Wyoming GOP Votes To Stop Recognizing Liz Cheney As Member Of Party

Ouch. That had to sting a little. :laughing0301:

"The Wyoming Republican Party has voted to stop recognizing Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as a member of the Republican Party...

The 31-29 vote Saturday in Buffalo, Wyoming, by the state party central committee followed votes by local GOP officials in about one-third of Wyoming's 23 counties to no longer recognize Cheney as a Republican," The Associated Press reported. "In February, the Wyoming GOP central committee voted overwhelmingly to censure Cheney, Wyoming's lone U.S. representative, for voting to impeach Trump."

Wyoming Republican Party Votes To Stop Recognizing Liz Cheney As Member Of Party | The Daily Wire
Republican cancel culture at work.
It's funny to read the words of the person you replied to.

It's the far right who have been going on and on about cancel culture on this board. Accusing anyone who doesn't agree with them of "cancel culture."

I had never even heard of it until I read it on this board then did a search on it. Interesting, all the hits I saw on the search were from far right sites accusing those who don't agree with the far right of "cancel culture."

Seem to me it's been the far right who have been practicing it all this time.

Liz Cheney is just the latest member of her party to be "canceled."
Except this is not, once again, cancel culture. Chalk up another one that has no clue what cancel culture is.

Willfully so. This is so clearly not cancel culture you have to willingly twist the meaning to apply it here.
Hillary conceded the loss in 2016 and the Democrat had no control in either chamber of Congress. There were no rallies by the then president encouraging faithlessness in our Constitutional process because his party lost.

Nah, he's a terrible man. He was a terrible president. Let's leave him in the dustbin of history.
So, you're saying that Trump doesn't have a right to his own opinion? Isn't that the backbone of America, that people have a right to their own opinion? So what if Trump says the election was stolen? That is his right. The left did if for four years.
Except this is not, once again, cancel culture. Chalk up another one that has no clue what cancel culture is.

Willfully so. This is so clearly not cancel culture you have to willingly twist the meaning to apply it here.

When we create a fitting term for them they unsuccessfully try to turn it around on us. When a member of your party stabs you in the back and you take measures to get rid of them, that's not cancel anything, that's taking out your garbage.
So, you're saying that Trump doesn't have a right to his own opinion? Isn't that the backbone of America, that people have a right to their own opinion? So what if Trump says the election was stolen? That is his right. The left did if for four years.
Liar. The Democrats did not challenge the integrity of our elections after losing in 2016 by whining incessantly and making up fraudulent claims of voter theft. The concession and call for unity use to be part of the non violent transfer of power that made us the envy of the world. 'Use to be' is the key, thanks to the Golden One and the Neo-GOP, wannabe fascist.
Hahahaha, false equivocation.

How so? The first election was a fight and the left claimed the SC chose Bush instead of admitting he actually won. Then they once again cried during the second election about the voting machines made by Diebold because the CEO was a Bush supporter, and the entire country had to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to throw those away to make the left happy and replace them with different machines even though there was zero evidence one machine was rigged.
How so?

The first election was a fight and the left claimed the SC chose Bush
Gore conceded and called for Unity after the SC decision. The smooth and violence free transfer of power was taken for granted
Then they once again cried during the second election
Kerry conceded and called for Unity the day after the election.

When Trump won it 2016 and Clinton conceded, the smooth and violence free transfer of power was taken for granted.

Now the smooth and violence free transfer of power will not be taken for granted for a long time.
Liar. The Democrats did not challenge the integrity of our elections after losing in 2016 by whining incessantly and making up fraudulent claims of voter theft. The concession and call for unity use to be part of the non violent transfer of power that made us the envy of the world. 'Use to be' is the key, thanks to the Golden One and the Neo-GOP, wannabe fascist.
The left did it for four years. Anything and everything to get Trump.
Gore conceded and called for Unity after the SC decision. The smooth and violence free transfer of power was taken for granted

The only reason he did that was because he had no choice. The SC asked the Florida federal courts why they changed the laws on the bench for their favorite candidate. Was he supposed to fight that?

Kerry conceded and called for Unity the day after the election.

When Trump won it 2016 and Clinton conceded, the smooth and violence free transfer of power was taken for granted.

Now the smooth and violence free transfer of power will not be taken for granted for a long time.

It will by next election. Under normal circumstances people forget very easily, but the commies are doing everything to try and stretch it out for as long as possible, or at least until midterms.

Kerry bitched like hell because the exit polls showed he was clearly winning. And again, the left complained so much the entire country had to throw away their Diebold machines.
Glad to see some people in our party have some balls. This should be common practice for people like her that stab the party and constituents right in the back. I hope the states of all 13 back stabbers responsible for passing this pork bill and getting zero in return do the same.

We don't need people on the right bringing their dirty laundry to the floors of Congress. The Cheney and Bush families have been friends for decades. Trump had no kind words for George and did everything he could to beat Jeb with again, no kind words. She took offense to that and used her authority to carry out a personal vendetta. She's not welcome in the GOP if she's going to do crap like that. Let her join the other party if that's the kinds of games she wants to play.

You are a good little Nazi. What she is doing is holding Republicans accountable. The Republicans have outsourced that to Democrats.
You are a good little Nazi. What she is doing is holding Republicans accountable. The Republicans have outsourced that to Democrats.

Nazis are people who use government for personal vendettas. That's why she no longer belongs with our party and belongs with yours. You know, like how Biden is using the Federal Bureau of Investigations to get warrants and search the homes of a bunch of people for his daughters diary? See, that's Nazi.
but the commies are doing everything to try and stretch it out for as long as possible, or at least until midterms.
Well then they learned it from the Fascist behavior of the emerging Neo-GOP and their endless Benghazi\Clinton investigations between 2012 and 2016.

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