WWI, WWII: The Hidden Cause Finally Revealed

Listen to these two guys and see what you think about what they have to say about Lincoln's assassination and why the truth (Jesuits assassinated Lincoln) was kept quiet - more discussions on the Jesuits included:

Jeremiah----do all Jesuit priests know about this stuff? ???? is this why there is
no real archaeology done in Arabia? Jews lived in Arabia for more than 1000 years
before muhummad was born-------and there is an Hebraized Arabic-----a mixture of
Hebrew and Arabic and written in Hebrew letters------an actual real language.------
jews write lots-------and save the writings----in something like crypts. There is no
question in my mind that there are all kinds of such crypts buried here and there in
Saudi Arabia. ----I will add----I never believed that story about muhummad being
completely illiterate-------there are very few people who interact with literate people
who remain COMPLETELY ILLITERATE ----with the exception of secluded women.
Do you think muhummad wrote stuff and it is hidden ?

I have more testimonies from Dr. Alberto Rivera of a Black Mass in which a high ranking Mason was present - when Alberto Rivera went to kiss his ring he saw it was a Masonic ring - there are Jesuits who serve on low levels and will never have the information that Dr. Alberto Rivera and other Jesuits among his circle had privilege to know - Rosie - during the time of Dr. Rivera's testimony he said there were approximately 108,000 Jesuits and today I am not sure how many there are.

This is the same in Freemasonry meetings (they are an arm of the Vatican - many do not realize this) - you have lower level Masons who have no idea they worship Lucifer and then you have the highest levels who know they worship Lucifer - just as there are Jesuits who know they serve Lucifer and other Jesuits who are not aware they are serving Lucifer. The Cardinal Bea told the Jesuits that there were writings of Muhammad that had not been published - I am compelled to believe the testimony of Dr. Alberto Rivera as nothing I have read - not one word - has been wrongly spoken. Rivera was a born again Christian a man who felt great compassion for the Roman Catholic people who had been deceived - he led over 1,000 Catholics out of Catholicism and to Jesus Christ - I hope to pray millions out of the Roman Catholic church and into the Kingdom of heaven but the truth must be told - they must know the truth about the history of the Roman Vatican and its Catholic institution - it is completely satanic.

you don't have to be catholic to be a "free-mason"------In fact I have known non catholic girls who were------part of that thing-----something EAST GIRLS----or something like that. or "rainbow girls" ?? They had to learn some weird ritual for initiation----
my college room mate was being brought into it by her parents-----I drilled her
on the nonsense in preparation. Some lady I knew (adult) got all bent out of
shape when I mentioned it-------it is supposed to be a BIG TIME SECRET-----
we both laughed whilst learning the silly crap

Many Masons have no idea that the Vatican is at the helm of Freemasonry. Many Masons have no idea that Ignatius Loyola - a Catholic occultist was the founder of the Jesuits AND the Illuminati. They simply have no idea. There are Jews who have become Masons too. They do not necessarily know the connection to the Vatican either. If they did they would have no part of it - (I'd have to believe)

jews masons? must be a new thing-----not in my childhood town----Nazi place ---lots of masons------NO JEWISH MASONS

I think it must be EXTREMELY RARE.
this stuff is getting too damned plausible. how did PIUS get to be a saint?----
rankles me-----that guy was a nazi

Best news I've heard all day my little Rose bud. Let me give you a hug! :smiliehug: Of course he was a Nazi and not a one of them were saints so forget about it. These men were sons of hell, Rosie. Listen. If I spent the entire day typing just to reach you so you see the truth of what happened in WWII it was worth it. Because the truth is if others want to hold fast to the praise of men and filthy lucre & doing the buddy buddy thing with Roman Catholicism - rather than stand on the side of the truth? They deserve what they have coming to them. I just want my own people to know the truth so they don't trust the Vatican when they come around Israel offering some promise. They are not to be trusted. EVER.
this stuff is getting too damned plausible. how did PIUS get to be a saint?----
rankles me-----that guy was a nazi
No he was not a German, he feared Bolshevism, he seen what it did in Russia to the Church, but he remained neutral.

a POPE who remains "neutral" during a genocide in a catholic country ----
is a NAZI A big part of my extended family got wiped out in catholic Austria.......
HE AIN't NO SAINT. Penelope----are you sure you are not a gypsy?
in my town the only people who say "he seen what it did....." are gypsies.
Not to impugn gypsies, of course.

A pope is not just an ordinary guy-----he's got BIG RESPONSIBILITIES
It is a kind of typical pattern of speech for gypsies
Jeremiah----do all Jesuit priests know about this stuff? ???? is this why there is
no real archaeology done in Arabia? Jews lived in Arabia for more than 1000 years
before muhummad was born-------and there is an Hebraized Arabic-----a mixture of
Hebrew and Arabic and written in Hebrew letters------an actual real language.------
jews write lots-------and save the writings----in something like crypts. There is no
question in my mind that there are all kinds of such crypts buried here and there in
Saudi Arabia. ----I will add----I never believed that story about muhummad being
completely illiterate-------there are very few people who interact with literate people
who remain COMPLETELY ILLITERATE ----with the exception of secluded women.
Do you think muhummad wrote stuff and it is hidden ?

I have more testimonies from Dr. Alberto Rivera of a Black Mass in which a high ranking Mason was present - when Alberto Rivera went to kiss his ring he saw it was a Masonic ring - there are Jesuits who serve on low levels and will never have the information that Dr. Alberto Rivera and other Jesuits among his circle had privilege to know - Rosie - during the time of Dr. Rivera's testimony he said there were approximately 108,000 Jesuits and today I am not sure how many there are.

This is the same in Freemasonry meetings (they are an arm of the Vatican - many do not realize this) - you have lower level Masons who have no idea they worship Lucifer and then you have the highest levels who know they worship Lucifer - just as there are Jesuits who know they serve Lucifer and other Jesuits who are not aware they are serving Lucifer. The Cardinal Bea told the Jesuits that there were writings of Muhammad that had not been published - I am compelled to believe the testimony of Dr. Alberto Rivera as nothing I have read - not one word - has been wrongly spoken. Rivera was a born again Christian a man who felt great compassion for the Roman Catholic people who had been deceived - he led over 1,000 Catholics out of Catholicism and to Jesus Christ - I hope to pray millions out of the Roman Catholic church and into the Kingdom of heaven but the truth must be told - they must know the truth about the history of the Roman Vatican and its Catholic institution - it is completely satanic.

you don't have to be catholic to be a "free-mason"------In fact I have known non catholic girls who were------part of that thing-----something EAST GIRLS----or something like that. or "rainbow girls" ?? They had to learn some weird ritual for initiation----
my college room mate was being brought into it by her parents-----I drilled her
on the nonsense in preparation. Some lady I knew (adult) got all bent out of
shape when I mentioned it-------it is supposed to be a BIG TIME SECRET-----
we both laughed whilst learning the silly crap

Many Masons have no idea that the Vatican is at the helm of Freemasonry. Many Masons have no idea that Ignatius Loyola - a Catholic occultist was the founder of the Jesuits AND the Illuminati. They simply have no idea. There are Jews who have become Masons too. They do not necessarily know the connection to the Vatican either. If they did they would have no part of it - (I'd have to believe)

And yet your a Christian? I mean if not for the Rome and the RCC , there would be no Christianity. Thanks to Constantine.

As a former Catholic, Penelope, you should know that had Constantine gotten his way no true Christians would have survived. Had the Roman Vatican had it's way no true Christians or Jews would have survived. You should realize that Catholicism is the antithesis of Christianity in the Bible. The ANTITHESIS!

