WWI, WWII: The Hidden Cause Finally Revealed

Well the Vatican wasn't, so get over it. The Protestant revolution probably was.
you have to know how to READ between the lines to understand the NT---
----you have not got a chance. I believe the NT is chock full of real history----
after CONSTANTINE gets extracted

Oh boy, half of the NT is copied from the OT. The NT does not have much history in it either, except for Herod and his buildings, and well the Jewish and Roman War, so much for the temple. Paul, who is he really, Josephus?

Paul is Paul-----a greek. Josephus is jew-----in fact a "COHEN" ------give up
Penelope-----you do not have enough information. Paul is a greek who
got attracted to Judaism and eventually to the sect of Judaism -----Christianity.
He tried to fit Judaism into greek and roman culture -------but he had good intentions-----Constantine was the big bastard who derailed everyone. Without
Constantine-----Christianity would have become a sect of Judaism IMHO

Right, he must of been a liar as well. Thank God for Constantine, IMHO. The Roman Empire was a great Empire, along with the Persian, Greek, did the Jews have an empire, no.

Is there something about "EMPIRE" that excites you? The CALIPHATE
is an empire too. -------the Japanese under the SHOGUNS had EMPIRES.
You are not alone-----lots of people are excited about the concept of EMPIRE.
MING had an empire

Penelope mentioned she was raised in the Roman Catholic Church - it is something that become ingrained - to think this way - it is something to pray about it.

Man I feel so bad for you, I have tried to help you, but get out of that cult you in, Please.
Anyone who has read this thread carefully should now understand who was behind Islam and the creation of it - manipulating Mohammad through their Catholic agent - Khadijah and her faithful Roman Catholic cousin - it was the Vatican. To be clear - it should come as a relief to many who could not understand why Roman Catholic Cardinal Dolan has such an influence over the head of ISNA - Iman Majid and it should also be no surprise as to who is funding and directing ISIS and ISIL today which is leading us to our Third World War. It should be bringing up great compassion for the Arab people who have been for centuries deceived by the Roman Catholic Empire - in order to manipulate their emotions to create hatred in their hearts towards the Jews and the Protestant Christians - including the Orthodox people - it should cause those of us who are born again believers to pray for the Muslim people that they will have their eyes opened to the truth and that they will not be robbed of their salvation in heaven which the LORD did pay for! The Lord loves the Muslim people and the Catholic people and desires for them to be delivered from the anti - Christ deception of the Roman Catholic Institution! That is the truth and by showing the Muslims the truth of this historical connection between the Vatican and the influence of Mohammad I believe many will find their salvation and deliverance at last.
Oh boy, half of the NT is copied from the OT. The NT does not have much history in it either, except for Herod and his buildings, and well the Jewish and Roman War, so much for the temple. Paul, who is he really, Josephus?

Paul is Paul-----a greek. Josephus is jew-----in fact a "COHEN" ------give up
Penelope-----you do not have enough information. Paul is a greek who
got attracted to Judaism and eventually to the sect of Judaism -----Christianity.
He tried to fit Judaism into greek and roman culture -------but he had good intentions-----Constantine was the big bastard who derailed everyone. Without
Constantine-----Christianity would have become a sect of Judaism IMHO

Right, he must of been a liar as well. Thank God for Constantine, IMHO. The Roman Empire was a great Empire, along with the Persian, Greek, did the Jews have an empire, no.

Is there something about "EMPIRE" that excites you? The CALIPHATE
is an empire too. -------the Japanese under the SHOGUNS had EMPIRES.
You are not alone-----lots of people are excited about the concept of EMPIRE.
MING had an empire

Penelope mentioned she was raised in the Roman Catholic Church - it is something that become ingrained - to think this way - it is something to pray about it.

Man I feel so bad for you, I have tried to help you, but get out of that cult you in, Please.

I'm not in the Roman Catholic Institution, you are, Penelope. Now you need to leave my thread. You've disrupted it long enough.
Jack Chick gives permission to share these comics - tracts - with others for free - but none of this material is for resale - you are free to share it with others but not to sell it. With that we will begin at the beginning as I am going to share with you now the true story of Dr. Alberto Rivera and how he became a Jesuit priest and Bishop.

From the first book in the series - Alberto Volume 12 by Jack Chick Publications.

Spain, 1942

Alberto is taken to a religious school called a seminary to be trained. His schooling begins at age 7. As his mother takes him to the front door he pleads with her to take him home. He does not want to stay. The priest accompanying them asks, What is the matter with him? The mother then forces her son to go with the man and leaves him there. This is the opening of the story in comic book form. 2 years later - It is announced that three women have arrived at the seminary to bring Alberto home with them. His mother is dying. They call for Alberto who is told the news. His reaction is indicative of his having already been brainwashed by the men there - he pleads with the man calling him Father and says "The Church" has now become his mother"......he says he does not want to go.

The Priest then tells Alberto: Didn't you know you are here to take the most sacred vows (Promises to God) and that is the vow of obedience? Alberto then tells him, with your permission I am ready to go.

