Wyoming GOP Votes To Stop Recognizing Liz Cheney As Member Of Party

And this has nothing to do with her conservative positions on key issues. It’s all because she doesn’t kiss Trump’s ass.

Because cult.

It's because her family and the Bush's have been friends for decades and she wanted to get even for all the things Trump said about GW and Jeb. That's what it was all about. We don't want people in our party using their position of authority for personal matters......you know, like when Biden sent the FBI with warrants to look for his daughters diary? We don't approve of shit like that.

Wyoming is turning blue, so this may or may not fly well...



Wyoming is turning blue? Hahahaha!

Guess what state handed Trump his largest margin of victory just 12 months ago. I'll give you a hint, it was Wyoming. Trump got 70% of the vote, Biden got 26%. If the election were tomorrow, Trump would get 90%

Wyoming, the Cowboy state, turning blue. Hahahahaha. Man I needed that.
I know exactly how our election system works. I also know that if Joe Blow the rag man runs for office without a snow balls chance in hell of getting elected, any moron that votes for him just threw his vote away to the person who ultimately carries the election. If Trump would have prevailed--you would have voted for him. As it was, you voted for the demented shitter in chief. If you don't realize that, I would say the education system couldn't have helped you anyway.

You say you know how our system works, then prove you do not.

Our system is a series of 50 individual elections, all that matters is what happens in your state, that is all your vote impacts. If you did not vote for the person that won your state, then your vote was thrown away and counts for nothing (unless you live in Me or Ne) .

In the state I currently live in, Biden won by more than 1 million votes. Thus my vote and the 2.4 million votes for Trump counted for the exact same thing...nada. My vote for Jo and those 2.4 million votes for Trump both accounted for the exact same number of EC votes....zero.
Yeah big difference. VP Joe Biden wasn't pressured to not certify the EC vote nor was he threaten with a Hanging.

In reality the faithless electors in 2016 cost the Hill 5 and the Grump 2.

Weren't those Hamilton guys Repbulicans?
Not any difference at all. In one you say they are trying to overthrow a legitimate election and yet that is EXACTLY what Democrats tried in 2016.
Ouch. That had to sting a little. :laughing0301:

"The Wyoming Republican Party has voted to stop recognizing Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as a member of the Republican Party...

The 31-29 vote Saturday in Buffalo, Wyoming, by the state party central committee followed votes by local GOP officials in about one-third of Wyoming's 23 counties to no longer recognize Cheney as a Republican," The Associated Press reported. "In February, the Wyoming GOP central committee voted overwhelmingly to censure Cheney, Wyoming's lone U.S. representative, for voting to impeach Trump."

Wyoming Republican Party Votes To Stop Recognizing Liz Cheney As Member Of Party | The Daily Wire

WY is one of those states where there are more reasonable folks than unreasonable...

Seriously, what the heck did she expect? She didn't "walk like a duck or quack like one..."
What a fucking disgrace. Her pos father and his little Chimpy caused the Iraq debactle
i have mixed feelings about the Iraq issue

good things were happening in Iraq vis a vis democracy.. Then things went downhill but other than that... not up on the details of what all went wrong..
Not any difference at all. In one you say they are trying to overthrow a legitimate election and yet that is EXACTLY what Democrats tried in 2016.

Maybe you can remind me, how many people rushed the capital buiding in 2016 and how long were they able to disrupt the certification process?

Was it more people or less people than this...



Wyoming is turning blue? Hahahaha!

Guess what state handed Trump his largest margin of victory just 12 months ago. I'll give you a hint, it was Wyoming. Trump got 70% of the vote, Biden got 26%. If the election were tomorrow, Trump would get 90%

Wyoming, the Cowboy state, turning blue. Hahahahaha. Man I needed that.
more delusional bs from the dimcraps
all your vote impacts.
How many votes did your Biden stand-in garnish in YOUR state?
Biden won by more than 1 million votes.
Where pray tell, did they come from? CHICAGO. That is why we have an electoral college for the national elections--except in ME & NE. If you are so obtuse that you can't see that if every "thrown away" vote had been cast to a viable candidate, dementia Joe would not have been elected by CHICAGO.
And this has nothing to do with her conservative positions on key issues. It’s all because she doesn’t kiss Trump’s ass.

