WWI, WWII: The Hidden Cause Finally Revealed

for the record-----in semitic language-----the sun is a boy and the moon is a girl-----
shy little girl----poetically
page 19 The Prophet - Jack Chick publications testimony of ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera :

In the Vatican briefing, Cardinal Bea told us this story. A wealthy Arabian lady, who was a faithful follower of the pope, played a tremendous part in this drama. She was a widow named Khadijah.

She had given her wealth to "Mother Church" and retired to a convent. While there, she was given a strange assignment, and sent back into the world.

Her job was to find a brilliant young man who could be used by the Vatican to create a new religion and become the Messiah for the children of Ishmael. Soon she found Muhammad and they were married.

Khadijah had a cousin named Waraquah, who, like herself, was a very faithful Roman Catholic. He had tremendous influence on Muhammad.

The Vatican had him placed in a critical spot as Muhammad's advisor. Rome had found their man, and money was no object. Teachers were sent to young Muhammad and he underwent intensive training. Muhammad devoured the works of "Saint" Augustine under Waraquah's teaching and became a devotee of his works. This was preparing him for "his great calling"...

Under orders from the Vatican, Roman Catholic Arabs across North Africa began spreading the story of a great one...... who was about to rise among the people and be the chosen one of their god.

Ex - Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera explains:

While Muhammad was being groomed, he was told that his enemies were the Jews. He was also told that the Roman Catholics were the only true Christians and that the others calling themselves Christians were actually wicked imposters and children of the devil who should be destroyed.

This satanist teaching ( from the Vatican) is believed today in the minds of Muslims worldwide, and it destroys the efforts of reaching them for Christ in every Muslim nation.

When Mohammad began receiving his "divine" revelations in a cave in Mt. Hira, not far from the outskirts of Mecca....Waraquah, ( The Roman Catholic cousin of Muhammad's wife) became deeply involved in interpreting the visions given to Muhammad. And eventually came forth the "holy" book of Islam called the Koran which contains much of Muhammad's writings, interestingly, from an early stage - Muslims received protection from Catholic kings because of Muhammad's revelation concernning the virgin Mary. But there still remain unpublished works of Muhammad. They are now in the hands of high ranking holy men ( Ayatollahs) in the Islamic faith. When Cardinal Bea shared this (with the Jesuits ) he said these writings are guarded because they contain information that links the Vatican to the creation of Islam.

Both sides have each others information. if exposed it would cause a major disaster for both religions......in their holy book, Jesus is only regarded as a prophet - if the pope was His representative on earth, then he also must be a prophet....which causes the followers of Muhammad to fear and respect the pope as another holy man. The pope moved quickly and issued bulls granting the Arab generals permission to invade and conquer the nations of North Africa. The Vatican helped finance the building of these massive Islamic armies in exchange for three favors:

1. Eliminate the Jews and Christians (true believers which they call infidels)

2. Protect the Augustinian monks and Roman Catholics.

3. Conquer Jerusalem for "His Holiness" in the Vatican.

See Dr. Alberto Rivera ex Jesuit testimony - Jack Chick publications.
Cont to page 25 - The Prophet - Jack Chick Publications - testimony of ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera -
With Mecca and the Vatican fully at peace, the old whore of Revelation 17 and 18 got her Jesuits busy again plotting and hatching schemes to try and control Islam.

In 1910, Portugal was going Socialist. Red flags were appearing everywhere. The Roman Catholic Church faced a major problem. The people were proclaiming the birth of the people's Social Republic of Portugal - cries went out - destroy the church! It was just about the right time for "MARY" to put in an "appearance". But there had to be more benefits from this apparition than just holding Portugal in the iron grip of the Vatican.

pay attention irosie91

Introducing "Fatima"..........page 26 the Prophet - Jack Chick publicatiions......

The Jesuits wanted Russia involved, and the location of this vision at Fatima could play a key part in pulling Islam to the "Mother Church" so............

In 1917 the Virgin appeared in Fatima.

The "Mother of God" production was a smash success, playing to overflow crowds. As a result, the Socialists of Portugal suffered a major defeat......

The Roman Catholics world - wide began praying for the conversion of Russia and the Jesuits invented the Novenas to Fatima...
which they could perform throughout North Africa, spreading good public relations before the Islamic world.

Of course the poor Arabs thought they were honoring the daughter of Mohammad! FATIMAH!!!

and that is just what the Jesuits wanted them to believe!!!!!!

As a direct result of the vision of Fatima, Pope Pius XII ordered his Nazi army to crush Russia and the Orthodox religion, and make Russia Roman Catholic.