Hey I thank God I was raised a RC, and not a Protestant, how is that. I agree we had many a bad popes, and some pedophile Priests, but the Protestants had a heck of a lot more strange thinkers. I get sick when I hear some of your preachers talk about the end of days like its upon us to put the fear of God in you, RC's don't do that, you know why, because we know that every day can be our last. I bet most thought the end of the world was coming in the 14th century with the Black Death .

I am a RC in tradition only now as I do not worship Yahweh, the warrior God of the Jews, and I know a man named Jesus was not God, and I do not believe God of this universe impregnated a Jewish virgin, and I will not worship a Jew as though he were god. That is pagan and if you read the old religions you would know that.
Why Did German Protestants Support Hitler?

Why Did German Protestants Support Hitler
This is where the author reaches a wrong conclusion - yes - the UN was the creation of the Vatican - he is right on that point - but it was not the reason for WWII - the reason for the Vatican creating WWII was to turn Protestant Europe into Catholic Europe - with the Bible in the hands of the people - the Roman Church was becoming a relic - they needed an Inquisition to bring all of Europe back under their power and this time their goal was to exterminate all the Jews and then - the Protestants - to take complete power and unite the world under a One World Government with the Pope as the spiritual leader and the anti-Christ ruler - being empowered by them. Hitler was their man for this Inquisition. (along with Mussolini and Franco who were also Catholic and in service to the Pope) If Hitler failed - Rome had already arranged a back up plan. They hid underground 1,000 Roman Catholic Jews so that if Hitler failed in his assignment they could tell the world the Vatican saved the lives of Jewish people. All of this information came out from the Ex - Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera which his why they tried to murder him five times and when that failed they resorted to slander - false accusations - not of which worked as his accusers could never produce any evidence of their accusations against him! All of Dr. Alberto Rivera's documentation as a former Jesuit priest and Bishop who answered directly to the Pope was verified and Dr. Rivera was vindicated - still the Vatican continued in their lies against him.
here is what the author writes:
The Hidden Causes Of World War I Are Finally Revealed The Millennium Report

After World War One ended, the Jesuits did not get what they wanted. Woodrow Wilson and Edward Mandel House managed to get them the League of Nations, but it failed miserably because the United States did not join. Therefore another war was necessary, a war so devastating that the people would cry out for a united nations. This was one of the goals of World War Two. We will look at this and other reasons for World War Two in our next chapter.
As I said this was not the goal - the Vatican did believe they would rule the world if Hitler could achieve victory and he did come dangerously close to doing it - still was it part of their agenda? Sure it was. Look at how the Vatican is manipulating wars throughout the world using the UN. It has served them very well. Do not forget that the Vatican has trillions of dollars and is very, very powerful. They have plenty of money to pay off those who are willing to accept their bribes. And if that doesn't work? They can use their Jesuits to assassinate them. They've been doing it throughout history. Roman Catholicism a Christian Church? Not a chance. The most heartbreaking part of this story is the millions of Catholic people who have been deceived and do not realize what is going on here.

Look Jeri

He loved your Lord man god just like you do!!!

"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people."

-Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922 (Norman H. Baynes, ed. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939, Vol. 1 of 2, pp. 19-20, Oxford University Press, 1942)

guno goes for adolf again

for the record-----the action by Jesus in the temple in attacking the
money changers ----PROVES HE WAS A PHARISEE JEW. ----
Pharisee from top to bottom and outside and inside out. Pharisee
jew and-----generally "anti rome" which is why he was crucified.

Guno is a Jew. Let's be nice. Many Jews haven't had a very good time of it bad memories / bad experiences, Rosie, as you know, - thanks to the Jesuits and others that assist them in their evil works.

note to Guno - Rosie is your Jewish sister and you need to be respectful to her too. Respect is a two way street - you know...

Everybody has had bad memories, nothing special about Jews, and if you know the NT, you know Jesus himself said the Jews handed him over, and he called the Jews children of the Devil.
Why Did German Protestants Support Hitler?

Why Did German Protestants Support Hitler
This is where the author reaches a wrong conclusion - yes - the UN was the creation of the Vatican - he is right on that point - but it was not the reason for WWII - the reason for the Vatican creating WWII was to turn Protestant Europe into Catholic Europe - with the Bible in the hands of the people - the Roman Church was becoming a relic - they needed an Inquisition to bring all of Europe back under their power and this time their goal was to exterminate all the Jews and then - the Protestants - to take complete power and unite the world under a One World Government with the Pope as the spiritual leader and the anti-Christ ruler - being empowered by them. Hitler was their man for this Inquisition. (along with Mussolini and Franco who were also Catholic and in service to the Pope) If Hitler failed - Rome had already arranged a back up plan. They hid underground 1,000 Roman Catholic Jews so that if Hitler failed in his assignment they could tell the world the Vatican saved the lives of Jewish people. All of this information came out from the Ex - Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera which his why they tried to murder him five times and when that failed they resorted to slander - false accusations - not of which worked as his accusers could never produce any evidence of their accusations against him! All of Dr. Alberto Rivera's documentation as a former Jesuit priest and Bishop who answered directly to the Pope was verified and Dr. Rivera was vindicated - still the Vatican continued in their lies against him.
here is what the author writes:
The Hidden Causes Of World War I Are Finally Revealed The Millennium Report

After World War One ended, the Jesuits did not get what they wanted. Woodrow Wilson and Edward Mandel House managed to get them the League of Nations, but it failed miserably because the United States did not join. Therefore another war was necessary, a war so devastating that the people would cry out for a united nations. This was one of the goals of World War Two. We will look at this and other reasons for World War Two in our next chapter.
As I said this was not the goal - the Vatican did believe they would rule the world if Hitler could achieve victory and he did come dangerously close to doing it - still was it part of their agenda? Sure it was. Look at how the Vatican is manipulating wars throughout the world using the UN. It has served them very well. Do not forget that the Vatican has trillions of dollars and is very, very powerful. They have plenty of money to pay off those who are willing to accept their bribes. And if that doesn't work? They can use their Jesuits to assassinate them. They've been doing it throughout history. Roman Catholicism a Christian Church? Not a chance. The most heartbreaking part of this story is the millions of Catholic people who have been deceived and do not realize what is going on here.

Look Jeri

He loved your Lord man god just like you do!!!

"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people."

-Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922 (Norman H. Baynes, ed. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939, Vol. 1 of 2, pp. 19-20, Oxford University Press, 1942)

guno goes for adolf again

for the record-----the action by Jesus in the temple in attacking the
money changers ----PROVES HE WAS A PHARISEE JEW. ----
Pharisee from top to bottom and outside and inside out. Pharisee
jew and-----generally "anti rome" which is why he was crucified.

Really you didn't read the NT, the Jews handed over Jesus to Rome to put to death and when given a choice to set one free they chose Barnabas. Tsk Tsk.
Thank God for Constantine? He was a sun god worshiper! He worshiped Baal until his death! He hunted down the early Christians and had them put to death wherever he found them. You must be kidding me, Penelope!

Constantine was still into Mithraism. Why do you think the Christians churches faced east, sunrise.
Jesus himself tells you he is the morning star, Sun, Daystar. He is the light of the world.
Thank God for Constantine? He was a sun god worshiper! He worshiped Baal until his death! He hunted down the early Christians and had them put to death wherever he found them. You must be kidding me, Penelope!

Constantine was still into Mithraism. Why do you think the Christians churches faced east, sunrise.
Jesus himself tells you he is the morning star, Sun, Daystar. He is the light of the world.