When Alberto sees his mother she tells him please pray for me! I'm afraid! I've even prayed to the sacred heart of Jesus.....but I do not get any answers to my soul....I'm so afraid.......help me. Alberto - still a child - pleads with the priest present named Father Abraham - can't you do something more? He replies, I did all I could....Alberto's mother begins to scream in terror again - she is seeing demons and she cries out, Oh God, I see those ugly things coming for me again! I'm so afraid, now they are here in this room!

The priest called Father Abraham tells little Alberto - your mother has not only received the sacraments but special indulgence by the Pope, our holy father, a special high mass has been said, and now, Alberto, I have just given her the last sacrament of extreme unction.

*Sacraments of baptism, penance, the holy Eucharist, (mass) confirmation and the sacrament of Matrimony. Pope Pius XII

Note* Mrs. Rivera was not on medication

Then Mrs. Rivera cries out upon her bed these final words:

Oh no! Don't you see them? They want to put me in the fire! They want to get me, Alberto! I don't want to die there! Look at those people in the fire! Those horrible monsters are coming for me!

Alberto begins to sob, Mama, Mama, come back.

The priest called Father Abraham tells Alberto, She is gone, my son.
This experience of young Alberto witnessing his own mother going to hell was a pivotal moment in his life. As you will learn for yourselves by reading the rest of the story...... This is how one is trained to become a Jesuit priest...


This is the beginning of the story of Alberto - pages 1 - 5 by Jack chick publications - testimony of Dr. Alberto Rivera - Ex Jesuit who told the truth.
a POPE who remains "neutral" during a genocide in a catholic country ----
is a NAZI A big part of my extended family got wiped out in catholic Austria.......
HE AIN't NO SAINT. Penelope----are you sure you are not a gypsy?
in my town the only people who say "he seen what it did....." are gypsies.
Not to impugn gypsies, of course.

A pope is not just an ordinary guy-----he's got BIG RESPONSIBILITIES
It is a kind of typical pattern of speech for gypsies
As a former Catholic, Penelope, you should know that had Constantine gotten his way no true Christians would have survived. Had the Roman Vatican had it's way no true Christians or Jews would have survived. You should realize that Catholicism is the antithesis of Christianity in the Bible. The ANTITHESIS!

Hey I thank God I was raised a RC, and not a Protestant, how is that. I agree we had many a bad popes, and some pedophile Priests, but the Protestants had a heck of a lot more strange thinkers. I get sick when I hear some of your preachers talk about the end of days like its upon us to put the fear of God in you, RC's don't do that, you know why, because we know that every day can be our last. I bet most thought the end of the world was coming in the 14th century with the Black Death .

I am a RC in tradition only now as I do not worship Yahweh, the warrior God of the Jews, and I know a man named Jesus was not God, and I do not believe God of this universe impregnated a Jewish virgin, and I will not worship a Jew as though he were god. That is pagan and if you read the old religions you would know that.

OK----I am convinced----you spit and shit on catholic dogma but still insist that
you are glad you were raised in it.

No Jesus is my man, not Moses, who came down from the mountain and killed what 3000 of his own men.

Thank God for Constantine? He was a sun god worshiper! He worshiped Baal until his death! He hunted down the early Christians and had them put to death wherever he found them. You must be kidding me, Penelope!

Constantine was still into Mithraism. Why do you think the Christians churches faced east, sunrise.
Jesus himself tells you he is the morning star, Sun, Daystar. He is the light of the world.

Penelope, Constantine was a Baal worshiper. He worshiped the sun god to his last day according to historical record. Idolaters pray towards the east as Scripture will clearly teach you. Bible Scripture not Catholicism which is steeped in pagan / occult rituals. Now to stay on track here I need to finish the last page as I left it off midair. But I will believe God that you will become curious enough to read this entire thread and learn a few things you didn't know before - which will result in two things - holy anger - and great compassion for those who have been victimized by the Roman anti - Christ system - Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Arabs in general, Europe, the Unites States, Russia - to make it simpler ..........who haven't they victimized??!! After you read this you will never look at the world the same way again. Seriously.

Now here is the last and final page: The Muslim and Communist armies, primed to destroy Israel, will attack and they themselves will be massacred on the mountains and in the deserts of Israel. Ezekiel 38: 1-3; 39: 1-4)

Note from me - I pray all who read this and had thought to be a part of it will repent and turn to Jesus Christ for salvation tonight. In Jesus name.


This is when Jesus Christ, "The King of Kings will return from heaven to destroy the Anti-Christ and his armies.........

and the Lord Jesus Christ will set up His kingdom in Jerusalem to rule the world. In the past, Satan has used religion to destroy billions of souls. And working through "the great whore" of the Book of Revelation (which is the Roman Catholic Institution) Satan carefully put the virgin Mary before the people to get their attention away from the Lord Jesus. '

The betrayed Catholics attempt to go through their church system to try to get to heaven. And using a similar trick, the Vatican helped set up a militant and sophisticated religion to keep the children of Ishmael from knowing the one who could get them to heaven.

The Muslim multitudes look for their religion and Muhammad (whose body lays in Medina) and with all their hearts look towards Mecca for their salvation.

