Yale Psychiatrist Who Has Repeatedly Called Trump Mentally Unfit Refuses to Diagnose Biden

Biden is fine.

Trump is mentally ill and shows signs of dementia.


You’re right. But I believe anyone with the necessary personality traits to do the job of POTUS fits into those categories. The ability to do it well makes the requirement more intense. Think about the stress management required as well as the leadership and narcissism needed to make decisions that may kill people or ruin the lives of many, primarily because it is the best course of action when no good one exists... or think of the out of the box thinking required to solve some of the problem. Dementia and mental illness are partly required. The overarching quality is leadership... and right now I don’t think there is a more qualified person than the White House’s current inhabitant.

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If there is someone who has shown he cannot take the stress of the Oval Office it is Trump. He is overly emotional, chaotic, confused and rants and raves for no reason. No, Trump is stupendously unqualified for the job.

Yet he is one of the best presidents we have ever had.

The worst president, this Nation has ever had in its History. The Destroyer, the Man of Lawlessness, the Divider, the Man of Deceit, the Liar in Chief, the man of Chaos... shall I go on? :D
Biden is fine.

Trump is mentally ill and shows signs of dementia.


You’re right. But I believe anyone with the necessary personality traits to do the job of POTUS fits into those categories. The ability to do it well makes the requirement more intense. Think about the stress management required as well as the leadership and narcissism needed to make decisions that may kill people or ruin the lives of many, primarily because it is the best course of action when no good one exists... or think of the out of the box thinking required to solve some of the problem. Dementia and mental illness are partly required. The overarching quality is leadership... and right now I don’t think there is a more qualified person than the White House’s current inhabitant.

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If there is someone who has shown he cannot take the stress of the Oval Office it is Trump. He is overly emotional, chaotic, confused and rants and raves for no reason. No, Trump is stupendously unqualified for the job.

Yet he is one of the best presidents we have ever had.

The worst president, this Nation has ever had in its History. The Destroyer, the Man of Lawlessness, the Divider, the Man of Deceit, the Liar in Chief, the man of Chaos... shall I go on? :D

But enough about Carter
Biden is fine.

Trump is mentally ill and shows signs of dementia.


You’re right. But I believe anyone with the necessary personality traits to do the job of POTUS fits into those categories. The ability to do it well makes the requirement more intense. Think about the stress management required as well as the leadership and narcissism needed to make decisions that may kill people or ruin the lives of many, primarily because it is the best course of action when no good one exists... or think of the out of the box thinking required to solve some of the problem. Dementia and mental illness are partly required. The overarching quality is leadership... and right now I don’t think there is a more qualified person than the White House’s current inhabitant.

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If there is someone who has shown he cannot take the stress of the Oval Office it is Trump. He is overly emotional, chaotic, confused and rants and raves for no reason. No, Trump is stupendously unqualified for the job.

Yet he is one of the best presidents we have ever had.

The worst president, this Nation has ever had in its History. The Destroyer, the Man of Lawlessness, the Divider, the Man of Deceit, the Liar in Chief, the man of Chaos... shall I go on? :D

Lowest unemployment for minorities in history. I know you hate that. You people need them on welfare for their vote.
Trump is excellent at getting people exposed for who they truely are, both on the Left and the RINOs.

The Soviets used psychiatrists to 'diagnose' and lock up dissidents. Birds of a feather I guess. Perfect example of why we don't support mental health screenings from the gun control crowd - the Left has a habit of falsely declaring people "insane" to deny their rights.

Yale Psychiatrist Who Has Repeatedly Called Trump Mentally Unfit Refuses to Diagnose Biden.

Bandy Lee is a fraud, top to bottom. She is an affirmative action, bottom of the barrel hack. Yale, which is a diploma mill, picked her because she apes the "correct" radical Marxist politics.
Trump on the other hand...
Trump ordered to pay $2 million to settle suit claiming Trump Foundation misused funds to benefit campaign
Trump ordered to pay $2 million to settle suit claiming Trump Foundation misused funds to benefit campaign

Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university'
Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university'

FBI documents point to Trump role in hush money for porn star Daniels
FBI documents point to Trump role in hush money for porn star Daniels

Trump sides with Putin over US intelligence
Helsinki summit: Trump sides with Putin over US intelligence - CNNPolitics
Biden is fine.

Trump is mentally ill and shows signs of dementia.