Penelope, Constantine was a Baal worshiper. He worshiped the sun god to his last day according to historical record. Idolaters pray towards the east as Scripture will clearly teach you. Bible Scripture not Catholicism which is steeped in pagan / occult rituals. Now to stay on track here I need to finish the last page as I left it off midair. But I will believe God that you will become curious enough to read this entire thread and learn a few things you didn't know before - which will result in two things - holy anger - and great compassion for those who have been victimized by the Roman anti - Christ system - Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Arabs in general, Europe, the Unites States, Russia - to make it simpler ..........who haven't they victimized??!! After you read this you will never look at the world the same way again. Seriously.

Now here is the last and final page: The Muslim and Communist armies, primed to destroy Israel, will attack and they themselves will be massacred on the mountains and in the deserts of Israel. Ezekiel 38: 1-3; 39: 1-4)

Note from me - I pray all who read this and had thought to be a part of it will repent and turn to Jesus Christ for salvation tonight. In Jesus name.


This is when Jesus Christ, "The King of Kings will return from heaven to destroy the Anti-Christ and his armies.........

and the Lord Jesus Christ will set up His kingdom in Jerusalem to rule the world. In the past, Satan has used religion to destroy billions of souls. And working through "the great whore" of the Book of Revelation (which is the Roman Catholic Institution) Satan carefully put the virgin Mary before the people to get their attention away from the Lord Jesus. '

The betrayed Catholics attempt to go through their church system to try to get to heaven. And using a similar trick, the Vatican helped set up a militant and sophisticated religion to keep the children of Ishmael from knowing the one who could get them to heaven.

The Muslim multitudes look for their religion and Muhammad (whose body lays in Medina) and with all their hearts look towards Mecca for their salvation.

And the Blame for All of This goes Directly to Rome for this Unspeakable Crime.

The Bible, God's infallible and inspired Word, tells us that Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father,but by me. -John 14: 6

Jesus loves you, Penelope. There is no salvation through the Roman Anti-Christ Cult. There is no salvation through their child of Islam - there is no salvation through their child - Communism. You must come out from the Roman Catholic system and be separated. Call upon the name of the Lord and you shall be saved. Amen.
Why Did German Protestants Support Hitler?

Why Did German Protestants Support Hitler
This is where the author reaches a wrong conclusion - yes - the UN was the creation of the Vatican - he is right on that point - but it was not the reason for WWII - the reason for the Vatican creating WWII was to turn Protestant Europe into Catholic Europe - with the Bible in the hands of the people - the Roman Church was becoming a relic - they needed an Inquisition to bring all of Europe back under their power and this time their goal was to exterminate all the Jews and then - the Protestants - to take complete power and unite the world under a One World Government with the Pope as the spiritual leader and the anti-Christ ruler - being empowered by them. Hitler was their man for this Inquisition. (along with Mussolini and Franco who were also Catholic and in service to the Pope) If Hitler failed - Rome had already arranged a back up plan. They hid underground 1,000 Roman Catholic Jews so that if Hitler failed in his assignment they could tell the world the Vatican saved the lives of Jewish people. All of this information came out from the Ex - Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera which his why they tried to murder him five times and when that failed they resorted to slander - false accusations - not of which worked as his accusers could never produce any evidence of their accusations against him! All of Dr. Alberto Rivera's documentation as a former Jesuit priest and Bishop who answered directly to the Pope was verified and Dr. Rivera was vindicated - still the Vatican continued in their lies against him.
here is what the author writes:
The Hidden Causes Of World War I Are Finally Revealed The Millennium Report

After World War One ended, the Jesuits did not get what they wanted. Woodrow Wilson and Edward Mandel House managed to get them the League of Nations, but it failed miserably because the United States did not join. Therefore another war was necessary, a war so devastating that the people would cry out for a united nations. This was one of the goals of World War Two. We will look at this and other reasons for World War Two in our next chapter.
As I said this was not the goal - the Vatican did believe they would rule the world if Hitler could achieve victory and he did come dangerously close to doing it - still was it part of their agenda? Sure it was. Look at how the Vatican is manipulating wars throughout the world using the UN. It has served them very well. Do not forget that the Vatican has trillions of dollars and is very, very powerful. They have plenty of money to pay off those who are willing to accept their bribes. And if that doesn't work? They can use their Jesuits to assassinate them. They've been doing it throughout history. Roman Catholicism a Christian Church? Not a chance. The most heartbreaking part of this story is the millions of Catholic people who have been deceived and do not realize what is going on here.

Look Jeri

He loved your Lord man god just like you do!!!

"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people."

-Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922 (Norman H. Baynes, ed. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939, Vol. 1 of 2, pp. 19-20, Oxford University Press, 1942)

guno goes for adolf again

for the record-----the action by Jesus in the temple in attacking the
money changers ----PROVES HE WAS A PHARISEE JEW. ----
Pharisee from top to bottom and outside and inside out. Pharisee
jew and-----generally "anti rome" which is why he was crucified.

Really you didn't read the NT, the Jews handed over Jesus to Rome to put to death and when given a choice to set one free they chose Barnabas. Tsk Tsk.

In fact, unlike you----I did read it. Unlike you, I also know lots about the actual
situation at the time of Jesus------stuff about which you have no clue. "THE JEWS HANDED OVER JESUS TO ROME<<<< what an idiotic statement----
rome had complete control over Israel/Judea-----the king was THEIR SHILL---
as were the "high priests of the temple"-----sadducean traitors that jews at that time hated having been installed in office BY ROME-----even hate today (ie those who study that history) If the issue had been put to the Pharisees (generally the
better educated people of the time) ---Jesus would have been safe. ----I do not
blame you, Penelope-----you have the CONSTANTINE/roman version of history.
Do you know who CAIPHAS was?-------you can google----
this stuff is getting too damned plausible. how did PIUS get to be a saint?----
rankles me-----that guy was a nazi
No he was not a German, he feared Bolshevism, he seen what it did in Russia to the Church, but he remained neutral.

a POPE who remains "neutral" during a genocide in a catholic country ----
is a NAZI A big part of my extended family got wiped out in catholic Austria.......
HE AIN't NO SAINT. Penelope----are you sure you are not a gypsy?
in my town the only people who say "he seen what it did....." are gypsies.
Not to impugn gypsies, of course.

A pope is not just an ordinary guy-----he's got BIG RESPONSIBILITIES
It is a kind of typical pattern of speech for gypsies
I have more testimonies from Dr. Alberto Rivera of a Black Mass in which a high ranking Mason was present - when Alberto Rivera went to kiss his ring he saw it was a Masonic ring - there are Jesuits who serve on low levels and will never have the information that Dr. Alberto Rivera and other Jesuits among his circle had privilege to know - Rosie - during the time of Dr. Rivera's testimony he said there were approximately 108,000 Jesuits and today I am not sure how many there are.

