Yall like polls right? Check out these NEW poll numbers on Mediscam For All

Oh wait.

Asking you what $3.5 trillion x 10 is was the easy part.

Here's the hard part: Where is the Republican legislation to stop the decades long incidence of skyrocketing health care costs?

Lucid Democrats know that you don't want a government monopoly on health care.

Expand the current Medicare / Medicare Advantage / Medicare Supplement system to all.

A public foundation with dynamic and innovative free market competition.
I used the 10 hour Jeopardy theme song in my previous post because there isn't one that plays for ten years, which is how long we have been waiting for the GOP answer to Obamacare...

Medicare for All Loses Momentum Among Democrats

Rut Roh!

Democrat talking points are being shunned as the pie in the sky bullshit they are.
The Democrats say Medicare-for-All would cost $32 trillion over ten years.

We are currently spending $3.5 trillion (and climbing) each year for health care.

Now here's the hard part: What is $3.5 trillion/year times ten years?
There's your problem right there! It isn't your math, its your BLIND LEMMING GULLIBILITY

The Democrats say
Lucid Democrats know that you don't want a government monopoly on health care.

Expand the current Medicare / Medicare Advantage / Medicare Supplement system to all.

A public foundation with dynamic and innovative free market competition.
Cover the indigent and leave everyone else alone.

Problem solved
Lucid Democrats know that you don't want a government monopoly on health care.
Expand the current Medicare / Medicare Advantage / Medicare Supplement system to all.
A public foundation with dynamic and innovative free market competition.
Cover the indigent and leave everyone else alone.
Problem solved
I don't like paying higher fees and premiums and co-pays and co-insurance for those who choose to not cover themselves.

Doing so is dumb.
From the Wall Street Journal link:

Now, enthusiasm for the proposal is waning as supporters face pointed questions over how it would work—and how it would be paid for. As a result, more candidates are backing intermediate measures, including optional buy-ins to government-run coverage that are likely more attainable in the short term.

See, that's how the Democrats win, retards. "Intermediate measures". "More attainable in the short term".

As the decades have passed and the Republicans have offered NOTHING, the Democrats are achieving single payer health care incrementally.

Bit. By. Bit.

While you sit with your little cuck thumbs up your fat, dumb cuck asses and allow your Republican leaders to hoax you over and over and over.
Medicare for All Loses Momentum Among Democrats

Rut Roh!

Democrat talking points are being shunned as the pie in the sky bullshit they are.
The Democrats say Medicare-for-All would cost $32 trillion over ten years.

We are currently spending $3.5 trillion (and climbing) each year for health care.

Now here's the hard part: What is $3.5 trillion/year times ten years?
There's your problem right there! It isn't your math, its your BLIND LEMMING GULLIBILITY
BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! Ohmygod the irony! :laughing0301:

"You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

Lucid Democrats know that you don't want a government monopoly on health care.
Expand the current Medicare / Medicare Advantage / Medicare Supplement system to all.
A public foundation with dynamic and innovative free market competition.
Cover the indigent and leave everyone else alone.
Problem solved
I don't like paying higher fees and premiums and co-pays and co-insurance for those who choose to not cover themselves.

Doing so is dumb.
And the vast majority of those doing that are poor. So like I said, problem solved.

No business is sheltered from losses and none should be.
I am a small business and I absorbe losses every single year. If someone like the medical industry, that makes billions, can't figure it out then why continually protect them?
There are obviously fringe changes that could have a large impact on things, like up front pricing or limitations on malpractice lawsuits. There is a reason your doctor orders 20 fucking tests when you only need 2 or 3.
Medicare for All Loses Momentum Among Democrats

Rut Roh!

Democrat talking points are being shunned as the pie in the sky bullshit they are.
The Democrats say Medicare-for-All would cost $32 trillion over ten years.

We are currently spending $3.5 trillion (and climbing) each year for health care.

Now here's the hard part: What is $3.5 trillion/year times ten years?
There's your problem right there! It isn't your math, its your BLIND LEMMING GULLIBILITY
BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! Ohmygod the irony! :laughing0301:

"You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

LOOK at that dumbass Orange Clown with the black hat; he is ready for Halloween.

That stupid bastard PROMISED great health care for ALL AmriKKKans & has not delivered.

Oh fvck; that's the SAME guy that worked that great deal with Kim un.
60 repeals of Obamacare when Obama was in office.

And I called them out for the FRAUDS they were at the time.

Go fuck yourself trollboi. You're a waste of bandwidth
I called those repeals "theater for the rubes".

And then I asked all you tards over and over during those repeals, "Repeal Obamacare...AND THEN WHAT!?!?" And all you could do was get mad at me.

It was so obvious you tards were being hoaxed, and you STILL have not caught on.

There is no Trumpcare. There is no Obamacare replacement.

And you just sit there and take it.

That's why the Democrats will win. That's why single payer health care is inevitable. Because you are just that stupid and lazy and BLIND LEMMING GULLIBLE.
60 repeals of Obamacare when Obama was in office.

And I called them out for the FRAUDS they were at the time.

Go fuck yourself trollboi. You're a waste of bandwidth
American citizens are getting crushed by health care costs, and cucks like you yawn.

And that is why we have Obamacare, and that is why we are going to have single payer healthcare.

Everything else is just noise. You're just a little squeaker being crushed under the steamroller of UHC.

So go ahead and laugh and jeer at the Dems. But they will win. Because you are too damned pussified.
60 repeals of Obamacare when Obama was in office.

And I called them out for the FRAUDS they were at the time.

Go fuck yourself trollboi. You're a waste of bandwidth
I called those repeals "theater for the rubes".

And then I asked all you tards over and over during those repeals, "Repeal Obamacare...AND THEN WHAT!?!?" And all you could do was get mad at me.

It was so obvious you tards were being hoaxed, and you STILL have not caught on.

There is no Trumpcare. There is no Obamacare replacement.

And you just sit there and take it.

That's why the Democrats will win. That's why single payer health care is inevitable. Because you are just that stupid and lazy and gullible.
Did you not read what you JUST FUCKING QUOTED? Are you that God damn shallow?

I specifically pointed out that I called them out for the fake ass show votes back then. I also called them out for it AFTER trump was elected.

You are talking to and quoting me not "them" so get your facts straight and stop drinking your own piss trollboi
Medicare for All Loses Momentum Among Democrats

Rut Roh!

Democrat talking points are being shunned as the pie in the sky bullshit they are.
The Democrats say Medicare-for-All would cost $32 trillion over ten years.

We are currently spending $3.5 trillion (and climbing) each year for health care.

Now here's the hard part: What is $3.5 trillion/year times ten years?
The $32 trillion estimate is based on Sanders' bill that has never been voted on; in it he says he will reduce payments to providers by 40%, and that private insurance will have to be banned to induce doctors to accept his insurance plan, and it also claims he will force drug companies to vastly reduce their prices, which means there would have to be a vast reduction in expenditures for the development of new drugs. As a headline, Medicare for All may sound good, but a closer look shows it would require a vast increase in the government's coercive powers over the private sector.
The Republican party is dead. It's a horde of zombie parrots without an original thought in their heads.

Just noise.

So UHC is coming. No doubt about it now.

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