Wyoming GOP Votes To Stop Recognizing Liz Cheney As Member Of Party

When did spending money to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure become a partisan issue? This is the very essence of Trumpism: Never agree with the other party about anything, and always demonize the opposition. And it has worked on millions of gullible followers of Trumpism.

If that was what it was going to be spent for no one would complain. Less than one quarter is earmarked for that however.

Maybe you should actuslly LOOK at what thay are doing with OUR money before you bleat the party line.
I complained about those too, that is the difference between us. I have not sold my soul to one party or the other
I haven't sold my soul to any party--but I also haven't put blinders on to the fact that the democrats have done nothing to compromise in the past admin and EVERY policy that has been enacted by the current regime has been to the detriment of the country. So, yeah, you did sell your soul to the demented one.
you are conflating mRNA technology and gain of function research. two totally different things.

No matter. I still think he did as fine as possible, with what he had to work with. It would have been far worse under Hillary.
Like the song says "when you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"

Yep, and I made a choice, it was not for Biden nor for Trump.

In the end that vote accounted for as many EC votes as the 2.4 million people that voted for Trump in my state....ZERO.
Ouch. That had to sting a little. :laughing0301:

"The Wyoming Republican Party has voted to stop recognizing Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as a member of the Republican Party...

The 31-29 vote Saturday in Buffalo, Wyoming, by the state party central committee followed votes by local GOP officials in about one-third of Wyoming's 23 counties to no longer recognize Cheney as a Republican," The Associated Press reported. "In February, the Wyoming GOP central committee voted overwhelmingly to censure Cheney, Wyoming's lone U.S. representative, for voting to impeach Trump."

Wyoming Republican Party Votes To Stop Recognizing Liz Cheney As Member Of Party | The Daily Wire


Talk about cancel culture.

The republicans in Wyoming sure do have cancel culture down to an art form don't they?
I've never said it outside of using it like this.

It's funny to read the words of the person you replied to.

It's the far right who have been going on and on about cancel culture on this board. Accusing anyone who doesn't agree with them of "cancel culture."

I had never even heard of it until I read it on this board then did a search on it. Interesting, all the hits I saw on the search were from far right sites accusing those who don't agree with the far right of "cancel culture."

Seem to me it's been the far right who have been practicing it all this time.

Liz Cheney is just the latest member of her party to be "canceled."
Well, I got through about 60 posts of this thread. Seemed to get a big redundant. No?

Anyway, let's swing at a few of the pitches:
"The Wyoming Republican Party has voted to stop recognizing Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as a member of the Republican Party..."
Cancel Culture.
Yupper. It is.
So, does this qualify as Cancel Culture?
Yupper. It does.

"Why do you all focus only on the House members that voted for the bill? More GOP Senators voted for it than did House members."
True that.
19. Including, McConnell, Burr, Grassley, Graham, Cassidy, et al.
"This is the very essence of Trumpism: Never agree with the other party about anything, and always demonize the opposition. And it has worked on millions of gullible followers of Trumpism."
True that.
A bill to help many many constituents is kinda sorta what one should want to do when one is a Representative or Senator.
But some here, seem to think millions of constituents benefitting is a lesser goal than fan-boying about Don Trump.
Democrats surely claimed he was unfit for office but they conceded that he won the EC vote. Democrats had no power do anything until 2019. Even then they didn't impeach the Trumpybear until he tried to force the Ukraine to lie about a phony investigation into Biden, his son and the Democrats Server.

Speaking of lies, why are you spewing them? Trump never did that. The transcript of that phone call is all over the internet. Try reading it sometime instead of listening to the lying left.
Speaking of lies, why are you spewing them? Trump never did that. The transcript of that phone call is all over the internet. Try reading it sometime instead of listening to the lying left.

He did exactly what I described and the Neo-GOP accepts that type of corrupt power play as it's SOP.
He did exactly what I described and the Neo-GOP accepts that type of corrupt power play as it's SOP.

Fine, then show me in the transcript where said anything like you lied about, and I'll accept it. I read the thing ten times already. I know what he said, and unlike you, I understand the English language.
you really are not a very smart person, you do not seem to understand how our election system work

A failure in your education no doubt
I know exactly how our election system works. I also know that if Joe Blow the rag man runs for office without a snow balls chance in hell of getting elected, any moron that votes for him just threw his vote away to the person who ultimately carries the election. If Trump would have prevailed--you would have voted for him. As it was, you voted for the demented shitter in chief. If you don't realize that, I would say the education system couldn't have helped you anyway.

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