And the Blame for All of This goes Directly to Rome for this Unspeakable Crime.

The Bible, God's infallible and inspired Word, tells us that Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father,but by me. -John 14: 6

Jesus loves you, Penelope. There is no salvation through the Roman Anti-Christ Cult. There is no salvation through their child of Islam - there is no salvation through their child - Communism. You must come out from the Roman Catholic system and be separated. Call upon the name of the Lord and you shall be saved. Amen.

Jeremiah----Penelope rejects Catholicism----the only part she LIKES ----is
the JEW-HATRED. Magda Goebbels was a pious church going catholic---
and an ardent Nazi------she all but worshipped Adolf. There are all kinds of
"different" catholics
a POPE who remains "neutral" during a genocide in a catholic country ----
is a NAZI A big part of my extended family got wiped out in catholic Austria.......
HE AIN't NO SAINT. Penelope----are you sure you are not a gypsy?
in my town the only people who say "he seen what it did....." are gypsies.
Not to impugn gypsies, of course.

A pope is not just an ordinary guy-----he's got BIG RESPONSIBILITIES
It is a kind of typical pattern of speech for gypsies
As a former Catholic, Penelope, you should know that had Constantine gotten his way no true Christians would have survived. Had the Roman Vatican had it's way no true Christians or Jews would have survived. You should realize that Catholicism is the antithesis of Christianity in the Bible. The ANTITHESIS!

Hey I thank God I was raised a RC, and not a Protestant, how is that. I agree we had many a bad popes, and some pedophile Priests, but the Protestants had a heck of a lot more strange thinkers. I get sick when I hear some of your preachers talk about the end of days like its upon us to put the fear of God in you, RC's don't do that, you know why, because we know that every day can be our last. I bet most thought the end of the world was coming in the 14th century with the Black Death .

I am a RC in tradition only now as I do not worship Yahweh, the warrior God of the Jews, and I know a man named Jesus was not God, and I do not believe God of this universe impregnated a Jewish virgin, and I will not worship a Jew as though he were god. That is pagan and if you read the old religions you would know that.

OK----I am convinced----you spit and shit on catholic dogma but still insist that
you are glad you were raised in it.

No Jesus is my man, not Moses, who came down from the mountain and killed what 3000 of his own men.

Try again-----moses killed one person in his life----an Egyptian----the tanach does
record what is clearly a kind of civil war that took place in the desert amongst
the jews fleeing Egypt based on doctrinal dispute------your comment indicates
that you are a desperate lump of idiocy. In fact that civil war in the desert does
not come close to the stink and filth of INCESSANT murder that took place amongst the people of the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE since the inception of the
vile entity, approx. 300 AD under the leadership of the vile animal CONSTANTINE

He had the Levites do his dirty work, no he came down from the mountain and said your either with us or not and had men put sword to their family members . I mean I do not believe the exodus as described in the Bible, of course it didn't happen that way. How many people did the Hebrews kill, horrible. Yes Rome killed a lot of people in battle. The reason you never accepted Jesus is he wasn't a war hawk and wanted peace, not the Jewish way to have peace, as Bibi says us Jews have the fighting spirit.

Wrong again, Penelope----it did not happen the way you learned it in sunday school. In order to understand the episode to which you refer----you have to
know what a LEVITE is and who KORACH was-----(korach is the person
played by Edward G Robinson in the movie) -----In fact it was LEVITES who died
in that episode-----including Korach who WAS A LEVITE----but his sons survived.
Since you do not know------and do not want to know----I will not proceed-----ask a
priest. Ask him about the "SONS OF KORACH". To help you out---I will describe the episode that ended up with the death of Korach as having all the elements of a greek tragedy. It does not end with the death of Korach------the sage continues with his sons------the SONS OF KORACH. Moses did not kill Korach. Moses kills no one in that episode. -----BOTH moses and korach
In this closing scene from page 6 the dialogue is as follows:

The Following day

Father Abraham the priest: Alberto you have to trust the church. I was the priest who baptized you. Don't you believe me? Perhaps after the funeral you will talk to me, Goodbye my son. There is a picture of little Aberto - with a thinking caption 0000000- I'm not your son! Alberto is thinking to himself and in next caption it reads 0000-It's all a lie! The sacraments didn't help my mother. The church didn't help her when she needed help and comfort. Father Abraham must be a liar! He's supposed to be Jesus and Jesus didn't help me! I feel dead inside. I don't believe anything anymore.

* Canon law and dogma by reason of ordination the priest is granted 2 powers to forgive sins and to perform mass. These place him in the position of Jesus according to the Roman Catholic teaching.

After the Funeral

Alberto thinking to himself while standing at the graveside of his mother: If Father Abraham lied, then maybe he didn't know what he was supposed to do. Mama, if I become a priest then maybe I will find the answers and I'll have the truth.......That's what I'll do!

Alberto then kneels by grave and prays: O God, help me to become a priest so that I may bring peace to anyone in need. He vows to his mother, Mama, I will go back to school for you. I'll come back to see you, Mama, when I am a priest and you will be proud and happy sobbing he says Good-bye, Mama, I love you so much.

this is page 6 of Alberto by Jack Chick publications - the testimony of Alberto - in this scene - Alberto was left at the seminary at age 7 and his mother died 2 years later so the boy was nine years old when this took place. Nine years old and in 1942 he was taken to this seminary to live and to be trained by the Jesuits.

