WWI, WWII: The Hidden Cause Finally Revealed

page 4 of THE FOUR HORSEMEN by Jack Chick Publications - testimony of an ex-Jesuit - Dr. Alberto Rivera:

The Great Vatican II Council ..... 1963 - 1965
Was it a time of healing like the Vatican claims?

Pope John XXIII said, when he opened The Second Vatican Council, October, 1962......

Pope John XXIII:
"The whole world expects a step forward." *

Pope Paul VI closed the Vatican II council describing it as........


Pope Paul VI: "Among the greatest events of the church." *

THE VATICAN II COUNCIL brought forth a decree of ecumenism, committing Catholicism to work for Christian unity, for the first time in acknowledging Protestant bodies as churches that share God's grace and favor."

Reports went out - in the press - A time of love and healing, and many changes. The Vatican Council calls to modernize the Roman Catholic Church, comes to a triumphant end!

While the world's eyes were focuses on the outward show of Vatican II Council, within the system, things had not changed.
A Catholic girls school near Los Angeles 1965

Nun announces to her classroom: Anybody who is not a Catholic is a heretic! And God doesn't want heretics on the earth because they try to destroy the Holy Mother Church! It is not a sin to kill heretics, because it is God's way of removing them from the earth. **

The young Catholic adults of today who were exposed to this programming technique back in the 1960's have had these seeds planted in their minds in preparation for the "final purification."

*Time Special Anniversary Issue Oct. 5, 1983 pg 88 ** This is the teaching of the Council of Trent which the Vatican II Council NEVER CHANGED.
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Page 5 of The Four Horsemen by Jack Chick publications

Immediately following the Vatican II Council, Pedro Arrupe, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus (the "Black Pope") assembled key Jesuits under the Extreme Oath.

Pedro Arrupe

A midnight mass with all the regional Jesuit Generals from around the world....plus the members of the Congregation of the Holy Office (Office of the Inquisition).

NOTE: Holy office: "As a tribunal, it judges all heresy and all offenses leading to a suspicion of heresy. Its members are bound to the strictest secrecy, called the Secret of the Holy Office." **

Upon command from their Superior General, the Jesuits reaffirmed their horrible oath.

All the Jesuits are kneeling and affirm their pledge: I will when opportunity presents itself, make war secretly and openly against all heretics, Protestants.... ***

Ex- Jesuit Alberto Rivera attended this meeting.

The Jesuits assembled to hear these earth-shaking words from their Superior General.

Superior Jesuit General Pedro Arrupe: It is time for the new and final purification of the Church in preparation for the New Age kingdom.

NOTE: Arrupe used "purification" as a key word to describe purging (or extermination) of all those who are unfaithful to the pope.

Without really knowing it, he had signaled the beginning of the final prophetic act that would destroy the entire Roman Catholic System and those who remain in it.

footnotes- * Newsweek, Nov. 9, 1981. ** Modern Catholic Dictionary, by John A. Hardon, S.J. copyright 1980. *** For a more complete copy of the oath, see Double Cross, published by Jack Chick publications.
The information you are about to learn is going to utterly amaze you - so get ready and brace yourselves for what you are about to learn in these next pages!!!!
The Four Horsemen by Jack Chick - Testimony of an Ex-Jesuit - Albero Rivera.

The Catholic system believes itself to the fulfillment of the "divine commission" of the four horsemen of Revelation, Chapter 6 in which they bring about a one world church and a one world government under the papacy........to usher in the Millennial Kingdom.

The world has been deceived. the Vatican II Council has been nothing but a big act, a massive cover up to hide their plans to gain world control.

The Jesuit Superior General, Arrupe, had just set into operation stage one of the greatest inquisition of all times under the leadership of his Jesuits. After this meeting, Dr. Rivera was given this order: Monsignor, you have been authorized to take this group of brothers to the underground chambers to study the methods of Nero, Constantine, Dominic and Loyola...... to acquaint yourselves with the methods of penetration, infiltration, and extermination approved by our Holy Mother Church.