This is the same in Freemasonry meetings (they are an arm of the Vatican - many do not realize this) - you have lower level Masons who have no idea they worship Lucifer and then you have the highest levels who know they worship Lucifer - just as there are Jesuits who know they serve Lucifer and other Jesuits who are not aware they are serving Lucifer. The Cardinal Bea told the Jesuits that there were writings of Muhammad that had not been published - I am compelled to believe the testimony of Dr. Alberto Rivera as nothing I have read - not one word - has been wrongly spoken. Rivera was a born again Christian a man who felt great compassion for the Roman Catholic people who had been deceived - he led over 1,000 Catholics out of Catholicism and to Jesus Christ - I hope to pray millions out of the Roman Catholic church and into the Kingdom of heaven but the truth must be told - they must know the truth about the history of the Roman Vatican and its Catholic institution - it is completely satanic.

you don't have to be catholic to be a "free-mason"------In fact I have known non catholic girls who were------part of that thing-----something EAST GIRLS----or something like that. or "rainbow girls" ?? They had to learn some weird ritual for initiation----
my college room mate was being brought into it by her parents-----I drilled her
on the nonsense in preparation. Some lady I knew (adult) got all bent out of
shape when I mentioned it-------it is supposed to be a BIG TIME SECRET-----
we both laughed whilst learning the silly crap

Many Masons have no idea that the Vatican is at the helm of Freemasonry. Many Masons have no idea that Ignatius Loyola - a Catholic occultist was the founder of the Jesuits AND the Illuminati. They simply have no idea. There are Jews who have become Masons too. They do not necessarily know the connection to the Vatican either. If they did they would have no part of it - (I'd have to believe)

And yet your a Christian? I mean if not for the Rome and the RCC , there would be no Christianity. Thanks to Constantine.

As a former Catholic, Penelope, you should know that had Constantine gotten his way no true Christians would have survived. Had the Roman Vatican had it's way no true Christians or Jews would have survived. You should realize that Catholicism is the antithesis of Christianity in the Bible. The ANTITHESIS!

Hey I thank God I was raised a RC, and not a Protestant, how is that. I agree we had many a bad popes, and some pedophile Priests, but the Protestants had a heck of a lot more strange thinkers. I get sick when I hear some of your preachers talk about the end of days like its upon us to put the fear of God in you, RC's don't do that, you know why, because we know that every day can be our last. I bet most thought the end of the world was coming in the 14th century with the Black Death .

I am a RC in tradition only now as I do not worship Yahweh, the warrior God of the Jews, and I know a man named Jesus was not God, and I do not believe God of this universe impregnated a Jewish virgin, and I will not worship a Jew as though he were god. That is pagan and if you read the old religions you would know that.

OK----I am convinced----you spit and shit on catholic dogma but still insist that
you are glad you were raised in it.
Why Did German Protestants Support Hitler?

Why Did German Protestants Support Hitler
This is where the author reaches a wrong conclusion - yes - the UN was the creation of the Vatican - he is right on that point - but it was not the reason for WWII - the reason for the Vatican creating WWII was to turn Protestant Europe into Catholic Europe - with the Bible in the hands of the people - the Roman Church was becoming a relic - they needed an Inquisition to bring all of Europe back under their power and this time their goal was to exterminate all the Jews and then - the Protestants - to take complete power and unite the world under a One World Government with the Pope as the spiritual leader and the anti-Christ ruler - being empowered by them. Hitler was their man for this Inquisition. (along with Mussolini and Franco who were also Catholic and in service to the Pope) If Hitler failed - Rome had already arranged a back up plan. They hid underground 1,000 Roman Catholic Jews so that if Hitler failed in his assignment they could tell the world the Vatican saved the lives of Jewish people. All of this information came out from the Ex - Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera which his why they tried to murder him five times and when that failed they resorted to slander - false accusations - not of which worked as his accusers could never produce any evidence of their accusations against him! All of Dr. Alberto Rivera's documentation as a former Jesuit priest and Bishop who answered directly to the Pope was verified and Dr. Rivera was vindicated - still the Vatican continued in their lies against him.
here is what the author writes:
The Hidden Causes Of World War I Are Finally Revealed The Millennium Report

After World War One ended, the Jesuits did not get what they wanted. Woodrow Wilson and Edward Mandel House managed to get them the League of Nations, but it failed miserably because the United States did not join. Therefore another war was necessary, a war so devastating that the people would cry out for a united nations. This was one of the goals of World War Two. We will look at this and other reasons for World War Two in our next chapter.
As I said this was not the goal - the Vatican did believe they would rule the world if Hitler could achieve victory and he did come dangerously close to doing it - still was it part of their agenda? Sure it was. Look at how the Vatican is manipulating wars throughout the world using the UN. It has served them very well. Do not forget that the Vatican has trillions of dollars and is very, very powerful. They have plenty of money to pay off those who are willing to accept their bribes. And if that doesn't work? They can use their Jesuits to assassinate them. They've been doing it throughout history. Roman Catholicism a Christian Church? Not a chance. The most heartbreaking part of this story is the millions of Catholic people who have been deceived and do not realize what is going on here.

Look Jeri

He loved your Lord man god just like you do!!!

"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people."

-Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922 (Norman H. Baynes, ed. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939, Vol. 1 of 2, pp. 19-20, Oxford University Press, 1942)

guno goes for adolf again

for the record-----the action by Jesus in the temple in attacking the
money changers ----PROVES HE WAS A PHARISEE JEW. ----
Pharisee from top to bottom and outside and inside out. Pharisee
jew and-----generally "anti rome" which is why he was crucified.

Guno is a Jew. Let's be nice. Many Jews haven't had a very good time of it bad memories / bad experiences, Rosie, as you know, - thanks to the Jesuits and others that assist them in their evil works.

note to Guno - Rosie is your Jewish sister and you need to be respectful to her too. Respect is a two way street - you know...

Everybody has had bad memories, nothing special about Jews, and if you know the NT, you know Jesus himself said the Jews handed him over, and he called the Jews children of the Devil.

right-----jesus is reported to have said "children of the devil"------and my mom used to yell at my dad "DROP DEAD" ------she never got over his death more than 30 year ago. she is now 95 years old. There is no line in the NT in which Jesus says DA JOOOOS HANDED ME OVER--------why did the romans want anyone
to "HAND HIM OVER"??? ---they were in full control of the situation----what did
they want from Jesus?
Why Did German Protestants Support Hitler?

Why Did German Protestants Support Hitler
This is where the author reaches a wrong conclusion - yes - the UN was the creation of the Vatican - he is right on that point - but it was not the reason for WWII - the reason for the Vatican creating WWII was to turn Protestant Europe into Catholic Europe - with the Bible in the hands of the people - the Roman Church was becoming a relic - they needed an Inquisition to bring all of Europe back under their power and this time their goal was to exterminate all the Jews and then - the Protestants - to take complete power and unite the world under a One World Government with the Pope as the spiritual leader and the anti-Christ ruler - being empowered by them. Hitler was their man for this Inquisition. (along with Mussolini and Franco who were also Catholic and in service to the Pope) If Hitler failed - Rome had already arranged a back up plan. They hid underground 1,000 Roman Catholic Jews so that if Hitler failed in his assignment they could tell the world the Vatican saved the lives of Jewish people. All of this information came out from the Ex - Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera which his why they tried to murder him five times and when that failed they resorted to slander - false accusations - not of which worked as his accusers could never produce any evidence of their accusations against him! All of Dr. Alberto Rivera's documentation as a former Jesuit priest and Bishop who answered directly to the Pope was verified and Dr. Rivera was vindicated - still the Vatican continued in their lies against him.
here is what the author writes:
The Hidden Causes Of World War I Are Finally Revealed The Millennium Report

After World War One ended, the Jesuits did not get what they wanted. Woodrow Wilson and Edward Mandel House managed to get them the League of Nations, but it failed miserably because the United States did not join. Therefore another war was necessary, a war so devastating that the people would cry out for a united nations. This was one of the goals of World War Two. We will look at this and other reasons for World War Two in our next chapter.
As I said this was not the goal - the Vatican did believe they would rule the world if Hitler could achieve victory and he did come dangerously close to doing it - still was it part of their agenda? Sure it was. Look at how the Vatican is manipulating wars throughout the world using the UN. It has served them very well. Do not forget that the Vatican has trillions of dollars and is very, very powerful. They have plenty of money to pay off those who are willing to accept their bribes. And if that doesn't work? They can use their Jesuits to assassinate them. They've been doing it throughout history. Roman Catholicism a Christian Church? Not a chance. The most heartbreaking part of this story is the millions of Catholic people who have been deceived and do not realize what is going on here.