From this point on - Dr. Rivera will share his testimony from the point of looking back on what happened. This is all a true story - including the following exchange here - page 7 opens with this:

Years later, in San Diego, 1979

Sonny Manchester is making a phone call at a phone booth:

Answering: Glenco Electronics.

Sonny Manchester: Hello, may I speak to Tim Clark, please?

Reply: One moment, please.

Tim Clark: Hello, this is Tim Clark.......

Sonny Manchester: Hey, Tim... This is Sonny Manchester.

Tim Clark: Sonny? Man, it is great to hear your voice! Where are you?

Sonny Manchester: I'm calling from San Diego. I've got a big problem Tim. Could you help me out?

Tim Clark: You bet, Sonny, what is it?

Sonny Manchester: A friend of mine has been in an accident and needs a place to stay for a few days.

Tim Clark: No problem, He can stay at my place as long as he wants.

Sonny Manchester: Thanks, Tim, I've got to fly back to Chicago tonight. I just don't like him being alone. You'll find him to be a special person. We'll be at your place by 6:30 tonight.

Tim Clark: Okay, Sonny. I'm sure looking forward to seeing you again. What's your friend's name?

Sonny Manchester: His name is Dr. Alberto Rivera.

end of page 7 from the series 1 - entitled - Alberto - Volume 12 - by Jack Chick Publications.
This is the scene of the introduction of Dr. Alberto Rivera from page 8 of Alberto by Jack Chick Publications

Sonny Manchester: Dr. Rivera, this is James Carter and Tim Clark.

Tim Clark: Hi, Doctor.

James Carter: My pleasure.

Dr. Alberto Rivera: I'm happy to meet you my brothers.

Sonny Manchester: I told Dr. Rivera I would trust you two with my life.

Tim Clark: We feel the same about you, Sonny.

Sonny Manchester: Dr. Rivera is a Pastor and a speaker and has one of the most unusual stories I've ever heard. He is a true Bible - believing Christian. You can trust him. You have my word. I've got to get to the airport or I'll miss my flight, Dr. Rivera. God bless you. I know the battle you're facing. My family and I will be praying for you.

Dr. Rivera: Thank you so much for everything.

Tim Clark: Good-bye Sonny.

James Carter: It's been great seeing you again.

Dr. Alberto Rivera: Tim, my car is being repaired. I shouldn't be here any longer than Tuesday.

Tim: Didn't Sonny say you were run off the freeway?

Dr. Alberto Rivera: Yes, that's true.

Tim: Was it a drunk or some nut?

Dr. Alberto Rivera: Oh, no! These things happen from time to time. Ever since I left Spain.

Tim: What did you do in Spain, Dr. Rivera?

Dr. Alberto Rivera: I was a Jesuit Priest and a bishop in the old Roman Catholic Institution.

Jim Carter: Man, that is heavy.

Page 8 of Alberto by Jack Chick publications - testimony of Dr. Alberto Rivera - Ex - Jesuit.
Continuing to page 9 of Alberto by Jack Chick Publications - Testimony of Dr. Alberto Rivera - Ex Jesuit:

Tim: The Jesuits are the tops of all religious orders in the Catholic church, am I right?

Dr. Alberto Rivera: Yes, they were founded by a man named Ignatius de Loyola in 1541 for the purpose of stopping the spread of Protestantism.

Footnote on this page * Occult theocracy by Queensborough page 208. Enc. Brit. Ninth Edition, art, Jesuits. Footnote for definition of Protestant: People who protested (objected to) Roman Catholic teaching.

returning to dialogue now..........

Dr. Alberto Rivera: They were the intelligencia (big brains) In the past, Jesuits have advised kings and toppled governments. And are still doing so. They are the instructors in the Roman Catholic Universities. My friends the Jesuits are more powerful than you ever dreamed.

Tim responds - I'd like to hear more, Dr. Alberto. Dr. Alberto replies, Please call me Alberto, Tim responds, Okay, Alberto..........

Tim asks: How many Jesuits are there?

Dr. Alberto Rivera: About 102,000. *

Footnote* This includes Jesuits outside the Priesthood

Tim: Hmmmm, they are completely devoted to the Pope?

Dr. Alberto Rivera: No!

James Carter: What? Doesn't the Pope run the Vatican? This is incredible, who is he?

Dr. Alberto Rivera: No, my friends. There is another man who actually runs the show.

*footnote Headquarters of the Roman Catholic Institution in Rome.
end of page 9
ok---ok----here is my question. HOW DID THEY KEEP THIS VAST
CONSPIRACY ----a secret for so long? It seems even more VAST AND

the masons??? were they not simply left over from the medieval guild
system-----and the "MASONS"----was simply the guild of masons?????
Or did the MASON GUILD act as a coverup for Jesuits? Now for
my next question------IS KAREN ARMSTRONG A JESUIT?
continuing to page 10 Alberto by Jack Chick publications testimony of Dr. Alberto Rivera - ex - Jesuit:

Dr. Alberto Rivera: In the Vatican, it is common knowledge. The man is the Jesuit General. He is known as "the black pope"

Tim: You mean he is a black man?