Dr. Rivera: I led the Jesuits down into the underground tunnels.....which fanned out for miles in all directions three stories beneath the Vatican.... This is their nerve center.

Information has been stored in their underground tunnels for centuries, from the darkest secrets of history up to the secrets of the most sophisticated weapons of the 20th century, gathered from all nations and supplied by Roman Catholics working in all type of departments in governments worldwide.

Input from confessionals pours in from even the remotest parts of the world... giving the Vatican a constant flow of information on social, religious, military, political, educational, and intelligence matters.

Intelligence reports pour in from key Roman Catholics working within the FBI, CIA, KGB, and all agencies around the globe.

The Intelligence agency of the Vatican is second to none. Why would the Catholics do this?

Every confirmed Catholic has a dual citizenship. He is an active citizen of two countries.

"One who has been baptized becomes a member of the Church and is subject to its laws but Confirmation makes him a soldier in the army of Jesus Christ.....He becomes a citizen of the Church, able to assume the responsibility of that citizenship and to defend his faith against its enemies." *

The Vatican is a government with its own money, Secretary of State and ambassadors. It is a recognized nation, just like Germany, France, etc. A good Catholic's first loyalty is to the Vatican.

** A Practical Catholic Dictionary, page 67 by Jessie Corrigan Pegis, 1957, Published by Hanover House.
page 6, 7 - page 8 coming up......
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Now before we move on to page 8 - this is just a review of what we already know about the Jesuits - they sent their agents into the protestant and orthodox churches pretending to be "one of them" in order to cause them to unite with the Roman Catholic Institution and accept the title Catholic and their submission to the Pope of Rome. In this video we find "Bishop Tony Palmer" falsely recounting the history of the Protestant Reformation - claiming it was all about "one man - Luther", attempting to deceive the Protestants in the the audience and twisting Scripture in order to trick the people into believing / accepting the Roman Catholic Institution as a true church even as "the Church" when we know by church history they have been the enemies of Jesus Christ since day one.

Here then is the agent of the Jesuits and friend of Pope Francis on his mission with a message from the Pope - the Protest is over - you are now all Catholics. His message is very subtle, crafty and SATANIC. Listen to this:

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And after selling his soul to the devil and becoming an agent of Rome and for the Jesuits, Bishop Tony Palmer, a son of Satan, receives his reward.

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Page 8 of The Four Horsemen by Jack Chick Publications - begins with this shocking information:

The following was written regarding one of John Paul II's trips to England.

"Neither in England nor in Ireland will the Roman Catholics obey the law, that is, the law of the Imperial Parliament. They have, or are likely to have, before them two things called laws, which unhappily (or happily) contradict each other. Both cannot be obeyed, and both cannot be disobeyed. One of them is the law of God, the other is not the law at all... of these two things we need hardly say which will be obeyed and which disobeyed. The law of God that is the pope's command will be or rather has been and is being carried into effect, the parliamentary lie will be spit upon and trampled under foot and treated as all honest men treat a lie that is rigorously disobeyed."


Photograph of the Queen & John Paul II - same exact photo on page 8 - The Tablet -

The Tablet, ( a Roman Catholic publication in England) spelled out the attitude- the official attitude of the Roman Catholic Church to the laws and constitution of the country (England) on the jurisdiction of the pope.

"Reiterating the same Roman Catholic teaching, the Catholic Vindicator said: "Rather than that our loyalty to the Holy Apostolic See should be in the least degree tarnished let ten thousand kings and queens perish, that is let them be deposed from their thrones and become mere individuals.... when the Pope and the Queen are placed in antagonism to each other, as has been done lately, and it is intimated that Her Majesty would not accept a "divided allegiance", we are compelled to say plainly which allegiance we consider the most important, and we would not hesitate to tell the Queen to her face that she must either be content with a "divided allegiance" or none at all......Let us never forget that whatever her boasted authority may be, it is as nothing, and less than nothing compared to the Vicar of Christ."