The vision of Fatima didn't die down........

A few years after he lost WWII, Pope Pius XII startled the world with his phony dancing sun vision to keep Fatima in the newspapers.

It was great religious show biz, and the whole world swallowed it. Not surprisingly, Pope Pius was the "only one to see this vision".

See the Prophet by Jack Chick Publications - testimony of ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera
Jeremiah----do all Jesuit priests know about this stuff? ???? is this why there is
no real archaeology done in Arabia? Jews lived in Arabia for more than 1000 years
before muhummad was born-------and there is an Hebraized Arabic-----a mixture of
Hebrew and Arabic and written in Hebrew letters------an actual real language.------
jews write lots-------and save the writings----in something like crypts. There is no
question in my mind that there are all kinds of such crypts buried here and there in
Saudi Arabia. ----I will add----I never believed that story about muhummad being
completely illiterate-------there are very few people who interact with literate people
who remain COMPLETELY ILLITERATE ----with the exception of secluded women.
Do you think muhummad wrote stuff and it is hidden ?
Cont to page 27:

Out of all this, a group of followers has grown into a Blue Army world-wide, totaling millions of faithful Roman Catholics ready to die for their blessed virgin.

But we haven't seen anything yet. The Jesuits have their Virgin Mary scheduled to appear four to five times in China, a number of times in Russia, and some really big appearances in the U.S. and the people are going to buy it.

What has this got to do with Islam??!

Let's see what the late Bishop Sheen of the Roman Catholic Institution said,

"Our lady's appearances at FATIMA marked the turning point in the history of the world's 347,000,000 Moslems, the most difficult of all religious people to convert to Roman Catholicism. The Moslems occupied Portugal for centuries and have left their mark. After the death of his daughter, Fatimah, Muhammad wrote of her that she is "the most holy of all women in Paradise, next to Mary".

see The Women shall Conquer by Sharkey, Prow Books, Kenosha, WI. page 164
Jeremiah-----do you remember a person BISHOP SHEEN? he had a TV program-------I was a child ----but I recall him talking about "FATIMA" all the time ?????
I was really a LITTLE CHILD-----maybe 8----he was probably on sometime
before something else------like LASSIE----or I would not have ended up at the TV
to see him. Maybe my memory is playing tricks
Jeremiah----do all Jesuit priests know about this stuff? ???? is this why there is
no real archaeology done in Arabia? Jews lived in Arabia for more than 1000 years
before muhummad was born-------and there is an Hebraized Arabic-----a mixture of
Hebrew and Arabic and written in Hebrew letters------an actual real language.------
jews write lots-------and save the writings----in something like crypts. There is no
question in my mind that there are all kinds of such crypts buried here and there in
Saudi Arabia. ----I will add----I never believed that story about muhummad being
completely illiterate-------there are very few people who interact with literate people
who remain COMPLETELY ILLITERATE ----with the exception of secluded women.
Do you think muhummad wrote stuff and it is hidden ?

I have more testimonies from Dr. Alberto Rivera of a Black Mass in which a high ranking Mason was present - when Alberto Rivera went to kiss his ring he saw it was a Masonic ring - there are Jesuits who serve on low levels and will never have the information that Dr. Alberto Rivera and other Jesuits among his circle had privilege to know - Rosie - during the time of Dr. Rivera's testimony he said there were approximately 108,000 Jesuits and today I am not sure how many there are.

This is the same in Freemasonry meetings (they are an arm of the Vatican - many do not realize this) - you have lower level Masons who have no idea they worship Lucifer and then you have the highest levels who know they worship Lucifer - just as there are Jesuits who know they serve Lucifer and other Jesuits who are not aware they are serving Lucifer. The Cardinal Bea told the Jesuits that there were writings of Muhammad that had not been published - I am compelled to believe the testimony of Dr. Alberto Rivera as nothing I have read - not one word - has been wrongly spoken. Rivera was a born again Christian a man who felt great compassion for the Roman Catholic people who had been deceived - he led over 1,000 Catholics out of Catholicism and to Jesus Christ - I hope to pray millions out of the Roman Catholic church and into the Kingdom of heaven but the truth must be told - they must know the truth about the history of the Roman Vatican and its Catholic institution - it is completely satanic.
nope-----I remembered Bishop sheen was keen on FARTIMA and said that
that particular "miracle" would being muslims to Catholicism--------sheeeesh--
watta good memory I have----sometimes I amaze myself
Jeremiah----do all Jesuit priests know about this stuff? ???? is this why there is
no real archaeology done in Arabia? Jews lived in Arabia for more than 1000 years
before muhummad was born-------and there is an Hebraized Arabic-----a mixture of
Hebrew and Arabic and written in Hebrew letters------an actual real language.------
jews write lots-------and save the writings----in something like crypts. There is no
question in my mind that there are all kinds of such crypts buried here and there in
Saudi Arabia. ----I will add----I never believed that story about muhummad being
completely illiterate-------there are very few people who interact with literate people
who remain COMPLETELY ILLITERATE ----with the exception of secluded women.
Do you think muhummad wrote stuff and it is hidden ?