Dr. Alberto Rivera: No, James. He is white, but he dresses in all black. He is the real power of the Vatican.

footnote* Occult Theocracy, Lady Queensborough, Order of the Jesuits, page 311, published by Emissary Publications, P.O.Box 294, Colton, OR 97017

returning to dialogue now......

Dr. Alberto Rivera: Nothing is as it appears, Gentlemen, The Roman Catholic Institution is full of suprises, The higher I went the more I saw what disturbed me. I guess that's why about 86% of the priesthood (including the Jesuits) are undergoing psychiatric (mental) treatments.

Tim: Alberto, could you start at the beginning?

Dr. Alberto Rivera: Yes, of course!

Dr. Alberto Rivera: I guess the first thing that shocked my faith was the death of my precious mother. She was completely devoted to the church and would never question their teachings, because she trusted her priests. And she went out screaming into a Christless eternity with a look of horror on her face........

The priest told me he did everything he could. It cost my mother her soul. I felt it was our priest who was to blame......and so I vowed to become a priest and find the truth. Yes, the death of my mother was the first great event to shake my faith.

Dr. Alberto Rivera continues: The next event that deeply troubled me happened in school lat one night. I had just gone to sleep, someone climbed into my bed and started kissing me.

Scene of what happened as depicted on page 11:

Alberto says, What the.......Get out of my bed! Pow! (Alberto punched the adult person who got in his bed) lights come on - he sees who it is...... he exclaims! Father Rector! (it was the principal) Come here! Father Rector cries out! My nose! You broke it! Then another Priest enters to room - What's going on in here? The Rector cries out, Alberto broke my nose, Father! Alberto explains, Father, he got in my bed and kissed me and........... The Father then demands everyone out of the room except Alberto.

The Father then says to Alberto - Shame on you! Get on your knees for confession! Get on your knees and confess your sin! The young boy - Alberto responds, But Father! He's the one that got into my bed, I don't understand! What was my sin?

The Father then tells Alberto: Your sin, Alberto.....that he offered you his love and this was God's love, and you rejected it! Alberto gasps!

Footnote - comment by Dr. Alberto Rivera - To my amazement, the homosexual wasn't even questioned. As time went on, I discovered homosexuality throughout the system from priests to cardinals (next highest to the pope)
Bible scripture quoted next: Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effiminate (homosexuals) shall inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9,10

Dialogue now resuming:

Dr. Alberto Rivera: The fact that Roman Catholic Institution does not allow marriage by the priests and nuns has caused tremendous problems. When I was in the confessional, some nuns confessed to lesbianism, and others confessed to love affairs with their priests.

James: It must be a constant source of frustration, Alberto!

Dr. Alberto Rivera: It is, James!

Footnote**** The Priest, the Woman and the Confessional by Chiniquy published by Chick publications.

Tim: Alberto I've heard some old wives tales about workmen, digging on Catholic property.......and uncovering hidden underground burial sites. They found baby skeletons, supposedly from nuns who had become pregnant. Is there any truth in that?

Dr. Alberto Rivera: Oh yes, that is true! It happened in Seville, Spain around 1934. Also a discovery was made in Madrid in 1932. And another in the Basque region of northern Spain. The governments of presidents Anar and Manuel Azana demanded a national investigation be made of all monasteries, convents, Roman Catholic schools, and church buildings.

Many such grave sites were found in Spain and in Rome. By 1936 the Catholics of Spain were outraged and they attacked and destroyed many church buildings where these tunnels existed.

NOTE* On page 12 of Alberto - you see a diagram of the Covent for nuns - underground tunnel that goes across to the Monastery for priests on other side - underneath you see diagram of the tunnel the center is bodies of babies (where they were found) and then the tunnel continues to the other side where priests monastery was located.

Then this footnote - Government doctors checked the bodies and reported that in most cases death was by suffocation. In the light of this, isn't it strange that the Roman Catholic Institution is against abortion?

pages 11,12 of Alberto - Jack Chick Publications.

Last edited:
I got another question-----LONG LONG LONG ago-----in my Nazi town where there
were lots of people who besides getting into DA JOOOOS OWN DA BANKS---
stories-----also got into "CATHOLIC" rumors. I heard about the "babies in the tunnels" stories-----so long ago----I was so young-----I simply thought they
were the children of nuns and priests who LIVED in tunnels (????) ---I was
too young to accept "THEY WERE DEAD". Here is my question----"what's the
point"???? nuns and priests simply kept having kids and kept
MURDERING THEM? I don't believe it. Maybe they were newborns left on
the church steps that just did not survive??? Maybe the whole thing is-----
just rumor ????
Page 13 of Alberto by Jack Chick publications - testimony of Dr. Alberto Rivera - ex - Jesuit

Dr. Rivera continues:

Dr. Alberto Rivera: You see, without the Catholic priesthood, there would be no Roman Catholic Institution.

