with Mussolini.

Photo of Black Pope - Jesuit General
- Halke Von Ledochowski*

His priest and father confessor was a Jesuit named Venturi. The Catholic vote, directed by the Vatican, swept Mussolini into power. Pope XI called Mussolini, "The man whom providence allowed us to meet.


1. The Secret History of the Jesuits page 122 2. The General of the Jesuits at this time was Halke Von Ledochowski. 3. The Secret History of the Jesuits. Edmond Paris page 126
page 17 of The Godfathers by Jack Chick Publications

Jeri aren't you afraid that the jesuits might come after you for posting this info about them :ack-1:
Are you getting the picture now? Good. We will continue now with the second part of page 19 which opens with this...........

The stage was being set for Germany's new Roman Catholic star. His name......


Faithful Roman Catholic - Servant of the Vatican of Rome.

A Priest was busy writing a book for Hitler called "Mein Kampf"

The writer was a Jesuit father, Staempfle. This book was the master plan of the Jesuits for Hitler's take-over of Germany.

Another inquisition was about to begin. Instead of wearing Dominican robes, they were wearing Nazi uniforms. Hitler's Brown Shirts (called the Nazi's) backed by the Vatican, used the same tactics of Mussolini, beating and bullying all opposition into submission, including Roman Catholics!

Bloody street battles between Roman Catholics who were Nazis and Roman Catholics who were communists took place. The prize was Germany.

Note- This political action by Roman Catholics is going on today in Poland as an experiment, also in Canada, El Salvador, Chili, and has been planned for the United States.
end of page 19
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Jeri, you said you were born a catholic and baptized in that church, which means the vatican has a record of you. I am sure it must be in their master data base, aren't you concerned about that?
page 20 of the Godfathers by Jack Chick Publications:

Germany had become the second front for the Jesuits. They built the Third Reich.

First photo is of Hitler on page 20.

The Vatican's Faithful Catholic Servant,
Mass murderer of 6 1/2 Million Jews

Then photos of Goebbels

Goebbels - faithful Catholic - Vicious Nazi War Criminal

, Von Papen

Franz Von Pappen, Faithful Catholic, Servant of the Vatican,
vicious nazi war criminal

, and Himmler.

Heinrich Himmler, Faithful Catholic, Servant of Vatican,
head of the Nazi party, SS - Vicious Nazi War Criminal

Then a picture of Swastika.

The symbol of this coming new inquisition was the Swastika ( a good old Masonic symbol) Hitler was the Vatican's choice. He was destined to triumph. Hitler and his associates all had something in common.

They were all Roman Catholics and Dr. Rivera states that they all had Jewish blood in their veins, including Pacelli, the man who would later become Pope Pius XII. When it became known that Pope Pius XI supported Hitler, the Roman Catholic vote swept Hitler into power in 1933.

The world now faced a terrible machine called the Third Reich, in which the Roman Catholics would become masters.

First part of page 20 second part in next post...........
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