Look Jeri

He loved your Lord man god just like you do!!!

"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people."

-Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922 (Norman H. Baynes, ed. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939, Vol. 1 of 2, pp. 19-20, Oxford University Press, 1942)

guno goes for adolf again

for the record-----the action by Jesus in the temple in attacking the
money changers ----PROVES HE WAS A PHARISEE JEW. ----
Pharisee from top to bottom and outside and inside out. Pharisee
jew and-----generally "anti rome" which is why he was crucified.

Guno is a Jew. Let's be nice. Many Jews haven't had a very good time of it bad memories / bad experiences, Rosie, as you know, - thanks to the Jesuits and others that assist them in their evil works.

note to Guno - Rosie is your Jewish sister and you need to be respectful to her too. Respect is a two way street - you know...

Everybody has had bad memories, nothing special about Jews, and if you know the NT, you know Jesus himself said the Jews handed him over, and he called the Jews children of the Devil.

right-----jesus is reported to have said "children of the devil"------and my mom used to yell at my dad "DROP DEAD" ------she never got over his death more than 30 year ago. she is now 95 years old. There is no line in the NT in which Jesus says DA JOOOOS HANDED ME OVER--------why did the romans want anyone
to "HAND HIM OVER"??? ---they were in full control of the situation----what did
they want from Jesus?

You never read, I mean really read the NT have you ?
this stuff is getting too damned plausible. how did PIUS get to be a saint?----
rankles me-----that guy was a nazi
No he was not a German, he feared Bolshevism, he seen what it did in Russia to the Church, but he remained neutral.

a POPE who remains "neutral" during a genocide in a catholic country ----
is a NAZI A big part of my extended family got wiped out in catholic Austria.......
HE AIN't NO SAINT. Penelope----are you sure you are not a gypsy?
in my town the only people who say "he seen what it did....." are gypsies.
Not to impugn gypsies, of course.

A pope is not just an ordinary guy-----he's got BIG RESPONSIBILITIES
It is a kind of typical pattern of speech for gypsies
you don't have to be catholic to be a "free-mason"------In fact I have known non catholic girls who were------part of that thing-----something EAST GIRLS----or something like that. or "rainbow girls" ?? They had to learn some weird ritual for initiation----
my college room mate was being brought into it by her parents-----I drilled her
on the nonsense in preparation. Some lady I knew (adult) got all bent out of
shape when I mentioned it-------it is supposed to be a BIG TIME SECRET-----
we both laughed whilst learning the silly crap

Many Masons have no idea that the Vatican is at the helm of Freemasonry. Many Masons have no idea that Ignatius Loyola - a Catholic occultist was the founder of the Jesuits AND the Illuminati. They simply have no idea. There are Jews who have become Masons too. They do not necessarily know the connection to the Vatican either. If they did they would have no part of it - (I'd have to believe)

And yet your a Christian? I mean if not for the Rome and the RCC , there would be no Christianity. Thanks to Constantine.

As a former Catholic, Penelope, you should know that had Constantine gotten his way no true Christians would have survived. Had the Roman Vatican had it's way no true Christians or Jews would have survived. You should realize that Catholicism is the antithesis of Christianity in the Bible. The ANTITHESIS!

Hey I thank God I was raised a RC, and not a Protestant, how is that. I agree we had many a bad popes, and some pedophile Priests, but the Protestants had a heck of a lot more strange thinkers. I get sick when I hear some of your preachers talk about the end of days like its upon us to put the fear of God in you, RC's don't do that, you know why, because we know that every day can be our last. I bet most thought the end of the world was coming in the 14th century with the Black Death .

I am a RC in tradition only now as I do not worship Yahweh, the warrior God of the Jews, and I know a man named Jesus was not God, and I do not believe God of this universe impregnated a Jewish virgin, and I will not worship a Jew as though he were god. That is pagan and if you read the old religions you would know that.

OK----I am convinced----you spit and shit on catholic dogma but still insist that
you are glad you were raised in it.

No Jesus is my man, not Moses, who came down from the mountain and killed what 3000 of his own men.
this stuff is getting too damned plausible. how did PIUS get to be a saint?----
rankles me-----that guy was a nazi
No he was not a German, he feared Bolshevism, he seen what it did in Russia to the Church, but he remained neutral.

a POPE who remains "neutral" during a genocide in a catholic country ----
is a NAZI A big part of my extended family got wiped out in catholic Austria.......
HE AIN't NO SAINT. Penelope----are you sure you are not a gypsy?
in my town the only people who say "he seen what it did....." are gypsies.
Not to impugn gypsies, of course.

A pope is not just an ordinary guy-----he's got BIG RESPONSIBILITIES
It is a kind of typical pattern of speech for gypsies
Many Masons have no idea that the Vatican is at the helm of Freemasonry. Many Masons have no idea that Ignatius Loyola - a Catholic occultist was the founder of the Jesuits AND the Illuminati. They simply have no idea. There are Jews who have become Masons too. They do not necessarily know the connection to the Vatican either. If they did they would have no part of it - (I'd have to believe)

And yet your a Christian? I mean if not for the Rome and the RCC , there would be no Christianity. Thanks to Constantine.

As a former Catholic, Penelope, you should know that had Constantine gotten his way no true Christians would have survived. Had the Roman Vatican had it's way no true Christians or Jews would have survived. You should realize that Catholicism is the antithesis of Christianity in the Bible. The ANTITHESIS!

Hey I thank God I was raised a RC, and not a Protestant, how is that. I agree we had many a bad popes, and some pedophile Priests, but the Protestants had a heck of a lot more strange thinkers. I get sick when I hear some of your preachers talk about the end of days like its upon us to put the fear of God in you, RC's don't do that, you know why, because we know that every day can be our last. I bet most thought the end of the world was coming in the 14th century with the Black Death .

I am a RC in tradition only now as I do not worship Yahweh, the warrior God of the Jews, and I know a man named Jesus was not God, and I do not believe God of this universe impregnated a Jewish virgin, and I will not worship a Jew as though he were god. That is pagan and if you read the old religions you would know that.

OK----I am convinced----you spit and shit on catholic dogma but still insist that
you are glad you were raised in it.

No Jesus is my man, not Moses, who came down from the mountain and killed what 3000 of his own men.

Thank God for Constantine? He was a sun god worshiper! He worshiped Baal until his death! He hunted down the early Christians and had them put to death wherever he found them. You must be kidding me, Penelope!

Constantine was still into Mithraism. Why do you think the Christians churches faced east, sunrise.
Jesus himself tells you he is the morning star, Sun, Daystar. He is the light of the world.

Penelope, Constantine was a Baal worshiper. He worshiped the sun god to his last day according to historical record. Idolaters pray towards the east as Scripture will clearly teach you. Bible Scripture not Catholicism which is steeped in pagan / occult rituals. Now to stay on track here I need to finish the last page as I left it off midair. But I will believe God that you will become curious enough to read this entire thread and learn a few things you didn't know before - which will result in two things - holy anger - and great compassion for those who have been victimized by the Roman anti - Christ system - Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Arabs in general, Europe, the Unites States, Russia - to make it simpler ..........who haven't they victimized??!! After you read this you will never look at the world the same way again. Seriously.