Tim: Why?

Dr. Alberto Rivera: Because the most important vow is the vow of celibacy,* without which there is no sacrament of order. This puts the priest up on a pedestal. They claim God favored him with grace above others because he is unmarried.
footnote * Celibacy defined: no marriage ever
Dr Alberto Rivera continues to explain: If all the priests got married, that would destroy the system......because the institution is based on certain laws (canon) which say the pope can only come through the priesthood. No pope, no Roman institution!

The pope is supposed to be the ruler of the world. The point was made clear by Augustine, a Roman Catholic writer around 420 A.D., in the original Latin version of his book, "The City of God." Newer versions have removed this information to keep it from the public.

He (the pope) is the sun, ruler of the universe, The moon (the governments of this earth) reflects his glory. The earth is all the people who bow down to him. **

He said, in essence, that God granted the pope the divine right as Jesus Christ on earth to secretly control the population in every country through education, politics, economics, and military might.

Dr. Alberto Rivera continues.......

My next great shock happened in school. I was 16 years old. The teacher was talking about Peter being the first pope. I asked a question which almost destroyed me! The Priest / teacher demanded: Stand up Alberto! What did you say?

Dr. Alberto Rivera: Little did I know I had challenged the pope himself.

end of page 13 and continuing now to page 14

we read:

To prove the apostle Peter was the first pope, the teacher said that Simon Peter was the rock on which the Roman Catholic church was built. Alberto questioned this and said to his instructor - I do not understand, from what you told us in the Latin and Greek, It says Simon means "sand" and Peter means "a little stone." Isn't Jesus the rock?

The instructor replied to young Alberto: Because it was clearly proved in the old Aramaic Bible which no longer exists. I didn't give you permission to ask questions, Alberto!

Still young Alberto continues with these words: Please let me go on, I beg you, Jesus said, On this rock I will build my church, so Peter could never be that rock. Because right after that Jesus calls Peter "Satan".

** See Matthew 16:23


* footnote - definition of a heretic - anyone who does not go along with the Roman Catholic Institution

2 hours later that day young Alberto is brought into the Instructors office and this is what unfolds.........

Instructor / priest: I didn't bring you into my office for something you did wrong, but because what you did was very dangerous.

Young Alberto: What did I do? Why did you call me those names?

Instructor / priest: I had to protect myself even though I agree with what you said. If I reported you to the Rector you would be punished. What you did was very dangerous. Some day you will find that there are things you must never speak about. You have been warned now go!

end of page 14 Alberto by Jack Chick publications - testimony of Ex-Jesuit -Dr. Alberto Rivera.
Page 15 of Alberto - The Testimony of the Ex Jesuit - Jack Chick Publications

Dr. Alberto Rivera: We were not allowed to read Bibles. Only the instructors could use them. A younger student shoved a new testament into my hands. I asked, what is this? He said, It's a matter of life and death, Alberto! Read it! I've got to go! Good-bye!

I was afraid, it didn't have the official Roman Catholic seal* of approval on the first page, I tried to throw it away. If I were caught reading it, they would have accused me of heresy. So I hid it.
footnote* defining official Roman Catholic seal of approval on first page of bible - Nihil Obstat Imprimatur Photo of the seal - note the cross on the left - same cross Hitler & Nazi's used.

Dr. Alberto Rivera continues..... I'm wearing glasses today because for three years I would read it at night under the blankets by flashlight.

Tim asks: What did you do when you found out that Peter was married?

Dr. Alberto Rivera: I almost died!
Footnote - from the Holy Bible scriptures: And when Jesus was come into Peter's house, he saw his wife's mother laid, and sick of fever. And he touched her hand, and the fever left her, and she arose and ministered unto them. - Matthew 8: 14,15 Also found in Mark 1:30 and Luke 4:38,39

Dr. Alberto Rivera continues: One night I was reading these shocking words in 1 Timothy, Chapter 3, verses 2,3,4,5,

A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach; Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre, but patient, not a brawler, not covetous...... One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity, (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the Church of God?)

And then I found this verse:

Thou art Simon, the son of Jona: Thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation a stone. (small pebble)
John 1:42


NOTE: Any questions concerning Roman Catholicism and their dogmas or doctrines see "Two Babylons" by Hislop and "50 Years in the "Church of Rome" by Chiniquy. See Chick Publications

Dr. Alberto Rivera continues: About this time we started taking classes on the history of the Inquisition.* It made me hate the protestants even more. Yet some of the information shook me up. Little did I know that I would soon be trained as an espionage agent* to destroy protestant churches.
definition of espionage agent * Undercover work like a spy.
page 15 ends here...

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Rosie, getting back on topic of this thread, I'd like to ask you a question. Now that you realize (thanks to the courage of people as the ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera, Jack Chick, Avron Manhattan and some others - including ex - priests and ex- nuns) who was behind WWII, does it make more sense to you now - how these Jesuits, Dominicans, and Priests dressed in Nazi uniforms could be so utterly heartless and vicious to the Jewish men, women and children in the death camps?