You’re right. But I believe anyone with the necessary personality traits to do the job of POTUS fits into those categories. The ability to do it well makes the requirement more intense. Think about the stress management required as well as the leadership and narcissism needed to make decisions that may kill people or ruin the lives of many, primarily because it is the best course of action when no good one exists... or think of the out of the box thinking required to solve some of the problem. Dementia and mental illness are partly required. The overarching quality is leadership... and right now I don’t think there is a more qualified person than the White House’s current inhabitant.

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If there is someone who has shown he cannot take the stress of the Oval Office it is Trump. He is overly emotional, chaotic, confused and rants and raves for no reason. No, Trump is stupendously unqualified for the job.

Yet he is one of the best presidents we have ever had.

The worst president, this Nation has ever had in its History. The Destroyer, the Man of Lawlessness, the Divider, the Man of Deceit, the Liar in Chief, the man of Chaos... shall I go on? :D

Sure but please provide examples. Titles are meaningless without them. Not saying Trump is blameless but it seems like his opponents throw labels at him and they never are grounded in fact. Literally every discussion I have ends with me requesting factual evidence of the accusations people make against DJT. Every. Single. One. I fail to see how a booming economy, improved immigration enforcement, tax cuts across the board, my personal health insurance improvements fall into any of those categories. As a matter of fact, Obama fits these categories better than DJT- here’s MY proof:

The worst president, this Nation has ever had in its History.

The Destroyer, fast and furious; “those jobs aren’t coming back”; “you didn’t build that”
the Man of Lawlessness, repeated attacks on law enforcement. Fraudulent FISA requests and illegal spying on the Trump campaign
the Divider, the fallout we see now is rooted in the division sown in the 8 years prior to 2016!
the Man of Deceit, claims no scandals during his administration.
the Liar in Chief, see above
the man of Chaos appointed many of those involved in Deep state scandals

I’d go on but no time right now. The list is too long... but at least I have a list! Can you top that with anti-trumpism but with a factual roots?

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Trump is excellent at getting people exposed for who they truely are
Want to know who Individual 1 truly is?

Trump ordered to pay $2 million to settle suit claiming Trump Foundation misused funds to benefit campaign
Trump ordered to pay $2 million to settle suit claiming Trump Foundation misused funds to benefit campaign

Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university'
Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university'

FBI documents point to Trump role in hush money for porn star Daniels
FBI documents point to Trump role in hush money for porn star Daniels

Trump sides with Putin over US intelligence
Helsinki summit: Trump sides with Putin over US intelligence - CNNPolitics
This is why liberal media can't be trusted. They make it up as they go along.
Biden is fine.

Trump is mentally ill and shows signs of dementia.


You’re right. But I believe anyone with the necessary personality traits to do the job of POTUS fits into those categories. The ability to do it well makes the requirement more intense. Think about the stress management required as well as the leadership and narcissism needed to make decisions that may kill people or ruin the lives of many, primarily because it is the best course of action when no good one exists... or think of the out of the box thinking required to solve some of the problem. Dementia and mental illness are partly required. The overarching quality is leadership... and right now I don’t think there is a more qualified person than the White House’s current inhabitant.

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If there is someone who has shown he cannot take the stress of the Oval Office it is Trump. He is overly emotional, chaotic, confused and rants and raves for no reason. No, Trump is stupendously unqualified for the job.

Yet he is one of the best presidents we have ever had.

The worst president, this Nation has ever had in its History. The Destroyer, the Man of Lawlessness, the Divider, the Man of Deceit, the Liar in Chief, the man of Chaos... shall I go on? :D

No. Obummer isn’t in the WH now. Thank god.
I have always wondered if it was a case of foot in mouth outlandish comments or pathological outright lies as a result of illusions of self grandeur. He is after all a politician and esteemed attorney who finished first in his class.
I still can’t forget the uproar made about Reagan’s mental faculties during his re-election. Article 25 and Trump, and now we have a dim that fits both and no one says a word. How is that?
Biden is fine.

Trump is mentally ill and shows signs of dementia.


You’re right. But I believe anyone with the necessary personality traits to do the job of POTUS fits into those categories. The ability to do it well makes the requirement more intense. Think about the stress management required as well as the leadership and narcissism needed to make decisions that may kill people or ruin the lives of many, primarily because it is the best course of action when no good one exists... or think of the out of the box thinking required to solve some of the problem. Dementia and mental illness are partly required. The overarching quality is leadership... and right now I don’t think there is a more qualified person than the White House’s current inhabitant.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If there is someone who has shown he cannot take the stress of the Oval Office it is Trump. He is overly emotional, chaotic, confused and rants and raves for no reason. No, Trump is stupendously unqualified for the job.