Because cult.
Just wait until the real little Hitler's start running. They will be in front of everything not unlike Progs.
If you are so obtuse that you can't see that if every "thrown away" vote had been cast to a viable candidate, dementia Joe would not have been elected by CHICAGO.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

you really suck at this math thing...

Biden got 3,471,915 votes in Ill. Every other candidate combined including Trump got 2,528,829.

Another failure in your education, you cannot even do basic math.
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

you really suck at this math thing...

Biden got 3,471,915 votes in Ill. Every other candidate combined including Trump got 2,528,829.

Another failure in your education, you cannot even do basic math.
You're a moron--show me where I made a mathematical argument at all. You cannot differentiate between hypothetical and mathematical. You have no argument.
Not any difference at all. In one you say they are trying to overthrow a legitimate election and yet that is EXACTLY what Democrats tried in 2016.

Hillary conceded the loss in 2016 and the Democrat had no control in either chamber of Congress. There were no rallies by the then president encouraging faithlessness in our Constitutional process because his party lost.

Nah, he's a terrible man. He was a terrible president. Let's leave him in the dustbin of history.
Ouch. That had to sting a little. :laughing0301:

"The Wyoming Republican Party has voted to stop recognizing Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as a member of the Republican Party...

The 31-29 vote Saturday in Buffalo, Wyoming, by the state party central committee followed votes by local GOP officials in about one-third of Wyoming's 23 counties to no longer recognize Cheney as a Republican," The Associated Press reported. "In February, the Wyoming GOP central committee voted overwhelmingly to censure Cheney, Wyoming's lone U.S. representative, for voting to impeach Trump."

Wyoming Republican Party Votes To Stop Recognizing Liz Cheney As Member Of Party | The Daily Wire

I doubt it stung at all. Considering the membership of today's Republican Party - fascists, grifters, liars and haters, it's hardly surprising they'd want a principled conservative as a member anyway.


Wyoming is turning blue? Hahahaha!

Guess what state handed Trump his largest margin of victory just 12 months ago. I'll give you a hint, it was Wyoming. Trump got 70% of the vote, Biden got 26%. If the election were tomorrow, Trump would get 90%

Wyoming, the Cowboy state, turning blue. Hahahahaha. Man I needed that.
Get back to me in a few years...
Hillary conceded the loss in 2016 and the Democrat had no control in either chamber of Congress. There were no rallies by the then president encouraging faithlessness in our Constitutional process because his party lost.

Nah, he's a terrible man. He was a terrible president. Let's leave him in the dustbin of history.

Funny thing is that terrible President did ten times a better job running this country than the buffoon in the White House today. He may not have gotten everything right but he got most things right. The stooge we have now hasn't done one thing right in 10 months.
"....what the heck did she expect? "

Well, I've never been a big fan of Ms Cheney. Too conservative for my tastes. Too right-wing loyalist. Plus, she supported Trump in something like 95% of her votes in the House.

The uber-conservative Heritage Action for America, a rater of Congressional votes for conservative issues, rated her at 80% (btw, her replacement, Elise Stefanik (sp?) was rated at 47%, if memory serves.)

So here's the deal with Liz Cheney, and why she has found disfavor with the MAGAHats: Liz Cheney thinks Don Trump is a con man and a grifter and is corrosive to America.

So, despite her decades long sterling conservative-credentials and unimpeachable conservative voting record.....the legions of the Duped & Snookered hate her because she doesn't fanboy Trump they way they do. So, it is binary: either be a sycophant or don't be.
And pay the price if you choose "don't be".

That's wordy, I know. But it is truthy.

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