Do you now understand the photographs that the world has seen many times of the friendliness between Hitler, the Nazis and the Roman Catholic leadership? Everyone smiling, etc.? Do you see the common denominator now in the Islamists who were brainwashed by leadership to believe that killing the heretics was acting in Gods name - whereas the Faithful Catholic Nazis also thought they were acting in Gods' name? Does it not horrify you to realize that these same laws of the Roman Institution are still on the books today and that another Inquisition not only could but eventually will happen?

I tell you the truth - for many Jews reading this thread it should be as if a light bulb went off in their heads to realize the unity between the Vatican and the Grand Mufti and Hitler - it should be like a light bulb went off in their heads to explain why these Nazis could not be appealed to - it was religious zealotry, Rosie, for the Roman Vatican - that is where it all stemmed from. What can we do about this? Tell others - get the information out there because the ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera paid with his life to get this information to the Roman Catholic people so they would for once know the truth of the history of this "church" they have committed themselves to and realize it is time to sever the relationship and get out of there! If it means being disowned by their Roman Catholic families (yes that happens not only to Muslims who become ex-Muslims - but Catholics who become ex-Catholics) then that is the price that must be paid. To know that one is doing the right thing and obeying the Commandments of God (which says have no fellowship with the works of darkness) and walking in the light should be enough to sustain any soul!

OK-----the parts that I can easily believe is that hitler's 3rd Reich---was actually
MODELED on Constantine's HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE----and the holy roman empire thereafter. I also know that there were catholics living in Arabia during
the time of Muhummad and that muhummad had contact with them. Somehow
they are kinda left out of the Koran as targets of his HATRED----but jews are
VERY PROMINENT targets. In fact I knew virtually nothing about islam when I ran into a Koran------Like all books I saw at that time I took a look-----IT WAS ALL
ABOUT JOOOOS!!! So I read the damned thing. Christian barely exists
in the Koran. -----but the stories (albeit messed up) that are in the NT are in
the Koran. I knew he did not get them from the Jews living in Mecca or
Medina----and, of course---it is historic----Christianity had been in Arabia for
centuries by then. Some of the negative stuff about jews that Muhummad touts
is CLEARLY from Constantine. In fact-----the laws that control jews as "DHIMMIS"---are the same laws that exist in catholic CANNON law since the
time of Constantine ----compiled by his grandson JUSTIN into the JUSTINIAN
CODE. <<<<< no coincidence. I have always been suspicious about the
LACK OF ARCHAEOLOGY in Saudi Arabia No question---the land there is
CHOCK FULL of old buried manuscripts-----jews lived there more than 1000 years.
If you told me that there is an agreement between the Saudis and the Vatican----to
forward that sort of stuff to the Vatican vaults----I could believe it. Getting back to
HITLER----the Nuremburg laws which actually legalized genocide------
are THE SAME LAWS "Justinian code" >> "dhimmia laws" >> Nuremburg
laws. I doubt that this fact could have FLOWN over the heads of those
SCHOLARLY JESUIT priests. My skepticism is simply----it is hard to believe
that the church was ALL THAT COMPLICIT -----in the 20th century ---the idea throws me into a cold sweat. I can believe that there is lots they keep secret----
and would rather not MENTION----the fact that adolf used the JUSTINIAN CODE--
to legalize genocide
Page 16 of Alberto by Jack Chick Publications continues here:

Dr. Alberto Rivera: The Inquisition was the most horrible engine of cruelty and power the world has ever seen. *The Roman Catholic Institution from 1200 A.D. on, had produced a total of 68 Million victims. The holy office which ran the Inquisition was run by the ** Dominican Monks, but the masterminds behind it were the Jesuits. The holy office was a thing of terror wherever it was reached. No one was safe! Today the Roman Cathlic Institution is busy rewriting the history of the Inquisition as a cover-up. Books on the subject have been quietly disappearing from many libraries. It is one of the best kept secrets of modern times.

footnotes* The other side of Rome by J.B. Wilder Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI page 153 ** A group formed by a priest named Dominic.

Dr. Alberto Rivera continues: In our church history classes, the teachers would read what was actually said during one of these trials of the Inquisitions. The instructor /priest told his class - Someday, as priests, you will have to answer questions about the inquisition. In this class we will explain what really happened. I will read the case and show you why the church had the moral authority (right or power) to find this heretic guilty and sentence her to death.

Here we read the actual trial the priest tells Alberto and his class about:

On May 21, 1559, Bible-believing Christians were worshipping the Lord in a home. It was reported to the holy office. This was considered a crime punishable by death.

Scene 1: Priests crash into the private home of bible believing Christians gathered to worship the Lord Jesus. They enter the house saying, Stop! In the name of the holy office! Grab the heretics! They're worshipping the devil! It's a witches meeting!

Scene 2: A Christian pleads with the Roman Catholic Inquisitors (there to arrest the bible believing Christians) not to arrest the bible believing Christians - This lady is Dona Isabella. Please release her, She is a countess. She is a cousin of king Philip! Have mercy, She is in labor, She's having a baby!

The Roman Catholic Priest responds - Haw! When they are heretics, there is no countesses or princes, or kings, A heretic is a heretic! God will not protect the child of a heretic! because it will be a heretic too! Take her away!