Yet he is one of the best presidents we have ever had.

The worst president, this Nation has ever had in its History. The Destroyer, the Man of Lawlessness, the Divider, the Man of Deceit, the Liar in Chief, the man of Chaos... shall I go on? :D



Biden is fine.

Trump is mentally ill and shows signs of dementia.


You’re right. But I believe anyone with the necessary personality traits to do the job of POTUS fits into those categories. The ability to do it well makes the requirement more intense. Think about the stress management required as well as the leadership and narcissism needed to make decisions that may kill people or ruin the lives of many, primarily because it is the best course of action when no good one exists... or think of the out of the box thinking required to solve some of the problem. Dementia and mental illness are partly required. The overarching quality is leadership... and right now I don’t think there is a more qualified person than the White House’s current inhabitant.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If there is someone who has shown he cannot take the stress of the Oval Office it is Trump. He is overly emotional, chaotic, confused and rants and raves for no reason. No, Trump is stupendously unqualified for the job.

Yet he is one of the best presidents we have ever had.

The worst president, this Nation has ever had in its History. The Destroyer, the Man of Lawlessness, the Divider, the Man of Deceit, the Liar in Chief, the man of Chaos... shall I go on? :D



I can't believe they made the children sing that. Oh wait, yes I can. Lol
You’re right. But I believe anyone with the necessary personality traits to do the job of POTUS fits into those categories. The ability to do it well makes the requirement more intense. Think about the stress management required as well as the leadership and narcissism needed to make decisions that may kill people or ruin the lives of many, primarily because it is the best course of action when no good one exists... or think of the out of the box thinking required to solve some of the problem. Dementia and mental illness are partly required. The overarching quality is leadership... and right now I don’t think there is a more qualified person than the White House’s current inhabitant.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If there is someone who has shown he cannot take the stress of the Oval Office it is Trump. He is overly emotional, chaotic, confused and rants and raves for no reason. No, Trump is stupendously unqualified for the job.
Yet he is one of the best presidents we have ever had.
The worst president, this Nation has ever had in its History. The Destroyer, the Man of Lawlessness, the Divider, the Man of Deceit, the Liar in Chief, the man of Chaos... shall I go on? :D

I can't believe they made the children sing that. Oh wait, yes I can. Lol
Typical commie propaganda...
If there is someone who has shown he cannot take the stress of the Oval Office it is Trump. He is overly emotional, chaotic, confused and rants and raves for no reason. No, Trump is stupendously unqualified for the job.
Yet he is one of the best presidents we have ever had.
The worst president, this Nation has ever had in its History. The Destroyer, the Man of Lawlessness, the Divider, the Man of Deceit, the Liar in Chief, the man of Chaos... shall I go on? :D

I can't believe they made the children sing that. Oh wait, yes I can. Lol
Typical commie propaganda...

See what I said about these threads ending when I ask for any sort of proof or even specifics?

I just assumed he was as confused as Biden when he started the list, but it’s very possible he may very well be a (sad swallow) liberal. Thoughts and prayers.

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Biden is fine.

Trump is mentally ill and shows signs of dementia.


You’re right. But I believe anyone with the necessary personality traits to do the job of POTUS fits into those categories. The ability to do it well makes the requirement more intense. Think about the stress management required as well as the leadership and narcissism needed to make decisions that may kill people or ruin the lives of many, primarily because it is the best course of action when no good one exists... or think of the out of the box thinking required to solve some of the problem. Dementia and mental illness are partly required. The overarching quality is leadership... and right now I don’t think there is a more qualified person than the White House’s current inhabitant.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If there is someone who has shown he cannot take the stress of the Oval Office it is Trump. He is overly emotional, chaotic, confused and rants and raves for no reason. No, Trump is stupendously unqualified for the job.

Yet he is one of the best presidents we have ever had.

The worst president, this Nation has ever had in its History. The Destroyer, the Man of Lawlessness, the Divider, the Man of Deceit, the Liar in Chief, the man of Chaos... shall I go on? :D

Why don't you talk about his record and accomplishments? Oh, that's right, you on the left don't measure a good President by those petty things. You measure a President by how much you like him, how nice he is, how cute of dog he got for the White House.

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