Wyoming GOP Votes To Stop Recognizing Liz Cheney As Member Of Party

Hey, zipperhead. At least we didn't follow her into the bathroom and yell obscenities at her.
Of course. You just turn on anyone who says mean things about Trump. Like I already explained to you. Your pathetic deflection doesn’t change that now does it?

No, because we have standards, something totally foreign to Nazis.
Your standards are pretty easy to understand.

If someone says something mean about Trump, then you turn on them. Doesn’t matter what else they did. As soon as they say something mean about Trump they instantly become a commie beta Nazi RINO.

Because cult.
Did any of you retards have anything negative to say about Liz Cheney before she said something mean about Trump? Anything at all?

Go ahead and post it. I’ll wait.


Still waiting.

Nothing huh? That’s surprising.
Did any of you retards have anything negative to say about Liz Cheney before she said something mean about Trump? Anything at all?

Go ahead and post it. I’ll wait.


Still waiting.

Nothing huh? That’s surprising.

Dude. I you love her so much, you should marry her. :laughing0301:
Your standards are pretty easy to understand.

If someone says something mean about Trump, then you turn on them. Doesn’t matter what else they did. As soon as they say something mean about Trump they instantly become a commie beta Nazi RINO.

Because cult.

Words are cheap and not harmful. Actions are the problem. When you vote to impeach a President of your own party without a reasonable or impeachable cause, you are nothing but a Benedict Arnold. You stabbed your party in the back, you stabbed your constituents in the back, and you are outraged that the party won't stand for it. We've had it with this bimbo. Let this back stabbing bitch join the party of no morals--the Democrat party.
Words are cheap and not harmful. Actions are the problem. When you vote to impeach a President of your own party without a reasonable or impeachable cause, you are nothing but a Benedict Arnold. You stabbed your party in the back, you stabbed your constituents in the back, and you are outraged that the party won't stand for it. We've had it with this bimbo. Let this back stabbing bitch join the party of no morals--the Democrat party.
Right. So her ACTIONS were mean to Trump and you turned on her entirely for that. Got it.

So your standards are that anyone does or says anything mean to Trump is a RINO commie Nazi.

Only an idiot would support her, so that sorta leaves me out.
Yea? Show me a post of yours criticizing her before she was mean to Trump.

This is the part where you:

A) Deflect
B) Mis-interpret what I said
C) Run away

Which is it going to be? :laughing0301:
Right. So her ACTIONS were mean to Trump and you turned on her entirely for that. Got it.

So your standards are that anyone does or says anything mean to Trump is a RINO commie Nazi.


Do you sleep with a Trump pillow or something? Everything with you is Trump, Trump, Trump. How about party loyalty? How about voting with the enemy? Nah, that can't be it, it has to be because of Trump, Trump, Trump.

How do you sleep at night anyway?
Do you sleep with a Trump pillow or something? Everything with you is Trump, Trump, Trump. How about party loyalty? How about voting with the enemy? Nah, that can't be it, it has to be because of Trump, Trump, Trump.

How do you sleep at night anyway?

Oh please. Trump isn't even in office anymore and you guys are tripping over yourselves to kiss his ass. Then you turn on any Republican who doesn't kiss his ass.

Look at how you idiots turned on Chris Christie just recently. The moment he doesn't side with Trump, you turn on him and call him a commie Nazi RINO. Same thing with Liz Cheney. Every. Single. Time.

Funny how the most important part of being a Republican has absolutely nothing to do with policy positions anymore - now it's entirely about kissing Trump's ass. Cult.
This is what the batshit Trumptards think is a RINO:

Liz Cheney on the Issues

  • I am strongly pro-life. (Aug 2013)
  • Prohibit federal funding for abortion. (Jan 2017)
Trump was pro-choice until 2015 when it became politically inconvenient.