* No Pope here by Ian R.K. Paisley 1982 published by Martyrs Memorial publication, Belfast, N.Ireland

page 8
comment - once again we can see the pattern and the teaching the Vatican indoctrinated Muhammad & later with other Islamic leaders - on how to usurp the authority of any King, Queen, president or Ruler - Shariah Law, etc. / please note the expression on the Queen's face - she does not appear to be too happy.
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Page 9 of The Four Horsemen by Jack Chick publications...
in this segment Dr. Alberto Rivera - the ex- Jesuit - will reveal what he discovered in the underground files of the Vatican. What you are about to learn will stun you to! Stay tuned for .......
Back to the Underground files

Dr. Alberto Rivera brings those Jesuit brothers he was ordered to bring down to the underground files in Vatican. Now he is standing in front of a wall full of files.

Dr. Alberto Rivera: In this section are all the files on Nero. You'll find it fascinating reading.

Dr. Alberto Rivera: During the nights that followed, the doorkeeper allowed me to enter the underground chamber on my own. I bribed him with promises I never intended to keep. I studied the Inquisitions, the discovery of America, and the concordats of governments with the Vatican.

I discovered that the methods of persecution used by Nero were very sophisticated. He organized imitation Christian churches. Many of them used Jewish Synagogues as a meeting place. This was done to set up and trap the true believers.

Christianity was a great threat because the true believers would not recognize Caesar as a god.... If this idea should gain popularity, the Caesars would lose control of the people.

Under orders of Nero, his spies, pretending to be Christians, set fire to the city of Rome. This was done to justify the persecutions and massacres of true believers in Christ. Nero tried his own spies as though they were true Christians and he sacrificed them in the arenas. Nero betrayed his own spies.

page 9

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and now for the files on Constantine! Page 10 of The Four Horsemen by Jack Chick Publications

Dr. Alberto Rivera: The files on Constantine revealed that for over 200 years, the Caesars were unable to destroy true Christianity. Many of the spies were shaken when they saw that their efforts only drove true Christians deeper into the Word of God.. and they saw the Christians grow stronger.

Constantine followed the same pattern set up by Nero. But the real Christians were on guard. They could easily spot the phonies who didn't respect scripture.

To take advantage of the growing wave of Christianity and give his counterfeit churches credibility, Constantine lied to the world.... by saying he had become a Christian. ( he secretly worshiped the sun god "Sol" until his death. * Over the years, these counterfeit churches set up by Nero, with their twisted concept of Christianity... eventually evolved into Catholicism.

Constantine became their spiritual leader and their first pope. He issued an edict of tolerance to draw true believers out of hiding.... But only those that accepted his form of "Christianity" (Roman Catholicism) were protected.
*Sabotage, published by Jack Chick publications

The true Christians knew he was an anti-Christ according to the Scriptures and by the witness of the Holy Spirit. And they went underground as Roman Catholicism swept across Europe.

page 10
page 11 The Four Horsemen - by Jack Chick Publications - Testimony of an ex-Jesuit:

After Constantine moved to Constantinople, Rome was in turmoil. The bishops of Rome stirred the people to revolt and then paid off the military generals to step down so that the bishops of Rome could gain control of the empire. The same old crowd with new religious titles, kept control of the gold of the Roman Empire which had been collected from all the lands that had been conquered by the Caesars ( Asia, Africa, Asia Minor and India) and deposited in the vaults of Rome for safety.


By the eighth century, the Moslem armies were attacking and capturing the pope's lands in the name of Allah.

Their empire was shrinking. Only central Italy was left, and the armies of the Lombards prepared to take over what remained of the Roman Catholic estate.

Their only hope to surive was in Pepin, the king of the Franks. But how could they possibly get him and his army to defend Rome? They needed a clever plan to pull it off.

page 11

Had you bothered to read the entire thread and the evidence, historical facts, numerous witnesses, historians and the testimony of an ex-Jesuit priest who blew the whistle on what he found in the Vatican underground files. Add to this books, news articles and the Encylopedia Brittanica quoted you should realize it belongs in the History forum, Toro.

