Wyoming GOP Votes To Stop Recognizing Liz Cheney As Member Of Party

Well then they learned it from the Fascist behavior of the emerging Neo-GOP and their endless Benghazi\Clinton investigations between 2012 and 2016.

Unlike 1/6 she was actually involved. Why did she and her minions go out on television and lie about why it happened? What happened to the money the Republicans allocated for additional security that wasn't used? Why were no military sent there when the embassy was attacked? Why did she not respond to the ambassadors grave concern about security in Benghazi?

Oh, and 1/6 won't be much different when we take over the House either. Except it won't be a witch hunt for Trump, we will find out what really happened.
Why did she and her minions go out on television and lie about why it happened?
She didn't. They were always careful to say that the investigation is ongoing. She always blamed the attacks on the extremist who came with heavy weapons and insinuated that their motive was similar to the riots in Cairo a few hours earlier. That was just PR that all administration use. That didn't stop the GOP House from investigating that PR move for 4 years though did it. Kind of hypocritical to weep now when the Democrats have and even better opportunity to investigate the shit out of the opposition.
She didn't. They were always careful to say that the investigation is ongoing. She always blamed the attacks on the extremist who came with heavy weapons and insinuated that their motive was similar to the riots in Cairo a few hours earlier. That was just PR that all administration use. That didn't stop the GOP House from investigating that PR move for 4 years though did it. Kind of hypocritical to weep now when the Democrats have and even better opportunity to investigate the shit out of the opposition.

Except there is nothing to investigate. Every federal agency we have already did. The FBI concluded that it was not organized or led by anybody in the GOP. It did not happen in a foreign land like Benghazi, it happened right in our backyard. These are not people we have no idea who they are, we have them in jail and know everything about each and every one.

And unlike Benghazi, it was not organized or planned. Like the riots all over the country, it just happened. But like Benghazi, they had plenty of warning to take precautions to make sure it didn't happen. President Trump offered troops from the National Guard when the FBI informed him and the Capital police there was a good chance of an invasion. Piglosi is in charge of the Capital police. Why didn't she do something ahead of time?

And so, because of the slaughter expected in 2022, they are trying to keep this alive as long as possible even though there is zero more to learn about it.
And unlike Benghazi, it was not organized or planned.

I bet we'll find it was more organized than the Benghazi riot.

The DOJ needs to appoint a special prosecutor like Durham to get to the bottom of it. Keep the partisan hacks of Congress out of it.
I bet we'll find it was more organized than the Benghazi riot.

The DOJ needs to appoint a special prosecutor like Durham to get to the bottom of it. Keep the partisan hacks of Congress out of it.

Don't you think the FBI and CIA already did that? What more is there to know? They found that these people didn't know each other nor planned this. Some people started to break into the Capital and the rest simply followed. One thing led to another. Purely spontaneous just like the riots all across the country.

I've been following politics for a very long time, and never in my life have I seen a party so scared to death of one man.
Don't you think the FBI and CIA already did that? What more is there to know? They found that these people didn't know each other nor planned this. Some people started to break into the Capital and the rest simply followed. One thing led to another. Purely spontaneous just like the riots all across the country.

I've been following politics for a very long time, and never in my life have I seen a party so scared to death of one man.
Then a special prosecutor will remove all doubts. Lets hear what everyone has to say about it. Like the investigation into the investigation, leave no stone un-turned.
Then a special prosecutor will remove all doubts. Lets hear what everyone has to say about it. Like the investigation into the investigation, leave no stone un-turned.

If all our federal investigative agencies found nothing, WTF do you think a "special prosecutor" will find out? What are we to do, spend another 25 million on yet another witch hunt like we did with the Russia collusion lie?

So if there is nothing there, why would they want it? Because like the Mueller farce, it will take well over a year. And what's happening in a year from now? Oh, that's right, the midterm elections.

You people on the left should learn not to be so afraid of looking behind the curtain to see who's behind there.
I'm sure people are telling her the mistakes she is making. Let's hope she listens to them.

She could care less. As I stated, her family and the Bush's have been friends for decades. Her only motive here is to get even with Trump for what he said about people in that family.
By “mistake”, what you must mean is “not kissing Trump’s ass”.
Well, no. At least that was not her mistake. Her mistake is not recognizing the political reality of 30% of her party going nuts. This really is no different than the Bernie Bros, you cannot alienate a large chunk of your base.

Politically speaking, there is a correct way to navigate these waters and an incorrect way. Doing it correctly is extremely difficult. The right has to manage to not be Trumpian over the next few elections so the democrats cannot smear the entire party with the stain AND also be Trumpian enough that the massive support he ripped from the democrats in 2016 comes back. The democrats have become quite deft at this and if the republicans do not learn it soon from them they are going to obliterate all the advantages Biden is handing them.

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