  • I love my sister & her wife, but we disagree on gay marriage. (Nov 2013)
  • No discrimination due to sexual orientation. (Nov 2013)
  • I am not pro-gay marriage. (Aug 2013)
  • I'm angry that Kerry used my sister to score political point. (Oct 2004)

  • Eliminate benefits from the Department of Education. (Sep 2013)

  • What should be done about climate change? Nothing!. (Jul 2014)
  • Fight back against President Obama's war on coal. (Oct 2013)

  • Oppose intrusive practices of the EPA. (Oct 2013)
  • Abolish the Environmental Protection Agency. (Sep 2013)

  • Can't salvage any of ObamaCare, but costs are out of control. (Dec 2013)
  • Obama knew ObamaCare wouldn't let everyone keep their plan. (Nov 2013)
  • Republicans who compromised on ObamaCare got used by Obama. (Nov 2013)
  • Urge the repeal of ObamaCare. (Oct 2013)

  • Radical Islamic terrorism threat grows if we do nothing. (Dec 2013)
  • Obama doesn't believe in American exceptionalism; I do. (Nov 2013)
  • Balance liberty & security, but don't shut down NSA spying. (Nov 2013)
  • Strengthen our national security. (Oct 2013)
  • CIA torture & black sites don't hurt human rights efforts. (Nov 2005)

  • ISIS: Rarely has a president been so wrong. (Jun 2014)
  • Iran & North Korea understand nothing but power & strength. (Dec 2013)
  • Liberate nations that have been havens for terror. (Nov 2013)
  • No military action against Syria; we have no defined goals. (Sep 2013)
  • Syrian Government's behaviors are destabilizing the region. (Nov 2005)
  • People of Iran deserve to be free of Ahmadinejad. (Nov 2005)
  • Iraqi elections provide new sense of regional possibility. (Apr 2005)

Only a very, very special kind of retard would call Cheney a RINO. Anyone who does is lost forever to reality.

A man who has unrepentantly and repeatedly violated every moral principle and family value of the Republican Party can fuck himself up the ass if he thinks he is entitled to call anyone a RINO just because they despise the cretin that he is. And anyone who parrots Trump's RINO designations is a spineless, mindless, submissive cuck.
Oh please. Trump isn't even in office anymore and you guys are tripping over yourselves to kiss his ass. Then you turn on any Republican who doesn't kiss his ass.

Look at how you idiots turned on Chris Christie just recently. The moment he doesn't side with Trump, you turn on him and call him a commie Nazi RINO. Same thing with Liz Cheney. Every. Single. Time.

Funny how the most important part of being a Republican has absolutely nothing to do with policy positions anymore - now it's entirely about kissing Trump's ass. Cult.

Your attempt to make anybody here feel guilty by claiming this is all about Trump is as obvious as Piglosi's boob job. You people are not psychiatrists and even if you were, would be lousy ones.

Trying to use reverse psychology is something very few try anymore because it makes them look stupid since it's so obvious. It doesn't work and never has, especially in politics. So give it up. Try a new angle or something.
Your attempt to make anybody here feel guilty by claiming this is all about Trump is as obvious as Piglosi's boob job. You people are not psychiatrists and even if you were, would be lousy ones.

Trying to use reverse psychology is something very few try anymore because it makes them look stupid since it's so obvious. It doesn't work and never has, especially in politics. So give it up. Try a new angle or something.

I’m not trying to make you feel guilty. I don’t even think that’s possible.

You guys shamelessly kiss Trump’s ass and attack any Republican who doesn’t. It’s as simple as that and you can’t refute it because it’s true.

Because cult.
I’m not trying to make you feel guilty. I don’t even think that’s possible.

You guys shamelessly kiss Trump’s ass and attack any Republican who doesn’t. It’s as simple as that and you can’t refute it because it’s true.

Because cult.

"Folks, when you see your adversary making a complete fool out of themselves, the best thing you can do is stand back and watch."
Rush Limbaugh
Um, ok. What does "a few years" mean to you?
Fewer than 10 years.
That's pretty open ended. Can we pin that prediction down a little tighter?
See above.
And as an aside, at this moment in time, I don't think there's a single place in the country that's getting "more blue." Quite the opposite, in fact.
True in some ways, but the shiftng demographics of Democrat voters fleeing Democrat shitholes for red & purple & light blue states favors the Democrats long-term, as does their open border policy.

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