I have more testimonies from Dr. Alberto Rivera of a Black Mass in which a high ranking Mason was present - when Alberto Rivera went to kiss his ring he saw it was a Masonic ring - there are Jesuits who serve on low levels and will never have the information that Dr. Alberto Rivera and other Jesuits among his circle had privilege to know - Rosie - during the time of Dr. Rivera's testimony he said there were approximately 108,000 Jesuits and today I am not sure how many there are.

This is the same in Freemasonry meetings (they are an arm of the Vatican - many do not realize this) - you have lower level Masons who have no idea they worship Lucifer and then you have the highest levels who know they worship Lucifer - just as there are Jesuits who know they serve Lucifer and other Jesuits who are not aware they are serving Lucifer. The Cardinal Bea told the Jesuits that there were writings of Muhammad that had not been published - I am compelled to believe the testimony of Dr. Alberto Rivera as nothing I have read - not one word - has been wrongly spoken. Rivera was a born again Christian a man who felt great compassion for the Roman Catholic people who had been deceived - he led over 1,000 Catholics out of Catholicism and to Jesus Christ - I hope to pray millions out of the Roman Catholic church and into the Kingdom of heaven but the truth must be told - they must know the truth about the history of the Roman Vatican and its Catholic institution - it is completely satanic.

you don't have to be catholic to be a "free-mason"------In fact I have known non catholic girls who were------part of that thing-----something EAST GIRLS----or something like that. or "rainbow girls" ?? They had to learn some weird ritual for initiation----
my college room mate was being brought into it by her parents-----I drilled her
on the nonsense in preparation. Some lady I knew (adult) got all bent out of
shape when I mentioned it-------it is supposed to be a BIG TIME SECRET-----
we both laughed whilst learning the silly crap
Jeremiah-----do you remember a person BISHOP SHEEN? he had a TV program-------I was a child ----but I recall him talking about "FATIMA" all the time ?????
I was really a LITTLE CHILD-----maybe 8----he was probably on sometime
before something else------like LASSIE----or I would not have ended up at the TV
to see him. Maybe my memory is playing tricks

No. I don't. My husband said he remembers him. Fulton J. Sheen. He said even those poor suckers are deceived. But here is more on Bishop Sheen from The Prophet Jack Chick Publications page 28 and it reads:

Bishop Sheen believed that the Virgin Mary chose to be known as Our Lady of Fatima as a sign and a pledge to Muslims, who believe in Christ's virgin birth, will come to believe in Christ's divinity.

He pointed out that the pilgrim virgin statues of Our Lady of Fatima were enthusiastically received by Muslims in Africa, India, and elsewhere, and that many Muslims are now coming into the Roman Catholic "church", as director for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, Bishop Sheen spoke with authority.

In the last half of the 1800's Spain was going through political convulsions. Her Roman Catholic Monarchy was tottering and the queen was dethroned in 1868, Spain became a republic which only lasted two years.

Then the monarchy was restored in 1923. As political conditions grew worse, Spain again became chaotic. The Vatican was outraged when Spain chose once more to become a republic, and immediately the Catholic church moved to sabotage it.

During this time from 1931 until 1936, about 5 presidents came and went, Spanish Roman Catholics were showing their contempt for the Vatican's power (never dreaming what was in store for them).

They taxed church property and removed priests and nuns from teaching in public schools. Even though the several presidents of the republic were Jesuit trained, they opposed the power of the Vatican and played into the Vatican's hands.

The Islamic leaders were contacted. They owed a debt to the Vatican for double crossing Rome over Jerusalem. When they had signed the concordat, they promised to help the pope in a time of need, even to raise an army if he so desired.


Dr. Alberto Rivera tells the story: The Jesuits had done their work and now the poor Spaniards would suffer. Through secret negotiations, a huge Arab army was raised up under the command of General Franco. The Vatican financed this war machine to teach the Spaniards a lesson.