If you do not like the thread find one you do like. But mind your own business. This is history. Not a conspiracy. It's where it belongs.

This thread has already had over 1600 viewers since Sunday and quite a few people are still reading it with great interest. There are even people coming to USMB just to read about it. I find that to be all good news!
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Moving on to page 12 of The Four Horsemen by Jack Chick we see a story which is nothing short of amazing. The information comes from Dr. Alberto Rivera who tells of what he discovered as a Jesuit - reading the files underground in Vatican - and then there is also the book by Avro Manhattan who wrote the book, Vatican Billions - that is in the footnote. So here is the plan that was devised: It was quite a wild idea indeed. Amazing anyone would fall for such a story!

page 12:

They came up with a wild idea. It was worth the gamble. If King Pepin received a letter from St. Peter up in heaven asking for his help, Pepin just might fall for it. So they forged a letter. They lettered it in gold on expensive parchment, and they would tell Pepin that the letter was so important that St. Peter himself brought it from heaven and handed it to the Pope.

An impressive religious procession came to King Pepin with the letter from St. Peter up in heaven begging him to save Rome.

Pepin was overwhelmed that St. Peter even knew about him. King Pepin believed every word of the phony letter and assembled armies to defend Rome.

Pepin led his army against the barbarians and saved the city of Rome.

When the Battle was over, Pepin gave Pope Stephen II the city of Rome and a limited amount of the surrounding land. The vast fortune of gold and jewels in Rome was saved!

page 12 - this is history, folks! This really happened! Before we become too judgmental of King Pepin having fallen for such a deception by the Roman Vatican let us remember the world was duped into believing the Visions of Fatima were Mary the mother of Jesus.

The Muslims were duped into believing this same "Fatima" was the daughter of Mohammad! The deceptions just keep rolling out with this institution. It goes back to the very beginning of their history as you can see by reading her history! So we shouldn't be too hard on King Pepin for having been so naive. Far too many in this generation are still believing the lies coming out of the Roman Institution. Note - it reminds me of the faithful Catholic Nazi propagandist - Joseph Goebbels who said, Tell a lie big enough, often enough and the people will believe it.
Page 13 of The Four Horsemen by Jack Chick Publications - testimony of an ex-Jesuit continues:

When Pepin died, the greedy pope forged another document in Latin claiming that Pepin had given the Vatican all of Italy. His successor, Charlemagne, believed the pope and the greatest swindle in history was begun.

Under Pope Hadrian I, they used another "forged" document called "The Donations of Constantine," which claimed...... that Constantine had made the popes heir to the entire Roman Empire.

If this document could be believed by Charlemagne, maybe kings and emperors would buy it.

The popes declared that they were the successors of St. Peter and that they held the keys to life and death.

The kings believed their lie and fearing the popes, they reluctantly accepted "Donations of Constantine."

The kings and emperors looked to Rome and the spiritual leader, and they were deceived into believing that the pope was the head of the kingdom of God on this planet.

The Caesars in religious costumed had pulled it off. THIS SET UP THE "HOLY" ROMAN EMPIRE.**

*VATICAN BILLIONS by Avro Manhattan.
** Revelations 17:8
Page 13 - what you will learn next will far surpass what you've already learned. Page 14 coming up. Thank you for reading. Please invite other people to come to USMB and read this thread. Invite everyone you know!
Page 14 of The Four Horsemen by Jack Chick publications testimony of an ex-Jesuit.. this revelations from Dr. Alberto Rivera - the ex-Jesuit - continue to flow here on page 14:

Centuries later........Everything was starting to fall apart.

1st scene depicting the Pope & his Jesuit informants - a historical account:

Jesuit priest: Your Holiness.......Some of the kings and nobles are not recognizing your authority and are refusing to pay tribute!

Another informant tells the Pope: Some priests have been reading the Scriptures in open defiance of Church law. There have been reports of the heretics spreading their poison among the people.