Now here is the last and final page: The Muslim and Communist armies, primed to destroy Israel, will attack and they themselves will be massacred on the mountains and in the deserts of Israel. Ezekiel 38: 1-3; 39: 1-4)

Note from me - I pray all who read this and had thought to be a part of it will repent and turn to Jesus Christ for salvation tonight. In Jesus name.


This is when Jesus Christ, "The King of Kings will return from heaven to destroy the Anti-Christ and his armies.........

and the Lord Jesus Christ will set up His kingdom in Jerusalem to rule the world. In the past, Satan has used religion to destroy billions of souls. And working through "the great whore" of the Book of Revelation (which is the Roman Catholic Institution) Satan carefully put the virgin Mary before the people to get their attention away from the Lord Jesus. '

The betrayed Catholics attempt to go through their church system to try to get to heaven. And using a similar trick, the Vatican helped set up a militant and sophisticated religion to keep the children of Ishmael from knowing the one who could get them to heaven.

The Muslim multitudes look for their religion and Muhammad (whose body lays in Medina) and with all their hearts look towards Mecca for their salvation.

And the Blame for All of This goes Directly to Rome for this Unspeakable Crime.

The Bible, God's infallible and inspired Word, tells us that Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father,but by me. -John 14: 6

Jesus loves you, Penelope. There is no salvation through the Roman Anti-Christ Cult. There is no salvation through their child of Islam - there is no salvation through their child - Communism. You must come out from the Roman Catholic system and be separated. Call upon the name of the Lord and you shall be saved. Amen.

Jeremiah----Penelope rejects Catholicism----the only part she LIKES ----is
the JEW-HATRED. Magda Goebbels was a pious church going catholic---
and an ardent Nazi------she all but worshipped Adolf. There are all kinds of
"different" catholics
this stuff is getting too damned plausible. how did PIUS get to be a saint?----
rankles me-----that guy was a nazi
No he was not a German, he feared Bolshevism, he seen what it did in Russia to the Church, but he remained neutral.

a POPE who remains "neutral" during a genocide in a catholic country ----
is a NAZI A big part of my extended family got wiped out in catholic Austria.......
HE AIN't NO SAINT. Penelope----are you sure you are not a gypsy?
in my town the only people who say "he seen what it did....." are gypsies.
Not to impugn gypsies, of course.

A pope is not just an ordinary guy-----he's got BIG RESPONSIBILITIES
It is a kind of typical pattern of speech for gypsies
Many Masons have no idea that the Vatican is at the helm of Freemasonry. Many Masons have no idea that Ignatius Loyola - a Catholic occultist was the founder of the Jesuits AND the Illuminati. They simply have no idea. There are Jews who have become Masons too. They do not necessarily know the connection to the Vatican either. If they did they would have no part of it - (I'd have to believe)

And yet your a Christian? I mean if not for the Rome and the RCC , there would be no Christianity. Thanks to Constantine.

As a former Catholic, Penelope, you should know that had Constantine gotten his way no true Christians would have survived. Had the Roman Vatican had it's way no true Christians or Jews would have survived. You should realize that Catholicism is the antithesis of Christianity in the Bible. The ANTITHESIS!

Hey I thank God I was raised a RC, and not a Protestant, how is that. I agree we had many a bad popes, and some pedophile Priests, but the Protestants had a heck of a lot more strange thinkers. I get sick when I hear some of your preachers talk about the end of days like its upon us to put the fear of God in you, RC's don't do that, you know why, because we know that every day can be our last. I bet most thought the end of the world was coming in the 14th century with the Black Death .

I am a RC in tradition only now as I do not worship Yahweh, the warrior God of the Jews, and I know a man named Jesus was not God, and I do not believe God of this universe impregnated a Jewish virgin, and I will not worship a Jew as though he were god. That is pagan and if you read the old religions you would know that.

OK----I am convinced----you spit and shit on catholic dogma but still insist that
you are glad you were raised in it.

No Jesus is my man, not Moses, who came down from the mountain and killed what 3000 of his own men.

Try again-----moses killed one person in his life----an Egyptian----the tanach does
record what is clearly a kind of civil war that took place in the desert amongst
the jews fleeing Egypt based on doctrinal dispute------your comment indicates
that you are a desperate lump of idiocy. In fact that civil war in the desert does
not come close to the stink and filth of INCESSANT murder that took place amongst the people of the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE since the inception of the
vile entity, approx. 300 AD under the leadership of the vile animal CONSTANTINE
Man you really don't like Jesuits do you...
Really sounds like she was sexually abuse by a priest at an early age, she did say he was born and raised catholic, why else ?
I think she might just be clinically insane
Exactly. All that came to mind was 'I'm sorry. All I heard was blah blah blah I am a dirty tramp' lol.

Last warning. No personal attacks. Stay on topic of the OP or get off of my thread, Politico. This thread will not be derailed. Got it? Good. Tell your accomplices and spread the word.
Look Jeri

He loved your Lord man god just like you do!!

"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people."

-Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922 (Norman H. Baynes, ed. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939, Vol. 1 of 2, pp. 19-20, Oxford University Press, 1942)

guno goes for adolf again

for the record-----the action by Jesus in the temple in attacking the
money changers ----PROVES HE WAS A PHARISEE JEW. ----
Pharisee from top to bottom and outside and inside out. Pharisee
jew and-----generally "anti rome" which is why he was crucified.

Guno is a Jew. Let's be nice. Many Jews haven't had a very good time of it bad memories / bad experiences, Rosie, as you know, - thanks to the Jesuits and others that assist them in their evil works.

note to Guno - Rosie is your Jewish sister and you need to be respectful to her too. Respect is a two way street - you know...

Everybody has had bad memories, nothing special about Jews, and if you know the NT, you know Jesus himself said the Jews handed him over, and he called the Jews children of the Devil.

right-----jesus is reported to have said "children of the devil"------and my mom used to yell at my dad "DROP DEAD" ------she never got over his death more than 30 year ago. she is now 95 years old. There is no line in the NT in which Jesus says DA JOOOOS HANDED ME OVER--------why did the romans want anyone
to "HAND HIM OVER"??? ---they were in full control of the situation----what did
they want from Jesus?

You never read, I mean really read the NT have you ?

In fact I did-----I read it when very young----with no preconceived notions.
I had no actual education in religion, including none in Judaism. My
family was entirely secular and I never so much as attended after school
"Hebrew school"-------I did go to "sunday school" a few times with a protestant
playmate. My education in religion exists because I have been an avid
reader since age 8. I am so unlike you, Penelope----it is clear that you were
spawned from the Nazi dung pile. Try to be honest, Penelope-----when did you
"KNOW" that jews are "no damned good"------age 4 or 5???
No he was not a German, he feared Bolshevism, he seen what it did in Russia to the Church, but he remained neutral.

a POPE who remains "neutral" during a genocide in a catholic country ----
is a NAZI A big part of my extended family got wiped out in catholic Austria.......
HE AIN't NO SAINT. Penelope----are you sure you are not a gypsy?
in my town the only people who say "he seen what it did....." are gypsies.
Not to impugn gypsies, of course.

A pope is not just an ordinary guy-----he's got BIG RESPONSIBILITIES
It is a kind of typical pattern of speech for gypsies
And yet your a Christian? I mean if not for the Rome and the RCC , there would be no Christianity. Thanks to Constantine.

As a former Catholic, Penelope, you should know that had Constantine gotten his way no true Christians would have survived. Had the Roman Vatican had it's way no true Christians or Jews would have survived. You should realize that Catholicism is the antithesis of Christianity in the Bible. The ANTITHESIS!