In 1936 the new Spanish Inquisition exploded. It was called "The Spanish Civil War", secretly orchestrated in the Vatican.

To keep the world from knowing the truth, it was made to look in the news like the Vatican was fighting the Communists in a holy war. In actuality, there was only a handful of Communists in Spain. The Roman Catholic Institution had ordered a blood bath of her own followers.

Under the banner of the Vatican, the Muslim forces invaded the Canary islands and then attacked southern Spain. The Spaniards watched in shock as Cardinal Pedro Segura led the Islamic army in slaughtering unfaithful Roman Catholic men, women and children without mercy. The Muslim troops were getting their revenge at last, and with the blessings of the Pope.

When the Inquisition accomplished its goals, Spain was in ruins, bleeding and beaten, but safely back in the hands of the Vatican. The pope declared - We have freed Spain from Communism! Thanks to the Blessed Virgin!

About four million Muslim troops occupied Spain as the protectors of the Roman Catholic faith, Islam had paid her debt to the anti-Christ sitting in the Vatican.

page 29 The Prophet - Jack Chick publications testimony of Dr. Alberto Rivera the ex - Jesuit who told the truth.
Last edited:
nope-----I remembered Bishop sheen was keen on FARTIMA and said that
that particular "miracle" would being muslims to Catholicism--------sheeeesh--
watta good memory I have----sometimes I amaze myself

You have an excellent memory. You're a sharp cookie, Rosie.
Jeremiah----do all Jesuit priests know about this stuff? ???? is this why there is
no real archaeology done in Arabia? Jews lived in Arabia for more than 1000 years
before muhummad was born-------and there is an Hebraized Arabic-----a mixture of
Hebrew and Arabic and written in Hebrew letters------an actual real language.------
jews write lots-------and save the writings----in something like crypts. There is no
question in my mind that there are all kinds of such crypts buried here and there in
Saudi Arabia. ----I will add----I never believed that story about muhummad being
completely illiterate-------there are very few people who interact with literate people
who remain COMPLETELY ILLITERATE ----with the exception of secluded women.
Do you think muhummad wrote stuff and it is hidden ?

I have more testimonies from Dr. Alberto Rivera of a Black Mass in which a high ranking Mason was present - when Alberto Rivera went to kiss his ring he saw it was a Masonic ring - there are Jesuits who serve on low levels and will never have the information that Dr. Alberto Rivera and other Jesuits among his circle had privilege to know - Rosie - during the time of Dr. Rivera's testimony he said there were approximately 108,000 Jesuits and today I am not sure how many there are.

This is the same in Freemasonry meetings (they are an arm of the Vatican - many do not realize this) - you have lower level Masons who have no idea they worship Lucifer and then you have the highest levels who know they worship Lucifer - just as there are Jesuits who know they serve Lucifer and other Jesuits who are not aware they are serving Lucifer. The Cardinal Bea told the Jesuits that there were writings of Muhammad that had not been published - I am compelled to believe the testimony of Dr. Alberto Rivera as nothing I have read - not one word - has been wrongly spoken. Rivera was a born again Christian a man who felt great compassion for the Roman Catholic people who had been deceived - he led over 1,000 Catholics out of Catholicism and to Jesus Christ - I hope to pray millions out of the Roman Catholic church and into the Kingdom of heaven but the truth must be told - they must know the truth about the history of the Roman Vatican and its Catholic institution - it is completely satanic.

you don't have to be catholic to be a "free-mason"------In fact I have known non catholic girls who were------part of that thing-----something EAST GIRLS----or something like that. or "rainbow girls" ?? They had to learn some weird ritual for initiation----
my college room mate was being brought into it by her parents-----I drilled her
on the nonsense in preparation. Some lady I knew (adult) got all bent out of
shape when I mentioned it-------it is supposed to be a BIG TIME SECRET-----
we both laughed whilst learning the silly crap

Eastern star. We'll talk later. Let's move on to the next segment. Let me know when you need a break from reading. I'll keep typing until you are tired.
nope-----I remembered Bishop sheen was keen on FARTIMA and said that
that particular "miracle" would being muslims to Catholicism--------sheeeesh--
watta good memory I have----sometimes I amaze myself

You have an excellent memory. You're a sharp cookie, Rosie.