Note* The tribunal and jury sit in the position of God. To disagree with them was to challenge God.

Scene 3: The Roman Catholic Priest speaks to the bible believing Christian Dona Isabella:

You heretic! Will you recant? Will you repent?
* A religious court of law ** Take back what you said *** Change your mind Reject - to say it is not true.

Dona Isabella responds: How can I deny the one who gave me life? How can I deny him who is my only hope in eternity after you massacre my body? After you destroy my person? Sir, I will not lie, because I learned the truth. You want the truth? I pray to God that you might know him! Because he is the truth!

The Catholic Priest in charge of the inquisition responds: Death to the witch. She is a liar. What is the truth? Tell us! Confess, you witch! What truth?
Dona Isabella, who is he? Who is he?

Dona Isabella answers: Christ, my Savior! Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life, No man cometh to the Father but by me. John 14:6


SCENE 4: Dona Isabella was placed on the rack. Water was dropped into her mouth drop by drop, forcing the sharp, brittle linen cloth down her throat, until it reached her stomach. Then it was ripped out of her, cutting everything from her stomach to her mouth. Dona Isabella still refused to deny her faith in Jesus so she was taken outside to pay a terrible price.

Scene 5:

historical fact* Philip II came to view the burning of Dona Isabella, because she was his cousin. He enjoyed the execution.

Dona Isabella is tied to the stake to be burned alive.
The Roman Catholic Inquisitors shout, Burn her for the glory of God!
Filthy heretic witch!

.....and so Dona Isabella, in her blood soaked dress, died with her unborn child, in the flames, and they are carried to the arms of their precious savior together forever.

The Roman Catholic Instructor / Jesuit Priest teaching Alberto's class then tells his class: And so you see how God protected our faith and saved the church?

Jim asks Alberto this question: Alberto, didn't you know that was wrong?

Dr. Alberto Rivera responds: Yes, but I was so mixed up, I had nightmares about it. And yet I hated the protestants! I believed they were our enemies! That's when they put me into *espionage work, to **infiltrate and destroy churches.
*Undercover work as a spy. ** To sneak into a group without their knowing who you really are.

Dr. Alberto Rivera continues....I was 14 yrs old when the course on "Protestantism and its Heresies" began.

The churches were broken down into groups on a chart which was listed by A, B, C, D, E,

A group: Episcopalian, Churches of God, Methodist, Lutheran

B group: 7th day adventists, Nazarenes, Church of Christ

C group: Plymouth Brethren, Pentecostal, Baptist, United Evangelicals

D Group: Missionary Alliance, Assembly of God, Mormon, Jehovah Witness,

E group: Moslem, Coptic, Orthodox, Greek

Dr. Alberto Rivera's Jesuit instructor said to Alberto: Alberto, the group you will concentrate on is ( C group ). These 4 groups of Churches - Plymouth Brethren, Pentecostal, Baptist, and United Evangelicals.

Dr. Rivera confesses: As years went by, I would infiltrate hundreds of churches and organizations. ** NOTE ** Around 1550 A.D. the Jesuits began infiltrating every religion and denomination. They are still doing it today in a much more sophisticated way, thanks to the ecumenical / charismatic movement and some fundamentalist churches.
ending with page 18 - page 19 coming up.
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Exposing the Secrets of the Jesuits continues. This is page 19 of Alberto - testimony of an ex- Jesuit - Jack Chick Publications.

Priests who had successfully infiltrated the Plymouth Brethren gave us books by Darby, Scofield, Kelly, etc. We studied their dispensational* Charts.
foot note * showing important Bible time periods

Dr. Alberto Rivera continues: We even held Plymouth Brethren type services, The priest showed us how to break bread on the Lord's Day. When they felt we were ready, they would give us locations of churches to infiltrate, and told us how to pretend we had accepted Christ.

Tim asks: How did you know where these church assemblies were located?

Dr. Alberto Rivera: The only religion allowed in Spain was Roman Catholicism. The local priests had check lists. If someone didn't come to mass, the secret police were notified. They would follow them until they found their underground churches.

Dr. Alberto Rivera continues: We were taught how to play with the children of church members, and the questions to ask the children when we were alone. Also when invited to dinner, we were shown how to bring flowers to the lady, to be very polite and open doors for them. When alone with them, to flatter them about how beautiful and charming they were. We learned how to play on their sentiments (feelings) by showing great sympathy when one of their loved ones died, also to show great interest in them when passing through any great crisis.

Dr. Rivera then explains: The most interesting part was how to divide a church and destroy a pastor who said the Roman Catholic Institution was not a Christian church....... or if he said Roman Catholics could not be Christians. For that reason he was our target.
Page 18 of Alberto by Jack Chick Publications testimony of an ex- Jesuit.
Even I have noticed that catholics seem DESPERATE to change the history of
the Inquisition-------I had a long running debate with a catholic----on another message
board------he INSISTED that it practically did not exist------and came up with silly
figures of the numbers executed-----like ----"MAYBE 37" <<< from dim memory
of those conversations which took place about two years ago. He cited "BOOKS"

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