Hey I thank God I was raised a RC, and not a Protestant, how is that. I agree we had many a bad popes, and some pedophile Priests, but the Protestants had a heck of a lot more strange thinkers. I get sick when I hear some of your preachers talk about the end of days like its upon us to put the fear of God in you, RC's don't do that, you know why, because we know that every day can be our last. I bet most thought the end of the world was coming in the 14th century with the Black Death .

I am a RC in tradition only now as I do not worship Yahweh, the warrior God of the Jews, and I know a man named Jesus was not God, and I do not believe God of this universe impregnated a Jewish virgin, and I will not worship a Jew as though he were god. That is pagan and if you read the old religions you would know that.

OK----I am convinced----you spit and shit on catholic dogma but still insist that
you are glad you were raised in it.

No Jesus is my man, not Moses, who came down from the mountain and killed what 3000 of his own men.

Thank God for Constantine? He was a sun god worshiper! He worshiped Baal until his death! He hunted down the early Christians and had them put to death wherever he found them. You must be kidding me, Penelope!

Constantine was still into Mithraism. Why do you think the Christians churches faced east, sunrise.
Jesus himself tells you he is the morning star, Sun, Daystar. He is the light of the world.

Penelope, Constantine was a Baal worshiper. He worshiped the sun god to his last day according to historical record. Idolaters pray towards the east as Scripture will clearly teach you. Bible Scripture not Catholicism which is steeped in pagan / occult rituals. Now to stay on track here I need to finish the last page as I left it off midair. But I will believe God that you will become curious enough to read this entire thread and learn a few things you didn't know before - which will result in two things - holy anger - and great compassion for those who have been victimized by the Roman anti - Christ system - Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Arabs in general, Europe, the Unites States, Russia - to make it simpler ..........who haven't they victimized??!! After you read this you will never look at the world the same way again. Seriously.

Now here is the last and final page: The Muslim and Communist armies, primed to destroy Israel, will attack and they themselves will be massacred on the mountains and in the deserts of Israel. Ezekiel 38: 1-3; 39: 1-4)

Note from me - I pray all who read this and had thought to be a part of it will repent and turn to Jesus Christ for salvation tonight. In Jesus name.


This is when Jesus Christ, "The King of Kings will return from heaven to destroy the Anti-Christ and his armies.........

and the Lord Jesus Christ will set up His kingdom in Jerusalem to rule the world. In the past, Satan has used religion to destroy billions of souls. And working through "the great whore" of the Book of Revelation (which is the Roman Catholic Institution) Satan carefully put the virgin Mary before the people to get their attention away from the Lord Jesus. '

The betrayed Catholics attempt to go through their church system to try to get to heaven. And using a similar trick, the Vatican helped set up a militant and sophisticated religion to keep the children of Ishmael from knowing the one who could get them to heaven.

The Muslim multitudes look for their religion and Muhammad (whose body lays in Medina) and with all their hearts look towards Mecca for their salvation.

And the Blame for All of This goes Directly to Rome for this Unspeakable Crime.

The Bible, God's infallible and inspired Word, tells us that Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father,but by me. -John 14: 6

Jesus loves you, Penelope. There is no salvation through the Roman Anti-Christ Cult. There is no salvation through their child of Islam - there is no salvation through their child - Communism. You must come out from the Roman Catholic system and be separated. Call upon the name of the Lord and you shall be saved. Amen.

Jeremiah----Penelope rejects Catholicism----the only part she LIKES ----is
the JEW-HATRED. Magda Goebbels was a pious church going catholic---
and an ardent Nazi------she all but worshipped Adolf. There are all kinds of
"different" catholics
No he was not a German, he feared Bolshevism, he seen what it did in Russia to the Church, but he remained neutral.

a POPE who remains "neutral" during a genocide in a catholic country ----
is a NAZI A big part of my extended family got wiped out in catholic Austria.......
HE AIN't NO SAINT. Penelope----are you sure you are not a gypsy?
in my town the only people who say "he seen what it did....." are gypsies.
Not to impugn gypsies, of course.

A pope is not just an ordinary guy-----he's got BIG RESPONSIBILITIES
It is a kind of typical pattern of speech for gypsies
And yet your a Christian? I mean if not for the Rome and the RCC , there would be no Christianity. Thanks to Constantine.

As a former Catholic, Penelope, you should know that had Constantine gotten his way no true Christians would have survived. Had the Roman Vatican had it's way no true Christians or Jews would have survived. You should realize that Catholicism is the antithesis of Christianity in the Bible. The ANTITHESIS!

Hey I thank God I was raised a RC, and not a Protestant, how is that. I agree we had many a bad popes, and some pedophile Priests, but the Protestants had a heck of a lot more strange thinkers. I get sick when I hear some of your preachers talk about the end of days like its upon us to put the fear of God in you, RC's don't do that, you know why, because we know that every day can be our last. I bet most thought the end of the world was coming in the 14th century with the Black Death .

I am a RC in tradition only now as I do not worship Yahweh, the warrior God of the Jews, and I know a man named Jesus was not God, and I do not believe God of this universe impregnated a Jewish virgin, and I will not worship a Jew as though he were god. That is pagan and if you read the old religions you would know that.

OK----I am convinced----you spit and shit on catholic dogma but still insist that
you are glad you were raised in it.

No Jesus is my man, not Moses, who came down from the mountain and killed what 3000 of his own men.

Try again-----moses killed one person in his life----an Egyptian----the tanach does
record what is clearly a kind of civil war that took place in the desert amongst
the jews fleeing Egypt based on doctrinal dispute------your comment indicates
that you are a desperate lump of idiocy. In fact that civil war in the desert does
not come close to the stink and filth of INCESSANT murder that took place amongst the people of the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE since the inception of the
vile entity, approx. 300 AD under the leadership of the vile animal CONSTANTINE

He had the Levites do his dirty work, no he came down from the mountain and said your either with us or not and had men put sword to their family members . I mean I do not believe the exodus as described in the Bible, of course it didn't happen that way. How many people did the Hebrews kill, horrible. Yes Rome killed a lot of people in battle. The reason you never accepted Jesus is he wasn't a war hawk and wanted peace, not the Jewish way to have peace, as Bibi says us Jews have the fighting spirit.

I never met a Priest I didn't like, and let me tell you a secret, quiet don't tell everyone, Some Priest do not believe in the virgin birth, its a metaphor, not saying there was not a very Godly rabbi named Jesus, and also , transubstantiation is not really the literal body of Christ, but is spiritual.

Are you a person who practices Judaism? or are you a Christian?
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Rosie, getting back on topic of this thread, I'd like to ask you a question. Now that you realize (thanks to the courage of people as the ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera, Jack Chick, Avron Manhattan and some others - including ex - priests and ex- nuns) who was behind WWII, does it make more sense to you now - how these Jesuits, Dominicans, and Priests dressed in Nazi uniforms could be so utterly heartless and vicious to the Jewish men, women and children in the death camps?

Do you now understand the photographs that the world has seen many times of the friendliness between Hitler, the Nazis and the Roman Catholic leadership? Everyone smiling, etc.? Do you see the common denominator now in the Islamists who were brainwashed by leadership to believe that killing the heretics was acting in Gods name - whereas the Faithful Catholic Nazis also thought they were acting in Gods' name? Does it not horrify you to realize that these same laws of the Roman Institution are still on the books today and that another Inquisition not only could but eventually will happen?