I remember Bishop Sheen because he was SCARY-----intense gaze---and he
waved his hand around------like he was playing MAGICIAN. I googled----turns out
he did have a bit of trouble IN THE CHURCH with some priests and some people wanted to make him a SAINT (????)-----from what you have described---
seems he must have been a jesuit
Jeremiah----do all Jesuit priests know about this stuff? ???? is this why there is
no real archaeology done in Arabia? Jews lived in Arabia for more than 1000 years
before muhummad was born-------and there is an Hebraized Arabic-----a mixture of
Hebrew and Arabic and written in Hebrew letters------an actual real language.------
jews write lots-------and save the writings----in something like crypts. There is no
question in my mind that there are all kinds of such crypts buried here and there in
Saudi Arabia. ----I will add----I never believed that story about muhummad being
completely illiterate-------there are very few people who interact with literate people
who remain COMPLETELY ILLITERATE ----with the exception of secluded women.
Do you think muhummad wrote stuff and it is hidden ?

I have more testimonies from Dr. Alberto Rivera of a Black Mass in which a high ranking Mason was present - when Alberto Rivera went to kiss his ring he saw it was a Masonic ring - there are Jesuits who serve on low levels and will never have the information that Dr. Alberto Rivera and other Jesuits among his circle had privilege to know - Rosie - during the time of Dr. Rivera's testimony he said there were approximately 108,000 Jesuits and today I am not sure how many there are.

This is the same in Freemasonry meetings (they are an arm of the Vatican - many do not realize this) - you have lower level Masons who have no idea they worship Lucifer and then you have the highest levels who know they worship Lucifer - just as there are Jesuits who know they serve Lucifer and other Jesuits who are not aware they are serving Lucifer. The Cardinal Bea told the Jesuits that there were writings of Muhammad that had not been published - I am compelled to believe the testimony of Dr. Alberto Rivera as nothing I have read - not one word - has been wrongly spoken. Rivera was a born again Christian a man who felt great compassion for the Roman Catholic people who had been deceived - he led over 1,000 Catholics out of Catholicism and to Jesus Christ - I hope to pray millions out of the Roman Catholic church and into the Kingdom of heaven but the truth must be told - they must know the truth about the history of the Roman Vatican and its Catholic institution - it is completely satanic.

you don't have to be catholic to be a "free-mason"------In fact I have known non catholic girls who were------part of that thing-----something EAST GIRLS----or something like that. or "rainbow girls" ?? They had to learn some weird ritual for initiation----
my college room mate was being brought into it by her parents-----I drilled her
on the nonsense in preparation. Some lady I knew (adult) got all bent out of
shape when I mentioned it-------it is supposed to be a BIG TIME SECRET-----
we both laughed whilst learning the silly crap

Many Masons have no idea that the Vatican is at the helm of Freemasonry. Many Masons have no idea that Ignatius Loyola - a Catholic occultist was the founder of the Jesuits AND the Illuminati. They simply have no idea. There are Jews who have become Masons too. They do not necessarily know the connection to the Vatican either. If they did they would have no part of it - (I'd have to believe)
Jeremiah----do all Jesuit priests know about this stuff? ???? is this why there is
no real archaeology done in Arabia? Jews lived in Arabia for more than 1000 years
before muhummad was born-------and there is an Hebraized Arabic-----a mixture of
Hebrew and Arabic and written in Hebrew letters------an actual real language.------
jews write lots-------and save the writings----in something like crypts. There is no
question in my mind that there are all kinds of such crypts buried here and there in
Saudi Arabia. ----I will add----I never believed that story about muhummad being
completely illiterate-------there are very few people who interact with literate people
who remain COMPLETELY ILLITERATE ----with the exception of secluded women.
Do you think muhummad wrote stuff and it is hidden ?

I have more testimonies from Dr. Alberto Rivera of a Black Mass in which a high ranking Mason was present - when Alberto Rivera went to kiss his ring he saw it was a Masonic ring - there are Jesuits who serve on low levels and will never have the information that Dr. Alberto Rivera and other Jesuits among his circle had privilege to know - Rosie - during the time of Dr. Rivera's testimony he said there were approximately 108,000 Jesuits and today I am not sure how many there are.