There was only one solution. Set up an Inquisition to cower the people, steal their lands and money and rule with an iron hand.

Dr. Alberto Rivera: In one of the tunnels under the Vatican there are rows of files that went on for about a mile. Each file contained the case history in detail from the name of the accuser, the charges, the victim's defense, torture and execution.

In one section was the files on the Dominicans. Back in the 1100's a woman had a dream that she would give birth to a dog carrying a brand (a fiery torch) to set the world on fire. The child born to her was Domingo de Guzman who eventually became St. Dominic, the founder of the dreaded Dominican Order.
The Dominicans launched the Inquisition, and the Holy Office allowed no mercy. The church grew rich and fat from the money and the property taken from the "heretics." A reign of terror fell upon Europe. No one was safe from the Holy Office.

page 14 The Four Horsemen - Testimony of an Ex-Jesuit - Dr. Alberto Rivera

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Page 15 of The Four Horsemen by Jack Chick Publications - testimony of an Ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera. Dr. Rivera's testimony continues about what he discovered after reading the files he accessed beneath the Vatican. (underground files) In this report he tells of two of the cases found in the files and tells what he read:

from page 15:

Two of the cases found in the files were on two sisters.

In Spain, a 20 yr. old illegitimate daughter of a gentleman of Seville was arrested as a heretic.

Her name was Dona Marie de Bohorques. She knew Latin and some Greek. She had a library of some Lutheran books, and was well taught in Scriptures.

She was imprisoned in a secret dungeon.

She boldly confessed Jesus Christ as her Lord and Saviour and argued doctrine with the Dominicans. She accepted all charges against her that were true, but she renounced the false charges against her.

When she was being tortured by the Dominicans, they asked her if her sister Juana reproved her for her anti-Catholic stance. Marie said no.

The night before her death, the priests could not change her position and she thanked them for her pains. When the iron was at her neck at the stake, she voiced her position for Christ, and to shut her mouth.....

they strangled her just before they set her on fire.




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Page 16 - The Four Horsemen - Testimony of an Ex-Jesuit - Dr. Alberto Rivera by Jack Chick publications..... story of Juana continues on page 16:

Dr. Alberto Rivera recounts the story of what he had read in Vatican underground file:

Juana denied all charges, and was immediately tortured. Because she did not take a stand against her sister's actions, she was charged with heresy.


They showed no mercy. They dislocated her arms and legs by swinging her from ropes and pulleys. In their savage fury, they tied a cord over her breasts to inflict greater pain, hoping she would give them the name of some person to incriminate.

But when they added the weight, her frame gave way. Her ribs cracked inwardly, and blood flowed through her mouth and nostrils. They took her to her cell and she died a week later.

In the files of the Dominicans, everything was recorded in detail.

Even the curses the Dominicans uttered in response to the Scriptures quoted by the Christians under torture and questioning. Even as an unsaved man, the contrast shook me as I read the accounts. - Dr. Alberto Rivera - Ex- Jesuit

Page 16 - 1st Part of page 16 - last part on next post.
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Before we move on to Ignatius Loyola - an occultist - who founded the Jesuits and the Allumbrados ( Illuminati ) we should view the methods of torture the Roman Catholic Vatican and their faithful Dominicans and priests used on the Protestant Christians and Jews who had become their victims having been being hunted down and captured by them.





The Roman Catholic Institution mass murdered / tortured to death / burned at the stake, buried alive, yes - mass murdered 68 million people during the Inquisitions. That is only part of the history of the Roman Catholic Vatican / Institution. Just when you thought it was bad - you find out? It's far worse. Keep reading. There is much more.
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latter part of page 16 from The Four Horsemen by Jack Chick publications - testimony of an Ex-Jesuit - Dr. Alberto Rivera:


Years earlier in Germany, Luther had nailed the 95 theses to the church door in Wittenburg, and the Reformation exploded. Protestantism was growing and spreading into France, Holland and Belgium.

latter part of page 16
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