I tell you the truth - for many Jews reading this thread it should be as if a light bulb went off in their heads to realize the unity between the Vatican and the Grand Mufti and Hitler - it should be like a light bulb went off in their heads to explain why these Nazis could not be appealed to - it was religious zealotry, Rosie, for the Roman Vatican - that is where it all stemmed from. What can we do about this? Tell others - get the information out there because the ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera paid with his life to get this information to the Roman Catholic people so they would for once know the truth of the history of this "church" they have committed themselves to and realize it is time to sever the relationship and get out of there! If it means being disowned by their Roman Catholic families (yes that happens not only to Muslims who become ex-Muslims - but Catholics who become ex-Catholics) then that is the price that must be paid. To know that one is doing the right thing and obeying the Commandments of God (which says have no fellowship with the works of darkness) and walking in the light should be enough to sustain any soul!
a POPE who remains "neutral" during a genocide in a catholic country ----
is a NAZI A big part of my extended family got wiped out in catholic Austria.......
HE AIN't NO SAINT. Penelope----are you sure you are not a gypsy?
in my town the only people who say "he seen what it did....." are gypsies.
Not to impugn gypsies, of course.

A pope is not just an ordinary guy-----he's got BIG RESPONSIBILITIES
It is a kind of typical pattern of speech for gypsies
As a former Catholic, Penelope, you should know that had Constantine gotten his way no true Christians would have survived. Had the Roman Vatican had it's way no true Christians or Jews would have survived. You should realize that Catholicism is the antithesis of Christianity in the Bible. The ANTITHESIS!

Hey I thank God I was raised a RC, and not a Protestant, how is that. I agree we had many a bad popes, and some pedophile Priests, but the Protestants had a heck of a lot more strange thinkers. I get sick when I hear some of your preachers talk about the end of days like its upon us to put the fear of God in you, RC's don't do that, you know why, because we know that every day can be our last. I bet most thought the end of the world was coming in the 14th century with the Black Death .

I am a RC in tradition only now as I do not worship Yahweh, the warrior God of the Jews, and I know a man named Jesus was not God, and I do not believe God of this universe impregnated a Jewish virgin, and I will not worship a Jew as though he were god. That is pagan and if you read the old religions you would know that.

OK----I am convinced----you spit and shit on catholic dogma but still insist that
you are glad you were raised in it.

No Jesus is my man, not Moses, who came down from the mountain and killed what 3000 of his own men.

Thank God for Constantine? He was a sun god worshiper! He worshiped Baal until his death! He hunted down the early Christians and had them put to death wherever he found them. You must be kidding me, Penelope!

Constantine was still into Mithraism. Why do you think the Christians churches faced east, sunrise.
Jesus himself tells you he is the morning star, Sun, Daystar. He is the light of the world.

Penelope, Constantine was a Baal worshiper. He worshiped the sun god to his last day according to historical record. Idolaters pray towards the east as Scripture will clearly teach you. Bible Scripture not Catholicism which is steeped in pagan / occult rituals. Now to stay on track here I need to finish the last page as I left it off midair. But I will believe God that you will become curious enough to read this entire thread and learn a few things you didn't know before - which will result in two things - holy anger - and great compassion for those who have been victimized by the Roman anti - Christ system - Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Arabs in general, Europe, the Unites States, Russia - to make it simpler ..........who haven't they victimized??!! After you read this you will never look at the world the same way again. Seriously.

Now here is the last and final page: The Muslim and Communist armies, primed to destroy Israel, will attack and they themselves will be massacred on the mountains and in the deserts of Israel. Ezekiel 38: 1-3; 39: 1-4)

Note from me - I pray all who read this and had thought to be a part of it will repent and turn to Jesus Christ for salvation tonight. In Jesus name.


This is when Jesus Christ, "The King of Kings will return from heaven to destroy the Anti-Christ and his armies.........

and the Lord Jesus Christ will set up His kingdom in Jerusalem to rule the world. In the past, Satan has used religion to destroy billions of souls. And working through "the great whore" of the Book of Revelation (which is the Roman Catholic Institution) Satan carefully put the virgin Mary before the people to get their attention away from the Lord Jesus. '

The betrayed Catholics attempt to go through their church system to try to get to heaven. And using a similar trick, the Vatican helped set up a militant and sophisticated religion to keep the children of Ishmael from knowing the one who could get them to heaven.

The Muslim multitudes look for their religion and Muhammad (whose body lays in Medina) and with all their hearts look towards Mecca for their salvation.

And the Blame for All of This goes Directly to Rome for this Unspeakable Crime.

The Bible, God's infallible and inspired Word, tells us that Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father,but by me. -John 14: 6

Jesus loves you, Penelope. There is no salvation through the Roman Anti-Christ Cult. There is no salvation through their child of Islam - there is no salvation through their child - Communism. You must come out from the Roman Catholic system and be separated. Call upon the name of the Lord and you shall be saved. Amen.

Jeremiah----Penelope rejects Catholicism----the only part she LIKES ----is
the JEW-HATRED. Magda Goebbels was a pious church going catholic---
and an ardent Nazi------she all but worshipped Adolf. There are all kinds of
"different" catholics
a POPE who remains "neutral" during a genocide in a catholic country ----
is a NAZI A big part of my extended family got wiped out in catholic Austria.......
HE AIN't NO SAINT. Penelope----are you sure you are not a gypsy?
in my town the only people who say "he seen what it did....." are gypsies.
Not to impugn gypsies, of course.

A pope is not just an ordinary guy-----he's got BIG RESPONSIBILITIES
It is a kind of typical pattern of speech for gypsies
As a former Catholic, Penelope, you should know that had Constantine gotten his way no true Christians would have survived. Had the Roman Vatican had it's way no true Christians or Jews would have survived. You should realize that Catholicism is the antithesis of Christianity in the Bible. The ANTITHESIS!

Hey I thank God I was raised a RC, and not a Protestant, how is that. I agree we had many a bad popes, and some pedophile Priests, but the Protestants had a heck of a lot more strange thinkers. I get sick when I hear some of your preachers talk about the end of days like its upon us to put the fear of God in you, RC's don't do that, you know why, because we know that every day can be our last. I bet most thought the end of the world was coming in the 14th century with the Black Death .

I am a RC in tradition only now as I do not worship Yahweh, the warrior God of the Jews, and I know a man named Jesus was not God, and I do not believe God of this universe impregnated a Jewish virgin, and I will not worship a Jew as though he were god. That is pagan and if you read the old religions you would know that.

OK----I am convinced----you spit and shit on catholic dogma but still insist that
you are glad you were raised in it.

No Jesus is my man, not Moses, who came down from the mountain and killed what 3000 of his own men.

Try again-----moses killed one person in his life----an Egyptian----the tanach does
record what is clearly a kind of civil war that took place in the desert amongst
the jews fleeing Egypt based on doctrinal dispute------your comment indicates
that you are a desperate lump of idiocy. In fact that civil war in the desert does
not come close to the stink and filth of INCESSANT murder that took place amongst the people of the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE since the inception of the
vile entity, approx. 300 AD under the leadership of the vile animal CONSTANTINE

He had the Levites do his dirty work, no he came down from the mountain and said your either with us or not and had men put sword to their family members . I mean I do not believe the exodus as described in the Bible, of course it didn't happen that way. How many people did the Hebrews kill, horrible. Yes Rome killed a lot of people in battle. The reason you never accepted Jesus is he wasn't a war hawk and wanted peace, not the Jewish way to have peace, as Bibi says us Jews have the fighting spirit.

Excuse me, Penelope, this is my thread and the discussion is about who was behind World War 1 and World War II and that would be the Jesuits and the Roman Catholic Vatican. If you want to discuss Benjamin Netanyahu make a thread about it. This is your last warning. Obey the rules of USMB - or get off of my thread and do not come back.

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