This is the same in Freemasonry meetings (they are an arm of the Vatican - many do not realize this) - you have lower level Masons who have no idea they worship Lucifer and then you have the highest levels who know they worship Lucifer - just as there are Jesuits who know they serve Lucifer and other Jesuits who are not aware they are serving Lucifer. The Cardinal Bea told the Jesuits that there were writings of Muhammad that had not been published - I am compelled to believe the testimony of Dr. Alberto Rivera as nothing I have read - not one word - has been wrongly spoken. Rivera was a born again Christian a man who felt great compassion for the Roman Catholic people who had been deceived - he led over 1,000 Catholics out of Catholicism and to Jesus Christ - I hope to pray millions out of the Roman Catholic church and into the Kingdom of heaven but the truth must be told - they must know the truth about the history of the Roman Vatican and its Catholic institution - it is completely satanic.

you don't have to be catholic to be a "free-mason"------In fact I have known non catholic girls who were------part of that thing-----something EAST GIRLS----or something like that. or "rainbow girls" ?? They had to learn some weird ritual for initiation----
my college room mate was being brought into it by her parents-----I drilled her
on the nonsense in preparation. Some lady I knew (adult) got all bent out of
shape when I mentioned it-------it is supposed to be a BIG TIME SECRET-----
we both laughed whilst learning the silly crap

Many Masons have no idea that the Vatican is at the helm of Freemasonry. Many Masons have no idea that Ignatius Loyola - a Catholic occultist was the founder of the Jesuits AND the Illuminati. They simply have no idea. There are Jews who have become Masons too. They do not necessarily know the connection to the Vatican either. If they did they would have no part of it - (I'd have to believe)

And yet your a Christian? I mean if not for the Rome and the RCC , there would be no Christianity. Thanks to Constantine.
Jeremiah----do all Jesuit priests know about this stuff? ???? is this why there is
no real archaeology done in Arabia? Jews lived in Arabia for more than 1000 years
before muhummad was born-------and there is an Hebraized Arabic-----a mixture of
Hebrew and Arabic and written in Hebrew letters------an actual real language.------
jews write lots-------and save the writings----in something like crypts. There is no
question in my mind that there are all kinds of such crypts buried here and there in
Saudi Arabia. ----I will add----I never believed that story about muhummad being
completely illiterate-------there are very few people who interact with literate people
who remain COMPLETELY ILLITERATE ----with the exception of secluded women.
Do you think muhummad wrote stuff and it is hidden ?

I have more testimonies from Dr. Alberto Rivera of a Black Mass in which a high ranking Mason was present - when Alberto Rivera went to kiss his ring he saw it was a Masonic ring - there are Jesuits who serve on low levels and will never have the information that Dr. Alberto Rivera and other Jesuits among his circle had privilege to know - Rosie - during the time of Dr. Rivera's testimony he said there were approximately 108,000 Jesuits and today I am not sure how many there are.

This is the same in Freemasonry meetings (they are an arm of the Vatican - many do not realize this) - you have lower level Masons who have no idea they worship Lucifer and then you have the highest levels who know they worship Lucifer - just as there are Jesuits who know they serve Lucifer and other Jesuits who are not aware they are serving Lucifer. The Cardinal Bea told the Jesuits that there were writings of Muhammad that had not been published - I am compelled to believe the testimony of Dr. Alberto Rivera as nothing I have read - not one word - has been wrongly spoken. Rivera was a born again Christian a man who felt great compassion for the Roman Catholic people who had been deceived - he led over 1,000 Catholics out of Catholicism and to Jesus Christ - I hope to pray millions out of the Roman Catholic church and into the Kingdom of heaven but the truth must be told - they must know the truth about the history of the Roman Vatican and its Catholic institution - it is completely satanic.

you don't have to be catholic to be a "free-mason"------In fact I have known non catholic girls who were------part of that thing-----something EAST GIRLS----or something like that. or "rainbow girls" ?? They had to learn some weird ritual for initiation----
my college room mate was being brought into it by her parents-----I drilled her
on the nonsense in preparation. Some lady I knew (adult) got all bent out of
shape when I mentioned it-------it is supposed to be a BIG TIME SECRET-----
we both laughed whilst learning the silly crap

Many Masons have no idea that the Vatican is at the helm of Freemasonry. Many Masons have no idea that Ignatius Loyola - a Catholic occultist was the founder of the Jesuits AND the Illuminati. They simply have no idea. There are Jews who have become Masons too. They do not necessarily know the connection to the Vatican either. If they did they would have no part of it - (I'd have to believe)

jews masons? must be a new thing-----not in my childhood town----Nazi place ---lots of masons------NO JEWISH MASONS
Jeremiah----do all Jesuit priests know about this stuff? ???? is this why there is
no real archaeology done in Arabia? Jews lived in Arabia for more than 1000 years
before muhummad was born-------and there is an Hebraized Arabic-----a mixture of
Hebrew and Arabic and written in Hebrew letters------an actual real language.------
jews write lots-------and save the writings----in something like crypts. There is no
question in my mind that there are all kinds of such crypts buried here and there in
Saudi Arabia. ----I will add----I never believed that story about muhummad being
completely illiterate-------there are very few people who interact with literate people
who remain COMPLETELY ILLITERATE ----with the exception of secluded women.
Do you think muhummad wrote stuff and it is hidden ?

I have more testimonies from Dr. Alberto Rivera of a Black Mass in which a high ranking Mason was present - when Alberto Rivera went to kiss his ring he saw it was a Masonic ring - there are Jesuits who serve on low levels and will never have the information that Dr. Alberto Rivera and other Jesuits among his circle had privilege to know - Rosie - during the time of Dr. Rivera's testimony he said there were approximately 108,000 Jesuits and today I am not sure how many there are.

This is the same in Freemasonry meetings (they are an arm of the Vatican - many do not realize this) - you have lower level Masons who have no idea they worship Lucifer and then you have the highest levels who know they worship Lucifer - just as there are Jesuits who know they serve Lucifer and other Jesuits who are not aware they are serving Lucifer. The Cardinal Bea told the Jesuits that there were writings of Muhammad that had not been published - I am compelled to believe the testimony of Dr. Alberto Rivera as nothing I have read - not one word - has been wrongly spoken. Rivera was a born again Christian a man who felt great compassion for the Roman Catholic people who had been deceived - he led over 1,000 Catholics out of Catholicism and to Jesus Christ - I hope to pray millions out of the Roman Catholic church and into the Kingdom of heaven but the truth must be told - they must know the truth about the history of the Roman Vatican and its Catholic institution - it is completely satanic.

you don't have to be catholic to be a "free-mason"------In fact I have known non catholic girls who were------part of that thing-----something EAST GIRLS----or something like that. or "rainbow girls" ?? They had to learn some weird ritual for initiation----
my college room mate was being brought into it by her parents-----I drilled her
on the nonsense in preparation. Some lady I knew (adult) got all bent out of
shape when I mentioned it-------it is supposed to be a BIG TIME SECRET-----
we both laughed whilst learning the silly crap

Many Masons have no idea that the Vatican is at the helm of Freemasonry. Many Masons have no idea that Ignatius Loyola - a Catholic occultist was the founder of the Jesuits AND the Illuminati. They simply have no idea. There are Jews who have become Masons too. They do not necessarily know the connection to the Vatican either. If they did they would have no part of it - (I'd have to believe)

Many Jews are Masonite, and that is why they are so close to the Mormon church. Also many of our founding fathers belonged to Masonic lodges. Most were Deist, and or Unitarian.
Jeremiah----do all Jesuit priests know about this stuff? ???? is this why there is
no real archaeology done in Arabia? Jews lived in Arabia for more than 1000 years
before muhummad was born-------and there is an Hebraized Arabic-----a mixture of
Hebrew and Arabic and written in Hebrew letters------an actual real language.------
jews write lots-------and save the writings----in something like crypts. There is no
question in my mind that there are all kinds of such crypts buried here and there in
Saudi Arabia. ----I will add----I never believed that story about muhummad being
completely illiterate-------there are very few people who interact with literate people
who remain COMPLETELY ILLITERATE ----with the exception of secluded women.
Do you think muhummad wrote stuff and it is hidden ?

I have more testimonies from Dr. Alberto Rivera of a Black Mass in which a high ranking Mason was present - when Alberto Rivera went to kiss his ring he saw it was a Masonic ring - there are Jesuits who serve on low levels and will never have the information that Dr. Alberto Rivera and other Jesuits among his circle had privilege to know - Rosie - during the time of Dr. Rivera's testimony he said there were approximately 108,000 Jesuits and today I am not sure how many there are.

This is the same in Freemasonry meetings (they are an arm of the Vatican - many do not realize this) - you have lower level Masons who have no idea they worship Lucifer and then you have the highest levels who know they worship Lucifer - just as there are Jesuits who know they serve Lucifer and other Jesuits who are not aware they are serving Lucifer. The Cardinal Bea told the Jesuits that there were writings of Muhammad that had not been published - I am compelled to believe the testimony of Dr. Alberto Rivera as nothing I have read - not one word - has been wrongly spoken. Rivera was a born again Christian a man who felt great compassion for the Roman Catholic people who had been deceived - he led over 1,000 Catholics out of Catholicism and to Jesus Christ - I hope to pray millions out of the Roman Catholic church and into the Kingdom of heaven but the truth must be told - they must know the truth about the history of the Roman Vatican and its Catholic institution - it is completely satanic.

you don't have to be catholic to be a "free-mason"------In fact I have known non catholic girls who were------part of that thing-----something EAST GIRLS----or something like that. or "rainbow girls" ?? They had to learn some weird ritual for initiation----
my college room mate was being brought into it by her parents-----I drilled her
on the nonsense in preparation. Some lady I knew (adult) got all bent out of
shape when I mentioned it-------it is supposed to be a BIG TIME SECRET-----
we both laughed whilst learning the silly crap

Many Masons have no idea that the Vatican is at the helm of Freemasonry. Many Masons have no idea that Ignatius Loyola - a Catholic occultist was the founder of the Jesuits AND the Illuminati. They simply have no idea. There are Jews who have become Masons too. They do not necessarily know the connection to the Vatican either. If they did they would have no part of it - (I'd have to believe)

And yet your a Christian? I mean if not for the Rome and the RCC , there would be no Christianity. Thanks to Constantine.

there is no way of knowing that-----Christianity as per PAUL existed before
Constantine. Constantine turned the Christian church into NAZISM. Things
would have probably turned out a lot better without Constantine-----some
theologians are so horrified by Constantine that they claim he was never
"really" a Christian-----he was a bloody bastard
Jeremiah----do all Jesuit priests know about this stuff? ???? is this why there is
no real archaeology done in Arabia? Jews lived in Arabia for more than 1000 years
before muhummad was born-------and there is an Hebraized Arabic-----a mixture of
Hebrew and Arabic and written in Hebrew letters------an actual real language.------
jews write lots-------and save the writings----in something like crypts. There is no
question in my mind that there are all kinds of such crypts buried here and there in
Saudi Arabia. ----I will add----I never believed that story about muhummad being
completely illiterate-------there are very few people who interact with literate people
who remain COMPLETELY ILLITERATE ----with the exception of secluded women.
Do you think muhummad wrote stuff and it is hidden ?

I have more testimonies from Dr. Alberto Rivera of a Black Mass in which a high ranking Mason was present - when Alberto Rivera went to kiss his ring he saw it was a Masonic ring - there are Jesuits who serve on low levels and will never have the information that Dr. Alberto Rivera and other Jesuits among his circle had privilege to know - Rosie - during the time of Dr. Rivera's testimony he said there were approximately 108,000 Jesuits and today I am not sure how many there are.

This is the same in Freemasonry meetings (they are an arm of the Vatican - many do not realize this) - you have lower level Masons who have no idea they worship Lucifer and then you have the highest levels who know they worship Lucifer - just as there are Jesuits who know they serve Lucifer and other Jesuits who are not aware they are serving Lucifer. The Cardinal Bea told the Jesuits that there were writings of Muhammad that had not been published - I am compelled to believe the testimony of Dr. Alberto Rivera as nothing I have read - not one word - has been wrongly spoken. Rivera was a born again Christian a man who felt great compassion for the Roman Catholic people who had been deceived - he led over 1,000 Catholics out of Catholicism and to Jesus Christ - I hope to pray millions out of the Roman Catholic church and into the Kingdom of heaven but the truth must be told - they must know the truth about the history of the Roman Vatican and its Catholic institution - it is completely satanic.

you don't have to be catholic to be a "free-mason"------In fact I have known non catholic girls who were------part of that thing-----something EAST GIRLS----or something like that. or "rainbow girls" ?? They had to learn some weird ritual for initiation----
my college room mate was being brought into it by her parents-----I drilled her
on the nonsense in preparation. Some lady I knew (adult) got all bent out of
shape when I mentioned it-------it is supposed to be a BIG TIME SECRET-----
we both laughed whilst learning the silly crap

Many Masons have no idea that the Vatican is at the helm of Freemasonry. Many Masons have no idea that Ignatius Loyola - a Catholic occultist was the founder of the Jesuits AND the Illuminati. They simply have no idea. There are Jews who have become Masons too. They do not necessarily know the connection to the Vatican either. If they did they would have no part of it - (I'd have to believe)

And yet your a Christian? I mean if not for the Rome and the RCC , there would be no Christianity. Thanks to Constantine.

there is no way of knowing that-----Christianity as per PAUL existed before
Constantine. Constantine turned the Christian church into NAZISM. Things
would have probably turned out a lot better without Constantine-----some
theologians are so horrified by Constantine that they claim he was never
"really" a Christian-----he was a bloody bastard

And here you are putting down Constantine. He was as you say, but gee do you think most of the NT is true or not?

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